b/^ M<*W£«>t$H£*
A Memorial of the
Royal Visit, 1907.
(Author of "The Story of the Burning Bush," " St.
Cuthbert," " Wycliffe and the Lollards," " The
Ancient Cathedrals of Scotland," " The Story of
John Knox and his Land," "Robert Burns and his
Land," " Sir Walter Scott and his Land,"
"Psalms and Paraphrases in the Scottish Church"
(Lee Lecture), &c., &=<:.)
©eepeof ®f fecfton
fl. J. C.
Commemoration of a quartet
of a Centura's mtntefrg of
Marlborough House,
Pall Mall,
6th May, 1907.
Rev. and Dear Sir,
I am much obliged to you for your
letter of the ist inst., and in reply I am directed to
state that the Prince of Wales will have very great
pleasure in accepting your book, which you have been
kind enough to say you will give His Royal Highness
as a memorial of the Royal Visit.
I remain,
Faithfully yours,
THERE have been many royal visits to Newbattle and
Dalkeith in the course of the centuries, and at any
rate one Scottish queen lies buried in Newbattle
Abbey. Queen Victoria, King Edward, and Queen
Alexandra, the lamented Duke of Clarence, and many
other royal personages have, within the last generation, visited
the district, and this volume is a humble endeavour to com-
memorate the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales in
the year of grace, 1907. It is respectfully presented to the
public in the hope that it may supply a long-felt want, and be
indulgently received. The writer trusts that any omissions
or errors will be generously overlooked in an attempt to per-
petuate the rich historical memories of the Esk valley and its
great religious house. He desires to acknowledge with the
deepest gratitude the kind assistance which he has received
from a host of friends in all classes, who have aided him in
such a way that without their help his task would have been
a hopeless and impossible one.
Minister of Newbattle.
July, 1907.
MAR 2 3 1999
'HE favour with which the First Edition has been received
encourages me to issue a Second, with considerable
additions and notes.
January, 1908.
7\ THIRD Edition has been called for, and, with large
additions, is now presented to the public.
October, 1908.
22. CAMP MEG 275
25. MOORFOOT 328
NOTES - - 345
The Abbey of 5t. Mary, Newbottle.
NONE of the Reforms of the Benedictine Order is more
illustrious than the Cistercian, to which the monks of
Newbattle belonged. Deriving its name from
Citeaux or Cisteaux, in the south of France,
where the Order was begun by Robert in 1098, it
received its greatest impetus from its chief ornament, St. Ber-
nard of Clairvaux, the most impressive and attractive figure
in the Europe of his time, a great saint, a mighty theologian,
an impassioned preacher, and known to the humblest Christians
through his hymns — " Jesus the very thought of Thee,"
" Jesus Thou joy of loving hearts," " O Lamb of God once
wounded," and others. It was he who "made" the Cistercian
order; he founded also their great Abbey of Clairvaux — " the
Vale of Brightness," in what had once been " the Vale of
Wormwood." By 1250 the Cistercians had, it is said, 8000
monasteries and convents. As Cisteaux colonised Clairvaux,
so Clairvaux colonised four great Abbeys in Northern England
— Kirkstall, Furness, Fountains, and Rievaulx, whence were
filled the Scottish Cistercian houses of Dundrennan, Glenluce,
Sweetheart, Coupar-Angus, Sandal in Cantire, Kinloss, Cul-
ross, Deir, Balmerino, Melrose, and Newbattle.
The Cistercian Order has now three different "obser-
vances," viz., I. The Strict, followed by the Trappists; II.
The Middle, followed by the Congregation of Senanque; and
III. The common observance followed by many abbeys in
Austria, and by some in Italy and Belgium.
The ritual and rites of the Strict observance similar to
those followed at Newbottle will be found in the " Rituale
Cisterciense ex Libro Usuum, Definitionibus Ordinus et
Caeremoniali Episcoporum Collectum," a new edition of which
was published in Lerins some two years and a half since, in
octavo, 700 pages and more, price 8 francs. Since it was
published a change has taken place with regard to the hour of
dinner, which formerly was sometimes at 12 o'clock, sometimes
at i or 2, or even 3 and 4 o'clocks according to the time of
the year, and according as the day was feast or fast. Now
it is fixed so as never to be later than 12 o'clock.
The observance follows the " Rituale Cisterciense," except
in the following particulars : — I. The hour of rising is fixed for
2 o'clock a.m. on the great feasts, 3 o'clock on other days, but
monks do not retire to rest again after Lauds. II. Each monk
has a separate cell. III. Dinner is always at 12 o'clock, and
monks are allowed a small portion of meat on nearly all the
Sundays of the year, and on some five feast days. IV. Monks
are allowed to talk to each other for three-quarters of an hour
on Sundays, except during Lent, and on several feast days.
V. Monks go to bed at a fixed time, viz., 8 o'clock p.m. in
winter, and at 8.30 p.m. in summer. VI. Monks say the office
of the dead, in addition to the canonical office and the office
of the Blessed Virgin, every day.
The Cistercian dress, or habit, is a white cassock, black
scapular and hood, black leather girdle, and the white cuculla
or cowl, with white hood, which is worn in choir, chapter and
refectory, during processions, and on all occasions of ceremony,
such as receiving bishops or other distinguished guests. Shoes
are worn, not sandals.
The duties of cook are now performed by one of the
brethren for as long a period as the Abbot shall deem fit;
formerly the brethren took it in turns, week about, to act as
The members of the common observance devote themselves
in great measure to education in colleges and universities, and
many in Austria to parochial duties, and consequently cannot
observe the strict monastic discipline as the other two obser-
vances do.
Ordinary Days.
3.0 Rise.
3.10 Matins, Lauds B.V. Medi-
tation, Matins, Lauds of
the day, Lauds of the
5.0 Private Masses, at which
lay brothers assist.
6.0 Prime, Chapter, mixtum.
7.0 Clean cells, then study or
manual labour.
9.30 Tierce, Conventual Mass.
10.30 Interval.
n.o Spiritual Reading.
11.30 Text. Examination of
12.0 Dinner.
2.0 None.
3.0 Vespers. Manual labour.
6.30 Meditation.
7.0 Supper, Conventual Read-
ing, Compline Examina-
tion of Conscience.
8.30 To rest.
Mornings as in Summer.
1.30 None.
1.45 Manual labour.
4.0 Interval.
4.15 Vespers.
6.0 Meditation.
6.30 Supper, Conventual Read-
ing, Compline, Examin-
ation of Conscience.
S.o To Rest.
Prime and Chapter, fol-
lowed by Tierce and
Sext, then manual la-
bour or study till
9.30 None, and Conventual
Mass Interval.
H.IO Vespers of B.V. and Ves-
pers of the day, Examin-
ation of Conscience.
12. o Dinner.
1.45 Manual labour.
4.15 Interval.
4.25 Spiritual Reading.
5.0 Vespers and Matins of the
5.45 Conference on Dogmatic,
Moral Theology, or
6.15 Meditation.
6.45 Collation, Conventual
Reading, Compline, Ex-
amination of Conscience.
8.15 To rest.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, sur-
named " The Mellifluous Doc-
tor," theologian, poet, etc.
1 2th Century.
St. Stephen Harding, third Ab-
bot of Citeaux, nth to i2th
St. Alan, " The Universal Doc-
tor," orator, philos. theolo-
gian, 1 3th Century.
St. Ailred of Rievaulx, theolo-
gian, 1 2th Century.
St. Almus of Balmerino, theolo-
gian, 1 2th Century.
St. Adam of Kilross, i2th (?)
St. Arnulph of Melrose, i2th
St. Baldwin of Exeter, theolo-
gian, 1 2th Century.
St. Ethelred, Abbot of Warden,
script., i3th Century.
St. Everard of Melrose, histor-
ian, 1 2th Century.
St. Gilbert of Swineshead, theol.
St. Gregory of Bridlington,
Monk of Glenluce, theologian,
1 3th Century.
St.- William Keith, Abbot of
Kinloss, poet, i4th Century.
St.Willian Remington of Salley,
i4th Century.
St. John of Ford Abbey, script.,
1 3th Century.
St. Jocelin of Furness, histor-
ian, iath Century.
St. Joseph of Dunrainan, i3th
St. Thomas of Sandal, theolo-
gian, i3th Century.
St. John Selro of Fountains,
1 2th Century.
St. Henriquez, historian, i6th
Pope Benedict XII., theologian,
script., i4th Century.
Caesarius of Heisterbach, script.
1 3th Century.
Boniface Simoneta, theologian,
philosopher, isth Century.
Francis Vivarius (Spaniard),
historian, iyth Century.
Caspar Jongelin, historian, i7th
Lawrence of Zamora, theologian,
scrip, sermons, lyth Century.
Charles de Visch, theologian,
1 7th Century.
Manriquez, theologian and his-
torian, 1 7th Century.
William of Benyne, Prior de
Newbottle, et postea Abbas
Cupri, in Scotia, Vir insigni
pictate, nee minori litteratura,
religiosi voti, diligens observ-
ator, Scripsit, de Vita S.
Joannis Scoti, nati in Villa
Podoen, prope Leyam, in
* Anglia, deinde, Sancti, An-
drea E pi sco pi electi, lib. I.
teste Demstero, lib. II., qui
pariter asserit, librum alium
in Scoti-chronico, lib. VI.,
cap. 40, vocari elegantim, et,
alia plura edidisse, qua ad
notitiam suam non pervener-
unt. Vixit amro, 1188.
(The above note on Benyne is
taken from " Bibliotheca
Scriptorum Sacri Ordinis Cis-
terciensis," by Don Charles de
Visch, Prior of the Monastery
of the Dunes, printed in Col-
ogne, 1656.)
lean de la Barriere, i6th Cen-
Cardinal John Bona, »7th Cen-
Abb6 de Rancd, i7th Century.
St. Robert, St. Alberic, St. Ste-
phen Harding, first three Ab-
bots of Citeaux, and founders
of the Order.
St Bernard, "The Mellifluous
Doctor," first Abbot of Clair-
St. Almus and Tynna of Mel-
St. Walter, son of King David,
monk of Melrose.
St. Robert of Newminster.
St. Fenian, hermit, theologian.
St. William of Bourges.
St. Bernard of Vich.
St. John of Valence.
St. Stephen of Obazin.
Common observance (Monks), - 19 692
Middle „ „ 5
Strict „ „ - 59 *>33S
General Total, - 83 2,117
Monasteries. Choir Monks. Lay Brothers. Total.
Monasteries. Choir Nuns. Lay Sisters.
Common observance (Nuns), - 85 1,737 676
Middle „ ,, i 25
Strict „ - 32 631 670
General Total,
- 128
Grand Total, -
Common observance (a) Holy Cross, Rome; (£) St. Bernard's, Rome.
St. Anthony's
St. Bernard's, -
(a) Holy Cross; (b) Zwettl,
(a) Ossegg; (b) Hohenfurt,
Zircz, . ...
Mehreran in Vorarlberg,
- Cartona.
Lower Austria.
Upper „
Middle observance N. D. de Senanque, - - - Vauclure.
,, Fontfroide - - Aude.
,, Hautecombe, - - Savoy.
,, Lerins, - - - Alpes Maritimes.
,, Pont Colbert, - - Seine-et-Oise.
Strict observance N. D. de La Grande Trappe, - Orne.
Melleray, - - - Loire Inferieure.
Port du Salut, - - Mayenne.
Bellefontaine, - - Maine et Loire.
Aiguebelle, - - Drome.
Septfons, - - - Allier.
Mont des Olives, - Alsace.
Font Fontgombault, - Indre.
des Dombes, - - Ain.
de Bonnecombe, - Aveyron.
Ste Marie du Mont, - Nord.
Staoueli, - - - Algiers.
Mount St. Bernard's, Nottinghamshire
Mount St Joseph, - Tipperary.
Mount Melleray - Waterford.
la Trappe du Sacre Coeur, Wetsmalle.
Saint Sixte, - - Westvleteren.
St. Benoit, - - Achel, Liege.
Scourmont, - - a Forges.
United States of America.
N. D. de Gethsemani, Kentucky.
„ New Melleray, Iowa.
x- ™ r> *•* r-i • XT
N.D. Petit Clairvaux, Nova
, T , "
„ du Lac, - . Montreal.
,, St. Norbert, - Manitoba.
,. Mistassini, - Quebec.
South Africa. •
[ Marianhill, Natal.
N D- 1 59 choir religious;
(170 lay brothers.
N. D. Sacred Heart, Beagle Bay,
West Australia.
N. D. Consolation, Pe-tchi-ly.
N. D. Val San Tos6, Perales del
Rio, Madrid.
„ San Isidro, Duefias,
N.D. La Deliverance, Styria.
Mariastern, Bosnia.
N D Koeningshoevenj Tilberg.
N.D. Seven Dolours, Jaffa.
In the old days the White monks, Bernardines or Cis-
tercians, were a very powerful Order in Scotland. As previ-
ously remarked, they were a reformed Order of Benedictines,
and at the start at any rate rather posed as ascetic in life and
taste — rich decoration, in church, even being forbidden, as well
as church towers, only a simple low lantern with a
saddle-back or pyramidal roof, such as can be seen
in Crichton and Corstorphine Churches, and Borthwick Castle
and St. Margaret's Chapel on the Edinburgh Castle rock,
being allowed. Melrose and Newbattle had never more than
a saddle-back tower as the main feature of the Abbey. In
course of time the early discipline was relaxed, and as at
Melrose, rich and ornate architecture came into vogue. What
happened to the Cistercians happened later with the Friars,
who began with simplicity of life and style and architecture,
and ended with luxuriance in all.
The Cistercian rules and methods in the middle ages
aimed at simplicity and austerity. The motto of the Order —
an extract from St Bernard — was generally carved up over the
entrance gates of {he house : —
"It is good for us to be here, where man lives more
purely, falls more rarely, rises more quickly, treads more
cautiously, rests more securely, dies more happily, is absolved
more easily, and rewarded more plenteously " — words beauti-
fully versified by Wordsworth.
Dress — Plain white habit of flannel cloth, black scapular
(6) •
and hood, black leather girdle, and white cowl ; white hood
worn in choir, chapter and refectory, in processions and cere-
monial occasions. Shoes worn, not sandals. Abbey Time-
Table — A.M., 3, Rise; 3.10, Matins, Lauds B.V., Meditation,
Lauds of the Day, Lauds of the Dead. 5, Private Masses
at which lay-brothers assist. 6, Prime, Chapter, Mixtum.
7, Clean Cells, Study, Manual Labour. 9.30, Tierce, Con-
ventual Mass. 10.30, Interval, n, Spiritual Reading. 11.30,
Text, Examination of Conscience. 12, Dinner. P.M., 2,
Nones. 3, Vespers, Manual Labour. 6.30, Meditation. 7,
Supper, Conventual Reading, Compline, Examination of Con-
science. 8.30, To Rest.
The buildings consisted of a church and a cloister
attached. The cloister consisted of a square, with open space
in the middle, and in the two-storeyed buildings round it-
refectory, dormitories, guest-chamber, library, scriptorium, and
other apartments. There were also an infirmary for the aged
and sick, several penitential cells, and other apartments.
Outside there was the Abbot's house, domestic offices, and
farms and granaries — Newton Grange being the farm for New-
battle Abbey for generations.
The site of a Cistercian Abbey was uniformly chosen in a
sequestered and lonely place, near water — witness Melrose by
the Tweed, and Newbattle beside the Esk. The church and
buildings in early times were always rigorously simple, white-
wash being freely used, while the stained glass of the church,
as the fragments of it remaining at Newbattle testify, was of
the plainest type. The Abbey church was always dedicated
to St Mary the Virgin, and the sacerdotal vestments were of
the plainest type, while peals of bells were unknown.
In Ellis' " Specimens " there is a description of a Cis-
tercian house : —
" There is a well fair Abbey
Of white monks and of grey;
There be bowers and halls,
shingles all,
Of church, cloister, bowers, and hall.
There is a cloister fair and light,
Broad and long, of seemly sight;
The pillars of that cloister all
Be yturned of christal,
With harlas (plinth) and capital,
Of green jasper and red coral.
In the praer [the garthe] is a tree
Suithe [very] likely for to see."
The Cistercian rules of the present day have been cited ;
the rules for the houses of the White monks in Scotland for
several hundred years before the Reformation may now be
quoted : — " All enter the dormitory after the Salve Regina
[the hymn, " Hail Queen of Heaven "] and none leave it until
the vigil of the morrow is rung. Every brother shall sleep in
his own bed in a cloth habit. The sacristan shall lock the
doors, and the Abbot shall receive the keys in order that he
may visit each cell separately. There shall be a strong
dungeon for offenders, and a cell appointed for the scourge,
and in addition bread and water fare. [These arrangements
can be seen at Pluscardine and Kynloss.] Guests are allowed
to converse only with the Abbot or Prior. Novices are received
at the age of fourteen, and serve a year on probation. On
certain days flesh-meat is allowed in the grace-hall. No
brother is allowed to leave the monastery, except in case of
absolute necessity or business, and then only for a prescribed
time and destination."
How beautiful they stand,
Those grey old altars of our native land !
Amid the pasture-fields and dark greenwoods,
Amid the mountain's shady solitudes,
By rivers broad that rush into the sea.
By little brooks that, with a lapping sound
Like playful children run by copse and lea :
Each in its little plot of holy ground ;
How beautiful they stand,
Those old grey churches of our native land !
Our lives are all turmoil :
Our souls are in a weary strife and toil,
Grasping and straining, — tasking nerve and brain
Both day and night for gain !
We have grown worldly, — have made gold our god,
Have turned our hearts away from holy things :
We seek not now the wild flower on the sod ;
We seek not snowy-folded angel's wings
Amid the summer skies,
For visions come not to polluted eyes !
Yet, blessed quiet fanes,
Still piety, still poetry remains,
And shall remain, whilst ever on the air
One chapel-bell calls high and low to prayer, —
Whilst ever green and sunny churchyards keep
The dust of our beloved, and tears are shed
From founts which in the human heart lie deep ;
Something in these aspiring days we need,
To keep our spirits lowly,
To set within our hearts sweet thoughts and holy ;
And 'tis for this they stand,
These old grey churches of our native land !
And even in the gold-corrupted mart
In the great City's heart
They stand : and chantry dim and 'organ sound,
And stated services of prayer and praise, —
Like to the righteous ten which were not found
For the polluted city, — shall upraise
Meek faith and love sincere, —
Better in time of need than shield and spear !
THE real centre of missionary influence in Scotland in
the twelfth century was Old Melrose — the home of
St. Bosil [Boswell], St. Aidan, St. Cuthbert, and
others. Old Melrose or Eld Bottle — the old resi-
dence of the Christian missionaries — is still traceable
in mounds, carved stones, and traditions, and some account of
the influence of the place seems to be called for.
Two English cathedrals owe their existence to Scot-
land. St. Asaph's, in Wales, was founded by the missionary
of that name under the direction of St. Mungo or
Kentigern, and strangely enough that cathedral stands
in a Vale of Clwyd, as the magnificent Cathedral of
Glasgow also does. The proper title of Durham Cathedral
is " St. Cuthbert's." It owes its origin to that great mission-
ary who began his religious life in Old Melrose Abbey, and
evangelised a great part of eastern Scotland, founding, amongst
many other churches, that of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, the
site of which is to-day occupied by a stately edifice worthy of
the great traditions of the past, and no longer deserving, as
its predecessor was, of Sir Walter Scott's famous sarcasm
that " St. John's Episcopal Chapel was a pretty toy, and
St. Cuthbert's its German packing box." With a singular
appropriateness the new parish church of St. Aidan' s close
by, and within the ancient parochial boundaries, has been
named after St. Cuthbert's great teacher, whose holy life
instigated the youthful Melrose postulant to enter heartily
into the service of the Church of God; so that as St.
Cuthbert's spiritual father was St. Aidan, in later days " St.
Aidan's " becomes the spiritual daughter of " St. Cuthbert's."
The story of St. Cuthbert carries us back to St. Aidan,
the first missionary who began with any success the cause of
Christ in northern England, and who made Holy Island
or Lindisfarne the centre of his operations. He was not
exactly the first missionary to Northumbria, for the missionaries
of lona had sent one of their number, named Gorman, to
preach Christ in north England, in answer to the earnest
petition of Oswald, king of Bernicia — a kingdom which then
included the south-east of Scotland and the north-east of
England. This missionary, however, owing to his austerity
and uncompromising nature, met with little or no success,
and returned to lona discouraged and defeated. The fathers
of lona held a council as to who should be sent to fill his
place. At that assembly in the Holy Island of the west
coast, which was even then almost the brightest spot of
Christian influence in western Europe, and from whose shores
eventually missionaries were sent to all Scotland, north
England, France, Germany (Columbanus), Switzerland (St.
Gall), Iceland, and Greenland — at that assembly a missionary
named Aidari rose up and said, " It seems to me, brother,
that you were more harsh with your unlearned hearers than
was reasonable, and did not first, as the Apostle has taught
us, offer them the milk of less solid doctrine, until, gradually
nourished by the Word of God, they would have been able
to accept a more advanced teaching and stricter rule of life. ' '
The result of this Council of lona was that Aidan was
despatched to Northumbria, and was ordained chief missionary
of these parts, and under his rule Christianity made rapid
strides. King Oswald fixed the missionaries' house in the
island of Lindisfarne, or " Holy Island," off the coast of
Northumberland — a bit of rock 2f miles long and i| miles
broad — an island which for ages was the chief centre of
Christian influence for all that coast and north England
generally, as well as southern Scotland. The king's chief
residence was at Bamborough Castle, at Bamborough Head;
and, doubtless, King Oswald, in fixing the missionaries' home
in Holy Island, had in view not only his own benefit, in
being near Christian and civilising influences, but also the
benefit the missionaries would derive from his protection and
direct influence. Christianity rapidly spread under Aidan's
wise and loving rule, and his administration was vigorous
and effective. He took twelve boys of Northumbria to teach
in the way of Christ; and when one of these, named Eata,
had come to manhood, Aidan sent him to found the monastery
of Old Melrose, on the banks of the river Tweed, near the
Eildon Hills. This Eata became its first abbot; and it was
he who received St. Cuthbert into Christ's Church, and set
him on the missionary's path. It may be added that another
of these twelve lads was St. Chad, who afterwards became
Bishop of Lichfield.
Having mentioned these details as to the connection be-
tween lona and general missionary work in Scotland, and
specially in southern Scotland and northern England, I may
briefly sketch the life of St. Cuthbert, the spiritual child
both of Aidan and Eata.
A fourteenth century manuscript preserved in York Cath-
edral Library gives a strangely fictitious story as to the birth
and parentage of St. Cuthbert — that his mother was an Irish
king's daughter, &c. This is a legend very frequently invented
regarding the early missionaries and saints. The great
authority on St. Cuthbert 's life is the Venerable Bede, in his
" Ecclesiastical History," written at Jarrow. But, besides
the historical narration in his great work, Bede wrote a brief
life of the saint in beautiful English, and likewise penned
a metrical biography of the man who in things sacred exercised
the greatest influence over northern England of any who ever
lived. Bede says nothing regarding St. Cuthbert's birth and
parents; but probably he was a native of Scotland, and, at
any rate, was brought up in the Tweed valley at Melrose.
Bede refers to a good woman whom St. Cuthbert called
" mother." He must have been born about 637 A.D.
Tradition says that, when playing one day with his school-
fellows, a fair young child came to him, and said, " Good
brother, leave these vain plays ; set not thine heart upon them ;
mind thy book. Has not God chosen thee to be great in
His Church?" Cuthbert heeded not. Then the child wept;
and when Cuthbert tried to comfort him, he said, " Nay, my
brother, it is for thee I weep, that preferrest thy vain sports
to the teaching of the servants of God." The child vanished,
and Cuthbert knew that it was an angel. This incident
turned his life into a new channel. He became a great
preacher and missioner, " modest in the virtue of patience
and affable to all who came to him for comfort." The
incident of St. Cuthbert and the angel is recorded in the
first lesson on St. Cuthbert's Day (March 2oth) in the " Aber-
deen Breviary." As a boy, Cuthbert seems to have been
fond of sport and games, quick and active, anxious to be
first in everything. He served as a shepherd in the Tweed
valley round about Old Melrose, where the abbey had sprung
up under St Aidan and Eata. One biographer declares that
for a brief period he was a soldier, and the monkish chronicler
describes him " living in camp, with the enemy in front, and
subsisting on scanty rations, yet thriving and flourishing like
Daniel and the three holy children on their poor fare."
Cuthbert had suffered from a swelling in the knee, which,
having been cured, he betook himself to the life of a religious.
It is related that in answer to his prayers some ships in
imminent danger at the mouth of the Tyne (the small river
which enters the sea near Aberlady, in East Lothian) were
saved from wreck. Later on he was watching his flocks as a
shepherd on the banks of the Leader (a tributary of the Tweed),
and by night he had his famous vision of the soul of St.
Aidan being carried up into heaven in a blaze of celestial
glory. Bede declares that this memorable vision of his master
passing Elijah- like into paradise, made him resolve to follow
him and enter a monastery. From that day he entered Old
Melrose monastery, not the beautiful Melrose Abbey of a later
day founded by David I., but a much humbler religious house,
almost enclosed by the windings of the Tweed, near St.
A few words regarding Old Melrose Abbey may be inter-
esting. This monastery was begun by St. Aidan, to whom
we have already referred, and was the most important religious
house planted by that great missionary in the south of Scot-
land. St. Aidan, then Bishop of Lindisfarne, on the north-
east coast of England -- "the lona of the east coast"
planted Old Melrose Monastery about 645 A.D.
The name " Mailros," the old and more accurate spelling
of Melrose, signifies the "bare headland." It was colonised
from Lindisfarne, St. Aidan's own monastery, which it must
be remembered had nothing to do with Rome or Roman
Catholicism, but was one of the parent seats of the Celtic
Church. This Old Melrose Abbey became brilliantly famous
in later days. It became in time the mother of Ripon, as
we shall see later. The first Bishop of Ratisbon, St. Gailbald ;
the apostle of the Germans, St. Boniface ; and the Abbot
of the Benedictines of Pavia, John of Mailros, all studied
within its walls. In 839 Kenneth II. burned the monastery
down. When on its way to Durham Cathedral, the body of
St. Cuthbert rested here. Old Melrose remained for many
years in ruins, till in 1073 some monks from Winchcombe, who
had settled for a time at Monk Wearmouth, rebuilt it. Sub-
sequently the Abbey became dependent on Coldingham Priory
on the east coast, and thus it remained until 1136. In that
year David I. granted it to his new Abbey of Melrose further
up the river — the great Cistercian Abbey, made famous by
Sir Walter Scott — and gave in exchange for it St. Laurence's,
Berwick. In the reign of Robert I. it was again burned
down by the English. It was afterwards rebuilt, and even
in the fifteenth century was famous as a place of pilgrimage.
This Old Melrose Abbey has altogether disappeared, save for
the fact that in the modern village of Old Melrose the ancient
Abbey stones can still be traced, with their antique carvings
and moulded capitals. The site of the building is still called
" The Chapel Knoll." A particular road led from the north
exit out to the " sanctuary " or "girth," within which criminals
were safe. A wall stretched across the narrowest portion of
the river-peninsula on which the Abbey stood, and can still
be traced. In later days Old Melrose was dedicated to " St.
Cuthbert," and the little town of St. Boswells hard by, takes
its name from the St. Boisil, under whom St. Cuthbert studied,
and who was connected with the house when the great saint
of the east coast first took upon him religious vows. The
only abbots whose names have come down to us in connection
with this most interesting old Abbey are Eata, a disciple of
St. Aidan, Abbot of Lindisfarne at a later date, and conse-
crated to Hexham in 685 ; St. Odunald, who, it is related,
had on his deathbed the vision of an angel comforting him;
St. Ethelwald, a disciple of St. Cuthbert, who, in 724, was
consecrated Bishop of Lindisfarne; St. Theynan, who was
counsellor to King Eugenius VI., and died on September a6th;
William Douglas, who was confessor to King Malcolm III.,
and who built the cloister. The glories of Old Melrose soon
disappeared after the rise of the magnificent Abbey of New
Melrose, which, under David I., as a Roman monastery, took
the place of the ancient Celtic house, which did not own the
Roman doctrine or supremacy. We must regard Old Melrose,
therefore, as the parent seat of primitive Christianity in this
part of Scotland.
It was in the year 651 A.D. that young Cuthbert, after
all his experiences as shepherd and soldier, entered Old Melrose
Abbey. Eata was abbot of the house, and Boisil was provost.
Cuthbert rode to the monastery spear in hand — perhaps natural
in an age of turmoil and ferocity, and perhaps from old
custom, having to protect his flocks by night from ravaging
plunderers. When he arrived, Boisil was standing at the
monastery door, and received him with much kindness. A few
days after, Eata, the abbot, who had been away, received
Cuthbert as one of the brotherhood, and from that day
Cuthbert was numbered as one of the family of Old Melrose.
It must be distinctly remembered that at this time the
Church of Scotland had nothing whatever to do with the
Roman Catholic Church. The Church of Rome entered Scot-
land with Queen Margaret (who became the wife of Malcolm
Canmore, circa 1070), and their son, David I., 1124-1153.
Before that .time the Church was primitive and pure — truly
national and independent of all external rule or authority.
The authority of the Pope was not acknowledged — indeed,
never thought of — and it was not till after a severe and
prolonged struggle that the ancient Culdee or Columban Church
of Scotland was conquered, overshadowed, and absorbed by
the Church of Rome. Old Melrose represents the primitive,
independent, national Church of Scotland ; New Melrose (the
existing ruins of which are still beautiful in decay) represents
the triumphant Church of Rome.
But to return to St Cuthbert. After his admission to Old
Melrose he became an earnest missionary. "In reading and
praying, working and watching," he excelled all his brethren.
He abstained from everything which would unfit him for
his laborious work, and even yet his strength and vigour are
Years passed away, and Eata, the Abbot of Old Melrose,
took Cuthbert with him to England, and together they founded
the monastery of Ripon, over which Cuthbert was appointed
provost. A story is related of him at this time, that one
morning very early a traveller arrived at Ripon Monastery
cold, wearied, and hungry. Cuthbert washed his feet, and
begged the strange visitant to remain till nine in the morning,
when the brethren had their first meal. The stranger waited.
When the bells sounded out their summons, Cuthbert left his
guest, to fetch bread for the refection : on his return the
guest was gone, and three loaves lay on the table. Then
Cuthbert knew that the visitor had been an angel. Such is
the tradition of Ripon Abbey.
A controversy was then raging in Western Christendom as
to the right date of Easter, and the Celtic Church generally
took a different method of calculating it from the Roman
Church. The controversy reached Ripon, and divided the
house. Cuthbert and some other brethren decided to return
to their Scottish home, rather than accept what they believed
to be an error. In course of time the Roman style of calcu-
lating Easter came to prevail over all Western Christendom,
and it does so still — the Greek or Eastern Church keeping
the festival of Christ's Resurrection on a different day, arrived
at through different methods of calculating. And yet Cuthbert
was no follower of divisive courses, for he said once, " Have
no communion with those who err from catholic unity. I
would rather that you took my bones from the tomb to reside
wherever God may direct you, than that you should consent
in any way to the wickedness of schismatics." Another point
of dispute between the Columban and the* Roman Church was
as to tonsure — the correct way of cutting ecclesiastical hair.
In that age churches seemed to spend their superfluous energies
on hair-cutting, to-day they spend them in hair-splitting.
Returning to Melrose, he found the country devastated
with plague. Boisil, who had first received him in Christ's
name for Christ's work, sickened and died of it, — Cuthbert
cheering his closing hours with the Gospel of St. John, reading
probably from a copy of the very translation which the Vener-
able Bede had made at Jarrow, and which was almost certainly
the first English translation of any part of the Bible. Bede
only translated St. John's Gospel ; and his own closing hours
and last moments were spent in dictating the precious words
which in time were to change both England and Scotland into
bright provinces of the Redeemer's kingdom. Cuthbert like-
wise sickened ; but with characteristic energy he rose from his
simple bed, from which he had heard the distant murmur of
the brethren's voices lifted up in prayer for his sake, and
said, " Why do I lie here? We cannot think that God will
despise the prayers of so many good men. Give me my staff
and sandals."
Having recovered from his serious illness, Cuthbert was,
by the unanimous voice of the brethren, elected successor to
St. Boisil, one of his own spiritual parents. Having assumed
office, Cuthbert assiduously preached all through the Tweed
valley, making long journeys to sequestered places, and gradu-
ally bringing in the heathen peoples of the east and south-east
of Scotland to the obedience of Christ. " He now," says
a biographer, " gave full scope to that love of souls which
his long retreat had fostered, emerging from it, like his Divine
Master from the desert, to spend and be spent in their behalf.
As he went about doing good, and proclaiming with many a
miracle the power of the Gospel, his sunny cheerfulness and
loving sympathy attracted all men, while the peacefulness of
his scul and his hatred of all schism won them to find their
rest in God and His Holy Church."
Some account must be given here of the visit of St Cuthbert
to the ancient Priory of Coldingham. Its magnificent remains
(nowjthe parish church) still stand above the sea cliffs, a few
miles below Dunbar, near St. Abb's Head, which takes its
name from Ebba, the Saxon princess who founded it. She
was the daughter qf Ethelfrid the Ravager, and great grand-
daughter of Ida, " the Man of Fire," who founded the king-
dom of Bernicia. It is first mentioned in history in 642 A.D.,
and is one of the most interesting of the early Christian
churches in Scotland.
The earliest notice we have of Ebba's monastery from the
Venerable Bede is in his " Life of St. Cuthbert." When
Cuthbert was Provost of Mailros, the fame of his holiness
had reached Ebba, " who ruled a monastery situated in the
place which is called the City of Colud, and was esteemed by
all alike for her piety and her nobility. She was the uterine
sister of King Oswy. She sent to Cuthbert praying him to
visit her and her community, that they might profit by his
exhortations. He could not refuse to grant the request of the
handmaid of God, so he came to the place, and remained
some days, setting forth the way of righteousness alike by his
deeds and his words. It was his wont, when all were at rest,
to go out alone to prayer during the night, and when
he had thus passed the watches of the night, to return home
when the community met for morning prayer. One night a
brother of the monastery saw him going quietly out, and
B (17)
curiosity tempted him to follow. Cuthbert went down to the
sea, on the margin of which the monastery stood, waded into
deep water till the waves covered his arms and reached his
neck, and passed the dark hours of the night singing psalms
to the accompaniment of the melody of the waves. When
dawn approached, he came to land, and bent his knees in
prayer on the shore. As he was thus employed, two sea-otters
came out of the water, lay down before him, and began to
warm his feet with their breath, and to wipe them with their
hair. Having rendered him this service, and received his
blessing, they returned to their native element. He then went
home, and joined the brethren in the morning lauds. The
brother who had been watching him was so struck with terror
that he could hardly find his way home. The first thing he
did was to prostrate himself before Cuthbert, and with tears
to entreat pardon, having no doubt that the holy man knew
all. Cuthbert replied, ' What aileth thee, my brother ? What
hast thou done? Hast thou been tracing my footsteps in my
night journey? On this sole condition I pardon thee, that,
as long as I live, thou never tell any one what thou hast seen.'
The brother promised, and kept his word; for never, while
Cuthbert lived, did he speak of the matter to any one." Such
is Bede's story.
After Coldingham Priory had" been ruined by the Danes,
like almost every other coast church in Scotland, the place lay
deserted for two centuries, save only for the screams of the
sea-fowl, the same to which Ebba and her sisters had listened ;
and the roll of the North Sea, the old accompaniment to St.
Cuthbert's nocturnal psalm. After some two centuries it was
rebuilt as a Benedictine monastery further inland, and dedi-
cated to St. Cuthbert. Founded and endowed in noo by
Edgar, King of Scots, he gave it, as the charter says, " To
God and to St. Cuthbert, to the church of Durham, and the
monks serving God, and to them who should hereafter serve
Him in that church, for ever, and for the souls of his father
and mother, and for the health of his own soul and body,
of his brothers and sisters, and for all his ancestors, and
successors. ' '
Another incident is related of St. Cuthbert's missionary
work and labours in Scotland. When journeying, probably
near the river Teviot, accompanied by a boy, without any
provisions, Cuthbert asked the lad, " Are you thinking who
has prepared your dinner for you to-day?" The boy answered
in the affirmative. " Be assured, my son," said St. Cuthbert,
" that the Lord will provide food for those who trust in
Him, for He has said, ' Seek ye first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added
unto you.' And again in the Prophet, ' I have been young
and am now old, yet saw I never the righteous forsaken, nor
his seed begging their bread ' ; ' For the labourer is worthy
of his hire.' " He had just spoken when an eagle came in
view bearing a large fish caught from the river. The lad ran
forward and brought the fish to St. Cuthbert, who chided
him, saying, " Why did you not give part to our hungry
fisherman?" Then the lad gave the eagle part of the fish,
and the rest they took themselves, giving thanks to God for
His loving-kindness and tender mercies.
We now reach a new period of St. Cuthbert's life. Hav-
ing spent many years at Old Melrose, and ruled it as provost
with great ability, preaching the Gospel in all parts of the
east and south of Scotland, and planting churches everywhere,
many of which are still dedicated to his memory, as in the
case of the venerable and sacred establishment beneath the
shadows of the Castle rock, St. Eata, Prior of Old Melrose,
thought it right that St. Cuthbert should be transferred from
the south of Scotland to the north of England — from Old
Melrose to Lindisfarne. St. Cuthbert's influence can still be
traced in Scotland in many ways. Scores of churches in the
east and south of Scotland were dedicated to him; in almost
every Scottish cathedral an altar stood to St. Cuthbert. The
name of a great county is called after him — " Kirkcudbright,"
or the " Kirk of Cuthbert," and the Tweed valley and east
coast of Scotland are still redolent of his memory. An honour-
able perpetuation of the name and worth of the great mission-
ary is the stately church recently restored in Edinburgh, on the
site of one which, as Skene believed, and there is no reason
to doubt, was planted by St. Cuthber-t's own hands.
In Scotland the early Christian, Celtic, or Culdee Church
was vigorous, powerful, and catholic; and it was not till a
corrupt age (the eleventh century) that the Church of Rome
stepped in and ousted the ancient branch of Christ's Church
in Scotland. It may be intesesting to mention the chief seats
of this primitive Church in Scotland : — Whithorne (" Candida
casa ") in Galloway — also Kirkmadrine near it; Hoddam,
Jeddart, Old Melrose, Lindisfarne, Coldingham, Tyninghame,
Abercorn, Edenburg (" St. Cuthbert's "), Cathures (Glasgow's
ancient name), Dumbarton, Kilpatrick (near Glasgow), Bute,
Jura, Himba, Oronsay, lona, Mull, Tiree, Eigg, Lismore,
Skye, Applecross, Dornoch, Rosmarky, Deer, Inverness,
Monymusk, Aberdeen, Abernethy, Laurencekirk, Fordun,
Brechin (where a Celtic round tower stands), Monifieth,
Methill, Strathfillan, Dunblane, Kilrymont (St. Andrews),
Lochleven, Isle of May, Inchcolm, Inchkeith, Dunfermline,
Culross. These were the chief of the early seats of Chris-
tianity in Scotland ages before the Church of Rome was known
in the land — and this Christianity was fostered and spread
by St. Columba and the Culdees and the other leaders of
the Celtic Church — " Meek Eata, prophetic Boisil, austere
Cuthbert " — by St. Mungo in Clydesdale, and, in an earlier
age, by St. Ninian in the extreme south-west of Scotland.
To resume St. Cuthbert's story. On being transferred
to England, he was appointed Provost of Lindisfarne, " the
Holy Island of the east coast," whose beacon fires answer
the holy isle of the west coast in the proclamation of the Cross.
St. Aidan had been seventeen years Bishop of Lindisfarne —
the chief seat and centre of Christianity for the Angles of
Bernicia (a kingdom extending from the south-east of Scotland
down to the middle of Yorkshire, on the coast, and half-way
inland). His successor, Finan, built in Holy Island " a
church worthy of the see," but it was only composed of split
oak shafts covered with reeds, a very primitive affair. This
was probably the church to which St. Cuthbert fell heir in
Lindisfarne, and of which in time he became bishop.
The island, according to tradition, was infested by evil
spirits before he came, but " his presence dispelled them."
He dug a well in the island, and supported himself by his
own hands, preaching to the heathen inhabitants — " modest in
the virtue of patience and affable to all who came to him for
comfort." For long St. Cuthbert was Bishop of Lindisfarne, and
from this lonely " Holy Isle," near Longstone island, famous
in later days for its Grace Darling, he evangelised the north
of England with such singular success that his name is found
associated still with scores of the parish churches of North-
umber land, Cumberland, York, and Durham, and northwards
as far as Edinburgh, where, at the foot of the Castle Rock,
he planted the earliest church in Dunedin. As the one
saved with her lifeboat many shipwrecked mariners on that
storm-scourged coast, so the other by the Ark of Christ's
Church rescued multitudes in the northern kingdom from the
darkness and peril of heathendom. That little island, seen
for a moment from the windows of the " Flying Scotsman,"
or from the deck of a passing steamer, or by the devoted
pilgrim from the sandy beaches of the mainland, stretching
out at low-tide so far that, as a few years ago, a band of
three thousand pilgrims could wend their way through the salt
pools and rippled sandbanks almost dry-shod to the ruined
church, which still rises like a sentinel from the lonely group
of rocks — that little island must always possess for the reverent
mind a singular charm, second only to that of Holy lona on
the west coast of Scotland.
This Scottish pioneer of Christianity passed quietly away
to the bosom of Christ in the year A.D. 687, and his body was
laid to rest in the church which afterwards became Durham
Cathedral, where also rests the Venerable Bede, one of the
earliest translators of the Gospels into English, who died liter-
ally with the pen in his hand.
A most romantic story attaches to the remains of St. Cuth-
bert. During the incursions of the Danes they were stolen,
and after many vicissitudes and changes were at last restored
to their old resting place, where they lie at this moment, behind
the altar, as the Venerable Bede's dust sleeps in the Galilee
Chapel, at the west end of the Cathedral. A special charm
was supposed to belong to the communion cloth which St.
Cuthbert used, and for centuries it was brought forth on great
and momentous occasions, and used as a banner in battle.
When his coffin was opened in 1827 to satisfy curiosity, a small
Greek cross was lying on his breast, proving that ecclesiasticism
was a less thing to him than Christendom, that his sympathies
were abroad, and that he held communion, as we learn from
other sources, with the Eastern Church, and was not a bigoted
partisan of the Western.
It is pleasant to think that Durham Cathedral, so long
associated with a distinct, and yet a liberal, Christianity, and
which mourns still the loss of its Bishop Lightfoot, who
combined both the missionary zeal of Cuthbert and the critical
scholarship of Bede, should owe its existence and be dedicated
to the Scottish missionary — " The Cathedral Church of St.
Cuthbert, Durham." It is also pleasing to think that, not
only during the Middle Ages, when the North of England and
Scotland were under one episcopal rule, till the latter became
a separate Church with a separate organisation, but down to
later times, even to our own day, there should be a friendly
and charitable relationship between two parts of the island
which owe their conversion to the same burning spirits. The
appointment of another Scotsman to be Archbishop of York, and
of Dr Davidson to be Primate of all England — both brothers
of elders in the Church of Scotland — will not lessen the kindly
feeling between the two countries and Churches.
In a little volume of sacred poems on the early Scottish
missionaries, published some years ago, the writer has this
hymn opposite St. Cuthbert's name, written amid the pillared
calm and dim religious light of Durham Cathedral : —
"What shrine can be more glorious
Than that where Cuthbert rests in peace?
Beneath the altar's holy shade
He waiteth for his full release,
Until through vault and aisle shall ring
The final summons of the King.
" Grand place of rest for him who spent
His days the soul of man to save, — .
On rugged moor, on lonely isle
Where wild birds soar above the wave,
Strange Patmos, where, far o'er the sea,
Float echoes from eternity.
" What worship should be ours, what prayers,
What praises and what triumph high,
Where towards the east sleeps Cuthbert blest,
Where at the west St. Bede doth lie ;
O sure a guard of angels bright
Must keep the shrines of saints in light.
" But chiefest, Lord, we praise Thy name,
Who show'dst Thy saint the glorious road,
And planted him within Thy fold —
' None other than the House of God.'
And thus most blest, to him was given,
To find it too ' the gate of heaven.'
"And now what recks he of the storms
That broke upon the lonely isle?
What recks he of temptation fierce,
Of trials sore and fears meanwhile?
Now round him spread the waters still,
The pastures 'neath the Holy Hill.
" Full soon shall shine the glassy sea
Upon those saintly eyes that sleep ;
Full soon the victor's harp-notes clear
Across its crystal depths shall sweep ;
Full soon : now peacefully they wait
Their summons through the golden gate !"
The grandest monument to St. Cuthbert in Great Britain
is this stately, glorious Cathedral of St. Cuthbert's, Durham,
occupying the summit of a peninsula, overlooking the River
Wear on the east and on the west, with rapid declivities reach-
ing down to the river, and covered over with hanging v;oods
and gardens; its great central tower, 212 feet high, and the
two western towers, 143 each; its length 420 feet, and its
glory such that only York and Westminster excel it. The
seeds of this magnificent structure were laid there by the great
Scottish saint who evangelised both northern England and
southern Scotland — and there is a delightful appropriateness
in the fact that his ashes rest under these stately cathedral
towers, arches, and pinnacles, along with the ashes of the
Venerable Bede, with the words of whose translated Gospel
of St. John, Cuthbert had in his early career comforted the
dying spirit of St. Boisil, his master, at Old Melrose. There
is also a delightful appropriateness in the fact that probably the
finest panegyric on St. Cuthbert was written by one of his
successors — the lamented Bishop Lightfoot of Durham, whom
the Christian world still mourns. " What was it," said the
scholarly Bishop of Durham of our day, " that won for Cuth-
bert the ascendency and fame which no churchman north of
the Humber has surpassed or even rivalled? He was not a
great writer like Bede ; he was not a great preacher like Aidan ;
he founded no famous institution; he erected no magnificent
building ; he was not martyred for his faith or for his Church.
His Episcopate was exceptionally short (two years) and undis-
tinguished by any event of signal importance. Wherein, then,
this transcendent position which he long occupied, and still
to a certain measure maintains? He owed something, doubt-
less, to what men call accident. He was on the winning side
in the controversy between the Roman and English observances
of Easter. Moreover the strange vicissitudes which attended
his dead body served to emphasise the man in a remarkable
way. But these are only the buttresses of a great reputation.
The foundation of the reverence entertained for Cuthbert must
be sought elsewhere. Shall we not say that the secret of his
influence was this :— The ' I ' and ' Not I ' of St. Paul's great
antithesis were strangely marked in him? There was an
earnest, deeply sympathetic nature in the man himself ; and
this strong personality was purified, was heightened, was sancti-
fied by the communion with, the indwelling of, Christ. His
deeply sympathetic spirit breathes through all the notices of
him. It was this which attracted men to him; it was this
which unlocked men's hearts to him. We are told that he
had a wonderful power of adapting his instructions to the
special needs of the persons addressed. He always knew
what to say, to whom, when and how to say it. This faculty
of reading men's hearts, sympathy alone can give; and Cuth-
bert's overflowed, even to dumb animals. The seafowl which
bear his name (the eider-duck, called ' St. Cuthbert's duck,'
which breeds on the Fame Islands) were his special favourites.
[When the saint's tomb was opened in 1827, figures of these
birds were found worked in cloth of gold on the episcopal
vestments which wrapped his body.] Other tales, too, are
told — perhaps not altogether legendary — which testify to his
sympathy with, and power over, the lower creation. We are
reminded by these traits of other saintly persons of deeply
sympathetic nature — of Hugh of Lincoln' followed by his tame
swan; of Anselm protecting the leveret; of Francis of Assissi
conversing familiarly with the fowls of the air and the beasts
of the field, as with brothers and sisters. But if the ' I ' was
thus strong and deep, the ' Not I ' was not less marked.
' Not I, but Christ liveth in me.' His fervour at the celebra-
tion of the Holy Sacrament manifested itself even to tears.
' He imitated,' says Bede, ' the Lord's Passion, which he
commemorated, by offering himself a sacrifice to God in con-
trition of heart.' He died with Christ that he might live with
This Old Melrose seems to have been the original home
of Christian influence in the south of Scotland. The present
village of Old Melrose is full of carved stones and ecclesi-
astical relics of this once world-famous seat of Christianity.
This Old Melrose became a Cistercian foundation under
David I., that " sair sanct for a croon," who raised churches
and abbeys everywhere. Wyntoun, the famous Scottish
chronicler who says that " Scotland always loved a way of her
own," says of King David : —
" He illumynyd in his dayis
His landys wyth kyrkys and wyth abbayis.
Abbays he founddit nyne or ten,
And set in thame relygyws men."
In Old Melrose the chief names of Abbots were St. Eata,
a disciple of St. Aidan, Abbot of Lindisfarne, consecrated to
Hexham in 685 ; St. Odunald, who had a vision of an angel
comforting him on his death-bed ; St. Ethelwald, a disciple
of St. Cuthbert (696), who in 724 was consecrated Bishop of
Lindisfarne; St. Theynan, counsellor to King Eugenius VI.,
who died on September 26th, but the year is not stated; and
somewhere after 1000 A.D., William Douglas, confessor to
Malcolm III., who built the Abbey cloister.
The great and beautiful New Melrose Abbey, founded
by David I., some three miles further up the Tweed, for the
vigorous and popular Cistercian Order, on April ist, 1136, has
become famous as the mother-house of Balmerino, Cupar,
Kinloss, Mauchline, Newbottle, and other Cistercian seats,
but the wizard wand of Sir Walter Scott has invested it with
a charm and attraction of which, compared with the beautiful
and wonderful Cistercian houses of Kirkstall, Fountains,
Rievaulx, and others, it is quite unworthy. There can be
little doubt that Melrose is the parent seat of the Cistercian
houses of Scotland, and that New Melrose Abbey, founded in
1136, having become too full, the fathers overflowed, and,
headed by one Ralph, a person of beautiful presence, travelled
up the Gala Water and through the Borthwick valley, and at
last settled down in the Newbottle valley — on the Esk shore,
so reminiscent of the original home on Tweedside, with the
silvery river and soft rolling hills and genial climate. Melrose
and Newbattle in all these respects are practically identical. It
has been said that the Newbattle Cistercians came not from
Old Melrose (the Eldbottle some three miles down the Tweed
from Melrose Abbey), but from Eldbottle on the east coast
near Dirleton. The Cistercians had a house at Gullane, the
beautiful remains of which are still standing ivy-clad as you
enter beautiful Dirleton village, and this bore the name of
Elbotil or Eldbotel (the old dwelling), and was dedicated to
Ss. Mary and Nicholas. It was a cell from North Berwick,
and was founded by David I., who also founded the abbey here.
Two things seem to militate against the' view that the Cistercian
fathers of Newbottle came from this Eldbottle, namely, first,
that the two houses were founded by the same sovereign,
David I., about the same time, so that the one was about as
old as the other; and secondly, the Eldbottle at Gullane was
not a house for men at all, but for the white-robed Cistercian
nuns, who had houses also at Coldstream, Haddington (St.
Mary's in Nungate), Eccles, Muiravonside, and elsewhere in
Scotland. The Cistercian settlement at Old Melrose was of a
much earlier date, and was intimately associated with the early
Christian missionaries like St. Cuthbert, St. Aidan, and St.
Boisil (whose name appears in the modern " St. Boswell's ").
This old Christian settlement, the home of St. Cuthbert and
St. Boisil, St. Odunald, St. Ethelwald, St. Theynan, and
the other Christian missionaries of the seventh century, "almost
enclosed by the windings of the Tweed," at what is now called
Old Melrose, was colonised from Lindisfarne in 854, and was
the mother of New Melrose Abbey, founded in 1136, and of
Newbattle, founded in 1141. That at any rate is the final
verdict of Mr Cosmo Innes in his admirable preface to the
Newbattle Chartulary, published by the Bannatyne Club
(1848), under the guidance of the learned and accurate Dr
David Laing.
The great and beautiful Cistercian foundation at New
Melrose, every arch and pillar of which has been lined out
in gold by the magic pencil of Sir Walter Scott, was really
the mother house of all the Cistercian houses in Scotland, of
some of which a cursory notice may be given.
The Abbey of Balmerino in Fife was one of the earliest
Cistercian houses to be founded from Melrose, and was dedi-
cated to St. Mary and Edward the Confessor. It stood on
the south side of the Firth of Tay, and commanded a beautiful
view of the Firth and of the Carse of Cowrie. A few ruins
still remain of this once-famous establishment.
Probably somewhere about 1142 a band of Cistercian
fathers came up from the rich and beautiful Abbey of Rievaulx
in North England, and settled at Dundrennan. Newbattle
was an offshoot from Melrose in 1140 or 1141. In 1164
another band of monks from Melrose crossed the Firth of
Forth and settled down at Cupar in Fife [Cupar- Angus], where
King Malcolm the Maiden gave them his patronage and aid,
as he also did at the very same time to Manuel and Soutra.
The church stood within a Roman Camp, and some few traces
of it are still in evidence.
Dundrennan in Galloway, near the Solway Firth, was
founded in 1142 from Rievaulx by David I., who also founded
Newbottle. While all the Orders had his royal patronage,
the Cistercians were specially favoured by him. The remains
of Dundrennan are extensive, and rich from an architectural
point of view. The beautiful ruined pile rises up on the
bank of a rocky, sparkling burn, surrounded by hills, and
over the walls there has gathered a beautiful pale grey moss.
It was within these walls that Mary Queen of Scots spent her
last night on Scottish soil. No less than two Abbots of
Rievaulx became Abbots of Dundrennan, one of them Silvanus
(1167), having, it is believed, when a monk at Melrose, com-
posed the earlier part of the famous chronicle bearing his
Kynlos, or Kynflos, was founded on i3th May, 1156,
from Melrose. This beautiful sanctuary near Elgin was a
mitred Abbey, and received its name from the miraculous
flowers which blossomed near the place where the body of
King Duffus lay hidden. Boece says the house was famous
for the splendour of its buildings, which were so massive as
almost to suggest fortifications, as well as for the exemplary-
lives of the inmates. The stones were largely used in 1652
to build the citadel of Inverness. King Edward was at
Kynloss in 1361, and kept Christmas there. One of its abbots,
Nerins, who previously was Abbot of Melrose, was invoked as
a saint by pilgrims and travellers because he restored to life
two men who were killed on their pilgrimage to some holy
place. A branch house was started at Deir by the fathers in
1219 by Abbot Ralph, who had the vision of the huge
" JEthiop passing through a closed window and smelling with
delight the breaths of the sleeping abbots who were attending
a general council, and through the inadvertence of the cook
had eaten broth into which some fragments of meat had been
strained.'3 In 1274 the Prior of Newbottle was made Abbot.
Thomas Chrystal, Abbot in 1530, was a munificent benefactor
of the house, and gave many vestments and ornaments, as
well as adding to the conventual library a number of French
books, a Bible in six volumes with glosses, Chronicles of
Antony, St. Jerome's Epistles, the writings of St. Augustine,
St. Ambrose, St. Chrysostom, St. Gregory, St. Bernard, the
sentences in the Canon law.
The Cistercian house of Deir was an offshoot from Kynlos,
as Newbattle was of Melrose. It was founded in 1200 by
the Earl of Buchan. Deir is more intimately associated with
the earlier Culdee Church, for St. Columba called the primitive
religious home there " the Monastery of Tears," because of
his sorrowful parting with St. Drostan. James VI., after
the Reformation, gave the sacred site to the Earl Marischal
Keith, but his wife besought her lord to have nothing to do
with the sacrilege. The striking legend of the House of Deir
tells the tale of how the sacrilege was avenged. The Countess
dreamt that she saw a vast crowd of white-robed monks sur-
round the huge crag on which their house, Dunnottar Castle,
stood, and cut it up with their monastic knives. In her dream
she ran to her husband to stay the destroying mob of white
religious, but when she returned from her search she saw to
her dismay that the rock over the German Ocean had fallen,
carrying the castle with it, and a few fragments tossing on
the waves of the sea, which makes the Bullers of Buchan
sound. The sacrilege received its reward in 1715, when the
noble family fell. One Abbot gave his office up and returned
to Melrose, preferring the sweet, green Tweedside sanctuary
to " that poor cottage of the monks of Deir." Robert Keith,
the Abbot in 1543, died in Paris; while the Prior, who was
a distinguished mathematician, and regarded as a magician,
died in 1567, and was buried at Roslin.
Glenluce — "the vale of light" — in Galloway, was founded
on February i6th, 1192, on the east side of the river of Luce,
by Rothland de Galloway, Constable of Scotland, and colon-
ised from Melrose or Dundrennan. Michael Scott, the
magician, who cleaved the Eildon Hills into three peaks, lies
buried with his magic books among the walls, and tradition
says that some one who disinterred his skeleton found it in a
sitting posture, and the sight drove him mad.
On St. Matthew's Day, 1217, the Cistercian Abbey of
Culross was founded, dedicated to Sts. Mary, Andrew, and
Serf, on " the back of the peninsula," commanding a fine
view of the Firth. St. Thenaw, mother of St. Mungo, had
been driven thither from her father's home underneath the
shadow of Traprain Law. King Loth, who gives his name
to the Lothians, banished his daughter Thenaw (whose name
still appears in St. Enoch's Station in Glasgow), and her son
was born at Culross, which in after centuries had the prescrip-
tive right to forge girdles for Scotland. St. Servanus, or St.
Serf, had so strong an influence over Culross that on every
first of July, long after the Reformation, the people walked
in procession through the town, carrying green boughs, early
in the morning, in memory of St. Serf. Culross Abbey,
which is now being restored, was colonised by Kynloss, and
to-day is an imposing and beautiful ecclesiastical edifice.
The lonely Cistercian Abbey of Sandal, or Saggadil,
stands on the eastern shore of Cantire, and very few remains
of the establishment exist. Founded by Reginald, son of
Somerled, King of the Isles and Lord of Argyle, in 1220,
and colonised from Rushen, it was raided in 1263 by Haco
of Norway. The church measured 136 by 24 feet, and the
transept 78 by 24 feet. The dormitories, study, and cloister
garth can still be traced. James IV. in 1507 annexed the
abbey to the Bishopric of Argyll.
Sweetheart or New Abbey, seven miles from Dumfries,
was founded in 1275 by Devorgilla, daughter of Alan de
Galloway, in the valley of the Nith, almost at the foot of
Criffell. Melrose contains the heart of Bruce, Rouen Cath-
edral the heart of Richard Cceur de Lion, Shelley's heart
after burning remained whole, and Devorgilla took the em-
balmed heart of her husband, John de Balliol, and having
shrined it in silver and ivory, placed it in an aumbry near
the altar. At first the Abbey was founded on Loch Kender
— ' ' Sweetheart ' ' — but on removal to the site in the Nith valley
the name was changed to New Abbey. The Abbey has a
saddle-back tower as usual, and a crow-stepped gable. The
cellarage and chapter-house also remain. The arms were two
pastoral staffs in saltire : in chief a heart : and the motto —
" Choose time of need." Abbot John made submission to
Edward I. Sweetheart or New Abbey seems to have been
colonised originally from Dundrennan.
There were also several Cistercian priories under the same
rule and order. Friar's Carse (meaning " a watered plain")
was a cell from Melrose, and was granted by the last com-
mendator to the Laird of Ellisland, a district made famous
for ever through the trials and struggles of Robert Burns.
Hassendean or Hassingdean was another cell from Mel-
rose, where was a beautiful Norman church. Mauchline in
Ayrshire, nine miles from Kilmarnock, was also a cell from
Melrose, founded by the Stewarts and David I. in 1165.
There are no traces left of it, and tradition says that it was
dedicated to Sts. Mary and Cuthbert. There was also a
peculiar order of " Val de Choux " founded in 1193 at Val
de Choux in Burgundy, and brought to Scotland in 1230 by
the Bishop of St. Andrews, W. Malvoisin. It was a very
strict order, and between worship, work, and self-abnegation,
the whole twenty-four hours were amply employed. " Sack-
cloth was worn next the flesh, and over it a thick woollen
habit; at night a tunic with a girdle, a cowl and boots. No
bolsters were allowed. From Matins until the working hours,
and from Vespers to sunset, reading, prayer, and meditation
were to occupy all the time."
Another Priory was Ardchattan — St. John the Baptist's —
on the shore of Loch Etive, near Connell Ferry, and within
sight of the mysterious Falls of Lora. A very fair amount
of the old establishment remains, and is well preserved. Robert
Bruce held a Parliament here, and Gaelic was spoken on the
Beauly or Beaulieu, ten miles from Inverness, was another
Cistercian Priory, and extensive remains still exist. It was
founded in 1232, and the church to-day is surrounded by
venerable elms and rich historic memories. Oliver Cromwell
made it a quarry for a fort at Inverness.
Pluscardine (" the hollow in the hills ") was founded.
in 1230, in Morayshire, six miles from Elgin, by King Alex-
ander II., and was colonised direct from " Col de Choux."
It is still a beautiful seat of worship, and full of richest
The Cistercian Order, in addition to these various mon-
asteries and priories, had about a dozen houses for women —
white nuns. At Coldstream the house of St. Mary in the
Merse, founded by Cospatrick, Earl of March, was famous,
more especially through the royal residence of Queen Margaret
in 1515. In Edinburgh, St. Mary's in St. Mary's Wynd,
founded in the twelfth century, was famous. Marion Clark
in 1530 was drowned1 in the " Quarrel Holes," close by,
because she concealed the fact that she was plague-stricken.
Eccles, in Berwick, founded by the Countess of March in
1155, is still traceable. Elbotil ("the old dwelling"), Sts.
Mary and Nicholas, in Dirleton, was founded by King David
for Cistercian nuns. Elcho, in Strathearn, was founded by
David Lindsay of Glenesk, who went to the Crusades with
St. Louis and his mother. The Earl of Ross in 1346 assas-
sinated Reginald of the Isles in Eccles Monastery.
Manuel is well-known as a station on the North British
Railway, which traverses very much the old Roman (Antonine)
wall between the Clyde and Forth. The proper name of the
place is Emmanuel — St. Mary's Emmanuel, in Muiravonside,
near Linlithgow, and was founded by King Malcolm IV. the
Maiden, for ladies of rank. The west end of the nave remains.
In 1788 the south walls were swept away by a flood. Em-
manuel finally became " Manuel," and was erected into a
lordship for the Earl of Linlithgow.
Gullane is famous now more for its golf than its monas-
teries, and yet the beautiful ruin of St. Mary's, at the entrance
to Gullane, commemorates the ancient Cistercian house of
sisters who lived and served and prayed there. It was a cell
of South Berwick, and was founded by King David, as
Newbattle was.
Haddington had its Cistercian convent of nuns — St. Mary,
Nungate, founded by the mother of King Malcolm IV. —
Ada, Countess of Huntingdon. At the dissolution there were
eighteen nuns. The village of Garvald, built round the
conventual grange, had a peel tower, and was called Nun-
Halystan, St. Leonard's, near Berwick, was another
Cistercian nunnery, in which Edward III. erected an altar
to St. Margaret after the victory of Halidon Hill. St.
Leonard's, Perth — a hospital and priory — was also a Cistercian
house. South Berwick convent was founded by King David I.,
and was suppressed by King Robert III., as it was loyal to
England, in 1391. St. Bothan's, in the Lammermoor Hills
in Berwickshire, was another, — a cell from South Berwick,
and dedicated to St. Bothan, who was a cousin of St.
Columba. A mile away from St. Bothan's the convent
of Trefontanez, or the three fountains, stood — founded by
David I., and a cell of South Berwick, the lands of which
were in 1436 given to Dryburgh Abbey.
In lona there was a Cistercian convent, where the white-
robed missionaries prayed and laboured, and were a source
of Christian influence and blessing to the islands and lands
all around. The " lona Press," under skilful and patriotic
guidance, has produced many beautiful works — the results of
native effort, regarding the Columban Church and missionary
labour. One lona hymn sung by the children in Gaelic may
be translated as showing the simple spirit of the sacred island
and its aspirations : —
"We infants, feeble and mild, are gathered,
We come to seek knowledge of Thee ;
In the morning of our day,
O Father of Mercy,
Whose magnificence knows no bounds,
Look Thou down in kindness
On the babes of lona.
In the days of St Columba
This was the happy isle :
It was reputed for its learning,
As the learned do aver :
O Father of Mercies,
Still in Thy infinite dignity,
Look down in kindness
On the babes of lona.
Though humble our dwellings,
'Mid hills and 'mid glens;
Thine Own Son was in trouble,
Without rest for His head :
For His sake O may Thou,
In Thy infinite dignity,
Still in kindness look down
On the babes of lona."
In beautiful Lochawe, with its many islands, like Loch
Lomond, and its wonderful play of sunshine and shadow, the
lovely green island of Innishail, — " Holy Island," rests in
the centre, under the shadow of Ben Cruachan, and before
the gloomy Pass of Brander is reached, — one of the old resting-
places of the Cistercian nuns in the Highlands. The whole
place is redolent of interest and piety. St. Conan drove the
dragon from the district, and Bera the fairy huntress of the
hills which gather round Ben Cruachan, throws her poetic
charm over the place. The sweet, green island stands as the
witness of Christian faith and hope and love amid the dark
frowning glories of Cruachan and Brander, and speaks of
peace and joy and gladness.
Restful and green the Holy Isle
Sleeps in the summer sunshine smile ;
A guard of firs close gathered stands
Above the rippled rocky strands.
And the ruined walls of the abbey gray,
Where the holy nuns spent many a day
Of prayer and praise, rise there alone,
Though the Cistercian robes are flown.
The gray old cross of lona stands,
And still lifts up its time-worn hands ;
And the sculptured stones with their figures quaint
Lie, covering many an unknown saint.
Three knights in armour carved lie still,
And sleep their long sleep in that holy hill.
Sweet Innishail ! a fragrance sweet
Lingers around thy mercy seat,
Where piety for ages dwelt,
And drew to Christ the untutored Celt.
And if the world in time to come
Shall doubt — and e'en with boldness some
Shall sneer at Christ, and never quail —
An answer comes from Innishail.
For here with nought to cheer or bless,
No homely ties or tenderness,
Sweet lives were spent which found all loss
Save what had glory from the Cross.
The charming island of Innishail still contains in its
limited area the ruins of the Cistercian convent, with some three
fine lona. crosses. It was here that Philip Gilbert Hamerton,
the artist-poet, set up his home, living largely under glass
in a conservatory-house built by himself, with his young
French wife, watching the wonderful play of light and shadow
on the hills and moors and waters of Lochawe. Many years
earlier, Duncan Ban Macintyre, whose cenotaph overlooks
Lochawe at the Kilchurn Castle end, sang in Gaelic of the
inspiration of the place where the white-robed Cistercians sang
their lay. To-day a Cistercian house stands at Jaffa, where,
at the end of the Mediterranean, after fifteen hundred miles
of journey, the pilgrim lands in surf and confusion, and is
welcomed by the white- robed brothers. It is a far cry to
Lochawe, but it is a farther cry to Jaffa ; but in both places
the white-robed Cistercians were to be seen, and at Jaffa or
Joppa are to be met still. Such was the influence of the Order
which made its aim nearness to God, likeness to Christ, and
service to man.
BOTH St. Benedict and St. Bernard sought as sites for
their monasteries spots withdrawn from the haunts
of men. But they differed in the character of the
localities which they affected. The great Benedic-
tine monastery crowns the summit of an Italian Rigi
— Monte Cassino — for St. Benedict loved heights and towers
that rose to heaven, whence a wide prospect could be com-
manded. The writer has more than once been profoundly
impressed by the spacious majesty and reposeful splendour
of Monte Cassino. St. Bernard, on the other hand, preferred
valleys girt round with trees and woodland and pleasant meads
and streams. All Cistercian Abbeys are thus situated, and
Newbattle was an ideal spot for a house of the white-robed
fathers. " The Abbey," says Mr Cosmo Innes, " was not
placed so as to command a prospect. It lies where the South
Esk, escaped from the green hills of Temple and the woody
ravines of Dalhousie, widens its valley to give room for a
long range of fair level haughs. At the very head of these
meadows, and close to the brook, the Abbey stands. Behind,
to the north are the remains of the ancient monastic village,
once occupied by the hinds and shepherds of the convent, but
separated from the Abbey gardens by a massive stone wall
ascribed to the time and personal care of William the Lion
(1165-1214), which still forms the boundary of the park on
that side. The river banks have probably always been covered
with a growth of native oak. What was the clothing of the
level lawn of old we can only conjecture. As it is, situated
at the bottom of its narrow valley, close by the brook, hidden
among beeches and venerable sycamores, it gives an idea of
religious seclusion such as St. Bernard sought at Citeaux."
The South Esk has its rise in the beautiful glen of Powbate
or Bowbate, in the Moorfoot Hills, some ten miles up country.
In course of time the Newbattle fathers came into possession
of this charming hill-country, with its green rolling mountains
rising to a height of some twelve hundred feet, and built a
convent and chapel, which they called Morthwaite or Moor-
foot, the remains of which still stand surrounded by venerable
trees. The old shepherd of Lord Rosebery's Moorfoot farm
is full of reminiscences of the convent and the Herondean.
The Earl referred the writer to him for reminiscences of the
place. The Powbate Glen is an ideal place for the geologist
to study the action of the glaciers, the dunes and rounded
stones and smooth hills all carrying one back to the ice age.
A small glen, also with a stream, unites with the Powbate
between the hills known as the Kipps, and bears the name
of the Herondean or Hirendean, from the fact that it then
was, and still is, the favourite haunt of herons, which sought
for the minnow in the two sweet streams flowing from the
two glens and uniting at the foot, passing the ancient convent,
and then hurrying into the great Gladhouse reservoir, with its
two islands and lovely expanse — the main source of the water
supply of Edinburgh. Herondean Castle, a picturesque ruin,
stands on a knoll above the water bearing that name, and even
in recent years was inhabited. The Newbattle fathers had
admirable fishing in these Moorfoot streams, while the green
hillsides provided magnificent pasture and cover for game of
all sorts. The South Esk escapes from the Gladhouse reser-
voir and flows through rich woodlands and romantic glens,
till it reaches Newbattle, where it assumes larger proportions,
and then continues its journey, till below Dalkeith Palace it
unites with the North Esk, and, together, the united rivers
journey on their way to the sea, running beneath the ancient
Roman bridge at Musselburgh, which was crossed by Prince
Charlie and his Highlanders, and thence to the German Ocean.
The Powbate or Bowbate glen, where the South Esk has
its rise, has a curious legend. Thomas the Rhymer's prophecy
that Powbate, which legend says completely fills the great
hill in which it is situated, will yet break out and flood all
the country around, refers in its last line to Newbattle Abbey :
" Powbate an ye break,
Tak' the Moorfoot in yer gate,
Moorfoot and Mauldslie,
Huntleycote, a' three,
Five kirks and an abbacie."
The five kirks are Temple, Carrington, Borthwick, Cock-
pen, and Dalkeith ., the abbacy being Newbattle.
Newbattle Abbey, the 15 2nd House in the roll of the
Cistercian Order, was founded by David I., the " sair sanct
for the Croon." The following is its earliest Charter of
foundation : — " David, King of Scots, to the Bishops, Abbots,
Knights, Barons, representatives, and to all his faithful in
his whole kingdom, greeting. Be it known unto you that I
have given and made this grant forever to God and Holy Mary,
and to Monks of Newbattle. In witness whereof, Ruchal ;
Alwinus, Abbot of Edinburgh ; Gilbert, prior ; Edward, chan-
cellor ; Duncan, knight ; Hugo de Morewyll ; and Macbeth
of Liberton. Given at Edinburgh." It was founded in 1140
or 1141 for Cistercian monks, brought from Melrose, which
had grown too full, hence the necessity of founding a new
colony [Newbattle, or more properly, Newbottle : new resid-
ence ; cf. Morebattle, &c.], Melrcse being the old residence.
Melrose had become so full in the new Cistercian revival and
enthusiasm that it could not contain the numbers of those
who sought in its cloisters at once a refuge from the temptations
of this world and a rule of life under which they might be fitted
for a better : " the children which thou shalt have .... shall
say again in thine ears, the place is too strait for me; give
place to me that I may dwell." Accordingly, Ralph and a
small party of Cistercians said farewell to Melrose and jour-
neying up the Gala Water, arrived at the Esk side, and called
the place Newbottle. The name is spelt in more than three dozen
different ways. There are several places called " Newbottle "
in the north of England, one parish in Durhamshire, the best
known township of which is Fencehouses, and letters fre-
quently arrive there which are intended for the Midlothian
parish ; one in Northamptonshire, and one in Germany.
In volume I. of " Originum Cisterciensium," by Father
Leopold lanauschak, O. Cist, professor of ecclesiastical history
and of Canon Law in Vienna, Newbattle Abbey is described
as No. 152 of the Cistercian abbeys of the world, and the
different names of the monastery are to be found in various
manuscripts existing in public libraries and private collections
throughout Europe — thirty-six in number.
I quote this learned Cistercian writer's list verbatim : —
"Neubottelium, Newbottle, Newbattle, Newbottel, Newbottell,
Newbottele, Newbothelium, Newbothele, Newbotil, Newbottil,
Newbottill, Newbode, Nembode, Nembodt, Nembodel, Neu-
bode, Neubote, Newbothe, Neubotle, Neubolla, Neubothle,
Neublothe, Neublot, Neobotle, Neubothel, Neubothelle, Neu-
botel, Neubotil, Neubotile, Neubotyl, Neubottil, Neubatil,
Neubattle, Neuboune, Neurotel, Maria Neunboil."
After enumerating these names which ring the changes
exhaustively and exhaustingly, and which would make an
excellent mathematical puzzle for our higher grade schools, as
they certainly are a striking proof of the easy methods of
mediaeval spelling, he adds in Latin, " This house (the name
of which comes from a Saxon word ' bottle ' — that is ' villa '
—as at Eld-bottle (Old-bottle) in East Lothian), Newbottle
is on the shore of the South Esk, not far from the town of
Dalkeith, in Mid-Lothian, and in the diocese of St. Andrew
in Scotland, and was founded by David I., King of Scotland
— the mother-house being Melrose (of the line of Claravallis,
or the Vale of Light), and in the calendar the date is given as
1140. First among the many prelates who occupied the post
of chief pastor was Ralph, to whom, as with his successors,
writers refer as having been exceedingly strict in discipline."
From the foundation of Newbattle in 1140 until the
Reformation of 1560, there were in all thirty-six abbots, which
gives an average of about twelve years' rule for each.
The first abbot, — Ralph or Radulphus — was " a person
of beautiful presence. He was continually occupied in divine
meditation, for from his youth he had loved his Creator with
all his heart. It is said that once, when he was engaged in
prayer in his cell, the devil appeared to him as black as pitch."
It is a stretch of more than seven hundred years between Abbot
Ralph and " Camp Meg," the eccentric horse-doctor, who early
in the nineteenth century lived a solitary life on the Roman
Camp hill above Newbattle, and yet these two shake hands
across the ages as having had each a personal vision of the
Prince of Darkness, only to the half-witch he made his com-
pearance, not " black as pitch," but in colours. Some time
before 1150 Ralph took part in the adjustment of terms of
peace between the Abbots of Kelso and Holyrood, in a con-
ference at the Crag of Treverlen. In all probability Ralph's
old association at Melrose with the neighbouring Kelso, and
his new association with the neighbouring Holyrood, accounts
for the fact of his being called upon to arbitrate between the
two contending abbots and abbacies. Pope Innocent II.
granted the Abbey entire immunity from tithes during his
rule, and ratified the grants of land already made by King
David. It was a wonderful church-founding and church-
building age. The saintly Queen Margaret imbued her son
David with the desire to establish the Christian Church more
thoroughly than had been the case with the earlier Culdee or
Columban Church, and it was she who supplanted the some-
what effete and decaying Culdee ecclesiastical rule and polity
by the vigorous missionary Church of Rome, which up till her
reign had had no place in Scotland, the Church of S. Columba
being independent of the Roman see. Mother and son divided
Scotland into dioceses with bishops, parishes with Roman
priests, and founded monasteries all over the land. It was
an age of revival all over Europe, — the age when many of the
great universities were founded, and when the Knights Tem-
plar and other Crusaders were on fire to rescue the Holy
Sepulchre from the grasp of the infidel, whose officers are
still sitting, as the writer recently noted with sorrow, at the
entrance to that wonderful Jerusalem Tomb-Church, reading
aloud prayers from the Koran and raising their voices higher
as humble Christian pilgrims enter the holy place, where they
believe the Lord was crucified and buried.
Many years later the Crusading Knights-Templar founded
a house farther up the Esk from Newbattle, called Balant-
radoch, and latterly called Temple, which with Torphichen
formed one of the chief homes of those martial-monks, who
combined the life of devotion with a military ardour in the
When Ralph became Abbot of Newbottle the house must
have been of the very simplest description. Whether there
was a Culdee Church there already or not is hard to say, but
St Mungo's influence in the district spread far and wide, and
there are traditions that a Culdee religious establishment
existed there prior to the arrival of the Cistercians. The
country around was the rough, wild Caledonia pictured by
the Roman soldiers, — the thick Caledonian forest of short,
stunted oaks, some remnants of which can still be traced in
Newbattle and Dalkeith.
Here is a description of Caledonia by a Greek writer of
the sixth century, whose information evidently came from the
reports of Caesar's returned legions. " On the North side
of the Wall of Hadrian, all is different, insomuch that it
would be impossible for a man to live there, even for half-an-
hour. Vipers and serpents innumerable, with all other kinds
of wild beasts, infest that place. And, what is most strange,
the natives affirm that if any one passing that Wall should
proceed to the other side, he would die immediately, — unable
to endure the unwholesomeness of the atmosphere ; death also
attacking such beasts as go thither, destroys them. They say
that the souls of men departed are always conducted to this
place, but in what manner I will explain immediately, having
frequently heard it from men of that region, relating it most
Is it not rather strange to read these words of the Byzan-
tine historian, Procopius, reproducing the awe-struck sentiments
of the Roman sentry on the Scottish Wall, as he peered out
into the dim unknown land, — a land to-day possessed of two
great cities, one of which rivals Rome in population, and the
other Athens in culture. But such were their views of poor
Scotland ; and so, wearied of the constant feuds with the in-
domitable Picts, the Roman eagles went south and made way
for the standard of the Cross, — and the soldiers of Caesar were
supplanted by the soldiers of Christ.
No sooner did the legions leave than the missioners of
Jesus arrived : and what Rome with all its power could not
effect, the peaceful faith of Christ accomplished, and savage
Scotland, which had set its teeth against Caesar's spearmen
and archers, threw its soul at the feet of Emmanuel.
" Nazarene," as the Emperor Julian said on dying, feeling
himself powerless against the calm power of the religion of
peace and goodwill, and unable to do what it could do —
" Thou hast conquered ! " " fv TOVTU vectors," to echo the
other church legend — " in this (the Cross of Christ) thou shalt
be victorious !"
Possibly the Roman soldiers who tramped all over Mid-
lothian, and whose roads and camps and bridges, — notably the
Maiden Bridge over the South Esk at Newbattle, and the Old
Bridge of Musselburgh, over which in a later age Prince
Charlie and his Highlanders passed, — may have brought some
notions of Christianity to the district, as they did to other
places. St. Mungo's wide influence all over the Lothians had
definite results in various places in the foundation of churches.
In Midlothian alone half-a-dozen churches are dedicated to
him. The remains of his cross are still traceable at Borthwick.
So that it is extremely probable that a simple religious
house, — as tradition declares, — stood by the shore of the South
Esk, where the Culdee faith was preached and the Nazarene
was worshipped.
The country around was then in its primeval roughness.
The vast Caledonian forest, with its stunted oaks, stretched
all over the Esk valley. The few people who existed were
rude and uncivilized. There still remains at Crichton an
underground dwelling, — the only one in Midlothian — where a
primitive family lived, — secure from the attacks of the wild
beasts which then infested the woods — wolves, boars, and
other beasts of prey. How strange must that early man's
feelings have been, as with sunrise on the sea and the golden
bars across the sky, he rose from his bed of death, this earth-
tabernacle, and gazed out in wonder on the Moorfoots and the
Pentlands, with their traces of the ice age in rounded hills and
dunes, and of volcanic activity in the sugar-loafed Carnethy,
and the other extinct burning mountains around. At the very
time that the wonderful and magnificent natural developments
were in progress, — earthquake and upheaval, glacier movements
and ice pressure, — there were few eyes to behold the
wonderful miracle of world-building. The solitary human
being looked out in awe on the magnificent panorama, of
which he knew nothing. His rude wonderings as to God
were to receive a fresh direction by the advent of the
Cross and the preaching of the Crucified, and Newbattle
is the mother church of the district, for in the Esk
valley was constituted the first important settlement for the
diffusion of the Christian faith, and the civilization of the
race, which had so long pined in darkness. One can hardly
wonder at Ralph having a vision of the Power of Darkness
when one thinks of the gross darkness which then covered the
The second Abbot was Alfred, who took office in 1159.
The simple ecclesiastical establishment of Ralph by the banks
of the Esk must have felt keenly the removal of its semi-
inspired head. A beautiful picture might be drawn of the
decease of the one who founded the place, and brought celes-
tial influences to bear upon the valley. One might quote the
lines of the American poet Will Carleton when he describes
the last journey and death of the roving pastor in the back-
States, who amid many discouragements tried to influence the
backwoodsmen for God and Heaven, and to whom his people
had given a holiday to Switzerland to recruit his enfeebled
health :
"Our parson lay 'mid garden's smiling scent,
And the patient face within it preached a final sermon to us ;
Our parson had gone touring on a trip he'd long been earning,
To that Wonderland whence tickets are not issued for returning.
O faithful, true-heart shepherd, your sweet smiling lips half-
Told of scenery that burst on you just the moment that you started ;
Could you speak once more among us, you could tell us without
fearing ;
You could tell us tales of glory we should never tire of hearing."
Alfred took part in 1173 in a synod of abbots and bishops
which was held in St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, — one of the
oldest seats of Christianity in the Scottish Metropolis, and
probably founded by the Saint of Lindisfarne himself, — and
his name is mentioned several times in connection with it. He
was a true abbot, and enriched Mewbattle in many ways.
He acquired many saintly relics, which were then in large
request, and made a religious house famous and great, and
had them enclosed in a silver chest. He adorned the chapter-
house, the foundations of which, like the church, were a few
years ago unearthed by the Marquess of Lothian, with handsome
seats and " menologies," and he himself died on October i7th,
1179, — after a rule of about twenty years, during which the
Abbey greatly increased in power and reputation.
Abbot Hugh succeeded him, and his life seems to have
been spent very largely in settling civil and ecclesiastical con-
troversies. On Mid-lent Sunday, 1180, he attended the Court
of William, King of Scots, held at Haddington, and assisted
in the settlement of a fierce quarrel between the monks of
Melrose and the lords of Lauderdale regarding their rights
in the forest which stretched between the Gala Water and the
Leader. In the Acts of the Scottish Parliament the whole
controversy is detailed. In 1190, another controversy took
place between the monks of Kelso and the rector of Liliscleue
regarding ecclesiastical jurisdiction; and' so hot at last did the
quarrel become that it was carried to the Vatican and settled
by the Pope himself, — an interesting side-light on the subject
of the ecclesiastical position of the Scottish Church, which the
late Pope in a pastoral declared to have been " the special
daughter of the Roman see," and subject directly to the Bishop
of Rome, without any intervening authority. Baronius (xii.
833) says : — " St. Andrews, Glasgow, Dunkeld, Dunblane,
Brechin, Aberdeen, Moray, Ross, and Caithness, are immedi-
ately subject to the Apostolic see " : while Gervase of Tilbury
says: — "In our time the sees of Scotland are enrolled as
immediately dependent on our lord the Pope " ; adding bitterly
that in this respect Scotland is better off than England. This
special position of the Scottish Church arose from the disputes
with the see of York, which claimed Scotland; and the very
division of the island into two nearly equal parts accounts,
doubtless, for the double Primacy of the English Church : the
somewhat secondary position of York nowadays being due to
the fact that the largest part of the original arch-diocese is
cut off.
In the dispute referred to, the Pope appointed three
commissioners to report, — John, Bishop of Dunkeld; Symon,
Archdeacon of Glasgow ; and Hugh, Abbot of Newbottle, —
and these three settled the controversy to the satisfaction of
all parties. Hugh also assisted in settling a controversy be-
tween the monks of Jedburgh and Adam Fitzger, regarding
Hutton Church; another between William the Lion and
Jocelin, Bishop of Glasgow, regarding Hassendean Church
and its patronage, which resulted in the patronage being given
to Melrose ; and a third between the Prior of St. Andrews and
the Newbottle monks regarding the lands of the latter in
Haddingtonshire. Abbot Hugh brought Newbattle Abbey into
public notice, and his name stands out, not so much as a home
administrator like Alfred, but as an ecclesiastical judge and
disposer of disputes. In 1201 he resigned.
Adam succeeded him, being promoted from the post of
master of the lay brethren, whose duty it was to till the fields
and look after the general interests of the monastery. It was
probably about this period that the event took place which
Sir Walter Scott has immortalised in his poem, " The Gray
Brother." It was certainly one monk about this time who com-
mitted a grave moral offence, and Heron of Burndale, near
Gilmerton, in revenge had him and a confederate burned to
death. In the Melville estate the House of Burndale or Burnt-
dole once stood. The story has been immortalised by Sir
Walter Scott's " Gray Brother." Sir John Herries was
Baron of Gilmerton in the reign of David II. His beautiful
daughter, Margaret, being of a strong religious disposition,
frequented Newbattle Abbey and she and a young monk there,—
although Sir Walter Scott makes him the Abbot,— became enam-
oured of one another. In the valuable work, — " Memory of
the Somervilles," it is said, — " this rascal by his devillish
rhetoric and allurements so far prevailed upon the simplicity
of this gentlewoman that at length he betrayed her." Sir
John Herries discovered that a guilty intrigue was being carried
on between his daughter and the young monk, with the conniv-
ance of her nurse, — a widow, who lived at what is now called
Burndale, — and threatened Margaret that if ever again she fre-
quented the grange, death would be the result. One dark
night he discovered both his daughter and the widow-nurse
in an intrigue there with two Newbattle monks, and, filled
with rage, he and his servants set fire to the thatch, and all
those inside were burned to death. The place was ever after-
wards called Burntdool or Burndale, and the lodge of Melville
Castle on the roadside is called to-day Burndale Cottage.
Sir Walter Scott's account in the "Gray Brother "—one of
his earliest attempts, written when he lived at Lasswade Cot-
tage close by — is a vivid and striking pictorial description of
the scene. For burning these two monks, — an act of sacrilege,
—Sir John Herries or Herring had to flee the country, and
his estate was forfeited to the king. His friend, Sir Walter
Somerville, interceded with the Abbot of Newbattle, and re-
presented the scandal of those two monks which fell on the
whole order. Sir John Herries and his other daughter, Giles,
went to live at Sir Walter Somerville's castle at Conthally,
and the latter, who was a widower, fell in love with Giles,
and bargained with her father that if he procured his pardon
he would get his daughter as a reward, and that " half the
lands of Gilmerton should be settled on him and his wife and
the heirs of that marriage, or any other marriage past or to
come, irredeemable for ever." Sir John Herries was pardoned
on these terms : — " That Sir John should make over for him
and for his, the merk lands of the Grange where the murder
was committed, to and in favour of the abbey of Newbattle,
claiming no right therein, neither in property, superiority, nor
vassalage, in all time coming : and further that the said Sir
John Herring (Herries) should, bareheaded and barelegged,
in sackcloth, crave the absolution at the bishop's and abbot's
hands, and stand in the same manner at the principal door of
St. Catherine's chapel every Sabbath and holy day for one
year, paying forty pennies at every time to the poor of the
parish, and one hundred merks to the monks of Newbattle to
pray for the souls of those who died through his transgression."
Sir John agreed, received the king's pardon, was absolved by
bishop and abbot, and had his estates restored. Sir Walter
then married the other daughter, Giles, who became heiress to
her father's properties, although half of the lands of Gilmerton
were disposed to Sir John Herring's nephew, Patrick Herring.
Thus both the Drum estate and part of Gilmerton passed from
the house of Herring or Herries into that of Somerville.
Sir Walter Scott in his poetic romance makes the Abbot
the offender, , and he escapes death by burning and fled
and sought to get absolution for his sin ; and at last
in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome knelt with the mul-
titude in worship. And the story goes how the Pope,
celebrating "the high, high mass," became aware of the presence
of a grievous sinner ; and being found out, the penitent begged
absolution. The reply was, that only the " Gray Brother,"
i.e., Death, could absolve him. The Abbot, after many
wanderings, returns to Newbattle :
"And the convent bell did vespers tell
Newbottle's oaks among,
And mingled with the solemn knell
Our Ladye's evening song.
" The heavy knell, the choir's faint swell,
Came slowly down the wind ;
And on the pilgrim's ears they fell,
As his wonted path he did find.
" Deep sunk, in thought, I ween, he was,
Nor ever raised his eye
Until he came to that dreary place,
Which did all in ruins lie.
" He gazed on the walls so scathed with fire
With many a bitter groan —
And there was aware of a gray friar
Resting him on a stone.
" The pilgrim kneeled him on the sand,
And thus began to saye :
When on his neck an ice cold hand
Did that gray brother lay."
The old story still goes in Newbattle that on certain nights
of the year the " Gray Brother " is seen moving among the
brushwood round the " Mary Burn," and the great oaks and
beech trees which still form the glory of the Newbattle valley.
Nothing could exceed in beauty the loveliness of the Newbattle
valley, especially in May, with the marvellous variety of colour
and richness of foliage. Artists from every corner of Britain
have vied with one another in endeavouring to reproduce the
lovely fresh olive and green tints, and the rich colours of lilac
and laburnum and rhododendron. It is no wonder that Sir
Walter Scott spoke of it as the most beautiful valley in Scot-
land. The wonderful transformation scene of Autumn, with
the woods touched by the early frost's fiery finger, is truly
a divine revelation.
Alan succeeded Hugh, having previously been sub-prior
at Melrose, but he only remained a year, returning to Melrose
on June 8th, 1214, and spending the rest of his days there.
According to a frequent custom, which showed the im-
portance of the office, if the holder of it was an expert in viands
and household provisioning, the cellarer (Richard) was pro-
moted to fill Alan's place, in 1214. It was a compliment to a
good housekeeper, and a token of the monks' appreciation
of his culinary efforts on their behalf, to give him the highest
office. The cellarer was a most important functionary, and no
names are more frequently referred to in monastic chronicles
than those of good and tasteful caterers. It is interesting to
note in this connection that the Scottish names Durward and
Usher are simply forms of the names of two other monastic
officials, viz., the " Door- ward " or door-keeper — a unique
office, which in Arbroath Abbey passed altogether into the
hands of one family ; and the usher or beadle, of which name
also Wishart and the French " Huissier " are but varieties.
So successful were Richard the Cellarer's efforts that, on
his retirement in 1216, the cellarer was again promoted to the
abbot's chair, — still further proof of the taste of the Newbattle,
as of the Melrose, monks in good cheer. Within recent years,
in excavations round the Abbey, great ash-pits filled with huge
oyster-shells have been discovered, the oysters having been
brought inland from the monastic seaport at Morison's Haven,
some four miles off, to which the old " Salters' Road "
still runs, as in early monastic days. Oyster-shells are to be
found built into many of the walls, having been used by the
Cistercian monks where the modern mason uses a piece of slate
between stones which do not exactly fit. Seakail is to be seen
carved out on several pillars and stones. The monks had
deer forests near Callander, and excellent fishing in the River
Esk, which flows beside the Abbey, and used to overflow and
flood the crypt. These are trifles, but at the same time are proof
of the monks' careful housekeeping and interest in the tem-
Adam Halcarres, — for such was this Abbot's name, — was
placed in the abbot's chair on the i3th September, 1216. He
was one of those who, in 1218, went to York to have the
national interdict and curse, under which Great Britain then
lay, removed. In 1219 he was made Abbot of Melrose, where
he died, covered with honours, in 1245. His character might
be well summed up in the language of the old Battle Abbey
chronicle, which describes, in quaint and most beautiful langu-
age, the life and death of an abbot whose reign was in the
same century : —
" Though he continually governed those who were under
his authority, yet he himself was subservient to the rules, and
commanded no one as a master. He sustained the infirmities
of others, and called them forth to strength. His acts cor-
responded with what he taught. His example preceded his
doctrine. He inculcated a prompt attendance on Divine Ser-
vice, and, supporting his aged limbs on his staff, preceded his
young men to it. Ever first in the choir, he was ever last to
quit it. Thus he was a pattern of good works, — a Martha
and a Mary, — a serpent and a dove. He governed the clean
and the unclean. He knew how to bear with Ham, and how
to bestow his blessing on Shem and Japheth. Like a prudent
husbandman, he caused occupied lands to be promptly culti-
vated, and those that lay waste he added in, and by this
means increased their value by the sum of twenty pounds.
Meanwhile he overlooked not the spiritual husbandry, — tilling
hearts with the ploughshare of good doctrine in many books
which he wrote ; and although his style was homely, it was rich
with the beauty of morality. Neither his racking cough, or
his vomiting of blood, nor his advanced age, nor the attenuation
of his flesh, availed to daunt this man, or to turn him aside
from any purpose of elevated piety. But, lo ! after many
agonies and bodily sufferings, when he was 84 years of age,
and had been a monk 60 years and 36 days, the Great House-
holder summoned him to the reward of his day's penny."
His successor, Richard, had, like Abbot Adam before him,
been master of the lay brethren, and was elected in 1219, dying
on April pth, 1220, after a very brief term of office. Another
Richard succeeded him in 1220; he had been a prior. During
his reign, on May ipth, 1223, Alexander II., King of Scots,
visited the Abbey — the first royal visit; though in after ages
Newbattle Abbey was a favourite resort of Scottish kings and
queens. Alexander bestowed on the house many valuable gifts,
and his queen lies buried still within its precincts.
Marie de Couci was the second wife of Alexander II.,
King of Scotland. On the last day of August, 1241, the
young Queen made a kind of will, and bequeathed her body
to be buried in the ' Abbey Church of Newbattle ' ; and for
this privilege, as well as to provide the monks with a 'pittance'
on the King's birthday (St. Bartholomew's Day), and on the
day of the Nativity of the Virgin, the most solemn festival
in Cistercian Abbeys (of which Newbattle was one, and which
were all dedicated to St. Mary), the King granted to the Abbey
' the vale of Lethan (Innerleithen), with all the streams that
flow into it.' After Alexander's death she married again.
Her second husband was John de Brienne, son of the Emperor
of the East. But the rest of her life is unrecorded in history.
It is, however, stated that she came from the East and visited
Scotland, in 1272, along with her brother, Enguerran de
Couci, in order to place her young nephew, the heir of Guines,
at the Scottish Court. We do not know whether she ever left
Scotland again or not. It is asserted by some historians that
she died in France, and that her body was brought over to
Scotland; but it is certain that, wherever she breathed her
last, her dust was laid to rest in the Abbey Church of New-
battle, under the pavement, and a splendid monument was
erected over it, which was one of the sights of the old monas-
tery, consisting of a foundation of six marble lions, and over
the monument her effigy in marble, — the whole surrounded with
an iron grating. It must have been a striking object on enter-
ing the splendid church, with its two long rows of massive
pillars, to see the tall white figure bent in perpetual tears over
a dust which no human power could ever vivify. For nearly
300 years it stood there, — a sermon in stone, a preacher in
marble. The effect which its perpetual presence in their midst
must have had on the monks, — the weeping form above, and
the supporting lions below, — the one speaking so eloquently
of human grief and broken hearts, the other of the strength
of God and the powerlessness of death to destroy the soul,—
would be very much akin to the effect produced on a visitor
to Westminster Abbey as he sees around him the crowd of
still stone figures in a hundred various attitudes, and especi-
ally that marble monument to a famous English Duchess, —
one of the most awe-inspiring and affecting pieces of sculpture
ever produced, — in which Death, a hideous skeleton, is repre-
sented as having burst open a black iron gate below, and is
crawling up on all fours to the upper elevation, where two
white figures, a man and a woman, are described. He
is aiming, with his hand of bare bones, a dart at a dying
woman who rests on her husband's knee. The husband
has his hand stretched out pleadingly, and with a fearful
earnestness, to shield his dying wife from the horrible spear
which the relentless monster from below is aiming only too
unerringly. No one can ever see the poise of that out-
stretched hand, — speaking so wonderfully the language of an
affection which would do anything and everything to save its
object, — and forget it. It was something similar which stood
above Queen Marie de Couci's vault in Newbattle Abbey : but
who knows how much teaching that sorrowful figure may have
accomplished, and who knows but that the thought, of which
it was so pregnant, of the vanishing frailty of all earthly
pomps and royalties, may have led some worshipper up to
those higher realities over which Death has no power, but which
live on through the ages and survive the wrecks and ravages of
Now, alas ! the fair queen's resting-place is unremem-
bered, unhonoured, and, save for its general locality, unknown.
How true it is, true both for king and commoner, that ' the
dust returns to dust.' But the lion on her tomb spoke of the
'Lion of the tribe of Judah,' who has vanquished Death:
who is the ' strong Son of God, immortal Love ' : who is the
' King of kings and Lord of lords.' '
About a dozen years ago, when important changes were
being made in Newbattle House at the corner of the Abbey
next the Esk, so as to form an entrance to the new billiard-
room, a quantity of human remains were found in the wall,
and in the floor of that crypt (the most complete part of the
Abbey extant), just between the central pillar and the wall
next the billiard-room, a tomb was discovered, placed as usual
from east to west, and bones inside it. The opinion of some
antiquarians was that this was the royal tomb. For more
than three hundred years the monks enjoyed the royal pittance.
Another royal personage is buried in Newbattle Abbey,—
Catherine Mortimer, the paramour of David Bruce, King of
Scots; she was stabbed by a hired assassin employed by the
Scottish lords, as she journeyed from Melrose to Soutra :
" whereupon," according to the chronicler, " Bruce took great
dolor, and caused her to be buried honourably at Newbattle."
It is said that his father, King Robert the Bruce, owned a
field in Newbattle.
Alluding to distinguished people buried in the Abbey pre-
cincts, I may add that in the Abbey churchyard (now the
flower-garden) the famous Douglasses of Dalkeith are buried
in many cases, — having been great benefactors of the monks.
On St. Bride's Day, February ist, 1329, " good Sir James
Douglas," on the eve of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land
with the heart of Bruce, bestowed on the monks of Newbattle
his half of the lands of Kilmad, the other half of which they
had already received from Roger de Quincey ; and in return
the monks had to sing a mass at St. Bridget's altar, on her
festal day, " yearly for evermore," and to feed thirteen poor
folk, so that the saint might make special intercession for the
weal of the good knight. He was buried at the foot of St.
Bridget's altar. The Scots were great pilgrims, and probably
performed these acts of devotion from the days of St Columba.
They were well-known figures on the Continent as they made
their way to Rome or the Holy Land. But for every one who
went to foreign parts, hundreds must have gone to holy places
in the homeland. It was not, however, till the fifteenth
century that any detailed account was to be found. After
the birth of James IV., his mother, and perhaps his father,
set out with a large retinue on a pilgrimage to the shrine of
St. Ninian at Whithorn, which already had a great reputation.
Judging from the elaborate preparations which were made; it
must have been looked on as a pleasant trip rather than a pene
D (49)
tential exercise. Of the visits which James IV. paid almost
annually to Whithorn, there are many interesting par-
ticulars, the extracts from the Accounts casting a vivid and
sometimes amusing light on the modes of life and travel in
these days. Only second in fame to the shrine of St. Ninian
was that of St. Duthac at Tain, which was the refuge of the
wife and daughter of Robert the Bruce when they were com-
pelled to flee from Kildrummy. Of the journeys thither many
details could be gathered from the Accounts, — the routes taken,
the time the journey took, and so on. The pilgrimage of 1507
was rather remarkable. It was probably the one alluded to
by Lesley, who stated that His Majesty rode 130 miles in one
day. The Accounts, without actually confirming that state-
ment, proved the great rapidity of the journey. On the 3ist
of August the King was at Perth on the way north, where his
horse required shoeing, and on the i4th of September a man
was sent to Aberdeen " to speir of the King's incoming,"
which seemed to show that his attendants were not sure of his
movements. The incident was a curious illustration of the
impetuosity of the young King, and of his personal activity.
It was nonsense to call James IV. a debauchee, as had some-
times been done. The roads must have been wonderfully good
to allow a man to ride 130 miles in one day, as he seems to
have done. There were other places scarcely less venerated,
but as they were within easy reach of Edinburgh, there were
fewer references to them in the Accounts. Whitekirk, in East
Lothian, was at one time a place of much resort. In 1413
no fewer than 15,563 pilgrims visited the place, and the offer-
ings were equal to 1422 merks. In 1430 James I. had houses
built for the reception of the pilgrims, and it was likely that
his successors visited it from time to time. The Isle of May was
another place of resort. But these did not nearly exhaust the
list of places which James IV. visited ; in fact, he never passed
a holy place without remembering it. These pilgrimages were
by no means on ascetic lines, and were really equivalent to our
modern summer trips. Falcons, horses, dogs, and weapons
of the chase were invariably part of the Royal equipment, and
the days were spent in hunting and hawking, as was shown
by such entries in the Accounts as " 2/8 for pokes to put the
laverocks in," while the amusements of the evening were sup-
plied by the King's troop of Italian minstrels, or by local
harpers, singers, and story-tellers, while the King himself
would occasionally touch the lute. Cards and chess were also
played to pass the time. Of the religious influence and sig-
nificance of these pilgrimages, it was impossible to judge in
our day. Among the thousands of pilgrims, many no doubt
felt their spiritual life quickened and edified. As to King
James IV. himself, though we could hardly call his life
saintly, there was nothing necessarily insincere in these acts of
devotion. The mediaeval mind was a curious mixture ; pleasure
and penance followed each other in quick succession. In 1390,
this pilgrim, Sir James Douglas of Dalkeith, made a will, dated
September 30th, in which, commending his soul " to God and
to the Blessed Virgin Mary and All Saints," he ordered his
body to be buried at Newbattle Abbey, beside his first wife,
Agnes of Dunbar. He bequeathed the monks an " ouche "
or jewel of St. John, worth 40 merks, and in addition .£23,
6s 8d for the building of the Abbey Church and wages to
masons. For the refectory he gave 12 solid silver dishes
costing 1 8 pounds 6 shillings sterling, and left orders that
none was to remove them, but that they were to be a possession
for ever. He left ^10 to the monks to pray for his soul, and
£26, 133 4d for an offering, and lights and other necessities
for his funeral.
In 1230, Abbot Richard, under whose rule Alexander II,
visited Newbattle Abbey (the first royal visit of many, — the
latest being those of Queen Victoria and of the lamented Duke
of Clarence, who planted a little tree, which still struggles
to grow, under the shadow of the church), was succeeded by
Constantine, under whose rule the great Abbey Church, hitherto
small and poor, was -dedicated to Almighty God on March
1 6th, 1233, by the Bishop of Moray. The foundations of
that church were, in 1878, re- discovered, for at the Reforma-
tion the church was moved and re-built a stone-throw off.
Many of the ancient fragments remain in sculptured stones
and pillars; and the present parish church is mainly composed
of the stones of the old abbey church.
In 1237, Roger, who had been cellarer at Melrose, was
elected ; he afterwards went to France and died at Vaudey
in 1256. During his reign, the Lord Chancellor of Scotland,
Robert de Keldelach, having become implicated in the " Dur-
ward Plot," was obliged to resign his high office; and, dis-
gusted with the world, he retired to the shelter of Newbattle
In 1257, William succeeded, and acquired for the Abbey
properties in Leith and Greenside. Adam, cellarer at Melrose,
succeeded him, and eventually became Abbot of Melrose. As
Newbattle sprang from Melrose, so the intimate connection
between these two sets of Cistercian brothers seems never to
have been lost.
In 1260, the Abbey porter, Guido, succeeded; Patrick
followed him; then Walter; then Waldeve, — another Melrose
cellarer. His death is thus described: — " Dom Waldeve, of
pious memory and holy conversation, abbot of Neubotle, going
the way of all flesh, with blessed end, departed to the Lord,
leaving his house in full peace and excellent condition, both
in its spiritual and its temporal affairs, in the third year of
his government, on February 3rd, 1275 : whose body was
interred with due reverence, as became one holding the office
of father abbot, on the eve of Agatha, virgin and martyr."
John succeeded him in 1275, and during his reign Edward
I. was at Newbattle Abbey in his career of so-called conquest
of Scotland, — 5th June, 1296. Gervase succeeded in 1312 — a
prelate who sat in the Scotch Parliaments at Cambuskenneth,
1314, and at Ayr in 1315. After Bannockburn he was one
of those who met at Cambuskenneth Abbey and cursed the
enemies of Scotland and all who had fought against Bruce.
In 1328, William succeeded, and during his reign, the Lords
of Melville granted the monks of Newbattle free passage
through their lands, on condition that they received a Newbattle
wagon — or cart made by the monks, round whose abbey there
clustered a village composed of carpenters, smiths, joiners,
&c., who served all the country for miles around, and whose
village can still be traced in the abbey park.
Andrew succeeded in 1345 : he acted as commissioner
for the Pope regarding the rights of the Cluniac monks in
Scotland. William succeeded in 1362, and Hugh in 1367.
In his reign, in 1385, the Abbey was burned down by the
English under Richard II. and his uncle, John of Gaunt, who
destroyed many Scotch abbeys and minsters. This was a
great disaster to the Abbey, and all was lost, many of the monks
being taken prisoners. The tower was injured, and the monks
took flight. The great seal of the Abbey at this period is still
in existence.
In 1390, Nicholas succeeded, and the Abbey was restored.
John Gugy succeeded in 1409, and he was followed by William
Manuel in 1410, William Hyreot in 1458, and Patrick Meadow
(licentiate in theology) in 1460. He was a royal commissioner
for holding and continuing Parliament. In 1470 John
Crichtoune, one of the best of the abbots, succeeded, under
whose rule the Abbey regained its old magnificence. In
Glasgow University records (1474) he is referred to as " a
venerable father in Christ, John Crichtune, Abbot of the Mon-
astery of Newbotil," and, in the same year, " Patrick Sluth-
man, a monk of the convent." In 1494, Andrew succeeded.
Under his rule, in 1503, the famous visit of Princess Margaret
of England, daughter of Henry VII., took place, the maiden
crossing from the east coast by the " Salters' Road " (still
existing), and entering the Abbey precincts possibly by the
" Maiden Bridge," which, though probably an ancient arch
raised by the Roman soldiers who overran all this district, and
of whom many traces are still to be found in camps, roads,
bridges, and forts, may have received its name from the fact
that the future Scottish queen of James IV. may have crossed
it on her way to the Abbey as a maiden. A constant tradition,
however, declares that the Princess Margaret, with her cavalcade
of 500 horsemen led by the Earl of Surrey, passed through the
" Queen Margaret Gate," — " the great gates," — the pillars of
which are still standing inside the policies below Kippilaw, a
little south from the Maiden Bridge, and downwards through the
woods to the river, which they forded at the " old ford " below
the present flower garden, and so into Newbattle Abbey. It
was while staying at Newbattle Abbey that James IV., the
royal bridegroom, visited her daily from Edinburgh. This is
certainly the most renowned and historical royal visit of the
neighbourhood, as the future relations of England and Scot-
land hung over the issue of the suit. She was then affianced
to the Scottish King James IV. (1488-1513), and in 1503
she had, with a gorgeous retinue, set out for Edinburgh. At
Lamberton Kirk, on the Borders, the Archbishop of Glasgow,
and the Scottish nobles, including the Earl of Morton, met
the princess, and, the marriage contract having been signed,
accepted custody of her person. The journey proceeded by
Fast Castle, on the German Ocean, where a night's stoppage
was made, then through Dunbar to the church of Haddington,
thence to Newbattle by the Salters' Road. This marriage
laid the foundation for the future union of the two crowns,
and by the marriage treaty a peace was concluded with Eng-
land, which remained unbroken until Flodden, when the Scot-
tish King and the flower of the nobility and army fell on the
field. This famous royal visit v of the Princess Margaret to
Newbattle Abbey, which lasted from August 4th to 7th, 1503,
has been made the subject of a most beautiful modern Italian
painting in bright colours, framed in golden ecclesiastical work,
as a mantelpiece in the present mansion of Newbattle, repre-
senting the arrival of the princess with her retinue and richly-
caparisoned horses at the Abbey door, at which the Abbot and
fathers, in their white flannel Cistercian habits, stand waiting
to welcome her to a house to which royalty was always
attracted, and where two Scottish royalties still lie buried —
the queen of Alexander II. and the paramour of David II.
The Abbot has his hand raised in blessing, and the scene
altogether is a most charming imaginative painting of a great
historical occasion, the imagination coming out most strongly
in the delineation of the Pentland Hills, which, instead of
being low in the distant horizon, are represented as towering
in blue masses above the very monastery door, the princess
herself reining her horse in, as she descends the imaginary
declivity, — for all around the Abbey there is flat, plain grass
land. On the corresponding mantelpiece in the beautiful
drawing-room of the present Newbattle House, it may be men-
tioned that there is a similar painting, similarly treated in
every way, of the laying of the foundation stones of the
Abbey, 1140 or 1141 A.D. — both beautiful specimens of the
modern florid Italian style of painting. In 1512, John
succeeded. In his reign James V. visited the Abbey,
on April 22nd, 1526, and it was while staying there
that the king granted the monks the right to make a harbour
at Prestongrange, where the monks shipped their coals. They
were the first coal-workers in Great Britain, and are thus the
fathers of Britain's commercial greatness. A Belgian priest,
writing about this period, says — " The monks of Newbattle
give the poor lumps of black stone as a present." The work-
ings of the monks in the Esk banks are still observable.
In 1526 Edward Shewill was abbot. In the chartulary
he grants feu-charter for Craighouse lands to Hugh Douglas.
In 1531 James succeeded. It was he who developed coal-
mining at Newbattle, and made contracts with the monks of
Dunfermline as to Prestongrange workings. In 1540, John :
in 1542 James Hasmall, or Haswall, or Haswell, under
whom, in 1544, the Abbey was again ruthlessly burned by the
English under the Earl of Hertford, who wrecked all the
abbeys of the south of Scotland. The church was never thor-
oughly rebuilt.
The first connection which the Haswells had with New-
battle was when " Dominus Ricardo de Haswell " appears as
a witness to " carta Willelmi Lysurs, dominus de Gouerton."
(Charter No. 36, Newbattle Abbey.) From the fact that this
charter is undated, it would appear to be a very early one.
In the time of Alexander III., we find a John de Heswel
witnessing a Melrose Abbey Charter; in 1296, William de
Hessewell signs the Ragman Roll ; and in the reign of David
II. a charter is granted in favour of John Heswel. I
presume the Ricardo de Hessewell was contemporaneous
with, or earlier than one or other of these, as from the time
of Robert III., when a charter was granted to Robert Haswell
onward, the name is spelt Haswell.
The next Newbattle Haswell is well known, viz., James
Hasmall or Haswell, who was abbot iust before the Refor-
mation. His arms, " A, a boar's head erased S, on a chief
dancettee of the last three mullets of the first," appear
on the font at Newbattle, and are contiguous with
those of James V. and Mary of Guise. There are also still
extant several seals of this abbot. There were at the time
Haswells, both of Dirletdn and Jedburgh, and I am inclined
to think that the abbot belonged to the former, which seems to
be a branch from the Border lot, although I have not as yet
succeeded in discovering when they branched off. There are
still Haswalls in the parish of Newbattle at the present day.
The ruinous condition of most of the Scotch abbeys is due,
not to reforming zeal and bigotry, but to English fire and
invasion. The fire of 1544 was the last stroke, and the Abbey
never fully recovered; and somewhere about 1547 Mark Ker, a
layman, was appointed abbot, although Haswall was still alive
and exercised his functions until 1554 — Mark Ker not being a
priest. The Reformation crash came, and Mark Ker was
appointed " commendator " or caretaker of the lands, the aged
monks were pensioned, and the Abbey was at an end.
Mark Ker, son of Sir Andrew Ker of Cessford, was
lay Abbot at the Reformation of 1560. He became a Re-
former at the dissolution of the monasteries, and was made
Commendator of the lands, and thus became the founder of
the House of Lothian. He was among those lords and barons
who subscribed the ' ' contract to defend the liberty of the
Evangell of Christ " at Edinburgh on the 2?th April, 1560.
In the roll of the Parliament on the ist August of that year
which ratified and approved " The Confession of the Faith
and Doctrine believed and professed by the Protestants of
Scotland," he is styled " Commendator " [or caretaker until
the troubles of the time had passed over] of Newbottle." In
course of time he married Helen Leslie, of the House of
Rothes, and died in 1584. He was buried in a vault now
called the Lothian Vault," and over which the new church,
- that of Leighton, — was raised, where generations of his
descendants sleep, and where the body of the beheaded
Marquess of Argyll lay for two months. Mr Mark Ker left
the Abbey and its properties, of which he was temporary care-
taker, to his son, but to make assurance doubly sure, he had
been " provided " to them by Queen Mary in 1567. Since
then Newbattle Abbey has been the residence of his descend-
ants, the Kers or Kerrs of Newbattle, now represented by
the Marquess of Lothian. It is a fine stately residence, the
original ecclesiastical walls and buttresses being covered over
with a facing of plain stone, with oblong windows to give
the ecclesiastical buildings a baronial and domestic appear-
ance. The fine vaults, consisting of kitchen, cellarage with
small pillars and arches and barrel-roof, have recently been
restored from end to end of the house, and are very impressive.
But the church is wholly effaced, having been removed to the
site a stone throw off, and thence again to its present position.
The late Marquess of Lothian, whose antiquarian and ecclesi-
astical tastes were refined and learned, had the foundations
of the church excavated and marked out in gravel, so that
walls, pillars, doors, &c., can be easily traced. The church
must have strongly resembled the parent Melrose Abbey, and
the stones of it are to be met with all over the valley. Many
of the remains of its furnishings, — pieces of stained glass,
portions of the great bell (which was found smashed on the
ground amongst the charred ruins), earthenware vessels, uten-
sils, and implements, — have been recovered. The Abbey never
really recovered the fire of 1544, and with the troubles of
the Church, and the shadow of destruction resting upon her,
no one had the heart to begin the re-building and restoration.
The Reformation of 1560, therefore, found Newbattle Abbey
partially a blackened ruin, and hasting to decay of every
In a small room off the dining room in Newbattle House
as it at present stands, there are several interesting pictures
and portraits. Chief among these are the cabinet-sized panels
representing Mark Ker, Abbot, and afterwards Commendator
and owner, of Newbattle, father of the first Earl of Lothian ;
and the companion portrait of his wife, second daughter of
the fourth Earl of Rothes, — works that are both ascribed to
Sir Antonio More. The Commendator is seen in half-length,
with his face in three-quarters to the left. He wears a black
cap, and is clad in a plain black dress, with small white collar
and ruffles at throat and wrists. The hands are both visible
in front, the left holding a brown glove, and wearing, on the
index finger, a gold ring set with a skull in white enamel. The
face, with its short brown beard, dark blue eyes, and long,
firmly-set mouth, wears a particularly resolute expression, — and
one can believe the original of the picture to have been quite a
man apt to bear hardly upon the poor expelled monks, who
complained that he " wald nevir gif thame worth ane penny
ti leif on." His spouse is a pleasant, house-wifely little
figure, wearing a prim white cap and a black dress with crimson
sleeves. Her left hand supports a small black tablet or slate,
upon which musical notes are marked in white, and she points
towards it with the forefinger of her right. Both pictures
bear the date of 1551, but the inscriptions have hardly the
appearance of being contemporary with their execution ; and in
the year named the painter to whom the works are ascribed had
not yet been in England. More came to London about three
years later, just before the marriage of Mary Tudor, on the
25th of July, 1554, when he was commissioned by Philip II.
of Spain to paint the portrait of that Queen, which is preserved
in Madrid. It has been suggested that the Commendator may
have visited Holland in 1551, and been then painted by More,
and that the portrait of his wife may have been executed in
Scotland by another artist, though on a similar scale, and as
a companion work.
The statement in Douglas's Peerage that Mark Ker took
holy orders seems to be a mistake. It appears probable that
he was never more than lay Abbot of Newbattle, — for on his
appointment on the 5th of December, 1547, the original man-
date for which is reprinted, from the Papal archives, in
Maziere Brady's " Episcopal Succession," the jurisdiction and
the revenues (except such part of them as was necessary to
enable him to maintain the dignity of his office), were especially
reserved to his predecessor, John Hasmall, who was alive and
exercising his functions in 1554. This would account for
Ker's appearance in the picture in a civil, not an ecclesiastical,
dress, and accompanied by his wife in a similar panel, indicat-
ing that his marriage did not date from a period after he had
cast in his lot with the Reformers, and figured, as recorded
by Throckmorton, in the Scottish Parliament of 1560, which
overthrew the Roman hierarchy. The fact is further corro-
borated by our knowledge that his son, afterwards first Earl
of Lothian, was of sufficient age in 1577 to be appointed Master
of Requests. The date of the marriage is, however, doubtful.
The church, having fallen into decay, was rebuilt a stone-
throw from its ancient site (at the spot now known as the
Lothian Vault), and was again removed and rebuilt where it
now stands, — the same stones for the most part as constituted
the old Abbey church.
THE earliest worship in the Newbattle valley is shrouded
in the deepest obscurity. Whether St. Mungo or any
other of the earliest Christian missionaries proclaimed
Christ in the valley cannot now be determined. Cer-
tainly the early Culdee Church had its place and
footing all over Eastern Midlothian. Some account of it and
of the transition to the Roman period of Scottish Church his-
tory seems to be called for.
The Roman period of the Church of Scotland, when it
came under the shadow of St. Peter's, stretches from noo-
1500. In the old church of Ruthwell, a few miles from
Dumfries, there stands an enormous stone cross more than
seventeen feet high, which has a history of almost unparalleled
interest and charm. It is a richly-carved Runic cross, similar
in appearance to those which are found in lona and the West
Highlands, and is all covered over with sculptures and writing.
So strong had the Puritan influence from England grown in
Scotland, about the middle of the seventeenth century, that the
General Assembly of the Church ordered this cross, which from
time immemorial had stood inside the church of Ruthwell, to
be removed, as a monument of idolatry. The relic was
ignominiously thrown down on its face, and left lying for
about a hundred years on the pavement of the church; but in
1772 some zealous parishioners took "the accursed thing"
out and threw it into the graveyard, where it was broken into
several pieces, and where it lay for many long years, as
neglected and forgotten as the ancestral graves which formed
its resting-place. No one knew or cared to know what a
priceless witness to the faith of Christ, whose distinctive
emblem and crest it was, — an emblem of which no true
Christian can ever feel ashamed, — lay covered up with rubbish
and overgrown with grass in that neglected God's Acre.
But in the year 1802, Dr Duncan, the enterprising
and enlightened pastor of the parish, — the founder of
savings - banks, — raised it up and pieced it together,
and lately it has been re-erected in its pristine position
inside the church, where it had stood before for nearly
a thousand years. The deciphering of what has now become
famous as " The Ruthwell Cross " is a marvellous story, and
one of the greatest triumphs of scholarship in modern times.
The stone is all covered with sculptures of Scripture scenes,
most of them from the life of our Lord; but round the edge
of the arms of the cross are long lines of inscription in Runic
letters, and the interpretation of these has been at last arrived
at in the following extraordinary manner. In the year 1823,
a German scholar was making a literary pilgrimage through
Northern Italy, and in the old conventual library of Vercelli
he by accident came upon an ancient yellow parchment, on
which, among other things, was written, in the Anglo-Saxon
language, a short poem, entitled " The Dream of the Holy
Rood." He felt deeply inteiested in discovering this scrap
of old English sacred minstrelsy in a land so far away, and in
so unlikely a quarter; and after rendering it carefully into
modern English, he saw to his infinite surprise that it was
almost identical with the hypothetical translation of the Runic
letters on the old stone in the Dumfriesshire church. After
a great deal of elaborate research, it has been finally settled
that the Runic writing on the Ruthwell Cross is a copy of an
ancient English poem, composed probably by Caedmon, and
was carved about the year 665 A. p. Indeed, on the top of
the cross the words are written — " Caedmon made me." It
was therefore about the close of the seventh century of our
Christian era that this religious poem — which seems to have
been quite current and popular in England and the south of
Scotland — was put into a more durable form on this stone cross.
It is the " Story of the Cross," as told by a British Christian
of the seventh century, in simple language, and with genuine
Here is the Ruthwell inscription put into modern English.
The idea is that a Christian falls asleep, and sees the Cross,
in a vision, surrounded by angels ; and the Cross breaks forth
into a soliloquy, and tells the story of what happened to it
and its Divine Bearer on the ever-memorable Crucifixion Day
— the darkest day in history : —
" 'Twas many a year ago,
I yet remember it,
That I was hewn down
At the wood's end.
Then men bare me upon their shoulders
Until they set me down upon a hill.
Then saw I tremble
The whole extent of earth.
He mounted me ;
I trembled when He embraced me ;
Yet dared I not to bow earthwards.
I raised the powerful King
The Lord of the Heavens.
They pierced me with dark nails.
They reviled us both together.
I was all stained with Blood,
Poured from His side,
The shadow went forth
Pale under the welkin.
All creation wept,
They mourned the fall of their King."
This is the " testimony of the rocks " to the faith of
Christ, — a sermon in stone, preached twelve hundred years ago ;
but still its voice is heard proclaiming that faith wherein we
stand, the faith of the Church of Scotland of to-day, as it
was in that early Christian age. It is the same old Gospel
to-day as it was yesterday, and as it will be for ever.
Towards the middle of the eleventh century (about 1060)
the Culdee Church, however, which was then about five hun-
dred years old, showed unmistakable signs of decay and
dissolution. Scottish Christianity seems to march in epochs
of five hundred years : — five hundred years of heathen dark-
ness ; five hundred years of the Culdees ; five hundred years of
Rome; and now we are in the midst of another such cycle.
But the old enthusiasm of the first lona missionaries had
gone off, and the torch which they had lit showed signs of
flickering ; the Story of the Cross as was told by them with
so much zeal and fire to the heathen Picts, ceased to interest
them. Their numbers fell off; their doctrines became loose
and erroneous, and they ceased to perform their ministerial
functions with vigour and effect. There was a dead pause'
in the history of Scottish Christianity in the last half of the
tenth and the early years of the eleventh centuries ; Christianity
ceased to spread, and there was a danger of a lamentable
relapse into heathenism. In many cases the monasteries were
deserted, and the revenues which had accumulated in course of
ages were used and enjoyed by laymen. At Dunblane
(founded by the Culdee, St. Blane), religion sank so low that
the voices of devotion ceased altogether, save for one solitary
chaplain who mumbled off a lifeless office in a roofless church.
And now, when the Scottish Church showed symptoms
of failing health and vigour, Rome stepped in. The Church
of Rome was then by far the most vigorous, as it was also
the largest branch of Catholic Christendom, and as yet it was
almost entirely free of those peculiar errors which afterwards
disfigured it, and finally worked its doom. Its monastic
orders were spreading all over Europe, and by their vigorous
preaching and earnest lives of devoted self-denial, were bring-
ing in the nations one by one to the obedience of the Church.
And thus the " Shadow of St. Peter's " stretched westwards
and westwards, till, first the Gallican Church of France, which
used to be distinct and independent of Rome, came under the
Pope, and then the shadow crossed the narrow silver streak
that separates our little rocky isle in the north-west of Europe
from the great mainland, and next the Church of England,
which for ages had been free and national and self-ruled, of
which the thirty-seventh article of the English Church was
quite as true then as it is now, — " that the Bishop of Rome
hath no jurisdiction in this realm of England," — was drawn
in, and the Roman Ritual ousted the ancient Saxon character-
istics; and then the shadow moved northwards, and covered
Scotland, so that by the end of the twelfth century, almost
every trace of the old Culdees had vanished, and the Church
of Caledonia, like the Church of the South, had conformed
to the law and order of what was really the strongest, the
greatest, and the most missionary Church of mediaeval ages ;
and the end of it was that all Europe, save Russia, Turkey,
and Greece, lay under the shadow of St. Peter's.
In the Acts of the Apostles it is related how, when St.
Peter walked abroad at eventide in Jerusalem, his shadow,
as it fell on the sick and maimed in the streets of the Holy
City, caused them to be healed. They even brought the sick
out and laid them on couches in the streets and lanes, " so
that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by, might over-
shadow some of them." Whatever evil and deadly influence the
shadow of that Church which claims to be founded on St.
Peter may have had in later times, — however true it may be
that it became a deadly night-shade, — its influence at this
time was all for good.
Wherever the shadow reached, it left behind it enduring
memorials of its presence. We are still surrounded by, and
many of us worship every Sunday in, stately sanctuaries built
by her hands; the present parishes of Scotland were all plan-
ned and mapped out by her; three out of the four Scottish
Universities, and most of our great schools, were her creations ;
almost all our national institutions were of her invention;
the very soil on which we live, and which is nourishing us
to-day, was reclaimed by her assiduity from being a rocky
dreary waste, covered over in many places with the impene-
trable Caledonian Forest, into a rich agricultural possession ;
the monks of Newbattle were the first workers of coal in
Scotland, and by developing the resources of the earth, became
the fathers of Britain's industrial greatness; all over the coun-
try still, there are remains of her wisdom, her energy, her
unwearied and well-directed labours. " This land that was
desolate is become as the garden of Eden." We dwell in that
land which God gave to our fathers, and we have entered into
their labours.
This was how the great ecclesiastical change from Culdee-
ism to Rome was effected. After the Norman Conquest of
England (1066) thousands of Englishmen sought refuge in
Scotland from the tyranny of William the Conquerer; and
these brought with them across the Border their customs, their
rites, and in some cases their priests, who, like the whole of
England, had become subject to Rome. But the proximate
cause was the marriage of Malcolm Canmore, King of Scots,
in 1070, to Margaret, the granddaughter of an English king.
She too had been brought up in the English Church, and she
became the great leavener of Scotland.
Her name signifies "a. pearl," — and a pearl she was, for
her life, though spent in the luxury of the Royal Court of Scot-
land, never dimmed its saintly lustre; in the midst of her
manifold queenly avocations, her pure and beautiful soul often
stole away to Him who had bought it with His precious blood.
Her heart was firmly fixed where true joys were alone to be
found. In the midst of a beautiful country, of which she was
the beloved sovereign, she sighed for a better country, that
is an heavenly. Though wearing the crown of a land of
heroes and patriots, — Duncan and Macbeth, Ossian and
Columba, — she reached forth to the Crown that fadeth not
She built numberless churches and monasteries, and placed
a useful and vigorous ministry in them, sweeping out the few
weak and corrupt Culdee clergy that were left ; she would not
rest until she saw the laws of God and His Church observed
throughout all her realm. She was devoted to her husband,
and when on her dying bed she received news that he and
her three sons were slain on the'battlefield, she gave God thanks
in these words: — "I thank Thee, O my God, that in this
last period of my life, Thou makest my soul pass through
terrible trials. But I hope they will serve to cleanse and refine
it, and consume the dross of my sins. O, my Saviour Jesus,
who by the will of my Father, and co-operation of the Holy
Ghost, didst blot out my sins and deliver me from my evils,
by Thy Sacred Body and Precious Blood, grant that I may
adhere to Thy holy commandments, and never suffer me to
be separated from Thee." And having whispered, " Lord
Jesu, deliver me," she gently took her departure to the Bosom
of Christ !
She was laid to rest in Dunfermline Abbey, which she
herself had built in the place where her royal nuptials had
been celebrated, and it was a great shrine for pilgrims for ages.
Her dust was afterwards laid in the chapel in Edinburgh
Castle, still called " St. Margaret's Chapel," from which,
it is said, there breathed out the fragrance of odorous spices
and the flowers of spring. She was for several centuries
regarded as the Patron and saintly Protectress of Scotland, as
she undoubtedly was the restorer of the Faith of Christ in
our land. There is a legend that before the battle of Largs
(1263) a poor crippled soldier saw her in a vision, with crowned
head and stately steps, and followed by a train of the white-
robed, going seawards to do battle for Scotland, her beloved
fatherland; just as once, at Glastonbury in England, the
monastery sacristan at dusk entertained two strangers in white,
who declared they had to be off betimes in the morning, to
strike for Scotland at Bannockburn. It was firmly believed
long ago that it was through St. Margaret's influence that the
Norse galleys were swept on to the fatal rocks, and that the
land of the Thistle and the Heather, and the Burning Bush,
remained free and unfettered as the waves that boom around
its iron-bound coasts !
After her death, the work of establishing the Church was
taken up with almost as much vigour by David L, well called
by his successor in the throne, " the sair sanct for the Croun,"
because of the enormous sums which he spent from the royal
excehequer in erecting bishoprics, and building and endowing
cathedrals and monasteries. The whole country had been
divided into parishes, the same as exist to-day, and in hundreds
of cases the same old gray arching roof covers God's worship-
ping children as covered their ancestors in that dim and distant
age of long ago.
But the greatest step of all was the division of Scotland
into dioceses, over which a bishop or chief pastor was placed.
St. Andrews was founded by Queen Margaret about 1090, and
in time it became the " Canterbury of Scotland," and the
seat of the Archbishop of all Scotland north of the Forth. It is
chronicled that its ritual and discipline and learning were un-
equalled all over the world. One of its earliest bishops was
described on a stone slab which was raised near the high altar,
as " a straight pillar of the Church, a bright window, a sweet
censer, and a melodious bell." Ever after 1329 the Arch-
bishop of St. Andrews had the right of crowning the kings
of Scotland on the old coronation-stone at Scone.
The See of Glasgow was established about the year noo,
and in time it became the seat of the Archbishop or Primate
of all Scotland south of the Forth. The noble cathedral of
St. Mungo, as it now stands, — " The Salisbury of Scotland,"
— though preceded by several stately churches, was built in
1225, with the proceeds of a collection made all over Scotland,
in every church, by order of the Provincial Council. Vast
sums came in from other countries ; indeed it may be said that
it was built with the offerings of universal Christendom. The
Bishoprics of Galloway, Aberdeen, and Moray were founded
by Queen Margaret about 1080-1090; Caithness in 1153;
Brechin, Dunblane, Dunkeld, Dornoch, and Ross by King
David, "the sair sanct," about 1150. For long the Orkney and
Shetland isles were under the Norwegian Bishops, and were
quite separate from ecclesiastical Scotland; their Cathedral
was Christchurch in Bergen. Every new bishop on coming
over from Norway was first put to the test of draining, at one
draught, an ancient goblet, which was said to have belonged
to St. Magnus, the Orcadian patron. In 1471 these northern
isles were joined to the Scottish Church and made into z
Bishopric under the primacy of St Andrews.
E (65)
It was not without a struggle, but in course of time the
Roman Canon law and constitution became universal, and were
found to work well. A great question, however, arose in the
twelfth century as to the ecclesiastical authority to which the
Church of Scotland was amenable. The Archbishop of York
claimed to have jurisdiction over all Scotland, and asserted
his right to consecrate the Scottish bishops. After a severe
contest, in which Scottish national feeling was more strongly
intensified and consolidated than ever it had been before, and
King, bishops, priests, and people all stood shoulder to
shoulder, as one man, for their land and liberties, it was
decreed by Rome that the Church of Scotland should be re-
sponsible to no ecclesiastical power whatever, but be directly
subject to the Pope, and be his special child. The late
occupant of the Papal chair (Pope Leo), in a recent famous
pastoral, says : — " The Roman Pontiffs took these sees under
their especial protection, and treated them with special favour,
and the Church of Scotland was the special daughter of the
Apostolic See, and subject to no other." Hence, pilgrimages
to Rome became very frequent on the part both of prelates
and nobles, — as also to the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. So
that just as wise men came from the distant East to see where
Christ was born, so devout men journeyed from the far West
to see where He had been buried !
During all this age, we are told that preaching could not
be heard for the sound of hammers and trowels, so great was
the zeal and energy of the Church in rearing ecclesiastical
edifices. The stately houses of God, which to-day are dotted
all over this land of mountain and of flood, were largely the
offspring of this age of wonderful activity, and absolutely
unparalleled generosity and self-sacrifice. God received the
best of everything ; the Church did not keep her alabaster box
all to herself; she gladly broke it over the Redeemer's feet;
and the House of God was filled with the odour of the oint-
I have not space to speak of the Monastic system, which
became so widespread, so powerful, and so useful. The
white-robed Cistercian Monks were found at Melrose, New-
battle, Sweetheart, Culross, &c. ; the black-gowned Benedic-
tines at Dunfermline, Arbroath (whose good-hearted abbot
hung the renowned Inchcape bell to warn storm-tost mariners
off the fatal rock), Coldingham, &c. ; the Cluniacs at Paisley
and Crossraguel ; the Augustinians at Jedburgh, Holyrood,
Cambuskenneth, Scoon. Hundreds of such religious houses
were scattered over broad Scotland from lonely Kirkwall in
the far north, to the yellow Solway shore; and they were
for long centuries centres of learning and labour, of sweet-
ness and light, both in spiritual and temporal affairs, homes
of devotion and contemplation, calm refuges for human spirits
wearied of the world.
These men combined both the pious and the practical ;
they were both Marthas and Marys, serpents and doves; their
crest was not a mere bent knee, but an uplifted hand as well.
They looked well to their spiritual harvest, and yet neglected
not the husbandry of the fields around them, which, even after
the lapse of three centuries, are still rich and bountiful.
" It is good for us to be here," was the inscription written
over the arched doorway of every Cistercian monastery,
" where man lives more purely, falls more rarely, rises more
quickly, treads more cautiously, rests more securely, dies more
happily, is pardoned more easily, and rewarded more plente-
ously." It was by one of the same Cistercian Order which
colonised Melrose and so many other southern Abbeys, that
the beautiful hymn (so great a favourite in the Church of
Scotland to-day) was written, — " Jesus, the very thought of
Thee, with sweetness fills my breast." If you look up on
one of the transept walls of Melrose Abbey, you will see an
inscription, which embalms and embodies the same exalted
sentiment and everlasting truth, carved up by some old monk
of Melrose ages ago; it still stands, though worn and weather-
beaten, in these words, " When Jesus comes, the shadow
goes!" In the stately pile of St. David's, lying at the foot
of the green swelling Eildon Hills, over which Thomas the
Rhymer had roamed, the writer of that line may have watched
the ever-changing lights and shadows sweeping across the hills
on a summer day, with the sweet breath of the snow-wreathed
hawthorn blossom coming in at his little groined window, and
the thought occurred to him, that when Jesus, . " the Light of
the world," shines into the soul, the shadows flee away, just
like the fleeting patches of darkness on these rolling hills, as
the day strengthens. Or it may have been at night, when the
gloom was over mountain and valley, and the silvery Tweed
rippled on in the darkness, singing its grand old eternal song
of " men may come and men may go, but I flow on for ever,"
as it is doing just now as I write by its banks, when all at
once the monastery bell rang out for the midnight office; and
on that ancient altar, beneath which Bruce's heart lay buried,
and before which many a Scottish king had thrown his soul
at Christ's feet and begged succour for battle and pilgrimage,
the tapers slowly twinkled into flame, and the great dark echo-
ing house of God was brightened with the kindly glow ; so
Christ, thought that solitary watcher, is the light of the world
and of the soul. " O happy lights," was the language of his
heart (the language of a great soul only lately removed from
being an ornament in the same communion), as he knelt in
adoration, making intercession for the silent world, which lay
asleep around him, —
" O Happy Lights ! O Happy Lights !
Watching my Jesus livelong nights,
How close you cluster round His Throne,
Dying so meekly one by one
As each his faithful watch has done!
Could I with you but take my turn,
And burn with love of Him, and burn
Till Love had wasted me like you,
Sweet Lights, what better could I do?
" O Happy Flowers ! O Happy Flowers !
How quietly for hours and hours,
In dead of night, in cheerful day,
Close to my own dear Lord you stay,
Until you gently fade away !
O Happy Flowers, what would I give
In your sweet place all day to live,
And then to die, my service o'er,
Softly as you do, at His door !"
For five hundred years the Church of Rome permeated
with its institutions the whole of Scottish life ; but towards the
close of that period, what happened five centuries before to
the Culdees, happened to Rome, — the shadow of St. Peter's
began to be a shadow of death and decay, and Scotland began
to languish under it. Secondary doctrines of the Church were
exaggerated into importance, and doctrines which had no
right whatever to be there, and which Christ and the
Apostles never sanctioned, took up the chief place in the Roman
Theology, to the humiliation, if not practical exclusion, of
Him who is the centre of Christianity, for Christianity is
Christ and Christ only. The Church had built its tabernacles,
and beautiful tabernacles they were, — on the hill of vision, but
it began to look at Moses and Elias and the poor human follow-
ers of the Saviour, rather than at " Jesus only !" And so it
happened to them, — as it will always happen under similar
circumstances, in whatever Church and age it may be, — that
the old Melrose inscription was reversed, " Jesus went, and the
shadow came!"
In its best and purest days the worship of the Cistercians
at Newbattle consisted of the stated observance of the "Hours"
at which all the brethren were expected to be present by day
and night. Nocturns at midnight were said in memory of
Christ's Nativity, when " It came upon the midnight clear,
that glorious song of old." At three in the morning Lauds
were sung in remembrance of Christ's Betrayal and Resurrec-
tion. At six in the morning came Prime, recalling Christ's
Mockery before Pilate, at which the hymn, " Jam lucis,"
was sung, as well as Psalms i., ii., cxix., with a few prayers.
Terce succeeded at 9 a.m., in commemoration of Christ's sen-
tence to death and the descent of the Holy Spirit, when Psalm
cxxi. and the hymn, " Nunc sancte nobis spiritus," were sung.
At mid-day Sext was offered, in memory of the Crucifixion,
at which were sung the hymn, " Rector potens," and Psalm
cxxv. Nones followed at 3 p.m., in memory of Christ's Death,
— " the ninth hour," when the hymn, " Rerum Deus tenax
rigor," and Psalm cxxxviii. were sung. Vespers came at six
in the evening, in commemoration of the Descent from the
Cross ; and the sacred day, — every day was sacred, — was com-
pleted, with Compline at 9 p.m., to recall the rest of Jesus
in the grave, with Psalms iv., xci., cxxxiv., and the beautiful
hymn, " Te lucis ante terminum." Masses of all kinds for
the living and the departed were celebrated at the various
altars of the Abbey, many of them having special provisions
and endowments for their support, some of them from royal
During meals the brethren heard read to them lives of
the saints and martyrs. At various intervals during the day
they had a respite for spiritual communion and meditation.
The rest of the day was taken up with manual labour of
various kinds, — agriculture, building, writing and illuminating,
carpentry, tree-planting, mining, mechanical labour of various
kinds. In a word, the whole day was filled up with work and
worship, acting on the belief that for a happy life, as the
present Pope declares, worship and work are the two essentials.
The voice from Rome corresponds with the voice from New
York, for Henry Ward Beecher in a memorable passage de-
clares,— " It is not work that kills men, it is worry. Work
is healthy ; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can
bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution
that destroys the machinery, but the friction."
In the seventeenth century a monk who had travelled
much in Scotland described the race as an indolent and lazy
one. Among the curious letters in the latest volume of the His-
torical Manuscripts Commission, — the manuscripts of the Duke
of Portland, preserved at Welbeck, — is one from Denis de
Repas, an ex-Capuchin monk, to Sir Edward Harley. It is
dated September 13, 1672, and gives an amusing account of
his wanderings in Scotland. This is how he writes of the then
residents beyond the Border : — " I may assure your honour
that in all my travels — whereof you shall have an account
hereafter — I never saw a nation in general more nasty, lazy,
and least ingenius in matter of manufactures than they are,
as by word of mouth I may in time the better relate to your
honour. In several places, though nature doth afford them
all manner of materials to build houses, they are so lazy that
they had rather lay in cabins covered hardly with earth and
turfs, and so be exposed to the injury of the weather, than
to take the pain to build, as they do anywhere else; nay,
amongst the Highlanders they live like savages, and go half-
naked." The Scotch people were so lazy, the monk goes on
to say, that they did not so much as bake bread, " though they
may have plenty of corn." "They make nastily a kind of stuff
with oat half-grinded, which they do call, — cake, — which hath
no more taste or relish than a piece of wooden trencher. I
was forced for two months' time, in the north, in a place called
Rothimay, to live altogether upon pap for want of bread. The
Scotchmen and the Scotch horses live altogether upon the same
diet, I mean upon oats, for there is not a horse in thirty to
whom hay is afforded ; their bread is made with oats, and so
is their bonny ale. The monk adds that if he was to give
his friend a " whole" description both of their humours and
of their " nasty way of living," he would have matter enough
for a dozen letters.
Certainly in the best days of Newbattle Abbey there was
no idleness, and this description could not apply. Worship
and work were constant and unremitting, and the enormous
practical works in fields and mines and otherwise which were
carried on, bear the most ample testimony to the zealous acti-
vity and strong intellectual power of these old Cistercian
fathers, whose motto seems to have been, —
" Worship as if thou wert to live for aye,
Work as if thou wert to die to-day."
It has often been remarked how the monastic chronicles
are silent regarding the great events of contemporary history,
but record trifling details of the Abbey's inner history, —
proving the truth of the proverb, — "Blessed is the nation which
has no history." And yet in history, the true life of a nation
is nourished, fostered, and developed in these years of halcyon
calm ; wars are the physic — peace is the health of a people ;
happiness, like light, is colourless when unbroken. In the
monastic annals there is not one single reference to the epoch-
making Battle of Poitiers in 732, which effectually checked
the spread of Mohammedanism across Europe, and saved the
west from being brought under the sway of the Crescent in-
stead of the Cross ; but these cloister chronicles teem instead
with small petty details, temporal and spiritual, of the life
of great calm and peace divine, spent in the dim retreats of
many a Gothic monastery. And who shall say which events
are the more important, — the story of war or the story of
worship, — and which the more useful in the history of a nation
or an individual, — the life of stir or the life of silence !
In Longfellow's " Golden Legend," the monk whose
meditation that day was on the eternal joys of heaven listens
to the bird's song in the greenwood tree, and so enraptured
was he that a hundred years passed away, and when he re-
turned to the monastery every face was changed. So quietly
and silently the years passed over the old house of Newbattle
in worship and work. The old spirit comes back as one thinks
of their life of quiet, steady duty : — " This have I done for
thee; what doest thou for Me?" — Stenburg's great picture,
which has moulded history: " Hadst thou not gone I had
fled " — the voice of the Master to the father who in his cell
was rivetted by the vision of Christ, when the Abbey bells
called him away to feed the poor at the gates, and on his
return the vision was there still with a new message and call
to duty. A hundred such thoughts crowd into the mind as
one thinks of these quiet days which were summed up in the
motto, — " laborare est orare."
THE great business abilities and resources of the Cister-
cian fathers came out in nothing more remarkably
than in their acquisition and management of their
very many estates. These included not only the
whole of the Newbattle Valley, but many properties
close at hand, while they gradually acquired vast stretches of
land further away, where they developed their agricultural,
industrial, pastoral, or mining industries, teaching the people
their arts and raising chapels on the various estates for divine
worship. The rule of the Order prescribed manual labour as a
portion of every day's work, and it did not matter what it was,
— digging a field, building a wall, constructing a cart, winning
the coal, or herding the sheep, so long as the motto of the
Order was carried out, — " In all things let God be glorified."
The angel whom the Almighty sent to sweep a street-crossing
was as highly honoured by High Heaven as the angel who was
sent to rule an empire. One can see through the dim distance
of the centuries the white-robed field worker dropping his hay-
rake and implements and on bended knee repeating the celestial
annunciation, as at noon the Angelus bell rang out from the
grey saddle-back Abbey tower, and called the soul for a
moment from the withered grass, so typical of life, to the
angelic lily of immortal beauty and everlasting glory.
In their Newbattle property, besides working the fields
and planting trees, they worked the coal from the face of the
river-bank, marks of these horizontal or diagonal workings
being traceable in the banks, both of the South Esk at New-
battle, and of the North Esk near Melville, — the holes in the
banks being undoubtedly primitive attempts at coal-mining.
The well-known historian, ^Eneas Sylvius or Piccolomini, who
resided in Scotland for two years, and spent the winter of 1413
amid our mists and storms, describes Scottish life in the first
quarter of the fifteenth century very vividly, — the small hardy
men, the fair complaisant women, the ox-hide doors of the
cottages, the thatched houses, and unwalled towns. But more
wonderful to him than anything was the relief given to beggars
at church doors in the form of black stones or coal, — the great
discovery of the Newbattle fathers.
Cockpen (Kokpen) was an adjoining Abbey property, and
the sweet and charming ruin covered with ivy, which to-day
stands not far from Dalhousie Castle, was a chaplaincy of
Newbattle. The fathers had also a large and imposing resi-
dence at Newton, a mile or two from Dalkeith, which still
stands and bears the name of Monkton Hall. The lower part
of the house is arched. The two large mansion-houses at
Inveresk, known as Inveresk Lodge and Halkerston Lodge,
were residences for the Newbattle abbot and fathers, — giving
them a pleasant change from the mild, soft air of the New-
battle valley, and a breath of the sea breezes, as well as a
place from which they could carry on their extensive agricul-
tural and mining enterprises along the coast. Their coal was
shipped at Morison's Haven, where they had a good harbour
and quite a small fleet of vessels for carrying their coals.
Further down the Firth, at Prestongrange, they had another
residence and extensive coal and salt industries. And so down
the coast other small properties were dotted, until Haddington
was reached, where they owned a considerable estate.
In Leith they owned considerable property, to-day covered
by great store-houses ; also at Greenside, in Edinburgh, these
having been acquired in 1256 by Abbot William. It is said
they had also the right of cutting wood in Glenartney, which
even yet is famous for its "hazel shade." The Newbattle
monks were famous as carpenters, and a " Newbottle cart "
was considered about as good and workmanlike a production
as could be had in that age. There must have been large
numbers of these carts about the Abbey, as many would be
needed for conveying coals, field work, bringing salt from
Prestongrange, and otherwise. Grangemouth had its name
from the " Abbot's Grange," still standing in that enterprising
shipping town, which owed its origin to the mining industry
of the Newbattle fathers. Newton Grange was another and
nearer property, and was the special farm of the monastery.
The Abbey property included practically all the Moorfoot
Hills, and the remains of the chapel and convent of Moorfoot
are still traceable at the farm bearing that name, situated at
the foot of the Powbate glen.
From an interesting work, " Folk-lore of Scottish Lochs
and Springs," by James M. Mackinlay, M.A., F.S.A. (1893),
I take the following extracts : — " A singular superstition is
or was till lately cherished, that Powbate Well completely
fills with its water the high hill on which it is situated."
Chambers, in his " Popular Rhymes of Scotland," gives the
following particulars about the spring : — " The mouth, called
Powbate E'e, is covered over by a grate to prevent the sheep
from falling into it ; and it is supposed that if a willow wand
is thrown in, it will be found some time after, peeled, at the
water-haugh, a small lake at the base of the hill, supposed
to communicate with Powbate. Of course, the hill is expected
to break some day like a bottle and do a great deal of mischief.
A prophecy, said to be of Thomas the Rhymer, and bearing
evident marks of his style, is cited to support the supposition :
" Powbate an' ye break,
Tak' the Moorfoot in yer gate,
Moorfoot and Mauldslie,
Huntleycote, a' three,
Five kirks and an abbacie."
In explanation of this prophecy, Chambers remarks, —
" Moorfoot, Mauldslie, and Huntleycote are farm towns in
the immediate neighbourhood of the hill. The kirks are under-
stood to have been those of Temple, Carrington, Borthwick,
Cockpen, and Dalkeith ; and the abbacy was that of Newbottle,
the destruction of which, however, has been anticipated by
another enemy."
The other portion of the Moorfoot Hills, with the fine
Herieth or Heriot glen, was also the property of Newbattle
Abbey, and there a chapel stood to serve the district. The
shepherds, ploughmen, and artizans belonging to Moorfoot
and Heriot were directed by fathers skilled in pasturage and
agriculture, who brought, according to the Cistercian rule, their
practical skill to bear on the lands and hillsides around them.
Over the Moorfoot Hills, — which practically all belonged
to Newbattle Abbey, — on the other side there was another rich
pastoral possession, — the Vale of Leithen, which leads down
to the picturesque town of Innerleithen, the " St. Ronan's
Well " of Scott. The valley was gifted to the Newbattle
monks by Alexander II., King of Scots, as a return for the
privilege of having his Queen, Marie de Couci, buried in
the Abbey. King Alexander was the Abbey's chief royal
patron, and bestowed upon it many gifts and privileges.
On i pth May, 1223, he visited the Abbey, Abbot Richard
being then reigning, and ever afterwards he entertained the
warmest affection for it. Marie de Couci was his second wife,
and he married her in 1239. In 1241 the young queen said
that in the event of her death she had a strong desire to be
buried in the Church of Holy Mary at Newbottle. Her
husband died before her, and she married again, her second
match being with John de Brienne, son of the Emperor of the
East. It is supposed that she died in France, but it is certain
that her body was brought to Scotland, in performance of her
vow; and she was buried in the Abbey which her first husband
dearly loved, and which both he and she had enriched with
princely benefactions. In what part of the Abbey she was
buried is a vexed question. A mediaeval writer, quoted by
Father Hay, says : — " In the midst of the Church was seen
the tomb of the Queen of King Alexander, of marble, sup-
ported on six lions of marble. A human figure was placed
reclining on the tomb, surrounded with an iron grating." Mr
Innes, in his preface to the Ballantyne Club's Chartulary of
Newbottle, says she was buried in what is now the flower
garden. The princely gift of the Vale of Leithen was the
offering of Alexander to the religious house, which was to
guard his queen's remains. A chapel, the ruins of which are
still traceable, stood in the Vale, which was a great pastoral
land then, as now.
The whole of the Moorfoots would in these medieval
centuries be rich in game, large and small. In all probabilitv
the wolf, the boar, and the wild cat were denizens of the
glens and lonely rock-retreats of Powbate and Leithen, while
even at the present day game of all kinds abounds, and in
the streams among the hills there is the best of fishing. The
Hiiendean glen, just above the ruined Moorfoot convent, form-
ing one line of defence for the old castle, still beautiful in
decay, had its name from the fact that herons in large numbers
made it their home, drawn to the shelter and hill streams, with
their abundant minnow and trout. The fathers would leave
none of these resources unutilised, but would find scope for
energy and skill, and even enjoyment, in the grand hillsides
and moorlands of the Moorfoot, or Morthwaite, as it was some-
times spelt.
Newbattle owned several large estates in Haddington, for
which the Abbot paid " suit and service at the Three Head
Sheriff Courts." On July 13, 1540, Alexander Belsis, a tenant
of Newbattle, appeared in the Burgh Court with a Commission
of Bailleny to repledge a certain man (name omitted) to the
Court of the Abbot of Newbattle; the prisoner was, I am
certain, only one of the Abbot's tenants, as if he had been
a monk it would have been noted.
Even in hilly, well-watered Peeblesshire the Newbattle
fathers' estates were to be found, more especially at Romanno
Bridge, the story of which may be told. Among the
Anglo - Normans who settled in Scotland during the
twelfth century was a person named Vermel, or Uermil,
who received from David I. a grant of the lands of Romanoch.
His son, Philip de Vermel, granted a portion of the lands to
the monks of Newbottle between 1179 and 1189, and there
were similar grants to the canons of Holyrood. One of the
oldest spellings of the name is Rothmaneie, meaning in Gaelic
the dwelling of the monk. There is no record nor trace of
ecclesiastical building. Two braesides, one of which is still
on the shrunken estate, while the other has been sold, suggest
by their terraces that monkish agriculture has been there. At
a mile's distance, a small hamlet with a U.F. kirk is called
Mountain Cross for Monkton Cross. The original estate of
the de Vermels had evidently included that spot, with its
cross roads and cross, though there are now neither cross nor
cross roads.
The great coal and iron district in the West of Scotland,
known as Monkland, received its name from the monks of
Newbattle, whose property it was. The population of the
two present-day parishes of Old and New Monkland is some-
thing like 20,000, and it is interesting to think of the Newbattle
fathers as having laid the earliest foundations of the giant
commercial enterprises of that part of Scotland. From the
Monkland Wall at Newbattle, they carried a road across coun-
try to Linlithgowshire and Lanarkshire, and gradually annexed
fresh properties of great commercial value. All the tract of
ground from West Lothian to the Barony parish of Glasgow
seems to have been granted by Malcolm IV. to the monks of
Neubotile. Hence its name. But no remains of the monks'
rule here exist, save the name. The monks do not seem to
have settled here. They had indeed a chapel, about a couple
of miles from New Monkland Church, but it seemed to have
been used for the most part for levying their rents and the like.
This district was distinguished for its Reformational zeal, and
therefore, I presume, every trace of the monks' presence has
been obliterated. With the changed conditions of the popula-
tion of the two parishes of the Monklands, there is not even
a legend of them extant in this parish. The Monkland Well
still exists. It is about half a mile from the Manse of New
Monkland. The mineral workings have, however, diminished
its flow greatly. It is now but a small affair. At the begin-
ning of last century it seems to have had considerable vogue
for its medicinal qualities. It gave its name, — " The Virtue
Well," to a famous seam of coal, and that has done more to
perpetuate its fame than its own virtues have done.
THE growth of Newbattle Abbey as an ecclesiastical pile
was a gradual affair through the centuries, and when
in 1385 it was burnt down by Richard II. of England
it had accommodation for eighty monks and seventy
lay brethren. There was ample room for guests, and
very often the Bishop and the whole Synod of the Diocese were
entertained by the Abbot. The Abbey, indeed, at the height
of its greatness and magnificence, was a favourite residence
of royalty. In 1544 it was burned down for the second time
during the disastrous expedition dispatched by Henry VIII.
to punish the Scots for their refusal to betroth the infant Queen
Mary to his son. On that occasion the bonfires of what were
known as the "bloody betrothal" were a line of blazing
abbeys from Holyrood to Dunbar.
An old record says : — " Upon the i5th day of May the
horsemen raid to Newbottill and brynt it, and oversaw Dal-
keith be the moyane of George Dowglas, and brynt many
other tounes theirabout. Na skaith was done to any kirks,
exceptand thae destroyit the Abbey of Newbottill, and the
same nicht they returnit to Leith." The burning of such a
pile of masonry was perhaps but a partial destruction. In
any case, it is related that a few years after the rough handling
it received from the English, the Abbey buildings were suffi-
ciently restored to be thought a convenient place for the
reception of a Convention of the Lords of the party, which
the Queen Dowager in person held there preparatory to declar-
ing war against England in 1557, — an interesting historical
occasion which connects Newbattle with the great international
history. The subsequent disappearance of the ancient Abbey
buildings cannot be accounted for in the usual way by alleging
the violence of a Reformation mob. The Abbot of Newbattle
of that day, Mark Ker, whose portrait hangs in the mansion-
house, embraced so heartily the principles of the Reformation
that his dwelling would probably have been respected by the
most zealous reformers ; and as Newbattle has been a mansion
for his descendants continuously since, we may rather seek the
cause in a preference for modern comfort in a newer building,
to the picturesque architecture and pious and historical associ-
ation's of the old Abbey.
At the time of the Reformation, Mark Ker, as has been
said, was Abbot of Newbattle. He was the second son of
Sir Alexander Ker of Cessford. Renouncing the Roman
Faith, he expelled the monks, giving the aged ones a pension
for life, and retained the lands as " Commendator of New-
bottle," — which title, with all its privileges, was confirmed
to him by the Scottish Parliament in 1581. Scott of Scots-
tarvit states that Mark Ker and his eldest son of the same
name, who, in 1606, was created first Earl of Lothian, " did
so metamorphose the building, that it cannot be known that
ever it did belong to the Church by reason of the fair new
fabrick and stately edifices built thereon, except only that
the old name and walls of the precincts stand"; and more
recent members of the house of Lothian have further extended
and modernised the structure, the late Marquess having added
a sumptuous robing room and other buildings for the visit of
Queen Victoria and the Duke of Clarence, besides otherwise
beautifying and adorning the mansion.
The form and design of the ecclesiastical buildings were
of the usual Cistercian type, and almost identical with Melrose
Abbey. The Gothic Church stood with its great west door,
pillars and arches, and at the side near the river the quadrangle
with its open court surrounded by cloisters, probably in two,
possibly in some places in three storeys. On the south side
of the court was the Refectory, and on the east side the official
apartments stood, consisting of chapter-house with pillars con-
nected by a pillared arcade with the great hall. The library,
scriptorium, and guest-chambers were probably quite near.
The exact measurements of the Abbey are kindly supplied
by Mr John Ramsay, clerk of works at Newbattle estate, who
had much to do with the recent excavations and explorations
as to site, architecture, and otherwise.
Church — Extreme length east and west outside walls, 253 ft. 3 in.
Extreme length east and west inside walls, 239 ft. 3 in.
Extreme width north and south outside walls, 66 ft. 7 in.
Extreme width north and south inside walls, 57 ft. i in.
Extreme length of nave, 161 ft. 6 in.
Extreme width of nave, 31 ft.
Extreme width of aisles, 13 ft. o£ in.
Extreme length of crossing, 41 ft. 9 in.
Extreme length of chancel, 36 ft.
Extreme width north and south between transepts, 117 ft.
North and south transepts, east and west (inside), 45 ft. 6 in.
North transepts, north to south, 32 ft. 3 in.
South transept, north to south, 28 ft. 2 in.
North wall in north transept is 8 ft. thick.
Other walls in church and transept, 4 ft. thick.
South wall of church, next cloisters, 3 ft. 6 in. thick.
West front wall of church, 6 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft. thick.
Buttresses on the north aisle, 4 ft. by 5 ft. out from wall.
Angle buttresses at north transept, 16 ft. 4 in. by 10. ft. 4 in.
Corner buttresses at east end of church, 12 ft. by 3 ft. out from wall.
Buttresses north and south side of chancel, 8 ft. by 3 ft. out from
Buttresses east of chancel, 6 ft. by 3 ft. out from wall.
Octagon — Base of four pillars under the great tower, 10 ft. by 10 ft.
Base of two pillars in chancel, 10" ft. by 10 ft.
Base of pillar in north transept, 7 ft. 10 in. by 8 ft. 3 in.
Refectory, length inside, 106 ft.
Refectory, width, 33 ft. 6 in.
Kitchen, 33 ft. 6 in. by 12 ft. 6 in.
Cloister quadrangle, 125 ft. 10 in. by 123 ft. 10 in.
Width of chapter house, 28 ft. Extreme length inside, 57 ft.
Width of great hall, 43 ft. Length inside, 144 ft.
Width of sacristy, 18 ft.
From the north wall of the Abbey Church to the south boundary wall
of the river is 378 feet 4 inches, and from the south boundary wall to
the wall at the culverts is 186 feet 6 inches.
The present mansion-house occupies a portion of the area
of the ancient monastery ; and though ingeniously hidden by
modern improvements, the ancient masonry is still visible at
parts of the walls, while here and there an antique moulding
peeps out from its later setting. The picturesqueness and
variety of line of the mansion-house show that it has gradually
and in only a half-premeditated way grown to its present
dimensions. The details of the architecture bear an Early
English character, and have been assigned by a high authority,
— Professor Wills, of Cambridge — to the middle of the thir-
teenth century. This seems to show that the superstructure
at least of the old Abbey survived the successive burnings by
the invading armies, the marks of whose fire are still traceable.
The excavations for the church were begun in 1878, with
the result that nave, aisles, and south transept were found. In
1892 the north transept was discovered, with two angle but-
tresses similar to those of Furness, in Lancashire. These
landmarks are now laid out in gravel, revealing the great thick-
ness of the east wall and chancel pillars.
Extensive excavations were again continued in 1893 and
1894, both in the interior of the mansion-house and round
about it. In the former case the excavations were connected
with the complete restoration of the crypt. Those who know
Newbattle will remember that from the entrance hall a grand
wooden staircase leads to the spacious vestibule on the first
floor, where are hung so many of the valuable art treasures
of the mansion. But on each side of the grand staircase there are
flights of stairs leading down into the stone-vaulted and stone-
ribbed crypts. Part of these had been dealt with in a former
excavation ; now the crypts have all been opened up, and
extending across the mansion-house from north to south, form
a beautiful addition to this interesting pile. The crypts, both
on the south and north sides of the portion immediately behind
the grand staircase, had been built up, and certain portions
of them used as servants' rooms and lumber stores. The
whole, as has been said, has been cleared out from end to
end, with, beautiful artistic effect. Arches, where necessary,
were thrown over the openings, and in the course of the work
the bases of the old pillars were revealed in line with those
now remaining in the crypt, which had a connection with the
south transept of the church. After being hidden for centuries,
these bases are still in perfect preservation, with the masons'
marks upon them. Masons' marks are still to be traced on
many of the old Abbey stones still preserved under the neigh-
bouring yew trees, and elsewhere in the valley. At this,
the north end, in what is called the Armour Crypt, an old
chimney was discovered, which measured about 8 feet at the
under side. At another place was discovered the old kitchen
chimney, the under side of which measured 12 feet 6 inches
by 6 feet. Both flues had the smoke of the old fires still upon
them. The crypt pillars are octagonal. The plain shaft
measures 3 feet 6| inches in length, and each side of the pillar
7 inches. From the top of the capital, or spring of the arch,
to the floor, is 6 feet. From the pillar to the foot of the
corbel, going from east to west, measures 13 feet i inch ; from
pillar to pillar, going from north to south, 9 feet 7 inches.
The arches are circular. The ribs show five plain sides, each
measuring 5 inches. The keystones, — now all plain — may
possibly have been at one time enriched with bosses, as some
fine specimens of bosses were found while excavating the crypt.
F (81)
One of these old bosses is preserved and placed inside the
crypt. From the keystone of the rib to the floor measures
12 feet. The inside length of the crypt now open from north
to south is 100 feet, by 27 feet 7 inches wide. The crypt,
it is conjectured, had extended from the south transept south-
wards towards the river for about 200 feet, inside measurement.
The bases of the pillars of the great hall and chapter-house
are preserved.
The whole of the crypts, save one, have been laid with
polished oak, and, being appropriately furnished, they form
quite an addition to the show portion of the mansion-house.
The exception made is a small crypt on the west side, which
apparently was the old Abbey kitchen, for it was here that
the great chimney was found, and at one side of it is also
an ancient oven. The flooring of this has been treated in
quite a novel way. During the excavations at Newbattle
Abbey, a large number of old and curiously-shaped flooring
tiles were found. They were hand-cut, from ij to | inch
thick, with a fine glaze or enamel of various colours, such as
yellow, green, red, black, and brown of different shades.
These, of course, along with other curiosities found, have been
carefully preserved. The Marquess instructed his clerk of
works to have the floor of the kitchen crypt, as it may be
called, covered with an inlaid wooden floor, the pieces of wood
of which were to be made of the size and shape of the old
tiles found. No pattern was to be used, unless there was an
old tile design to correspond to it. The designs were geo-
metrical in character, but some of the tiles had inlayings in
the shape of fleur de lys, conventional roses, &c. The work
of reconstructing a design for the flooring conformable to the
old patterns was a task of great difficulty, but it was success-
fully accomplished, and the greater part of the inlaid flooring
was laid with effective results. The flooring was made and
laid by Mr John Ramsay, on whose taste it reflects great
credit. All the wood used was grown in the park ; and a fine
effect has been secured by using various coloured veneers, such
as yew, oak, maple, laburnum, plane tree. The great fireplace
has been boarded over, carved screens set at each side; and
with a step up from the floor, where the great hearth of the
fire had been, the little crypt, which is well lighted by modern
windows on the front of the mansion-house, has assumed quite
an ecclesiastical appearance, and is now the private chapel,
consecrated by the funeral of the late Marquess of Lothian.
Passing outside again, it may be noted that at the west
end of the Abbey Church, towards the south, were found the
foundations of the west wing, with a portion of the old stair
leading from the dormitory to the church. The width of this
wing inside the walls is 28 feet 6 inches. About the centre
of this wing, 80 feet from the north wall of the Abbey Church,
the main entrance to the cloisters was found. Outside the
doorway were three steps, 5 feet 6 inches by loj by 6 inches
deep, and the size of door between the jambs was 4 feet 9
inches, and the width of passage through to the cloister garth
was 6 feet 2 inches. The walls were of ashlar work. The
outside wall of this wing is 3 feet thick, and of that next the
cloisters 2 feet 6 inches thick. One of the chambers south
from this entrance to the cloisters was 68 feet long by 23 feet
9 inches wide ; it seems to have been groined, and would
possibly be a continuation of the dormitory. The bases of
four pillars were found in this chamber, and as all were of
different design, the shafts would also be different. The one
next the south was like a quatrefoil ; the second to the south
was circular, with zig-zag moulding round the base; the third
from the south was octagonal ; and the one at the north end
was a circle, with dog-tooth moulding round the under shaft.
About 40 feet from the end of this chamber, a wall was found
extending east and west, having on each side a stone-built
arched culvert of ashlar work, 2 feet 6 inches wide by 2 feet
6 inches high. It was about 4 feet from the present surface,
and had evidently been the old underground waterway for
cleansing purposes of the Abbey. The foundations of the
refectory walls were found extending east from this chamber,
not north and south as they usually are placed. They con-
tained a fine moulded doorway near the south-west corner
of the cloister quadrangle. The moulded jambs had a bay of
3 feet from the door outwards. The jamb moulding was
Early English Gothic. Unfortunately, these excavations were
right in front of the main doorway of the mansion-house, and
after careful examination had all to be covered again with soil.
The door just mentioned was found right in the middle of
the carriageway; but of it a full-sized drawing was made by
the clerk of works. The south boundary wall was found
extending east and west by the bank of the South Esk, near
to which the Abbey stands, while the boundary wall from the
west wing already referred to extended southward and joined
the other by the river bank. They were 3 feet in thickness.
As the excavations proceeded, Mr Ramsay, clerk of works,
made most careful measurements of the walls and foundations,
and from these he has prepared a ground plan of this grand
old Abbey, which, if not quite complete, is approximately so.
and gives one a true appreciation of the dimensions of this
ancient pile. The length of the great hall and the size of
the chapter-house cannot be ascertained, as the east end of
both are covered by the present mansion. As already stated,
the walls and pillars and transepts of the church have been
carefully marked on the lawn over the buildings. A brown
glazed fireclay edging, unobtrusive in colour, has been used.
The great door on the west front has also been outlined with
this edging.
The foundations of the outside wall of the old burial
ground, which was on the east and north of the church, were
also found, — not straight, but with a gentle curve from north
to east by south. They were three feet thick. While digging
in this portion of the ground, a number of stone coffins were
found, principally outside the chancel and north transept.
These were mostly of loose slate. One coffin of polished
ashlar was discovered near the south transept entrance from
the cloisters. One or two of the coffins were opened, and
were found to contain the bones of well-built men. All the
coffins disturbed were carefully replaced, and like the other
excavations, this part has also the grass growing upon it again.
In the cloister quadrangle was found an old stone-built well,
3 feet in diameter and 14 feet deep. Below that it was full
of rubbish. Several interesting relics of the last burning of
the Abbey were found in the shape of pieces of the charred
beams and of the old bell of St. Marie de Newbottle, which
had been molten by the fierce heat. One of these pieces weighs
about 16 Ibs., and there were many other fragments, — pieces
of stained glass windows, pottery, nails, tools, &c., were also
found. A small silver coin of the reign of James IV. of
Scotland, whose young bride, Margaret Tudor, was entertained
at Newbattle on her journey to Edinburgh, was also found.
A fine arch still survives, covered with ivy, near the river,
— the end of what was probably a subterranean passage be-
tween the Abbey and the river, — a means of getting water
from the Esk when the house was attacked or blockaded. It
is said that a subterranean passage also existed between
Newbattle Abbey and the Moorfoot property, but this on the
face of it seems to be impossible. The "subterranean passage"
idea has been in this case, as in many others, carried out to
an ideal extent.
The Abbey Scriptorium was a room of no little importance,
for there the fathers copied manuscripts, breviaries, missals,
and all sorts of ecclesiastical books. Many of these are
preserved in Newbattle House to-day, — some of them of great
beauty and value. In mediaeval times it was considered a
special act of grace, worthy of special divine favour, to copy
a Gospel manuscript. The Jewish proverb, — " blessed is he
that planteth a tree," was transmuted into, — " blessed is he
that copieth a Gospel."
The guest-chamber was an important room in the house,
for here the weary pilgrim and sojourner was entertained.
One can imagine the peace and calm and rest of a worn-out
traveller, who, arriving at the Abbey, could claim refreshment
and hospitality. The beautiful words which are hung on many
a modern inn, — so suggestive of Leighton, — seem appropriate
for such a home of rest arid house of peace : —
" Sleep sweetly in this quiet room,
O thou, whoe'er thou art,
And let no mournful yesterdays
Disturb thy peaceful heart.
Nor let to-morrow mar thy rest
With dreams of coming ill ;
Thy Maker is thy changeless Friend,
His love surrounds thee still.
Forget thyself and all the world :
Put out each garish light :
The stars are shining overhead —
Sleep sweetly then — good-night !"
Especially if after the solemn evensong the pilgrim had come
to rest, with praise and prayer in his heart, — whether he had
journeyed from lonely Soutra on the Lammermuirs, or from
some other distant shrine and home, he would have the feeling so
beautifully expressed by Phillips Brooks, Bishop of New York,
and author of the beautiful hymn, — " It came upon the mid-
night clear," — " Pray the largest prayers. You cannot think
of a prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish
that you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches, but for
wings. Pray that, whatever comes, — trial, doubt, failure or
success, hope, joy, — it may all work together to make your
soul fit, first to receive, and then to shine forth with the light
of God 1"
The water-passage and tunnels conveying water from the
Esk are undoubtedly of monkish origin, also the fish-pond,
now the Lothian private burial-ground. In the old Monkland
wall and elsewhere in the valley, many of the old monastery
stones are to be found, some of them with the masons' marks.
All along the park from the Abbey to the Maiden Bridge,
traces can be found of the monastic village for shepherds,
masons, wrights, and artizans of all kinds, who served the
Abbey. The " Monkland Wall " surrounding the Abbey on
one side is the most striking and picturesque remnant of the
old days, along with the " Maiden Bridge," which may pos-
sibly go back to the days of the Roman soldiers. Near the
river, and beside the present billiard-room, there are many
remains of the old institution, — two figures of ecclesiastics with
their heads knocked off, clad in ecclesiastical robes, carefully
worked out, — alb and amice and cope, besides a realistic carved
representation of wine-making, with grapes, barrel, bag, spoon,
and strainer. There are also some other ecclesiastical remains
in the shape of wells, store-houses, conduits, &c.
COAL and limestone mining in Newbattle has been
pursued from an early period, and indeed the monk*
of Newbattle may be said to have been the pioneers
of mining in Scotland, not only in the parish of
Newbattle itself, but in the surrounding district. In
one respect, indeed, the Newbattle fathers may be regarded as
the pioneers of Britain's industrial greatness, discovering the
mineral which has made Britain great by land and sea. The
early workings of the monks can still be traced in the banks
of the river Esk, — the methods used to recover or " win " the
coal being of the very simplest description. A hole was driven
into the bank where the black traces of the mineral were
observable, and the coal hewn out with chisel, hammer, spade,
and drill. It was Abbot James (1531) who, however, de-
veloped this monastic industry, and in the Chartulary there is
an entry of the contract made with the monks of Dunfermline
regarding the Prestongrange workings. The coals were driven
down in the famous Newbattle carts, and shipped in wherries
belonging to the monks to various places on the coast. Their
little harbour is now called Morison's Haven, and the road
leading from Newbattle to Morison's Haven and Prestongrange
[" the grange of the priest's town "] is still a right-of-way,
and is to-day known as the Salters' Road, from the fact that
along this highway salt was brought from the salt pans of
Prestonpans, probably in the same carts which had driven the
coals down from Newbattle to the sea. In order to superintend
the various industries of Newbattle Abbey along the coast, the
Abbot held two houses in tiie Inveresk or upper part of
Musselburgh, which are still standing, and are to-day known
* The facts and figures regarding the Newbattle coal mines have
been generously furnished by Mr John Morison, one of the directors
of the Lothian Coal Company, and formerly manager of Lord
Lothian's collieries, and may therefore be accepted with the fullest
confidence, as coming from one so eminent in his profession.
as Halkerston Lodge and Inveresk Lodge, splendid solid
mansions, with thick walls, and containing crypts, chambers,
and subterranean passages. Father Hay in his gossipy letters
mentions as a curious fact that the monks of Newbattle gave
to the poor "black stones." Before the coal was discovered
or largely used, the fuels used were wood, of which there was
abundance in the Esk valley from the presence of a great
portion of the Caledonian primeval forest, of which traces
are still met with in the Newbattle and Dalkeith policies;
and peat, which even yet is abundantly met with on the moor-
land parts in the neighbourhood, vast reaches of it spreading
in the Moorfoot property of the Newbattle fathers at the foot
of the Moorfoot Hills, beside the present Gladhouse Reservoir,
which is Edinburgh's main source of water supply. In all pro-
bability the Newbattle fathers were also the pioneers of mining
in Lanarkshire, the wide mineral district of Monkland receiving
its name from the Newbattle monks, who held wide properties
all over that part of Lanarkshire, to which they drove a road
direct from their home by the Esk, where, even yet, the great
primitive-looking wall, portions of which are still standing
opposite Newbattle Church, is called the " Monkland Wall,"
from the fact that the road to the west ran alongside of it.
In the ecclesiastic records of various Monkland and other
Lanarkshire parishes there are frequent references to the New-
battle monks' presence and coal industry.
The industry has been continuously pursued since their
days, and, fostered by the enterprise of successive proprietors
of the land, has always provided employment for a large
proportion of the population of the parish, and maintained
the position of a large and leading centre of coal mining in
The early discovery and working of the seams of coal is
due to a very large extent to the geological formation which
exists in the neighbourhood of Newbattle, whereby not only
are the seams of coal numerous, thick, and of high quality,
but, owing to the inclination of the strata, they become one
and all exposed at the " outcrop," although lying where now
worked at very great depth, the deepest pit in Scotland being
at present situated on the Newbattle estate.
Owing to this conformation, the seams of coal were at
their " outcrop," proved with little expense, and absolute
knowledge gained by gradual experience of the nature and
value, as well as of the best methods of working the various
The coal seams worked are entirely embraced in the for-
mation described in the geological survey as the carboniferous
limestone formation. The base of this formation is known as
the No. i Limestone, which corresponds with the D'Arcy
limestone at present being worked near the village of West-
houses. The seams of coal in ascending order from this basis
which are workable, are as follows : —
The " Parrot " Seam - 3 feet 3 inches thick.
The " Kaleblades " Seam - about 4 feet to 5 feet thick.
The " Splint " Seam - 4 feet thick.
The " Coronation " Seam 3 feet 6 inches thick.
The " Siller Willie " Seam - 2 feet 6 inches to 4 feet thick.
The " Diamond " Seam i foot 10 inches thick.
The " Great " Seam - 7 feet 6 inches thick.
The " Parrot " seam embraces a band of cannel-coal, used
for enriching gas, and of dry, high quality.
The " Kaleblades " seam varies in workable thickness
owing to a band of fireclay which is contained between two
beds of the seam; which in parts of the coal-field thickens
to such an extent as to render the two beds of the seam
unworkable together.
The whole of the remaining coals are of a bituminous,
non-caking nature, of good quality.
The outcrop of the No. i Limestone which has been
referred to may be seen in the old quarry near D'Arcy Farm
steading, the full dip of the strata being towards the River
South Esk. At the Lady Victoria Pit the vertical depth from
the surface of the same seam of limestone is about 1860 feet,
showing a " dip " of the strata between the two points of
1860 feet, the corresponding dip on the surface formation
being about 320 feet.
Along the course of the Roman Camp hill the exposed
strata may be observed for some distance to be flat, and then
on the other side of the hill to dip in the opposite direction,
on towards the valley of the Tyne.
In places the strata has been bent over without breaking,
in others it has cracked, leaving fissures. At one point along
the Roman Camp hill a quaquaversal dip of the strata has
been produced ; that is to say, the strata dips in every direction
from a common centre. There are various explanations by
geologists to account for the position and dip of the minerals,
these, however, are too long to enter into. The most reason-
able theory appears to be that at an epoch in their formation,
and when supported by a mass of molten lava, the various
dips were produced by the volcanic eruptions which were at
the time taking place in the vicinity of Arthur Seat, the Pent-
land Hills, and other volcanic hills in the neighbourhood.
The outcrops of the various seams of coal occur at
intervals, according to the position of the seams, between the
road near Mansfield and the old house known as Maisterton.
The history of the working and opening up of the seams
in the earliest years of the industry would, if details could be
obtained, be a very interesting one. Such details as may be
obtained from old existing books in connection with the work
are necessarily devoid of details further than those necessary
for keeping accounts ; but extracts from some such books which
exist in the nature of pay books so far back as 1744, or 150
years ago, may prove interesting to the reader, and are as
follows : —
ist Extract from an old pay book, embracing the period
from June, 1744, to November, 1745 —
Hendray Drayodel
To 559 lod and 3 .,
Robrt Mitchel
3 countos
Thomas Shanban
i At tu pns p Lod
Hendray Nesmeth
To 37 bols of Lime
James Dick
James Smeth
2 At 2 pns p bol
Charals Smeth
(Opposite page of book.)
To James Wilson Col grive
To Robert Dick redsman 6 days to the reding at
4 pns p day as the on half of his weag
To the above man one pound of candls
To the 2 therds of 4 carts of Lim col at 6 pns p
To Charles Smeth for working foull col
To James Smeth for working foull col
To on pound of candls for veouing the work
To James Dick on day with the birer
2nd Extract from an old pay book, embracing the period
from January, 1744 to July, 1746 : —
(Left page of book.)
John Duncan
zoth July
Charles Campble
Run away from ye worl
John Penman
Run away
David Richardson
Run away
James Thomson
Run away
William Watson
Run away
Andrew Weir
William Young
Run away
Andrew Young
Run away
David Penman
Run away
David Allan
Run away
Peter Robertson
£ sh. £
To said . . . 154 loads sold at 4d. each
2 1 II 4
By Ballance Deu to Creditor
9 9i
(Right page of book.)
£ s. d.
By Robt Wilson Coal grieve and overseer of said work
By Tho. Begbie Cheque
By John Duncan assistant below Ground
By Alexr Young 5 days taking down Stone
By John Allan 5 days Redding ye Rooms
By Will Robertson 6 days Redding ye Levell
By John Thomson 6 days at Do
By Andrew Weir 2 days Redding of Mynd
By John Duncan 2 days at Do
By James Brown 2 days Bearing from Do
By Hanna Wilsson 2 days at Do
By Helen Wilsson 2 days at do
By Janet Robertson 3 days bearing Wood
By 5 pound candles to above work people
14 July. By for mentioned 12 men for working and
bearing ye forsd 154 loads at 3 half d lod
By on shillg givn to ... in Dalkeith as Justice-
mount (?) money account Sir John Ramsay of
Whitehill for Detaining ye Coaliers
By 3d for new pylling (?) strong
By Coals to ye family this week pr actt
3rd Copy of pay bill, April, 1788 : —
To the Coal Grieve - -070
To the Check - -050
To James Thomson Banksman . o 7 4^
To Geor Heasty pit bo tarn man - o 7 4^
To Geor Heasty and the other 2 redsmen - - o 19 4^
To And Richardson 2^ fath in the level - -089
To Thos Weddell 9 foott in the leven head - -030
To James Brown for earring the pinch to the mynd 006
To 3 oncost bearers - o i o
To James Brown for sclute - o o 10
To Thos Weddell for do - o a &
To John Richardson for do - -009^
To Geo Young for do - -009^
To David Richardson for reding - 030
To Helen Penman 3 darg - o i o
To 7 pound of candle - -044^
To Jo Wilson for takeing care of the work - -026
To James Stewart 6 darg at the gin - -030
To John Hunter 6 do at the pin - 050
To Da. Richardson for ale and meat to the Coaliers i i o
To Do for Drink to the oncost men - -080
To the Coalbearers - -076
To halters and binders to the gin horses - - o o io£
To the workmanship of the Coal - - 10 4 8
Carriages to New pr Geo Adamson 6 tubs - -050
16 8 2
The books from which the foregoing extracts are made
are in good preservation, and have been carefully kept. It
would appear that able-bodied men were paid at the rate of
lod per day, and the women who worked as bearers in
carrying the coal out from the workings were paid about 3d
per day. Little or no change appears to have been made
in the rate of pay up to 1788. It would appear, however,
from the entries in the latter pay book, that attempts were
being made at the latter date to lighten the labour of bearing
the coal by the use of " gins." This apparatus was worked
by a horse, and consisted of a rough upright post working in
sockets, and with a cross tree attached, to which the horse was
yoked, and similar apparatus was used until steam engines
were brought into use at mines for raising the material.
The system of working in the earliest times would appear
to have been by driving in near the outcrop of the coal seam
and carrying the coal out, the women of the family being
used for this purpose. As the coal which could be so
obtained got deeper, drainage would have to be provided, and
pits sunk, up which the coal was carried. Drainage would
be provided by cutting in a level mine by which the water
ran off. By this means the workings appear to have attained
a considerable depth ; indeed, a level drainage mine, of which,
so far as can be ascertained, the date of commencement is not
known, is driven from the " peth " below Mill Hill right up
to Bryans pit, a distance of about 500 yards. From the
marking on the sides of this mine, which is known as the
Newbattle day level, it must have been driven at great labour
with very inferior tools, and without explosives, and must
have involved great patience in its projectors and the workmen
employed. It had, however, the effect of entirely draining
the minerals without pumping to a depth of 180 feet at Bryans
pit, and is still made use of to that depth.
Reverting to the early workings as shown in the pay
books, it would appear that in 1744 the colliers were working
under laws by which they were practically slaves.
In Bryans' pay book for the week following the one which
is here extracted, it is recorded against the names of all the
colliers who " ran away," — " All in Dalkeith Prison except
Pet Robertson and Andrew Young." It is not recorded
whether these individuals escaped ultimately or were forgiven
for " running away."
It appears to have been enacted in 1775 (the i5th Geo.
III., ch. 28), that this state of servitude or bondage should
come to an end, and this would alter the condition of the
workers in the Newbattle mines. The preamble of the Act
referred to is as follows: — "Whereas by the statute law of
Scotland as explained by the judges of the courts of law
there, many colliers and coal bearers and salters are in a state
of slavery and bondage, bound to the collieries or saltworks
where they work, for life transferable with the collieries and
saltworks, etc."
The emancipation, however, was to be gradual, and vary-
ing from three to ten years for those already employed, but no
person commencing work as a collier thereafter was to be
The Act of 1775 does not appear to have been completely
effective in freeing the colliers, as it was found necessary in
1799 to pass another Act, which enacted " that from and after
the passing of this Act all the colliers in that part of Great
Britain called Scotland, who were bound colliers at the time
of the passing of the said Act, shall be, and they are hereby
declared to be, free from their servitude."
The moral effect of such degradation upon the colliers at
this period may be easily conceived. It is not therefore to
be wondered at that by improving the condition of employ-
ment a gradual change on the condition of the employees in
the mines has had the effect of transforming the colliers from
what they were in 1744 to their present condition in Newbattle,
and at the present time in every respect the colliers in New-
battle will compare favourably with any artizans or workmen
in any other trade in any other district. In many respects, —
moral, physical, and intellectual, they stand far in advance
of similar industrial communities.
It is recorded that in 1837 the workings in Newbattle
were suspended for four months, owing to a strike for higher
wages. The working of the minerals and their development
has since 1744 been vigorously pursued by the Marquesses of
Lothian in succession. The first large development appears
to have been in the vicinity of the present Bryans pit, where
a mine was cut to the Parrot seam, and large quantities worked.
Following this, Bryans pit and the two pits at Lingerwood
have been sunk and developed, the new extensions having
apparently at all times kept pace with the times.
In 1890 the minerals were taken over by the Lothian Coal
Company, Limited, in conjunction with other coal fields, and
since that time, by extensive sinkings, notably the Lady Victoria
pit, to reach large areas of coal, works have been developed
which promise for many years to come to maintain in the
parish of Newbattle the reputation which it has had for so
many years as one of the leading mining centres of Scotland.
According to the most recent computations, there are
5,000,000,000 tons of coal in the Edinburghshire portion of
the Lothian coalfield, which extends from the Firth of Forth
inward to Penicuik, a distance of 17! miles. The field is
between four and five miles broad, and contains thirty-seven
seams, with an aggregate thickness of 105 feet of coal. It
represents the richest coal district in Scotland, and taking
into account the coal to be worked under the Firth of Forth,
and calculating on the present output as a basis, there is
enough coal in the district to last 2000 years.
THERE are many things to connect the two historical
parishes of Inveresk and Newbattle. If the inter-
esting old church of St. Michael is the " visible
church " — a city set on a hill, — that of Newbattle
(or, more properly, Newbottle — new residence, Mel-
rose Abbey being the " old bottle," or old residence, from
which the Newbattle monks came) deserves the title of the
" invisible church," lying deep down in the Esk valley, sur-
rounded on all sides by great woods, and hemmed in on every
side by gentle undulating hills. Such were the sites always
chosen for their monasteries by the Cistercian monks. An-
other connection lies in the river Esk, — the South Esk flowing
past the old monastery, whose inmates used to love a Thurs-
day's fishing in view of a Friday's fast, — and which, after
uniting with the North Esk below Dalkeith, expends itself
at Musselburgh, bearing itself past Delta Moir's monument,
and the quaint old-world town which has three mussels and
the word *' Honesty " for its crest. " The honest toun " is
surely not only proud in its possession of " the visible kirk,"
but also a little bold in its historic utterance, —
" Musselburgh was a burgh
When Edinburgh was nane ;
And Musselburgh '11 be a burgh
When Edinburgh's gane."
Another interesting connection between the two places is
in the Roman remains to be found in both. Across the Esk
at Newbattle there is built the " Maiden Bridge," — favourite
haunt of artists, probably built by the Roman soldiers. The
route by which the great road from Newbattle Abbey to the
east coast passed was not over this bridge, but by a road which
can still be traced a little higher up, and entering the grounds
near the present East Lodge, and thence passing to the Esk
opposite the Abbey, where a ford made a connection between
the two sides of the river. The great gates of the Abbey stood
near the East Lodge. A minor road passed across the park
through the monastic village, and over the Maiden Bridge
towards Dalkeith, in all probability. A vigorous controversy
has been waged over the name of this bridge, which, crossing
the South Esk about a mile from the Abbey, so picturesquely
reminds one of the Brig o' Doon in Ayrshire. Various
antiquarians have held various views about it ; but possibly
the bridge, whether the work of the Roman soldiers or not, —
and there was a Roman camp on the hill, — was baptised the
" Maiden Brig " after the great historical event so beautifully
depicted in the Italian painting which adorns one of the
mantelpieces in the drawing-room ot the present mansion.
Robert Burns sets one of his sweetest songs to the air, " Dal-
keith's Maiden Bridge." Some are of opinion that it is the
" Madonna Brig " or " Bridge of our Lady," to whom the
Abbey was dedicated, and that the Princess Margaret never
crossed it at all, but entered by the " Queen Margaret
Gate," still standing. Musselburgh, too, has its Roman
bridge, deeply interesting to antiquarians. In fact, the
whole district lives with memories of the Roman legion-
aries. The " Roman Camp " above Newbattle can still
be traced, and even in names of neighbouring places,
such as " Chesters " (castra — camp), " Dalhousie Ches-
ters," Chesterhill (the old name of Edgehead — the camp
hill), &c., the influence can be seen. A chain of Roman
camps seems to have run across this whole district. "Jupiter"
Carlyle is undoubtedly right in declaring that St. Michael's
Church, Inveresk, was built on the site of a Roman camp on
the hill, and of the very bricks and stones of the older
structure. The praetorium is still traceable. Roman remains
have frequently been discovered on the hill, and the fact that
the church was built on the hill, so far away from Musselburgh,
is almost certainly due to the existence of the building materials
already there. Probably St. Baldred, the apostle of East
Lothian, brought Christianity to this district in the sixth
century, and the early Saxon monastery of Tyningham, dedi-
cated to St. Balther, had diocesan authority over all East
Lothian. The chain of camps can be traced from Inveresk
Hill to the Roman Camp Hill of Newbattle, thence to " The
Chesters," near Tynehead, and thence to Heriot, on one of the
hills of which there are still remains of an extensive camp.
There are some other interesting points of connection
between Inveresk and Newbattle. When Archbishop Leighton
was incumbent of the latter parish, Mr Colt ministered to the
former. Complaining of his "heavy charge" at Mussel-
burgh, Colt received the pleasant and humorous reply from
Leighton — " It is too bad to put such a heavy load upon a
Colt," — one of the many grave pleasantries attributed to the
saintly divine.
Three battlefields, all disastrous to Scotland, surround
Inveresk Hill — Pinkie (1547), at the very foot; Carberry
(1567), where Mary surrendered to the lords; and Prestonpans
(1745), where Colonel Gardiner fell. It has come down by
tradition, that when the last of these was being fought, a
number of people belonging to Newbattle ran along the ridge
of the Roman Camp Hill till they came within sight of the
battle, which they followed with eager interest.
There are few belonging to the district who have never
heard of " Camp Meg," a sort of witch who lived on the
Roman Camp Hill at Newbattle early in last century, and,
dressed in man's clothing and armed with a scythe or a sickle,
rode astride her white mare to all the fairs and races in the
neighbourhood, — the terror of the district. She was univer-
sally regarded as an uncanny person, and lived in absolute
solitude in the loneliness of the Camp Hill. A curious sight
it must have been to see her riding her white mare at Mussel-
burgh races, as she sometimes did.
A much more intimate connection, however, than any of
these, existed between Newbattle and Inveresk; for the abbot
and monks of Newbattle Abbey had, amongst their many
other possessions, two residences in Inveresk. These were to
some extent coast-houses for the fathers, just as Pinkie House
was originally built for the abbot and monks of Dunfermline,
into whose possession Musselburgh was given by royal charter.
This practice of a monastery having an extra or dependent
house is quite common still on the Continent. The great St.
Bernard monastery in the heart of Alpine snows has a depend-
ent house at Martigny, at the head of the rich and beautiful
Rhone valley, to which the sick and aged of the St. Bernard
monks in the upper house are sent for refreshment and change.
G (97)
But the Newbattle monks had these houses not only for plea-
sure; they carried on, as we shall see later, an extensive trade
in the district, v;orking coal in the near neighbourhood of
Inveresk, carting coals from Newbattle, where the monks first
discovered and worked the mineral, shipping the coals to other
places, exporting and importing various products of the soil,,
and generally carrying on commerce with the outside world.
The two houses of which the abbot and monks were proprietors
are known to-day as Inveresk Lodge and Halkerston Lodge,
but these names are comparatively recent. Built in the old
Scottish style of architecture, with high pitched roofs and
crow-step gables, they have all the appearance of great
antiquity and monastic origin. Two shepherds' houses beside
them are also monastic.
Inveresk Lodge, the property now of the Wedderburn
family, was the residence of General Sir William Hope, Bart.,
C.B., before he succeeded to the baronetcy of Craighall, his
lady being a Wedderburn. It is a commodious house inter-
nally, and shows that the early churchmen had sound ideas
of domestic economy and architecture. Like most ancient
buildings, there is a diversity of levels in different parts of
the house. It is even at the present day, however, a fine
residence, and the arrangements of three or four hundred years
ago are found to be suitable even for the present generation.
There is a large wine-cellar in the house, and the whole air of
the building is monastic and mediaeval. It reminds one very
strongly of the monastery of St. Maurice on the banks of the
Rhone, a few miles above Bex, which both in internal arrange-
ments and general style and size is very like it, — a curious
" cross " between a monastery, properly speaking, and a good,
serviceable dwelling-house.
The same is true of Halkerston Lodge, which has one or
two dark chambers in it, which, it is believed, were used for
the confinement of those guilty of breaches of discipline. A
subterranean passage is believed to exist between the two
In the rent-roll of Musselburgh for 1561 the Abbot of
Newbattle stands chargeable with 2o/, probably the feu pay-
able for these two houses. In the same roll the town of
Edinburgh figures for ^5, and Haddington for 40 /. Blaen's
atlas, published about 1600 at Amsterdam, shows the road by
the Esk which connected Newbattle with Inveresk, and that
the policies of Dalkeith Park only extended to where the north
and south Esks meet, near the stables. Here, then, were the
two residences of the Newbattle monks — only a small portion
of vast possessions which stretched down to Gala water and
Peebles, and Monkland in Lanarkshire, and even to the pine-
olad slopes of Glenartney.
This part of Midlothian was famous for its wealthy
religious houses. The canons-regular had Soutra monastery,
— " the St. Bernard's of Midlothian," — built not only to offer
a life of peaceful meditation to the religious, but as a shelter
in snowstorms and rains to the wearied travellers coming from
the south across the bleak moors of the Lammermuir and
Moorfoot Hills towards Edinburgh, — a useful hospice then,
as, even now, something of the kind might be, as has been
proved by many travelling disasters in that very region. Such
monastic resting-places were by no means uncommon in our
islands. For example, at the barest and most dangerous part
of Glenshee there is still standing the " Spittal of Glenshee,"
— the hospital or hospice where once a monastery stood, and
where weary travellers were housed and fed by the monks.
The " Spittal of Glentilt " also recalls a monastic hospice
which once stood in that treeless, solitary Highland val-
ley. The village of Spittal has a similar origin. In
Ireland, Lord Morris of Spittal has his title from a similar
hospice; in London, Spitalfields recalls the same connection.
Soutra Monastery, of which only a small aisle stands, though
the whole hillside is marked with mounds and ruins, was
wealthy, and had Trinity College, Edinburgh, as a depend-
ency, and eventually as a superior.
Crichton College, beside Crichton Castle, was wealthy.
The fine old building still remaining, with its curious carvings
of monks laughing, crying, sneering, and winking, is interesting
as the last building constructed by the Church before the
Reformation; the crash came in 1560, and the church was left
half-built. Borthwick is notable, like Crichton, not only for
its castle inseparably associated with Queen Mary, as its manse
is with Dr Robertson, the great Scottish historian, but also
for its church, a portion of which remains full of interest and
historic charm.
Temple has its beautiful story of the Knights Templars
clinging around its ivy-clustered walls, as the memory of these
martial monks lingers in the lovely valley which has its name
from men of war who took refuge in this beautiful vale of
peace. Mount Lothian, away out on the moors beyond
Rosewell and Carrington, has its interesting tale. Roslin
College (St. Matthew's) is world-famous. Restalrig Abbey,
originally a great place, of which only the chancel remains,
the Nether-Bow of Edinburgh having been built of the stones
of its nave and transepts after the Reformation, was wealthy
beyond many, and had Lasswade as a chapel under it.
Many another rare old abbey dotted this part of Mid-
lothian, and became a centre of civilisation and energy and
light. But not only the most wealthy, but the most powerful
socially, was the Cistercian Abbey of St. Mary, Newbattle;
and some account of its works, chiefly in connection with
Inveresk and Musselburgh, may interest the reader.
The monks of Newbattle took a great part in the culti-
vation of the ground, and of fruits, vegetables, crops, and
trees. Almost all the rich forests in Midlothian had their
beginnings thus. The Cistercians always planted their abbeys
in low-lying places near rivers, and the primeval woods were
trained and extended till vast forests covered hill and valley.
The one great exception to this is, of course, the " Caledonian
Forest," which in pre-Christian, and in early Christian ages
covered the great heart of Scotland, and of which traces can
still be seen at Rannoch, at Cadzow, and elsewhere,
as well as at Dalkeith and Newbattle. This was
the original rugged oak - forest which clothed savage Scot-
land, and into which the rude Caledonians rushed on the
approach of the Roman legions. Now the great forests of
Scotland are in many cases made up of imported trees. For
example, larch forests cover vast tracts of Perthshire to-day,
— ten thousand acres in Athole alone; but the first two larches
ever introduced into Scotland were brought thither from the
Tyrol so recently as 1737, and were nurtured in flower-pots
placed in a green-house. These two trees are still growing
a little to the west of Dunkeld Cathedral. Birnam Woods,
and the other vast forests which clothe Scotland with verdure,
are all to be dated within the last few hundred years. The
great beech tree in Newbattle — the largest beech tree in Great
Britain — is only one of multitudes planted in the Esk valley by
the Cistercian monks of Newbattle, one of the principles of
whose life was that every brother should engage in manual
labour. " Blessed is he who plants a tree," was their motto.
Doubtless many of the fine trees in and around Inveresk and
Musselburgh had monastic origin. The rich forests, as well
as the richly-cultivated fields of Midlothian, have these men
for their fathers and first patrons. Doubtless the monks of
Dunfermline, who owned Musselburgh, did much in the same
direction. The trees around Pinkie House, — originally a
country seat of the abbots of Dunfermline, — probably owe
much to their fostering care, as also the trees round the Inver-
esk hill to the care of the Newbattle abbots, whose residences
still remain under the names of Inveresk Lodge and Halkerston
" Delta Moir," the poetic genius of Musselburgh, sings of
the natural beauties of the district in these words : —
" Down from the old oak forests of Dalkeith,
Where majesty surrounds a ducal home,
Between fresh pastures gleaming thou dost come
Bush, scaur, and rock and hazelly shaw beneath ;
Till, greeting thee from slopes of orchard ground
Towers Inveresk, with its proud villas fair,
Scotland's Montpelier, for salubrious air
And beauteous prospect wide and far renowned.
What else could be, since thou with winding tide
Below dost ripple pleasantly, thy green
And osiered banks outspread, where, frequent seen,
The browsing heifer shows her dappled side,
And 'mid the bloom-bright furze are oft descried
Anglers, that patient o'er thy mirror lean?"
It was largely owing to the monks that in late years Scot-
land became so famous for its trees. If Cadzow has its
Caledonian oaks, and Fortingall, at the base of Ben Lawers,
its yew tree 3000 years old (as some allege), — centuries before
Roman soldiers ventured the Grampians, or Pontius Pilate (of
whom tradition declares that he was born there, the son of a
Roman general serving in Britain) was born, — the trees of which
the monks were directly or indirectly the fathers can be widely
traced all over the country. The oaks and yews at Keir, near
Stirling, Queen Mary's sycamore at Scone Palace, still stand-
ing, and said to have been planted by her, and, hard by, an oak
planted by James VI. ; — the last two trees of great Birnam
Wood, near Dunkeld, one of them an oak, 18 feet in girth,
the other, a sycamore 19^ feet in girth; — the great yew trees
beside Dunkeld Cathedral, which some date back to the Cul-
dees, who had one of their oldest seats there ; — the great beech
hedge of Meikleour in Perthshire, 80 feet high, 580 yards long,
planted in 1746; — the Newbattle beech, the largest beech in
the west of Europe, and the survivor of a magnificent pair
which even so late as the middle of last century adorned
the grounds of Newbattle Abbey — can all be traced more or less
to monastic influence, culture,, and care. Auchmore, a seat
of the Marquess of Breadalbane, boasts the Kinnell Vine
(Black Hamburg), at the old house of Kinnell, planted in
1832, and now the largest in the world, filling a glass-house
170 feet long. It is about fifty years old, and is still in
fine bearing condition. It, too, is undoubtedly the child
of the monasteries. When Professor Blackie saw this tree
he was so affected that he has written, — " I made a vow on the
spot, whenever I might be troubled with low and vulgar imagin-
ations, to think upon this vine." He also wrote the follow-
" Come hither all who love to feed your eyes
On goodly sights, and join your joy with mine,
Beholding, with wide look of glad surprise,
The many-branching glory of this vine,
Pride of Kinnell ! The eye will have its due,
And God provides rich banquet, amply spread,
From star-lit cope to huge Bens swathed in blue,
And this empurpled growth that overhead
Vaults us with pendant fruit. Oh, I would take
This lordly vine, and hang it for a sign
Even in my front of estimate, and make
Its presence teach me with a voice divine —
Go hence, and in sure memory keep with thee,
To shame all paltry thoughts, this noble tree !"
Scotland, though once far behind England and other
lands in arboriculture, through the labours of the monastic
orders, became a great home for trees, and the children of
what the monks sowed are to-day the wonders of modern
There can be no doubt whatever that the richness of the
agricultural lands around Inveresk and throughout Midlothian,
and along the east coast, — a fecundity so proverbial that it is
believed to be the richest tract of land in Europe, — is owing
to the agricultural skill of the monastic fathers, who divided
their day between the altar and the plough. We reap what
they sowed. The monastic village round Newbattle Abbey,
which can still be traced, consisted of a long street of cottages
for smiths, carpenters, shepherds, &c., and these latter were
sent out into all the lands round about to break new ground,
and to instruct the people in the arts of agriculture, gardening,
and forestry. The carts made at Newbattle Monastery were
in the Middle Ages so famous that they came to be counted
in payments, and mentioned in charters and agreements. These
carts would often be seen in Musselburgh in the olden days,
and would convey coals from the mines at Newbattle to the
ports along the east coast.
It has been stated that the well-known and deservedly-
famous " Musselburgh leek " was originated by the monks.
To verify this, I ventured to submit the question to our
ablest and best known Scottish gardener and authority, and
was indebted to his great courtesy and genial friendliness for
the following reply. Mr Malcolm Dunn, late gardener to the
Duke of Buccleuch, says : —
"It is well known that the ecclesiastical bodies were the great
patrons of gardening in the Middle Ages, and laid out gardens near
their religious houses, in which the monks and their retainers culti-
vated, with more or less success, many of the plants, fruits, and
vegetables in use at the present time. Of course, since that period
great improvement has been wrought on the varieties of fruit and
vegetables, but still many of the identical varieties of them cultivated
in monkish times are still to be seen in the neighbourhood of ancient
ecclesiastical edifices. All this, and much more connected with the
subject, is found in gardening literature; but although I have a fairly
food collection of books on gardening, I am sorry to say I cannot
nd anything in them bearing directly on horticulture as -practised
by the monks at Newbattle. I am not aware that there is any record,
except oral tradition, of the introduction of the leek to this part of
Scotland by the monks of Newbattle ; but it is quite within the bounds
of probability. The leek is a native of Switzerland, and it is known
to have been cultivated in Britain in the fifteenth century, but it is
likely to have been introduced at a much earlier period, and would
no doubt be cultivated by the monks at Newbattle in the heyday of
their prosperity. From the Abbey gardens it would readily pass into
those of the wealthy of the period, and gradually spread through
farmer and cottager, till it reached Musselburgh, in the rich, deep
soil and mild climate of which it ultimately developed into that
famous modern horticultural product, the Musselburgh Leek. So far
as the name of that leek is concerned with monkish times, it can only
be through a long ancestry, beginning in a primitive form of the
modern succulent vegetable. The variety now known as the ' Mussel-
burgh Leek ' is a selection of the older type of ' Scotch Leek,' and
received its name by being largely grown around Musselburgh in
private and market gardens. It has been known by that name among
gardeners for about sixty years, and is recognised as the hardiest type
of leek now in cultivation.
" I am sorry I cannot give you any list from a safe source of the
fruits and vegetables cultivated by the monks of Newbattle ; but
perhaps you might find some mention made of them in old records
concerning the Abbey. I have never looked through Newbattle
grounds to see if there are any of the old fruit trees that may have
come down from monkish times, but such trees exist at or near other
monastic sites, such as Jedburgh, Dryburgh, Melrose (?), New Abbey,
Falkland, Lindores, Fife, and several other places ; a notable instance
of which we saw at Pluscardine Priory, in Morayshire, last month,
where there is a pear-tree from which it is said the monks gathered
The neighbourhood of Musselburgh and Prestonpans is
exceptionally favourable to growth, being the part of Scotland
least visited by rain and most genial, being, like the Moray
Firth, touched by a branch of the Gulf Stream.
The mills of Musselburgh were famous, and there can be
little doubt that they were begun by the monks for the purpose
of grinding the corn grown on their lands. The Dunfermline
abbots seem to have had disputes frequently with the vicar
of Inveresk (who was, of course, under his diocesan bishop)
as to the tithes of fish and mills. Chalmers relates the story
of one of these disputes, and the diocesan bishop decreed that
"the small tithes and the offerings ot the altars of Mussel-
burgh, excepting the fish of every sort, and the tithes of the
mills belonging to the monks, were to be given to the vicar,
for which he was directed to pay yearly 10 merks."
Newbattle Abbey had three or four mills, and these, like-
wise, were great sources of profit, and, like the mills of Mussel-
burgh, testified to the practical shrewdness and agricultural
energy of the monks. Probably, however, the mills of Mussel-
burgh all belonged to the Abbot of Dunfermline, who, by the
charter of Malcolm Canmore and Queen Margaret, his queen,
was made proprietor, — a charter confirmed by David I., who
added as an additional gift, " Great Inveresk," or Mussel-
burgh, " with the mill, the fishing, and the church of Inveresk,
its tithes, and the port of Esk-muthe."
The zeal and energy of the Newbattle monks was not,
however, confined to agriculture; they were the first coal-
workers of Scotland, and are thus the fathers of Britain's
commercial greatness. As is well known, they did not sink
shafts into the ground, but wrought the coal from the outside,
into the face of the hill. Many of these coal-holes can still
be traced in the banks of the Esk at Newbattle. Father
Hay, in his letters, speaks of the curious fact, that the
Newbattle monks gave gifts to the poor of " black stones,"
meaning coal. They worked the coal in this primitive way
so successfully that their trade and interests rapidly extended.
They acquired, by royal gift, vast tracts of land in Lanark-
shire, the name " Monk-land " being given to their property.
It is interesting to know that the vast Black Country of Scot-
land was first developed by these men, who in time raised
churches all over the Monkland district, drawing the revenues,
and appointing the vicars. Indeed, their coal-fields were not
confined to Newbattle and Monkland, for in the Newbattle
chartulary there is a grant made of a coal mine near Inveresk
by Seyer de Quinci, the date of which must be between 1210
and 1219. The following is a translation of this interesting
document : —
"To all the sons of the Church of St. Mary, Seyr de Quinci,
Earl of Wyntoun, greeting : know that I have given and have con-
firmed by this my charter, to God and the Church of St. Mary of
Newbottle, and to monks serving God in that place, for an uncondi-
tional and perpetual gift, and for the increase of the church, which
Robert my father bestowed on the same, — to wit, in the territory of
Tranent, the full half of the marsh extending from west to east as
far as the river Whitrig, that is to say, that portion which lies nearei
to the cultivated land. Further, the Coal Heuch and quarry (carbon-
arium et quarrarium) between the aforesaid river Whitrig, and the
bounds of Pinkie and Inveresk, and in the ebb and flow of the sea.
Therefore I will and direct that no one of my men may have any
share either in the pasture or in the Coal Heuch, or in the Quarry,
which are situated within the bounds of Prestongrange, with-
out the consent of goodwill of the same monks. Before these
witnesses, W., Bishop of St. Andrews, Ingram of Ballia, Simon de
Quinci, Alexander of Seton, and others. And note the seal which this
charter has, different from others." William was Bishop of St.
Andrews in 1202 ; Simon de Quinci set out for Palestine in 1218, and
died there in 1219; hence the date of this charter is approximately
fixed from 1202 to 1218. — Newbattle Chartulary, p. 53.
In 1531 there was a contract between the abbots of Dun-
fermline and Newbattle, by which the latter became bound
to " drive the coill of Preston Grange to the bounds of Pinkin
(Pinkie) and Inveresk."
The Newbattle coal, as well as the coal wrought by the
Newbattle monks at the coast, was shipped away to various
parts from Eskmuthe, though generally from Port Seton, Mori-
son's Haven, and other small ports east of Musselburgh.
The coal trade of the Newbattle monks must have been
a very vigorous one, for they actually went to the expense
of constructing a great road from Newbattle Abbey across
country to the coast, which can still be traced in what is known
as the " Salters' Road." By this highway the Newbattle coal
was taken in carts made by the monks themselves, to the sea,
and there shipped. Probably much of the Newbattle coal
was shipped at Musselburgh and Morison's Haven, while the
coals acquired at the pits belonging to the Abbot of Newbattle,
between Pinkie and Tranent, were shipped at the smaller ports
to the east.
The carts returning from Musselburgh did not come home
empty. These old fathers were far too wise to permit unremuner-
ative labour. Consequently the carts were often filled with mus-
sels and oysters, of both of which the fathers seem to have been
very fond. Over and over again round Newbattle Abbey great
pits filled with oyster shells have been come upon, and the
writer has a considerable number of these in his possession.
They could only have come from Musselburgh. The com-
mercial instinct was thus early manifested, which in our own
day results in cheap foreign fruit, — vessels going out from our
British ports with coal to Spain, and returning with copper,
which, being heavy and less bulky than the black diamonds,
leaves a great space in the hold of the ship, which is filled up
with melons, &c., thus making these fruits very cheap. Oysters
were the return cargo of the Newbattle carts, besides fish of
all kinds for the monks' use, and nets for their gardens. It
is remarkable how often in the inland monasteries and churches
of Midlothian, the oyster, sea-kail, and star-fish appear as
ornaments. In Roslin Church there is quite a study in sea-
produce on the pillars and arches, as there is also of the plants
and flowers of the Esk valley. The sight of the sea produce
seems to have been a refreshment to the inland dwellers, as
it still is even to the little child, who carries home from the
sounding sea beach a kerchief-ful of shells.
Another import, too, came through Musselburgh to New-
battle, namely, wine from the Continent, brought by ships from
the French ports. The Cistercian Order began at Citeaux
(hence the name), in the Burgundy district of France, and
the wines made by the Order became famous.
In the midst of the celebrated vineyards of Romanic,
Richebourg, La Tache, &c. — the wines of which were brought
into fashion by Louis XIV., for whom they were exclusively
prescribed by the royal physician Fagon as a means of restoring
his strength — and about seven miles from the chief city of this
wine-country and vineyard-garden, — Nuits, a town to-day of
some 3000 inhabitants — stand the ruins of the celebrated abbey
of Citeaux, which gave the name to one of the most powerful
of all the monastic Order — the "Citercians," or "Cistercians."
The abbey was founded by Robert de Molesme in 1090, and
within its walls the great St. Bernard assumed the cowl in
1113. This abbey became the mother-house of the Cistercian
Order all over the world; it gave four Popes to the Roman
See, and was the mother of no fewer than 3600 houses of the
Order. To-day only a few ruins of the ancient abbey exist,
but the vineyards and oliveyards which the monks planted are
still famous. The prince of Burgundy wines — " Clos de
Vougeot " — is still made from the monastic vineries. The
monks never sold it, but made gifts of what they could not
use to their friends. The average annual produce of this
vineyard is 200 hogsheads, and some 450 vintagers are em-
ployed at vintage time. This is the land, too, of " Beaune "
wine, the chief wine of the Burgundy district; and the most
celebrated wines and vineyards of the world are to be found
within a few miles of the old abbey walls. The lands around
the ancient Abbey of Citeaux are probably the richest in the
world. About a mile south-west of Dijon begins a chain of
hills known as the " Cote d'Or " — a wall of hills sheltering
innumerable vineyards. In richness of flavour, in all the more
delicate qualities of the juice of the grape, the vines of this
department of France rank highest of all ; so much so, that
the old Dukes of Burgundy were designated Princes des bans
vins. The choicest red wines of the Cote d'Or are the " Clos
Vougeot," " Nuits," "Beaune," " Volnay," "Poniard,"
" Chambertin," " Richebourg," " Romance," and "St.
George." Their beautiful colour and exquisite flavour and
aroma make them valuable beyond all others, and one need
hardly wonder that the kings of France coveted this rich Bur-
gundian territory. The development of this industry, the
cultivation of this magnificent soil, and the perfecting of the
vine, were all the work of the Cistercian monks who made
Citeaux their earliest home. They began there the industrial
work which became a characteristic of their Order in every
succeeding age, and all over the world.
The French wines — claret and Burgundy especially — -
were largely shipped to Scotland, and the Newbattle monks
brought these in carts from Musselburgh overland to their
monastery, some six miles inland. Doubtless these French
wares were highly prized, and served to connect the Cistercian
fathers of Newbattle in a very genial way with the fathers of
the parent-house at Citeaux. The rich red Burgundy, carried
by cart and ship over land and sea, would remind the New-
battle fathers, in days of snowstorm and sleet, when the river
would overflow its banks and flood the ancient crypt, still
standing, of the brighter skies, the genial vineyards, and
warmer airs of sunn^. France, where their brethren laboured
and prayed.
In Newbattle Abbey there is still preserved a very fine
bas-relief representing! wine-making — a wine-vat, net, ladle,
cluster of grapes, ancl the implements of wine-making — the
sculpture as clear and distinct as on the day on which it was
carved. * Even in later days, the French wines thus introduced
by the monks continued to be the wines of Scotland, John
Knox himself being partial to good French claret.
Doubtless, too, the old monks of Newbattle often fished
their way down the Esk to Musselburgh and the sea. The
connection altogether between old Newbottle, " all to the tae
side," and " the honest toun " of Musselburgh is deeply inter-
esting, and invested with a large amount of historic charm.
A MOST curious and instructive instance of the vicissi-
tudes of manuscripts has just come to light in con-
nection with the chartulary of Newbattle Abbey — a
small close-written folio volume, bound in wooden
boards with strings, and which now reposes in the
Advocates' Library in Edinburgh. On the board of this
priceless volume — the record for more than four hundred years
of all the doings and life of one of the greatest Cistercian
abbeys in Britain, which gave sepulture to sovereigns, and
entertainment to almost every royalty in Scottish history — there
is the inscription — " Bought from Ja. M'Ewan, 23rd April,
1723, for ;£i2, i2s. — D.H." The present librarian has
courteously furnished a copy of this inscription,1 and adds —
" In 1723, Spottiswoode was librarian. Who ' D.H.' was I
do not know, but he was very probably the one from whom
the library acquired it either by gift or purchase, but of this
we have no record, unless the old treasurer's accounts have a
note of it, supposing it was bought. I am not sure if the
accounts of that date exist. The MS. is entered in Ruddi-
man's catalogue of 1742."
The mystery of how the chartulary of Newbattle came to
find its way to the Advocates' Library in Edinburgh, instead
of being found, as one would naturally expect, in the library
of Newbattle House, already so rich in priceless mediaeval
parchments, is one of the romances of literature. It must be
remembered that at the Reformation the abbey quietly de-
veloped into a mansion-house, where in the course of genera-
tions not only a magnificent library, but also a unique collection
of antiquities, ecclesiastical and civil, has gathered. There
was no rude hand to destroy the peculiarly valuable historic
record of the religious house, and as a matter of fact, till the
year of the Revolution (1688) the Newbattle chartulary formed
the historical prize of the Earl of Lothian's library. Through
the courtesy and kindness of the late Marquess of Lothian,
we are now enabled to print, for the first time, the letters (still
preserved in the archives of Newbattle House) which tell the
story of the chartulary 's disappearance from Newbattle, and
its subsequent reappearance in the Advocates' Library, Edin-
Very curiously, the hand by which the chartulary passed
away from Newbattle was the hand of a Roman Catholic
priest. Father Hay is well known from his gossipy letters
which preserve a great deal of floating information regarding
the state of religion and religious houses in Britain as he viewed
matters about the beginning of the last quarter of the seven-
teenth century. Father Hay came of the family of Yester
Hay, being the grandson of Sir John Hay of Barra, of the
family of Fala, Lord Clerk Register in the Reign of Charles ;
who was lineally descended from Sir Edmund Hay of
Limplum, younger brother of Sir David Hay of Yester,
ancestor of the Marquess of Tweeddale. This Sir John Hay
was tried in Edinburgh for high treason, and, it is said, only
escaped the scaffold by bribing the Earl of Lanark with the
rents of his estate during his life. He retired latterly to Dud-
dingston, and died there on November 2oth, 1654. His second
son by his second wife, Thomas Hay of Hermiston, was the
first of the Hays of Alderstone; and his third son by the
same wife was the father of Richard Hay, who is known to
historians, antiquarians, and ecclesiologists as " Father Hay."
Richard Hay was born in Edinburgh in 1601, and, as he says
himself, was " thrust " into the Scots College in France in
1673. He left France in 1686 to establish a society of canons
regular in Scotland, and while there he borrowed the Newbattle
chartulary from the Earl of Lothian in order to inspect several
of the old charters. The Revolution of 1688 suddenly broke
out, and he had to retreat to France, carrying with him the
Newbattle chartulary, and while in Paris in that year he
suddenly sank and died.
On his deathbed he dedicated the following declaration,
which has been copied direct from the original deed in Lord
Lothian's possession : —
I, Mr Richard Hay, Canon Regular of St. Geneveve att Paris,
do hereby testify and declare to all concerned that the Chartulary
Book of the Abbacy of Newbottle belonging to the Most Honble. the
Marquess of Lothian his family, was putt into my custody in the
year 1688 in order to read and explain some charters contained therein,
and upon my being obliged to leave this kingdom in the year 1689
the same was putt into the hands of Sir James Dalrymple of Borth-
wick in order to be restored to the Marquess of Lothian in the same
case and condition which I then putt down in writing in my pockett
book, and is as follows : — A book of records of Newbotle consisting
of eighty-seven leavs, the first six being an Index. On the first side
are these words — De terris sitis infra constabularium de Edinbough,
and afterwards De Situ Abbatue Carta Regis David. Betwixt the
Table and first Charter of King David are three leavs. The last leaf
contains a charter Hagonis Duglas feodi fismae (?). The last witnesses
are Onus. Thomas Reid, Onus. Robertus Spictale. The sixteen last
leavs seem to have been written by order of Patrick Abbot of Newbotle.
On the broad att the end of the book I find Adam Adamson manu
propria. It is bound in timber broads covered with black stampt
leather. The broads are spoilt with the worms. The book is thin
— it does not exceed an inch. It is part of an old character and
part of a new. [This being end of first page is signed] Richard Haye.
It. is in pretty good order. The charters are sett down by the Shires
wherein the Lands are seated, the order as follows : — First, the lands
that lye within the Shire of Edr. ; then those that lye within the
Constabulary of Haddingtoun ; third, those that lye within the Sher-
ifdome of Peebles ; fourthly, those that lyes in the Shire of Lanerk.
Those charters are not so exactly sett down, but now and then the
writter mixes one with the other. The book contains severall Bulls,
charters, instruments &c., and belongs to the Earl (now Marquess)
of Lothian, and in testimony of the truth of the whole preemisses, I
have subscribed thir presents, consisting of this and the page pre-
ceeding, befor these witnesses, Mr George Crawfurd, brother to the
laird of Carseburn, and William Douglas, yr. of Glenbervie, writter
hereoff att Edinbr. the twenty-third of ffebruary? and thirty one years.
Geo. Craufurd witness.
Will. Douglas witness.
The dying priest's wishes were not carried out, for along-
side of Father Hay's last declaration, in the bunch of letters
regarding the chartulary now in Newbattle House is the follow-
ing letter from the Earl of Ancram addressed to Sir John
Dalrymple, into whose hands as a relative of Father Hay the
chartulary had fallen : —
NEWBATTLE, Feb. 20, 1740.
SIR, — I have my Father's orders to call for any papers that belong
to his Family in whosoever hands they may be; I have accordingly
informed myself very exactly about the Chartulary of the Abbacie of
Newbattle, and find that it was in your hands, and as I propose to
have all my Father's papers together before he comes to this country,
I must desire you will send the Chartulary as soon as possible. — I am,
Sir, &c., ANCRAM.
Sir John Dalrymple's reply (undated) is as follows : —
MY LORD, — I found the Chartulary yr. Lo/ mentions with a great
many other ancient records in my father's- possession at his death,
and as I had no tast for that study wh. he delighted much in, and
knew not how he had com by them I put them into such hands as I
thought could make a better use of them. The Chartulary of New-
bottle I believe was given into the Advocates' Library, who have
several others of these ancient Chartularies. I offer my humble
respects to my Lady Ancram, &c. — I am, my Lord,
And thus the Newbattle chartulary found its way into
the Advocates' Library, of which it is now one of its greatest
treasures, though Newbattle House would seem to be the
natural resting-place of so historical and valuable a volume.
At any rate, thus closes another of the romances of literature
and of the vicissitudes of manuscripts.
SOME little account of the origin of the house of Lothian
will prove interesting. The title of " Lord Ancrum "
(or " Ancram ") was first conferred on Sir Robert
Ker of Ancrum in Roxburghshire, the poet and
courtier, and himself the descendant of Sir Andrew
Ker of Ferniehirst, a Border chief who acted a prominent
part in the reigns of James IV. and James V. in resisting
the incursions of the English.
The name "Ancrum" is derived from " Alncromb " or
" Alncrumb," meaning the crook of the Ale or Aln, and de-
scribes very vividly the situation of the little village of Ancrum,
which stands on a curve of the land formed by the river Ale
immediately before it joins the Teviot. Lilliard's Edge, near
the village, is famous for the battle fought there with the
English in 1544, who were commanded by Sir Ralph Evers
and Sir Brian Latoun, and, as everyone knows, the young
Scotswoman named Lilliard made herself celebrated in history
by following the Scots army, and when she saw her lover fall,
threw herself into the breach, and by her gallantry turned
the fight in favour of Scotland. Slain in the encounter, her
name and fame are commemorated in the old stone which
every Borderer knows well.
The Sir Robert Ker who was made the first Earl of
Ancrum, and who is the direct male ancestor of the house of
Lothian, was born in 1578. Charles I., in 1625, made him
Lord of the Bedchamber, and in 1633 created him Earl of
Ancrum and Lord Ker of Nisbet. He distinguished himself
during that troubled age by his devotion to the King, and
after Charles' execution was compelled to take refuge in Hol-
land, where, after being reduced to the deepest poverty, he
died in 1659.
Not only as a courtier and politician, but also as a sweet
and melodious poet, his name is remembered to-day. His
H ("3)
" Sonnet in Praise of a Solitary Life," addressed to Drum-
mond of Hawthornden, the muse of the Esk valley in 1624,
which is always printed along with the accompanying letter
in the works of the great Royalist bard, is singularly melli-
fluous, and in its love of seclusion seems to echo the monastic
aspirations of those who founded the noble house of Newbattle,
with which his heirs became so intimately allied.
The troubles of the time seem to have driven the Border
nobleman to the same intellectual position as Archbishop Leigh-
ton, who sighed with many others after a life free of bloodshed
and contest and dispute, and whose pacific writings, many of
them penned at Newbattle during his eleven years' ministry
there, are the echo of the thoughts and feelings of the noblest
spirits of his age.
The last Abbot of Newbattle monastery, — one of the
wealthiest houses in Scotland, — was Mark Ker, second son
of Sir Andrew Ker of Cessford. He became Abbot in 1546,
and in the troubles of 1560 threw in his lot with the Reformers,
and after the dissolution of the monasteries, held Newbattle
Abbey and lands as Commendator. In course of time the com-
mendatorship was transformed into a secular lordship, the
lands and property going along with it.
A fine portrait of this last Abbot of Newbattle, and earliest
founder of the Lothian family, hangs in the present residence,
alongside of the hundreds of other priceless gems of art,
including Vandyke's great pictures of Charles I. on horseback,
Charles I.'s head in three different positions, besides paintings
by Rembrandt, Albert Diirer, &c., &c. Mark Ker was one
of the lords who met on Queen Mary's side at Hamilton in
June, 1567, and in 1569 he was appointed one of the three
judges " in all actions for restitution of goods spoiled in the
recent troubles." He sided with Athole and Argyle against
Morton in 1578, and died in 1584, leaving four sons and one
His third son, George, seems to have embraced the Roman
faith, for Robertson refers to him as an emissary " from the
Catholic noblemen of Scotland to the Court of Spain in 1592."
The eldest son, Mark, was created Baron Newbottle (Newbottle
being the original and correct name, signifying the " new
residence," as " Morebottle " signifies "the large residence,"
— Melrose having been the original abode of the Cistercian
monks of the south, and Newbottle the new offshoot), and on
pth October, 1604, was created Earl of Lothian. His third
daughter, Lady Margaret Ker, was the founder of Lady
Yester's Church in Edinburgh.
Robert, second Earl, had, by his Countess, Lady Anna-
bella Campbell, second daughter of the seventh Earl of Argyle,
two daughters, and being without male issue, he made over
his estates to the elder of them, Lady Anne Ker and her heirs.
His next brother, however, assumed the title, but was inter-
dicted in 1632 by the Lords of Council. Anne, Countess of
Lothian, married William, eldest son of Robert Ker, first Earl
of Ancrum, and thus carried the title into the house of Fernie-
The origin of the Ferniehirst Kers was in Ralph Ker,
who settled in Teviotdale in 1330, and obtained some lands on
the banks of the Jed, calling them " Kershaugh." His
descendant in 1520 was made Sir Andrew Ker of Ferniehirst,
whose descendant again in 1562, — Sir Thomas Ker of Fernie-
hirst,— took Queen Mary's side ; whose eldest son, — Sir Andrew
Ker, — got a grant of Jedburgh Abbey lands and baronies, and
the title of Lord Jedburgh.
On his brother's death, Sir James Ker of Crailing became
second Lord Jedburgh, dying in 1645 ; and his son, — third
Lord Jedburgh, — obtained from Charles II. a confirmation of
that peerage to him and his male heirs, " to whom failing,
to William, Master of Newbottle, son of the Earl of Lothian,
and his heirs." He died in 1692 without issue, and the title
and privileges of Lord Jedburgh devolved on William, Lord
The representation of the family in the male line came to
Robert, Earl of Lothian, descended from Robert Ker of
Ancrum, third son .of Sir Andrew Ker of Ferniehirst, the
famous Border chief. Robert's son, William Ker of Ancrum,
was assassinated by Robert Ker, younger of Cessford, in 1590,
and his eldest son was Sir Robert Ker, first Earl of Ancrum.
Lord Ancrum's eldest son, William, married Anne, Countess
of Lothian, and with her he got the Lordship of Newbottle.
Thus came the mingling of titles and the double succession,
and the union of Newbottle with the Borders.
This union of the houses of Ancrum and Newbottle re-
sulted in a permanent succession for both; for this eldest son
of Lord Ancrum, on his marriage to the Countess of Lothian,
was created third Earl of Lothian, 3ist October, 1631, and
distinguished himself by taking the Covenanters' side, he and
Argyle commanding the forces against Montrose. His eldest
son was made Marquess of Lothian in 1701, and sat as Lord
High Commissioner to the Church of Scotland in 1692, was
one of the Privy Council of King William, and Justice-General
of Scotland. His son, William, the second Marquess, was
active in bringing about the union of England and Scotland,
married the daughter of the beheaded Duke of Argyle, and
lies buried in Westminster Abbey. His son, the third
Marquess, was also Commissioner for eight years to the Church
of Scotland, and his son, — Lord Robert Ker, — a youth of
great promise, was in 1746 killed at the battle of Culloden,
— " falling," we are told, " covered with blood and wounds."
The fourth Marquess was a distinguished military officer,
and was wounded at the battle of Fontenoy. The fifth Mar-
quess, through his marriage in 1735 with Lady Caroline
D'Arcy, great-granddaughter of the celebrated Duke of Schom-
berg, who fell at the battle of the Boyne in 1690, brought
the names of Schomberg and D'Arcy into the family of
Lothian. One ancestor of the late Marquess of Lothian
was a friend of Drummond of Hawthornden, and was a poet
himself, and to him in his banishment Drummond wrote : —
" Honour is that jewel which neither change of Court nor
climate can rob you of; you were born to act great parts on
this theatre of the world ; as your Prince is wise, so am I
assured he is well read in man, and knows you are not one
to be lost." Of the seventh Marquess, Sir Walter Scott wrote,
with reference to a kindly action which he had performed : —
' ' Ay, Lord Lothian is a good man ; he is a man from whom
any one may receive a favour, and that's saying a good deal
for any man in these days." This was the father of the two
brothers who succeeded each other, the one dying in 1870
and the other in 1900. John William, seventh Marquess of
Lothian, in 1831 married Lady Cecil Chetwynd, daughter of
Charles Chetwynd, the second Earl Talbot.
The eighth Marquess was the distinguished Christ Church
scholar, whose long period of invalid health, together with
his great gifts as a scholar, and his beautiful character as a
man, are fresh in the public memory.
William Schomberg Robert Ker, the eighth Marquess, born
in 1832, who succeded his father in 1841, was one of the
most distinguished scholars ever turned out by Christ Church,
Oxford. His contemporaries have borne warm testimony to
his ripe knowledge of English and Continental literature, —
more particularly the Classics of Spain and Italy. The
library of Newbattle House was greatly enriched by him with
literature of this kind. Soon after his marriage to Lady
Constance Harriet Mahonesa, second daughter of Henry John
Chetwynd, third Earl Talbot, and eighth Earl of Shrewsbury,
ill-health came over this most charming personality, and for
years his devoted wife wheeled him in a bath-chair drawn by
a donkey all over the beautiful policies, which even yet are
redolent of that devoted pair. The touching nature of the
case, — the deep and real devotion which existed between the
two, — the accomplishments and learning of one who, destined
to great purposes, spent many years of his life going round
the routine of life " like a gin-horse," as his friend, Bishop
Wordsworth, described his life of compulsory mechanicalism,
brightened only by the sweetness of his wife's devotion, the
beauty of the woodlands and its walks with their snowdrops,
primrose beds, daffodils, rhododendrons, and the rest all in
turn as the seasons rolled round, — comes home still to many
hearts. A fine portrait of this great scholar, who at last passed
away in 1870, hangs in the house to-day. He is buried in
Jedburgh Abbey, and the appropriate text was uttered at the
time, in the words of Job, by one who knew him well, and
did much to cheer the monotony of his life, — " All the days
of my appointed time will I wait till my change come." His
devoted wife, who with him took a delight in visiting the
sick and sorrowful, passed away some half-a-dozen years ago,
and shortly before her decease wrote to the present writer, —
" Looking back on these many years of loving waiting, my
only regret is that I was not able to do more for him and
others." One of the many things which occupied his attention
was an edition of Archbishop Leighton's works in six volumes.
His ancestor, William, third Earl of Lothian, a strong Coven-
anter, declared that he never " did get more good from any
that stood in a pulpitt."
I find in Carlyle's Life in London, vol. 2, p. 294, the
following reference to his visit to Lord Lothian, in August,
1865, when he spent about a week examining the Cromwell
and other letters, of which the house is full : —
" Newbattle is fine of its kind, and finely Scotch. Nobody there
but the two poor inmates. [Footnote says Lord Lothian had been already
struck, in the midst of his brilliant promise, by the slow creeping
malady which eventually killed him] and a good-humoured painter
(Leslie) doing portrait of the lady. The lady took me out to walk,
talked like a sad, serious, enquiring, and intelligent soul ; the sad-
dest, thin, kindly, anxious face you could anywhere see. The
Marquis did not appear till luncheon ; a truly beautiful young man,
body and mind, weaker than ever, hands now shaking, eyes begin-
ning to fail, but heart as lively as ever. We had a great deal of
innocent, cheerfully reasonable talk, and T daresay any advent might
be a kind of relief, like a tree in the steppe, in the melancholy
monotony of such a life. Had you and my lady been fairly ac-
quainted, they would have liked you well !"
This is part of a letter to his wife, written from Scotsbrig.
Remembering Archbishop Leighton's saintly life, Lord Lothian
arranged a fine six-volume edition of his works, and otherwise
endeavoured to wile away the hours of a life which, as Lord
Selborne the hymn - writer said, was "a living death,"
" like one of the ancient lamps which burn through the years
underground." Dean Ramsay of the " Scottish Reminis-
cences " was a very frequent visitor, and cheered the invalid.
In Christchurch Cathedral, in Oxford, there is a mag-
nificent transept window in brilliant colours and of large and
daring design, to this Marquess's beautiful memory, the sub-
ject being " St. Michael driving the dragon and Fallen Angels
from heaven." It was presented by his brother to the cathe-
dral in his memory, — a Christchurch foundationer, — in 1876,
and is one of the most striking and beautiful ornaments of
the cathedral, which forms the chapel of the great and historic
College of Cardinal Wolsey.
Schomberg Henry Ker, ninth Marquess of Lothian, was
born in 1833, being the second son of John William, the
seventh Marquess, and Lady Cecil Chetwynd, and died in
January, 1900.
The late Marquess thus succeeded to the title, having
already (in 1865) married Lady Victoria Alexandrina Montagu
Douglas Scott, the eldest daughter of Walter Francis, the fifth
Duke of Buccleuch. It is no exaggeration to say that there
were few Scotsmen, — not to say Scottish noblemen, — who were
better known, and whose character for culture, courtesy, and
high sense of honour, was more widely recognised and more
thoroughly appreciated. His career was an active one, and
all along he proved himself a most patrotic Scot, interested
in everything that concerned the well - being of his native
He was educated at New College, Oxford, and thereafter
entered the Foreign Office. In 1857 he enlisted as a Volunteer
under Sir James Outram in the Persian war, and obtained a
medal for distinguished service. Part of the household in
which young Lord Schomberg Ker lived when in Persia still
survives, and remembers him as a bright and joyful youth of
23, — " how fond we all were of him, how bright and loveable
he was, with his fair hair and boyish appearance, — he was
sometimes called ' baby.' His presence in the house was very
pleasant, — a great addition in every way, so different from
some of the attachees." The Persian war over, he resumed
the diplomatic life, and was on the British Embassy at Frank-
fort, Madrid, and Vienna. On becoming Marquess of Lothian
he still continued his public patriotic life, as well as looking
after his Midlothian and Border estates.
In 1874 he was made Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal of
Scotland; in 1876 he was cordially elected President of the
Royal Society of Scottish Antiquaries, — a society in which
he had always been keenly interested, antiquities being Lord
Lothian's personal hobby and forte. His antiquarian re-
searches at Newbattle Abbey have been of the most valuable
and interesting description. In 1878 Lord Lothian received
the knighthood of the Thistle.
Some of his Lordship's other honours may be briefly sum-
marised : — 1878-89 Lieutenant - Colonel, 1889 Honorary
Colonel of the 3rd Battalion Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) ;
Captain- General of the Royal Company of Archers; Governor
of the National Bank of Scotland, on the notes of which an
admirable portrait is engraved; in 1882 LL.D. of Edinburgh
University; in 1883, and again in 1886, a member of the
Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts; in 1885 a
Deputy-Lieutenant of Roxburghshire, in which county, close
to Jedburgh, the abbey of which was his property, lies Mon-
teviot, which was Lord Lothian's favourite residence; in 1886
a Privy Councillor; from 1887-92 Her Majesty's Secretary
for Scotland, during which period he accomplished great
reforms in the West Highlands in connection with light-
houses, roads, piers, and crofts, his labours in this con-
nection having earned for him an honourable name all through
the Highlands; Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland; Vice-
President of the Scotch Education Department; from 1887-90
Lord Rector of the University of Edinburgh; in 1894 Pre-
sident of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.
The Forestry Exhibition in Edinburgh twenty years ago
practically owed its existence to the Marquess, and appropri-
ately so, when we recall that some of the finest beeches and
oaks in Gieat Britain rise around the precincts of the Ker's
beautiful and interesting residence.
Of the Marquess's own family of nine children, seven
survive, a son of a year old having died in infancy in 1870,
while the other blank was occasioned a few years ago by the
distressing death of the Earl of Ancram while A.D.C. to His
Excellency the Earl of Jersey in New South Wales. Of the
surviving children, the heir, — Lord Jedburgh, — Robert Schom-
berg (born 1874) is the only remaining son, and in personal
appearance bears a strong resemblance to his distinguished
Some years later Lord Lothian took a long voyage on
board H.M.S. "Majestic" with his brother, Lord Walter
Talbot, Vice-Admiral of the Fleet. Another brother, Lord
Ralph-Drury, C.B., Major-General in the Army, resides close
to Newbattle House, at Woodburn, a picturesque mansion
associated with the name of " Christopher North," whose
brother resided there for many years. Besides Lady Cecil-
Elizabeth, who died in 1866, a second sister survives, and is
the wife of T. Gaisford, Esq., of Offington, Sussex.
Of the six daughters, Lady Cecil Victoria Constance is
married to her cousin, the Hon. John Walter Montagu, eldest
son of Baron Montagu of Beaulieu.
The late Marquess of Lothian had the following titles : —
Baron Newbottle, — the ancient name of the place, — conferred
in 1587 ; Earl of Lothian, 1606 ; Baron Jedburgh, 1622 ; Earl
of Ancram, 1633; Baron Ker of Nisbet, Longnewton, and
Dolphingston, 1633; Marquess of Lothian, 1701; Earl of
Ancrum, Viscount of Brien, Baron Ker of Newbottle, Oxnam,
and Jedburgh, 1701; in the Peerage of the United Kingdom,
1821, Baron Ker of Kersheugh.
Living in close proximity to the capital of Scotland, Lord
Lothian took a deep interest in all national affairs, and was
frequently seen at public gatherings in the city. When the
agitation was begun, some sixteen years ago, with the object
of securing greater attention to Scottish affairs at Westminster,
Lord Lothian, in common with the great bulk of representative
public men in Scotland, threw himself into the movement, and
he was selected to preside at the great national gathering held
in the Free Assembly Hall, Edinburgh, in January, 1884,
which resulted in the creation of the office of Secretary for
Scotland. On that occasion his Lordship, referring to the
representative character of the assemblage, said they looked
upon the question at issue as a national question, as a matter
dear to the hearts of the Scottish people, and that they were
willing to forego the credit which might otherwise have been
due to their party in order that they might all stand, — all
parties and all sections of the Scottish people, — upon one
firm and solid ground. In concluding his address from the
chair, his Lordship voiced the feeling of the large and repre-
sentative assemblage by declaring that " the great object they
had in view was to urge, almost demand, from the Government
that a Secretary of State for Scotland should be appointed
for the management of Scottish affairs. They recognised the
great blessings which had accrued to Scotland and England
from the Union, and they loyally abided by the terms of the
Union, but they wanted to assure for themselves in the future,
— what their forefathers in signing the Treaty of Union had
assured to them, — that Scottish business should be managed
independent to a certain extent of English business. While
they wanted more union, they objected to anything in the shape
of absorption."
Lord Lothian's memory will long linger in Scotland as
a precious possession. It was he who practically instituted the
much-needed office of Secretary for Scotland, and speaking of
the work he said, on one occasion : —
"Some of the work I have had is of great national importance;
but there are other things which are not of such national importance
— but I think that is one of the very advantages of the Scottish Office.
Before the Scottish Office was in existence, all these small things,
all those matters affecting smaller communities, were ignored and left
alone, and now I hope that the experience of the Scottish people is
— and I am bound to say that I think they have discovered it — that
they can get their wants attended to, or, at any rate, their wishes
heard and made known at Dover House ; and anything I can do that
may add to the feeling and make the people understand that they
can look to Dover House as their centre, I will certainly to the
utmost of my power create and foster. .To my mind there is no
interest, however small, there is nothing which can affect beneficially
or adversely, even the very smallest community, which ought not
to receive attention at the hands of a public Minister. And I think
the question of attention to the smaller interests of the community
is one which is receiving day by day more attention from the public."
In the summer of 1889, Lord Lothian, as Secretary for
Scotland, opened the new Scottish National Portrait Gallery
in Queen Street, Edinburgh, gifted to the nation by the late
Mr J. R. Findlay, in the presence of a distinguished company.
His Lordship spoke of the value of such institutions as the
highest incentive to true patriotism that could possibly be had.
Only a few years ago Lord Lothian was, along with his suc-
cessor in the office of Scottish Secretary, Lord Balfour of
Burleigh, presented with the freedom of the city of Dundee.
On that occasion Lord Provost M'Grady spoke in eulogistic
terms of Lord Lothian's public services, his high personal
character, and his great amiability of disposition, which had
given him a high position in the regard of his fellow-country-
men, altogether irrespective of politics. In his reply, Lord
Lothian urged that commercial centres should show their inter-
est in the welfare of the Empire by contributing to schemes
which proved that the development of English victories and
the spread of English civilization over the world were not
used for our own advantage, but for the civilization and the
prosperity of the countries over which we have gained control.
Lord Lothian was one of the most popular men of the
day. He was always most genial and kindly, with a remark-
able charm of manner. Lord Lothian was a fine scholar, and
he had a strong taste for literature, and was learned as an
antiquary. He was a man of exceptional business capacity,
and, as Secretary for Scotland, he was a conspicuous success,
several most important questions having been settled by his
zeal and tact in a manner which gave universal satisfaction
in the north. He was a distinguished authority on questions
relating to the procedure of the House of Lords. His admini-
strative capacity, which was of a very high order, was also
displayed in the management of his large estates. He was
a very liberal landlord, and most enterprising in carrying out
improvements, while he also spent large sums on restoring
Jedburgh Abbey and Ferniehirst Castle.
There are very few Scotsmen indeed who will not feel
a sense of loss at the decease of Lord Lothian, the first Secret-
ary for Scotland, well known in the Throne gallery of the
General Assembly and at Holyrood, a munificent friend to the
Church of Scotland. He was a Scottish patriot in every sense
of the word, and when prominent peers closely related to him
went against, the creation of a Secretaryship for Scotland, and
still more against the inclusion of that Secretary in the Cabinet,
the Marquess of Lothian consistently defended both positions ;
and during his term of office took the keenest interest in the
crofters and Highland fisheries and industries.
Many a lighthouse and beacon in the West Highlands of
Scotland owe their existence to the courteous, generous noble-
man whose historic crest is the " Rising Sun," and whose
family motto is " Sero sed serio " (" late but in earnest ").
His interest in his native land showed itself also in his devotion
to the Franco-Scottish Society, which he to a great extent
founded, the French members of which, only a few years ago,
were entertained by him at Newbattle Abbey, and shown the
costly artistic treasures, including the famous " Three Heads
of Charles," by Vandyke, which was presented by the King
on the eve of his execution to his bosom friend, the Earl of
Strafford. The French visitors, — many of them of the highest
rank, — were touched with the magnificent white marble statuary
groups with which the French Government presented the
Marquess's mother as a thank-offering for her goodness to the
French refugees in 1870-71.
A touching memorial grows quite close to Newbattle
House, in the shape of five young trees, which the writer saw
planted in 1885 by the Duke of Clarence, the Marquess of
Lothian, General Lord Mark Ker, and the Earl of Ancram
(Lord Lothian's heir) respectively, all of whom, strange to say,
are now deceased, — the first being the chief of a group of
prominent young men, all of whom died somewhat tragic deaths
within a few months of each other, including the Earl of
Dalkeith, the Earl of Ancram, and the Prince Imperial. And
now Lord Lothian, who loved his trees, — the great beech-tree
of Newbattle, beneath which the Cistercian fathers of the great
royal Eskside Abbey used to rest, and the gnarled remnants of
the great Caledonian forest which still survive, — has passed
away, and leaves Scotland unspeakably the poorer.
Curiously, one of his last acts was to construct a small
private chapel in the crypt of Newbattle House, — a monument
to his taste and devotion, — which got its first public consecra-
tion at his own funeral.
In everything connected with the Church of Scotland
Lord Lothian took the keenest and most sympathetic interest.
His family have given the Church several elders, and at least
two Lord High Commissioners. The third Earl of Lothian was a
staunch Covenanter, and a vigorous defender of the Scottish
Church. The fourth Earl was Lord High Commissioner, while
his son married the daughter of that Earl of Argyle who was
beheaded for his adherence to the Covenant, and whose last
words at Edinburgh Cross were, — " I had the honour to set
the Crown upon the King's head, and now he hastens me to
a better Crown than his own." Lady Margaret Ker, whose
first husband was the seventh Lord Yester, daughter of the
first Earl of Lothian, was the founder of Lady Yester's Church
in Edinburgh. All through, the association between the
Church of Scotland and the House of Lothian has been a most
intimate one, several of them being elders of Newbattle
Church. Though not a member of the Church of the country,
the late Marquess was a generous friend and supporter and
sincere well-wisher.
In the restoration in 1895 of Newbattle Church (itself
built of the ancient Abbey stones, and consecrated by the
memory of Leighton, who was the bosom friend in 1652 of
William, Earl of Lothian), the Marquess took the keenest
interest, taking, with the Very Rev. Dr Scott, the
leading part in the dedicatory services. There are
few who will forget his feeling address when with a silver
key he opened the Ancram aisle in memory of his son.
Jedburgh Parish Church and manse, — the finest in the
South of Scotland, — were built entirely by his munificence ;
while the Church of Scotland in many other ways, public and
private, has cause to-day to remember Lord Lothian with
gratitude and love.
His own personal life was one of simple, unselfish, self-
sacrificing devotion to duty and to his family. There was no
condescension or patronage or pride about Lord Lothian, but
a fresh, frank, fearless truthfulness and honour. Both at
Newbattle and in Jedburgh his visits to and interest in the
poor and the suffering were well known. He never forgot an
old friend, however humble or obscure, but with that genial,
cultured brightness and perfection of refined feeling which
made him all along so attractive, he drew all hearts to him.
When Lord Lothian, as a young man, served in Persia, he
stayed with a private family, and was godfather to their son,
who died only a few years ago, — an event which gave the
Marquess much grief. It said much for both sides that, after
a lapse of so many years, both should entertain so affectionate
a remembrance for each other. To a private friend who, at
the time of Lord Ancram's death, sympathised and condoled,
the Marquess said: — "It is one of those things which one
never gets over, though outwardly matters appear to go on as
" He dropped the shuttle, the loom stood still,
The weaver slept in the twilight grey ;
Dear heart, he will weave his beautiful web
In the golden light of a longer day."
On the simple grave which he lately prepared for himself,
facing the windows of his ancestral mansion, in that historic
valley where Scottish royalties lie sleeping, besides many a
brave and good soldier of the Crown, father of the Church,
servant of the State, and within hearing of the old church
bells, which have never ceased their music in the beautiful
wooded valley of the South Esk for nine hundred or a thou-
sand years, this great Scottish nobleman awaits the reddening
of the East and the advent of that Lord whose earthly worship
he so loved, and whose sanctuaries were so dear to him.
Lord Lothian's death was a great sorrow to Scotland. One
intimately associated with him said : — " It is a very great
sorrow to lose so bright and gifted a head of the family, one
whom till this fatal illness arose, had hardly a touch of age upon
him. He and his elder brother were always deeply attached,
and he ever endeavoured to carry out things that he thought
were his wishes, such as the magnificent work at Jedburgh
Abbey." To this may be added the beautiful Gothic gateway
on the Dalkeith side of the grounds, a direct copy of a gateway
in Rome. On his death, one of his own brothers wrote the
writer in these terms : — " We hardly know yet what is the void
left by the loss of one who through a long life has been such
a brother. My great comfort is to look back on his life, and
to realise his upright character and his unvarying habit of
confessing his belief in God in all his public and private acts,
— which is no small thing in these days of indifference and
scepticism which are so lamentably prevalent." Lord Lothian
died within a few days of John Ruskin, and of both of them
it might be said that while the outward man gradually perished
and decayed, the inward man was renewed day by day by
the Spirit of God.
The station of the Lothian family may be summarized
in the language of the various Peerage authorities : —
Two families of Kerr, of Anglo-Norman lineage, descended, it
is said, from two brothers, settled in Scotland in the i3th century,
and neither yielding superiority to the other, formed two separate
races of warlike borderers. Of the family of KERR of Cessford, the
Duke of Roxburghe is the chief ; and of the KERRS of Ferniherst, the
noble house of which we are now about to treat is the representative.
MARK KERR, and son of Sir Andrew Kerr, of Cessford, entering
into holy orders, was promoted, in 1546, to the dignity of Abbot of
Newbottle, in which station the Reformation found him in 1560, when
he adopted the new doctrines, and held his benefice in commendam.
He had the vicarage of Lintoun, co. Peebles, for life, in 1564; and
was appointed one of the extraordinary lords of Session in 1569. He
m. Helen, 2nd dau. of George, 4th Earl of Rothes, and had issue,
I. MARK, his successor. n. Andrew, of Fentoun.
ill. George, who is mentioned by Robertson as an emissary from
the Catholic noblemen to the court of Spain in 1592.
iv. William.
I. Catherine, m. to William, Lord Herries.
He d. in 1584, and was s. by his eldest son,
MARK KERR, an extraordinary lord of Session, and master of
requests, who had the abbacy of Newbottle erected into a temporal
barony, with the title of Baron, 28 July, 1587 ; and obtained a charter
of the Baronies of Prestongrange and Newbottle, united into the
lordship of Newbottle, with the title of a lord of parliament, 15 Oct.
1591. He was appointed one of the commissioners for holding the
parliament in 1597, and created Earl of Lothian, 10 Feb. 1606. His
lordship m. Margaret, dau. of John, Lord Herries, and had, with
i. ROBERT, his successor.
II. William (Sir), of Blackhope, who, on the death of his brother,
assumed the title of Earl of Lothian, but was interdicted
from using it by the lords of council, 8 March, 1632.
in. Mark (Sir). iv. James.
The earl was s. at his decease, in 1609, by his eldest son,
ROBERT, 2nd Earl of Lothian. This nobleman m. Lady Annabella
Campbell, dau. of Archibald, "jth Earl of Argyll, by whom he had
two daus., Anne and Johanna; but having no son, his lordship ob-
tained permission from the crown to transfer his titles and estates to
his elder dau. at his decease ; which event taking place in 1624, that
lady became
ANNE, Countess of Lothian, and married,
SIR WILLIAM KERR, Knt., who, in consequence, was elevated to the
peerage, 24 June, 1631, by the title of Earl of Lothian. His lordship
was only son (by his ist wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Murray,
of Blackbarony) of
ROBERT KERR (descended from Thomas Kerr, of Kerrsheugh, who
built a house in the middle of Jedburgh Forest, and naming it
Fernihirst, was designated by that title in the records of par-
liament, 1476), who was created EARL OF ANCRUM, Lord Kerr, of
Nisbit, Longnewton, and Dol-phington, 24 June, 1633, with
remainder to the male descendants of his 2nd marriage ; and in
default of those, to his issue male whatsoever. His lordship m.
2ndly, Anne, only surviving dau. of William (Stanley), Earl
of Derby, and widow of Sir Henry Portman, of Orchard Port-
man, co. Somerset, by whom he had a son, Charles, and several
daus. Lord Arcrum was the confidential friend of King
CHARLES I., who, when Prince of Wales, was the means of bring-
ing about his marriage with the Lady Anne Stanley. In 1620,
he had the misfortune to kill, in a duel, Charles Maxwell, whose
brother was a member of the king's family, and was obliged, in
consequence, to fly to Holland, but was received into royal
favour in the next year. He d. in 1654, and was s. according to
the limitation, by the son of his second marriage,
CHARLES, 2nd Earl of Ancrum ; at whose decease, without issue,
the title devolved upon his elder and only brother, the Earl of
His lordship, by his marriage with Anne, Countess of Lothian, had
five sons and nine daus. ; and dying in 1675, was s. by his eldest son,
ROBERT, 4th Earl of Lothian an3 3rd Earl of Ancrum. This
nobleman was one of the privy council to King WILLIAM, justice-
general of Scotland, and high commissioner to the General Assembly.
His lordship was created MARQUESS OF LOTHIAN, Viscount of Briene,
Lord Ker of Newbottle, &c., 23 June, 1701. He m. Jane, dau. of
Archibald, Marquess of Argyll, by whom he had (with five daus.),
WILLIAM, his successor.
Charles, who was appointed director of the Chancery in 1703. He
m. Janet, eldest dau. of Sir David Murray, of Stanhope, and
dying in 1735, left issue,
John, an officer of rank in the army.
Mark, general in the army ; d. unm.
James, d. unm.
His lordship d. in 1703, and was s. by his eldest son.
WILLIAM, 2nd marquess ; who had previously succeeded, in 1692, at
the demise of his kinsman, Robert Kerr, 3rd Baron Jedburgh (a peer-
age conferred upon Sir Andrew Kerr, 2 Feb. 1622), to that barony,
by virtue of special limitation in the patent of creation. His lordship,
who was knight of the Thistle, one of the representative peers, and
a major-general in the army, m. Jane, dau. of the unfortunate Earl of
Argyll, who was beheaded in 1685 ; and dying in 1722, was s. by his
only son,
WILLIAM, 3rd marquess, K.T., one of the representative peers,
high-commissioner of the General Assembly, and lord-register in the
court of Session. His lordship m. ist, Margaret, dau. of Sir Thomas
Nicholson, Bart, of Kempney, co. Aberdeen, by whom he had,
WILLIAM, his successor.
Robert, a gallant officer, who fell at Culloden.
Jane, d. young.
He m. 2ndly, Jean Janet, eldest dau. of Lord Charles Kerr, of Cra-
mond, by whom he had no issue. He d. in 1767, and was s. by his
elder son,
WILLIAM- HENRY, 4th marquess. This nobleman m. in 1735, Lady
Caroline D'Arcy, only dau. of Robert, Earl of Holdernesse, and great
granddau. of the celebrated Duke of Schomberg, who fell at the battle
of the Boyne, in 1690 ; by whom he had issue a son, William-John,
and two daus.; Louisa, m. in 1759 to Lord George Lennox; and
Wilhelmina-Frances, m. in 1783, to Major-General John Macleod.
His lordship was a distinguished military officer, and attained,
through the various gradations, from that of cornet, which he held in
1735, the rank of a general officer in 1770. He fought, and received
a wound, at the battle of Fontenoy, in 1745 ; commanded the cavalry
on the left wing of the royal army at Culloden; and subsequently
accompanied the Duke of Cumberland to the Continent. He was one
of the representative peers, and a Knight of the Thistle. His lordship
d. in 1775, and was s. by his only son,
WILLIAM- JOHN, 5th marquess. This nobleman, who was also a
general-officer in the army, colonel of the nth regiment of dragoons,
and knight of the Thistle, m. in 1763, Elizabeth, only dau. of Chiches-
ter Fortescue, Esq. of Dromisken, co. Louth, and granddau. of Richard
(Wellesley), ist Lord Mornington, by whom he had issue,
I. WILLIAM, 6th marquess.
n. Charles-Beauchamp, b. ig July, 1775; m. Elizabeth, dau. of
William Crump, Esq. of Farnham, Surrey, by whom (who d.
in 1830), he left issue at his decease, 20 March, 1816,
1 Charles-William-John, in holy orders; b. in 1801.
2 Mark-Henry-James, in holy orders; b. 9 Nov. 1802.
3 Beauchamp, b. in 1806; late captain 55th foot; m. 15 Aug.
1832, Caroline-Elizabeth, youngest dau. of the late James
Irwin, Esq., E.I.C.S., and has issue.
4 William-Henry, b. in 1811; m. 17 Nov. 1841, Maria, young-
est dau. of the late Richard Power, Esq. of Cork.
i Caroline, m. 4 April, 1826, to Thomas Pearce, Esq. of
Highway House, Froyle, Hants. 2 Charlotte.
3 Frances, m. in 1834, to R.-G. Hubbock, Esq.
4. Elizabeth, m. in 1835, to Capt. Edgar Bayly.
ill. Mark Robert, vice-admiral, R.N. ; b. 12 Nov. 1776; m. 18 July,
1799, Charlotte, late Countess of Antrim, by whom (who d. in
1835), he left at his decease, 9 Sept. 1840, surviving issue,
1 Hugh-Seymour, Earl of Antrim, an officer in the army.
2 Mark, b. in 1814; comm. R.N.; m. in 1849, Jane-Emma-
Hannah, dau. of Major Macan, of Carriff, and has Wm.-
Randal, b. in 1851 ; and Mark-Henry-Horace, b. in 1852.
3 Arthur-Schomberg, b. in 1820; m. 16 March, 1846, Agnes-
Steuart, youngest dau. of J.-H. Frankland, Esq. of Eash-
ing House, Surrey, and has issue.
1 Letitia-Louisa.
2 Georgiana, m. in 1825, to the Hon. and Rev. F. Bertie.
3 Caroline, ;«. in 1826, to the Rev. Horace-Robert Pechell,
chancellor of Brecon.
4 Charlotte-Elizabeth, m. in 1835, to Sir G.-R. Osborn, Bart.
5 Fanny-Frederica-Augusta, m. n March, 1841, to Montagu,
Earl of Abingdon.
6 Emily-Frances, m. in 1839, to Henry Richardson, Esq. of
Somerset, co. Derry.
IV. Robert, a lieut.-col. in the army; b. in 1780; m. in 1806, Mary,
dau. of Rev. Edmund Gilbert, of Windsor House, Cornwall,
and d. 23 June, 1843, having had issue, five sons and five
1 WILLIAM- WALTER-RALEIGH, b. in 1809 ; auditor-general at the
2 Charles-Hope, b. in 1818; in the army; d. in 1841.
3 Henry-Ashburton, b. in 1821 ; comm. R.N.
4 Robert-Dundas, lieut. royal engineers; b. in 1824; m. in
1852, Harriett-Marianne, dau. of John Arnold, Esq.
1 Elizabeth-Anne, m. in 1830, to Lieut. -Gen. Sir William
Maynard Gomm, K.C.B.
2 Louisa-Grace, m. 4 May, 1841, to Colonel William-Henry
Cornwall, Coldstream-guards.
3 Mary-Frances, m. 3 Jan. 1846, to E. Hammond, Esq.
4 Emily-Caroline Fortescue, m. 17 July, 1841, to Morton Carr,
Esq., barrister-at-law. 5 Lucy-Maria.
i. Elizabeth, m. to John, late Lord Dormer; and d. in 1822.
ii. Mary, m. Gen. the Hon. Fred. St. John; and d. in 1791.
in. Louisa, m. to Arthur Atherley, Esq. ; and d. in 1819.
His lordship d. in 1815, and was s. by his eldest son,
WILLIAM, 6th marquess, K.T., lord-lieutenant of Midlothian and
Roxburghshire, and colonel of the Edinburgh militia; who was en-
rolled amongst the peers of the United Kingdom, 17 July, 1821, as
Baron Kerr, of Kerrsheugh, co. Roxburgh. His lordship m. ist, in
1793, Henrietta, dau. of John, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire, and by
her (who d. in 1805), had issue,
i. JOHN-WILLIAM-ROBERT, 7th marquess.
II. Henry-Frances-Charles, in holy orders, rector of Dittisham,
Devon; b, 17 Aug. 1800; m. 10 Sept. 1832, Louisa-Dorothea,
only dau. of the Hon. Gen. Sir Alexander Hope, G.C.B., and
has surviving issue,
1 William-Hobart, b. 25 July, 1836.
2 Henry-Schomberg, R.N. ; b. 15 Aug. 1838.
3 Francis-Ernest, b. 10 Aug. 1840.
1 Henrietta-Mary-Emma.
2 Mary-D'Arcy. 3 Alice-Dorothea.
i. Isabella-Emily-Caroline.
The marquess m. 2ndly, i Dec. 1806, Harriet, dau. of Henry 3rd Duke
of Buccleuch, and by her (who d. 18 April, 1833) had issue,
i. Charles-Lennox, b. in 1814; an officer in the 42nd regt., and
aide-de-camp to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland ; m. in Oct.
1839, Charlotte-Emma', sister of Sir John Hanmer, Bart., and
has issue,
1 Charles-Wyndham-Rodolph, b. Nov. 1849.
2 John-Hanmer, b. 7 May, 1851. 3 Another son, b. 1852.
i Harriet-Georgiana-Edith. 2 Florence-Elizabeth.
3 Amy- Frances.
II. Mark-Ralph-George, b. 15 Dec. 1816; major in the army.
in. Frederick- Herbert, b. 30 Sept. 1818; capt. R.N. ; m. 13 Jan.
1846, Emily-Sophia, dau. of General Sir Peregrine Maitland,
governor of the Cape of Good Hope ; and has, Emily-
Georgina, Sidney-Catherine, and Edith-Harriet.
I. Elizabeth-Georgina, m. 25 Oct. 1831, to Lord Clinton.
II. Harriet-Louisa, m. 13 June, 1834, to Sir John-Stuart Forbes,
ill. Frances, m. n June, 1848, to George Wade, Esq.
iv. Anne-Catherine, b. 19 May, 1812; and d. 6 Dec. 1829.
v. Georgiana-Augusta (to whom King GEORGE IV. stood sponsor),
m. 25 July, 1849, to the Rev. Granville-Hamilton Forbes,
rector of Broughton, Northamptonshire.
The marquess d. 27 April, 1824, and was s. by his eldest son,
JOHN- WILLIAM ROBERT, 7th marquess ; lord-lieutenant of the co. of
Roxburgh, and col. of the Edinburgh militia; b. i Feb. 1794; m. 19
July, 1831, Lady Cecil Chetwynd Talbot, only dau. of Earl Talbot,
and had issue,
ii. Schomberg-Henry, b. 2 Dec. 1833.
in. Ralph-Drury, b. n Aug. 1837.
iv. Walter-Talbot, b. 28 Sept. 1839.
V. John-Montagu-Hobart, b. 24 April, 1841.
i. Cecil-Elizabeth. n. Alice-Mary.
WiLLUM-SCHOMBERG ROBERT, 8th marquess, b. Aug. 12, 1832; m.
12 Aug. 1857, Lady Constance-Harriet-Mahonesa-Talbot, dau. of i8th
Earl of Shrewsbury. He d 4 July, 1870, and s. by brother next. She
d. 10 Oct. 1901.
I (129)
SCHOMBERG-HENKY, gth marquess, Knight of Grace of the Order
St. John of Jerusalem in England ; b. 2 Dec. 1833 ; m. 22 Feb. 1865,
Victoria-Alexandrina, eldest dau. of Walter Francis, 5th Duke of
i. Walter -William-Schombergj Earl of Ancram ; b. 29 Mar. 1867 ;
d. 15 June, 1892..
n. Schomberg- Henry-Mark, b. 4 Aug. 1869; d. Sept. 1870.
ill. Robert-Schomberg, loth marquess.
Daughters — Cecil, Margaret, Mary, Helen, Victoria, Isobel.
Creations — Baron Newbottle, 15 Oct. 1591. Earl of Lothian, 10
Feb. 1606. Baron of Jedburgh, 2 Feb. 1622. Earl of Ancrum, 24
June, 1633. Marquess, &c., 23 June, 1701 — in Scotland. Baron, 17
July, 1821 — in the United Kingdom.
Arms — Quarterly : ist and 4th, az., the sun in splendour, ppr., a
coat of augmentation, for the title of LOTHIAN; 2nd and 3rd, gu., on a
chevron, arg., three mullets of the field, for the lordship of JEDBURGH.
Crest — The sun, as in the arms.
Supporters — Dexter, an angel, ppr., vested, az., surcoat, vert,
winged and crined, or ; sinister, an unicorn, arg., armed, maned, and
unguled, or, gorged with a collar, gu., charged with three mullets,
Motto — Sero sed serio.
Seats — Newbottle, Mid-Lothian; and Mount Teviot Lodge, Rox-
NEWBATTLE House to-day is a rich treasure-house
of Vandyke paintings, including the famous " Three
Heads of Charles I."— the King's gift to the Earl
of Strafford before his execution. The Earl of
Strafford's peer's robe, in which he went to the
block, is still preserved in the Newbattle treasure-chests, and
the collar bears the blood marks yet. It is the royal robe of
the garter worn by Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, on the
scaffold in 1641 — and the purple and the star are well pre-
served. Among other " Vandykes " are Charles I.'s triumphal
entrance into London, and several others. Rembrandt,
Albert Diirer, and other great masters are represented. A
picture of the building of Noah's Ark by Pietro de Cosimo
is painted on a tablecloth, the artist being too poor to procure
canvas. The house is rilled with all kinds of historic and
antiquarian treasures, — the old Abbey font (in which Mary
Queen of Scots was baptised), a Spanish Armada iron chest,
a Venetian bride's gold-covered chest with lovely paintings,
a pre-historic urn for the ashes of the dead, declared by Dr
Phene to be unique in age and interest, dating back to the
time of Moses in Egypt, missals, breviaries, pontificals, prayer-
books (unlimited), an original copy of the Solemn League and
Covenant signed by the Earl of Lothian, the original gold and
painted marbles of Assyrian kings from Nineveh, gifts and
pictures, books and memorials of all kinds in such profusion
that days would be required to see only a tithe of the treasures.
The Abbey Chartulary lies in the Edinburgh Advocates' Li-
bary. Among many valuable MSS. in the house may le
mentioned the Charter appointing the Earl of Arran Regent
of Scotland, with the seals of peers, bishops, and abbots,
including the Abbot of Newbattle.
A small bronze cannon given by Mary Queen of Scots
to Sir Thomas Ker of Ferniehirst, engraved with the arms
of France and Scotland, surrounded with thistles, and with
the monogram " M," was exhibited at the Glasgow Exhibition.
In the dining room there is hanging a magnificent silver shield,
rarely embossed, the gift of the King of Bohemia to an Earl
of Ancrum generations ago, as a recognition of his services
at the Bohemian Court during the King's illness, when sent
on a visit of condolence by James VI. in 1629. The fine
portrait of the three great English admirals, Drake, Hawkins,
and Cavendish, hangs over the fireplace, while at the windows
are lovely wreaths of flowers carved in wood. The Vandyke
painting of " The Three Heads of Charles I." was painted
in order that a bust of the king might be made from them in
Rome. The bust was made, and is now in the Vatican, while
the picture was returned to Charles I., who, before his execu-
tion, presented it to his dear friend and companion, the Earl
of Strafford. The picture came into the possession of the
Lothian family through marriage with the house of Castlereagh.
Lady Castlereagh, the late Lord Lothian's aunt, left this pic-
ture and all her property, including Blickling Hall, Norfolk-
shire, to him. The very fine octagonal baptismal font has
on its sides the carved shields of, ist, Ramsay of Dalhousie;
2nd, Margaret, Queen of James IV. (daughter of Henry VIII.
of England); 3rd, Magdalene, Queen of James V. (daughter
of Francis I. of France); 4th, Royal Arms of Scotland; 5th,
Mary of Guise, second Queen of James V. ; 6th, Edward
Schewall, Abbot 1526 - 1530. This decipherment is kindly
given by Sir Balfour Paul, Lyon King at Arms. The font
was found at Mavisbank in 1873, when Mavisbank House was
being enlarged. In excavating the foundations, the workmen
came on the font buried in the garden. When Captain Arbuth-
not of Mavisbank knew it was the old Newbattle font he
returned it to Lord Lothian.
We enter a small apartment adjoining the dining-room,
in which are hung some of the most interesting of the earlier
pictures of the collection. Among these a very distinguished
place is occupied by a " Madonna and Child," by Albert
Diirer, which, in a moment of the rarest good fortune, was
discovered by the present Lord Lothian in a furniture shop
in Edinburgh, and purchased by his brother, the late Marquess.
It is stated to have been formerly in rooms in Holyrood Palace
which were occupied by the Earls of Buchan. This is one of
the very few genuine works of the master that have found their
way to Great Britain ; according to Thausing, indeed, — the
standard authority on the subject, — only one other of his
undoubted productions exists in this country, — a portrait of the
painter's father, preserved at Sion House. This critic fully
admits the authenticity of the present picture; but he refers
to it, — we quote from Eaton's English translation of his
Life of Diirer, — as " containing an almost life-sized Virgin,"
and as having been shown " at the Royal Academy Old
Masters' Winter Exhibition in 1871," both of which statements
are inaccurate. The figures are greatly under the scale of
life, and it was in 1870 that the picture was exhibited in
London. The date that it bears, 1506, proves that it was
painted in Venice, during the happy days of Diirer's visit
to that city, when he enjoyed the friendship of John Bellini,
— " a very old man, indeed, but the best of them all," as he
writes of him to his friend, Pirkheimer, and when he looked
forward with something like horror to his return to the chilly
North, — " Alas ! how shall I live in Nuremberg after the bright
sunny Venice? Here I am the lord, at home only the hanger-
on." To the same correspondent the painter writes that Bellini
had " praised me before many gentlemen, and asked me to
do him something, and he will pay me well for it;" and it
is possible enough that this may be the very picture which he
executed for his aged artist friend. The subject is just such as
that "pious man" would naturally have chosen; and the
supposition gains in force from the manifest influence of
Bellini's style, which is visible in the handling, and in the
quiet, accurately-balanced composition of the work, and even
in such little circumstances as the appearance of the painter's
monogram and inscription upon a white label counterfeiting
a folded piece of paper, as in many of Bellini's own works
—in, for instance, his " Doge Loredano," his " Madonna
and Child," and his " St Peter Martyr," in the London
National Gallery.
In Lord Lothian's picture, the seated figure of the Ma-
donna is seen against a crimson curtain, on either side of which
we catch a glimpse of landscape, — wooded, on the right, and
with steep cottage roofs appearing above the trees, and, on
the left, occupied by one of those half -ruined manors or farms,
which are of frequent occurence in Durer's engravings. Her
golden - haired face has no special charm of beauty, — the
painter, great master as he was, seldom attained any very high
ideal of female loveliness, — but the countenance is informed
by a quiet pathos, and possessed by a homely charm. Two
quaint winged cherubs, whose bodies end abruptly in flakes
of cloud, one of them turning towards us the rotundity of his
great bald head, are crowning the Virgin, but with no royal
diadem of flashing gems and beaten gold ; they set upon her
head 'only a simple wreath of the poet's " votive fruits and
symbol flowers." On her lap is seated the Divine Child,
holding a bird-lure in his right hand, and sporting with the
yellow songster that perches fearlessly upon his left wrist. To
the right, St. John, bearing his slender cross of reeds, is
bringing a younger child to present his humble offering of
lilies of the valley. The picture is full of poetic charm, of
brilliant transparent colouring, and, in the expression of its
details, of searching and elaborate draughtsmanship. The
handling of the plumage of the various wings that appear in
the picture is here, as always with Diirer, especially masterly ;
and altogether the work is one of which any collection might
be justly proud.
Over 'the fireplace is hung an interesting little example
of early Italian art, a picture by the Cavaliere Dello Delli,
a Florentine sculptor and painter, whose works are to be
found in the cloister of Santa Maria Novello, in his native
city, and whose portrait is introduced in the figure of Shem
in the fresco of the drunkenness of Noah, in the same place,
painted by his friend Paolo Uccello. The present example
of Delli's work is a narrow oblong panel, which has evidently
formed a side of one of those chests, or caskets, in which the
Florentine brides carried their wedding gear to their new homes.
It forms a pleasant relic of " the season of art's spring-birth,
so dim and dewy," when the distinction between the fine and
the decorative arts was less sharply marked than now, and
the painter of the throned Madonna over the high altar did
not disdain to touch the homely things of domestic life, and
make them lovely. The subject of this panel is the appropri-
ate one of " The Triumph of Love and the Triumph of
Chastity." To the left, round the car on which the potent
god Amor is borne by fiery steeds, young and strong, and
armed with his mighty bow and deadly shafts, is gathered
a company of gay, richly-clad men and women, the merry
people of the world; and to the right, a band of wise virgins,
stoled in white, attend the chariot where Chastity, a stately
maiden, holding a palm branch for reward, stands enthroned,
with cupids bound and captive at her feet. Her car is
drawn by gravely- stepping unicorns, the mediaeval symbols
of purity (it was fabled that the unicorn could purge a
poisoned spring if it but dipped its horn in the water), which
appear as such in II Moretta's portrait of Alphonso I. and
Laura Eustachio, in the Belvedere, and beside the exquisite
half-draped girl on the obverse of the lovely medal of Cecilia
Gonzaga, by Pisano — to whose St George, in his picture in
the National Gallery, one of the figures in Delli's present work,
that towards the left wearing the broad Tuscan hat, bears a
curiously close resemblance. The picture is full of pleasant
and dainty fancy, and is distinguished by its spirited and
varied action, and by its beautiful colour, profusely height-
ened with gold.
Among the other examples of the Italian schools in the
room is a " Virgin and Child/' by Botticelli, of that circular
form which was frequent with the master, with particularly
rich and full colouring in the yellow and red drapery which
forms its background, and with much yearning pathos in the
attitude and expression of the clinging Babe and the mother
who bends over him. Here, too, is a semi-circular, " Enthrone-
ment of the Virgin," by Filippo Lippi. Recent research tends to
discredit the stories of this painter's wild and wayward life,
— related by Vasari, and adopted by Mr Browning in one of
his most brilliant poems, — and of his retributive death by
poison; certainly the present work is full of tenderness and
of pure devotional feeling in the angelic forms on either side
that lift the curtain, and in the sweet figure of the Virgin, who
bows meekly to receive the diadem from her Son. The colour-
ing of the work is delicate, cool, and silvern, and has little
of the glow and warmth that we associate with our memories
of the artist's best-known works.
In this country there are said to be but three important
works by Pietro de Cosimo in private hands, and one of these
is known to relatively few connoisseurs, and goes unnoticed in
the 1898 edition of Mr Berenson's " Florentine Painters."
One of the very few public allusions that have been made to it
was that of Mr Roger E. Fry, The picture belongs to the
Marquess of Lothian, and is in the gallery of Newbattle
Abbey, Dalkeith. Like " Hylas and the Nymphs," in Mr
Robert Benson's collection, it vis painted on a tablecloth, for
in those early days Pietro, being poor, took the first texture
that came to hand. It represents, reputedly in the na'ive
fashion, an imagined battle of the Stone Age, and was pro-
bably executed about the time Pietro painted the lovely land-
scape in the fresco of his master, Cosimo Rosselli, in the
Sixtine Chapel. If it reveal anything like the inventiveness
of " Hylas and the Nymphs," to say nothing of the wonderful
" Combat of the Centaurs in the Lapithse," it deserves to be
far more widely known than it is at present. If I learn
aright, no photograph of the Marquess of Lothian's picture has
been published.
There are multitudes of valuable pictures scattered all
over the house, Vandykes, Rembrandts, Titians, Murillos, &c.,
besides any quantity of valuable portraits.
In the great and magnificent drawing-room, built over
the cloister quadrangle, and beautifully ornamented in the roof
by Italian artists, there are many fine portraits of various
members of the House of Lothian, including the late Marquess
in his robes. Warwick Castle is the only rival of Newbattle
Abbey in the matter of Vandyke portraits.
There are more literary and artistic treasures in Newbattle
House than probably in any other house in Scotland, not even
excepting Drummond Castle and Dalkeith and Hamilton
Palaces. In the Abbey are preserved the famous Catalogue
of Honour and " Album Amicorum " of Sir Michael Balfour,
besides countless works of mediaeval interest.
Among the many interesting family memorials, there is
a thin folio in the handwriting of William, Earl of Lothian,
containing a journal of his travels in 1624-5 through France
to Italy and Switzerland, entitled, — " Itinerario fatto anno
1625 ch'era quella dal Qubeleo Urbano Octavo Papa Bar-
berini." His father had sent him to Paris to finish his
education, and before returning home allowed him to travel a
little. He left Paris with his tutor on 6th November, 1624.
There is also preserved an interesting " Correspondence
of Sir Robert Ker, ist Earl of Ancram, and his son, William,
3rd Earl of Lothian " (May 26, 1616, — Sept. 13, 1650), con-
taining many varied letters, including those of the Bishop of
Caithness to Sir Robert Ker, letters by Leighton, the Marquess
of Argyll, and many others.
A very touching family record is still preserved in the
Lothian charter - chests, which are brim - full of interesting
memorials, — in which the then Earl of Lothian gives a eulogy
of Anne, Countess of Lothian, who died on 26th March, 1667.
After giving a list of his children, the Earl adds, — " Anne,
Countess of Lothian, the goodly and worthy mother of these
children, sickened and took bed the 2oth of March, Wednes-
day, 1667, and died upon the 26th of the same month — Tues-
day. Ane woman extraordinary in all the qualifications of
goodness, vertue, modesty, piety ; a good wyfe, a good mother,
a good woman ; excellent in the government of her family
and the ordering and provyding for it, and augmenting the
estate of her house in the revenues of the lands, with the
addition of wenning of coals by long labour and much charge
and expenses ; and a great inlarger of the House of Newbattle,
by faire newe buildings from the ground, and with much orna-
ment and addition peffyting a begune worke, and beautifying
the entries and accesses by many walls and inclosures and plan-
tations of trees of all kyndes ; a woman honoured and beloved
singularly of her husband, her children, friends, kindred,
neighbours, vassals, tenants ; affable and charitable to the poor ;
regraitted in her death by all, and of memory sweate and
fragrant. This is attested by her most sadde and widowed
husband, Lothian. The 6 Aprile, 1667." It was in all pro-
bability this Countess Anne who made the modest old New-
battle Abbey a stately mansion, and planted many of the mag-
nificent trees and plantations which are still the glory of the
The library of Newbattle House is extraordinarily rich
in Spanish and Italian literature, the invalid Marquess, who
died in 1870, having beguiled his weary hours by study of
Continental literature. In addition, the collection of MSS. of
Cromwell, Monk, and many others is priceless. The library
of missals, breviaries, martyrologies, and other sacred manuals,
is quite unique.
THE parish of Newbattle has no fewer than five separate
places of burial. The ancient chapel of Bryans,
which has been incorporated along with the ecclesi-
astical buildings into the present farm bearing that
name, stood on the hillside above the Esk valley.
A stone holy-water basin was quite recently recovered from
amid the farm buildings which cover the site of the ancient
place of worship. The churchyard can still be traced by the
large and aged trees surrounding the site. The byre of Bryans
farm is paved mainly with the old tombstones, which have
their inscribed faces turned downwards. Bryans chapel was
the church of the small parish of Maisterton, of which the
massive baronial tower still stands, — an important landmark
by sea and land. Some are of opinion that Bryans was even
an older ecclesiastical foundation than Newbattle Abbey. The
Marquess of Lothian has as one of his titles, — Viscount of
Brienne or Brien. The old chapel stair with its foot-worn
steps is still standing. The "Lady's Tree" in the farm policies
is a survivor of a number of great trees which shaded the
churchyard. Two ladies who were in possession of the Mais-
terton estate at the Reformation gave the present churchyard
as a present to the parish. The old Bryans chapel and church-
yard are the scene of an annual open-air service to keep alive
the sacred memories of the place.
In the flower garden of Newbattle Abbey, and around
the walls and vicinity of the house, skeletons of monks with
fragments of their white habits have frequently been found,
laid to rest under the shadow of St. Mary's pile, as the
ecclesiastical dignitaries found their final repose beside the
altar. Inside the Abbey were the grave and monument of
Mary de Couci, Queen of Alexander II. The Abbey was,
in its palmy days, not only the favourite resort of Scottish
royalty, but also a specially desired resting-place for royal
and noble dust.
Father Hay (Dipl. Col. III. 34. i. 10), quoting an older
authority, says : — " In the midst of the church was seen the
tomb of the queen of Alexander, of marble, supported on six
lions of marble. A human figure was placed reclining on the
tomb, surrounded with an iron grating."
Only about a hundred yards from the original site of the
Abbey, now marked out in the gravel, the Abbey church was
rebuilt; and it was in this second church that Leighton
preached. The church was, in 1727, removed once more to
its present position and rebuilt, about a hundred yards towards
the south, so that in a triangular space, with each side about
a hundred yards in length, the church has stood successively
at each point of the triangle. The only remaining portion of
Leigh ton's church is a small vault, probably constructed of
the stones left over after the second rebuilding of the Abbey
stones into the present edifice.
The Marquess of Argyle (eighth earl and first marquess),
who was beheaded with the maiden at the Cross of Edinburgh,
on May 27th, 1661, is closely associated with the Lothian
family, which, like the house of Argyle, was warmly attached
to the Reformed and Covenanting cause. His second daughter,
Lady Jean, became the wife of the first Marquess of Lothian.
After Argyle 's execution his head was exposed on the west
side of the Tolbooth. His body was carried first to St.
Magdalene's Chapel in the Cowgate, and thence to Newbattle,
where it rested for a few weeks in the old church. The head
remained on the Tolbooth spike for a fortnight, when Charles
II. having given a warrant for its removal, the body was
brought from Newbattle, and they were together laid in the
family sepulchre of St. Mund at Kilmun.
This vault or " isle " (as a marble slab on the outside
of the door describes it) became the place of sepulture for the
Lothian family all through the eighteenth and part of the nine-
teenth century. Possibly the vault may have existed beneath
the church as a family burying-place for the house of Lothian.
On the front of the vault there have within the last few years
been erected two white marble slabs built into an ornamental
wall-door with the names of the various members of the house
interred within. Around this vault the trees are particularly
The following inscriptions are on the tablets of what
used to be called the " Lothian Isle," the only remaining
portion of Leighton's church : —
" The front of this isle was enlarged by Gen. Lord Mark
Kerr A.D. 1888. Jean, Marchioness of Lothian, built this
isle in the year of our Lord 1705. (I. Tablet.) Mark Kerr
of Newbattle (the last abbot) died August 26, 1584. Lady
Helen Leslie, wife of Mark Kerr, d. Oct. 26, 1594. Mark
Kerr, i Earl of Lothian, d. 1609. Lady Anne Kerr, Countess
of Lothian, d. Mar. 26, 1667. William, 3 Earl of Lothian,
d. Oct. 1675. Robert, i Marquess of Lothian, d. 16 Feb.
1703. Lady Jean Campbell, wife of the ist Marquess, d.
31 July 1712. Lady Jean Campbell, wife of 2nd Marquess,
d. Dec. 27, 1787. William Henry, 3 Marquess, d. 28 July
1767. William, 4 Marquis of Lothian, d. April 12, 1775.
(II. Tablet.) Lady Caroline D'Arcy, wife of 4 Marquess,
d. Oct. 1778. William, 6 Marquess, d. 2 April 1824. Lady
Henrietta Hobart, wife of 6 Marquess, d. 1805. Lady Jean
Kerr, Lady Cranston, d. of 2 Marquess of Lothian. Mistress
Jean Cranston, d. of Jean, Lady Cranston. Lord Robert
Kerr, son of 3 Marquess of Lothian, killed at Culloden, April
1 6, 1746. Col. Lord Robert Kerr, son of 5 Marquess of
Lothian, d. 1843. Lady Robert Kerr, d. 1859. Four chil-
dren of Lord and Lady Robert Kerr."
The present churchyard of the parish is one of the most
picturesque in all Scotland, surrounded as it is with magnificent
trees, and laid out and kept with the most devoted care, a
wonderful contrast to its condition in older days, when the
grass was allowed to grow knee-deep and the sacrilegious sheep
dined off its rank growth. Sir Walter Scott, when residing
at Lasswade, used frequently to visit this ideal resting-place
for "Old Mortality." Newbattle churchyard was a hunting-
ground with the Edinburgh resurrectionists. Only within
recent years has the old resurrection-house been swept away.
The only specimen of the class now surviving in the district
is that in Dalkeith New Burying Ground, — a very complete
specimen of the kind, with its round red sandstone tower,
battlemented top, and narrow port-holes round and round.
The Newbattle house was built against the east wall, half-way
down, and was roofed.
At the bottom of many of the old graves the heavy irons
are still come upon, which were used to bind the coffins down
to the earth, and thus assist in baulking the body-stealers.
Traditions are still numerous of fights with the body-snatchers,
and it is certain that at least one death resulted from these
Among the many relics connected with the ecclesiastical
establishment of Newbattle, — Leighton's library, communion
plate, hour glass, &c., — there is the " funeral hand-bell,"
with " ( 1616 XMA ) " as an inscription, signifying " James
Aird, minister." The bell, which is of coarse construction,
has an iron handle in the shape of a leg-bone. Before a
funeral took place the sexton paraded the parish, ringing his
tocsin, and announcing all particulars of hour, place, &c. The
old funeral road from Dalhousie to the churchyard (though
now closed to the public) can still be easily traced, and with
its magnificent avenue of tall trees on each side, forms what
is known as the " Kirk-brae," one of the most charming and
admired pieces of scenery in Mid-Lothian. Some of the old
funeral palls are still in existence, of rich, heavy black velvet
with woollen fringes, often referred to in the session-records
as " mortcloths," — used to cover the coffin, which was carried
to the grave in any sort of conveyance.
Beginning with the tombstones at the east corner of the
churchyard, beside the present gravedigger's tool-house, there
is a group of monuments to the Watsons of Crosslea which is
worthy of notice, the most interesting of them to " George
Watson, son of Robert Watson, tenant of Westhouses, who
died 2oth January, 1708, aged twenty-two years." The usual
skull and cross-bones adorn the memorial, and the inscription
"memento mori " ; but in addition there is a reclining figure
of a youth reading a book, evidently referring to the studious
habits of this young man cut off in his prime. Another, of
date 1724, has hour glass, cross spades, and bones and skull ;
while the stone, dated 1623, with the initials " T.W. :
M.P.R.W. : DM." is similarly adorned. The pose of the
child and the peace of the place suggest the beautiful verses : —
" When the day is past and over,
With its labour and its play, —
When the little feet grow weary,
And the toys are put away :
Like an angel in the gloaming,
As the shadows round her creep, —
There is One who keepeth yigil
When the children fall asleep.
" For the faintest cry she listens, —
On her lips a tender prayer,
For a mother's love is nearest
To the love the angels bear :
Some in simple-hearted gladness, —
Some with bitter tears to weep, —
Watch the mothers in the shadow
When the children fall asleep !
" When Life's little day is over, —
When on us the shadows fall, —
Hear our prayer, O Heavenly Father,
Keeping vigil over all :
Guard us through the vale of shadow,
While the Night is dark and deep :
Grant us calm and peaceful slumber
When Thy children fall asleep !"
A little further up the same eastern wall there are several
monuments with the inevitable pillars and cross-bones, fol-
lowed by a curious rude stone, with the earliest date of all
in the churchyard, which bears the inscription : — " Here lyes
Jon Duncan weaver in Newbattle who parted this life in
1607 aged 82,"— with the letters " T.B X I.D " and the
weaver's shuttle and stretchers. Beside it is a stone with
a face very rudely carved, — little else than a face-curve and
holes and eyes, and the inscription, — " Here lyis Andrew
Blair 1632."
On the upper part of the east wall there is a pillared
monument with skull above and the letters " T.C : E W " and
the inscription, — " Here lyeth James Chirnsyde sone to James
Chirnsyd Bailie In Newbatell who departed this life the 4th
Nov. 1682 of age 12 years."
On this Chirnsyde tomb there is a verse of reflection : —
In this frail life how soon cut of are wee
All that on earth do live must surely die.
Mount up O soul to that seraphick spheere
Eternal life if thou wolds have a share.
Sure God doth for the blisid it prepare,
Caelestial joy that can compare with the
Here nothing is but grif and vanitie.
Invieous death that could not hurt the soulle
Ripened for glory though the grave did moulle
Natour and strength, yea youth thou soon can kill
So here thou did accomplish divine will,
Yet where are nou thy furious darts, thy sting, —
Death cannot stop the soul from taking wing
Eternally with God above to sing.
Elaborate scrolls flank this youth's monument, and cross-
spades, cross-bones, and an hour glass occupy a panel at the
On the south wall is a rather stately pillared monument
of seventeenth century date, with an effective diamond orna-
ment along the base, and the inscription : —
Heir godliness with virteu in ane tombe
Mare and Martha are interred in this tombe.
referring either to two sisters or one excellent woman who
combined the virtues of both the sisters of Bethany.
A pillared square monument comes next to it, with the
inscription, " 1629 TH X HL." Beside it, wreathed in
summer with the sweetest of " Gloire-de-Dijon " roses, is the
grave of John William Turner, first professor of Surgery in
Edinburgh University, who died in 1835, and of his relative,
Dr Aitchison, whose researches in Afghanistan thirty years
ago rendered him famous, his fine botanical and zoological
collections having their home in the South Kensington Museum.
The old escutcheoned stone next it is remarkably interest-
ing for its carving and symbolism, — a child's tomb of 260
years ago. Above is an elaborate coat of arms, surmounted
by a man with a club, while the sentences and symbols of
death are carefully worked out, including " hodie mihi, eras
tibi," " memento mori," and skull, hour glass, cross-bones,
&c. On the top of the pillars there is a human head, an axe
on one side, and a skull on the other. The inscription reads,
— " Here lyeth Frances Murray, one of the House of Black
Baronnie who deceast the i4th February 1641 aet. suae 8."
She was the child of Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarony
in Peeblesshire, — a progenitor of Lord Elibank. Andrew
Murray of Blackbarony appears in charters in 1552, and his
ancestors had been seated at Blackbarony for five generations
previously. His son, Sir John Murray, was brother of Sir
Gideon Murray, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland and a Lord
of Session (father of Patrick, first Lord Elibank), and of
Sir William Murray of Clermont, Fife. Sir John Murray's
son and heir, Archibald Murray of Blackbarony, was made a
baronet of Nova Scotia in 1628, in James VI. 's reign. He
married a daughter of Dundas of Arniston, and this child of
eight was buried in Newbattle churchyard, owing to her
maternal connection with the parish, which includes a con-
siderable portion of the Arniston estate.
A curious flat-faced obelisk built into the wall records
a life spent amid a sea of troubles : —
" Annexe uxor Samuel Elliot obiit Sept. aoth
1772 aet. 73.
Afflictions sore
Long time I bore
Much tears I spent in vain
Till God did please
By death to ease
And ridd me of my pain.
Here lyes the remains of Samuel Elliot Sergnt, who
died Nov. 14, 1777, aged 90 years; also Anne second wife
of Samuel Elliot, who died April 14, 1786, aged 60 years."
The most interesting historical monument in Newbattle
Churchyard is unfortunately also the most scanty and dimin-
ished. It is to the memory of of the Rev. William Creech,
the father of William Creech, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, the
great bookseller, who was one of the best of Robert Burns'
friends, and who himself published the Ayrshire plough-
man's second edition of " Songs and Poems." The only
memorial left is a portion of a stone built into the southern
wall, surmounted by a flower-ornament, and an open book
on which is inscribed the text from Job xix., 25, with the
inscription — " M.S.D. Gulielmi Creech ecclesiae apud New-
battle fidelissimi .... pietate, prudentia, ma
hominem or The stone is almost entirely broken, and
the small remaining fragment has been in recent years built
into the churchyard wall. The Rev. William Creech entered
the incumbency in 1739, succeeding the Rev. Andrew Mitchell,
and died aist August, 1745, the year of the battle of Preston-
pans. A new stone has just been erected to the memory of
father and son, and a memorial brass placed in the church.
One of the finest, probably the finest of all the monuments,
is associated with the name of Welsh, — connected both with
John Knox the Reformer and also with Thomas Carlyle. It
is in the south-east corner of the churchyard, and is an elabo-
rate table with ornamentation of bones and skulls and faces.
The monument, from an architectural point of view, is a very
interesting one, and was an object of much interest to the late
Marquess of Lothian. From the "4" mark, the monument
is probably to a merchant, but the inscription is illegible.
Of the other monuments, little need be said. That on
the south wall, next Creech's tomb, of date 1634, with its
skull and cross-bones, to "Carles Campbell of Neu-
batell," a former minister of the parish; the Aitchison
monument, recently restored, of date 1728, with the usual
insignia, are interesting: the Thomson tomb (1739), with
the same insignia and scroll commemorating " John Thom-
son portioner in Newbattle 1739 " : that to Nicoll Simpson,
1662, beside it — all these have their family interest, but little
beyond it.
In the centre of the churchyard there are several old
stones to miners, weavers, &c. A spirit of economy seems to
have taken hold of two colliers of Langlaw in the parish, for
one family takes one side of the stone and the other the reverse.
" Here lyeth Robert Allan son to John Allan Coalzier at
Longlau died Nov. 29th 1752. Jesus said, ' suffer little chil-
dren to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.' '
On the other side — " Here lyeth William Douglas Coalzier
at Longlau, husband to Margaret Patterson and two children
who died 1741." The insignia of the pick, mash, and wedge
are over both inscriptions. Another monument is to " Jenot
Bounkyll spouse of Robert Graham, weaver in Easthouses who
lived together 57 years and departed 23rd June 1798 aged
77." The Crooke's monument of 1663 is also interesting.
The stone of a smith, 1741, is remarkable for the high
relief of carving. The crowned hammer is flanked by two
human heads with curly hair, and by two hour glasses, and
skulls surmount the pillars at the sides.
The similitude of the insignia on the i?th and i8th
century stones makes it unnecessary to pursue the subject fur-
ther,— some having the crown and hammer, others the emblems
of a weaver's, a brewer's, a farmer's, or a miner's life, while
most have only the symbols of our frail mortality.
Tradition says that there was a small churchyard at one
time at Westhouses in the days when it was a large village
with a school.
The latest of Newbattle burying-places is the new family
cemetery of the house of Lothian, laid out beside the river
Esk and near the great gate where, beside an uncle and aunt,
the late beloved and distinguished Marquess of Lothian sleeps.
A fine Celtic cross has been raised over the grave.
ON the ist of January, 1651, the Marquess of Argyll
put the crown on the head of Charles II. at Scone,
and when the King resolved to invade England and
win it back again for his family, it was Argyll who
dissuaded him from doing so, — an advice which the
defeat of Worcester amply justified and verified. Everyone
is familiar with the historical facts of Argyll's complications
with Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth, and the strong
suspicions which were entertained by the Crown party of his
tendencies in favour of the Roundheads and the Protector ;
but it was hard that when he went up in 1660 to London to
congratulate the Sovereign, whom he had crowned in Scotland,
on his Restoration to the throne of the entire island, he should
have been suspected of conspiracy, thrown into the Tower,
and condemned to be sent down to Scotland for trial on treason.
It was on the 27th of May, 1661, that he was publicly
beheaded at the Cross of Edinburgh with the Maiden, declaring
with his dying breath that he was " free from any conspiracy
against his late Majesty's death " ; and as to Charles II., he
declared in words which have become almost classical, —
" I had the honour to set the crown on the King's head, and
now he hastens me to a better Crown than his own."
His head was fixed on a spike on the west side of the
Tolbooth, on the very same spike on which his rival Montrose's
head had been exposed, and from which it had only recently
been removed, while his trunkless body was carried to St.
Magdalene's Chapel in the Cowgate, where the first General
Assembly of the Church of Scotland had been held under John
Knox, and where the latter's colleague, John Craig, once Prior
of Bologna, lectured in Latin to the learned men of Edin-
burgh on the Reformed doctrines till he recovered the know-
ledge of his native tongue, which he had forgotten during his
long residence abroad.
How long his body remained in the Magdalene Chapel,
which is still standing, and forms part of the Edinburgh
Medical Mission buildings, is uncertain, but probably it lay
there for only a few days, as the Earl of Lothian, a keen
Covenanter, like Argyll, made arrangements that the headless
body should be removed to his own private vault at Newbattle,
until preparations were made at Kilmun, — the burying-place
of the Argylls, — to receive the remains of the chief of the
Clan Campbell.
An original copy of the Solemn League and Covenant
is still hanging in the ancestral house of Newbattle, and the
signatures both of Argyll and Lothian are appended to it,
along with many another famous name of the time. There
was, therefore, something appropriate in the Earl of Lothian,
Nicodemus-like, begging the body of the great Marquess, with
whose house his own was afterwards to be so closely allied,
not only in sympathy, but by marriage. Argyll's body was
brought out from the Magdalene Chapel in the Cowgate, and
driven in a carriage by the old Edinburgh road out to New-
battle, where it was laid in the vault beneath the church,
where only eight years before Leighton had ministered. That
church was removed in 1727 to the other side of the road and.
rebuilt into the present church of the parish. But the vault
still remains, and even during the present generation has
been used as a burial-place for members of the Lothian family.
It stands immediately behind the ancient Monkland. wall, built
by William the Lion as a protection to the Abbey, and the
old trees round about it are strongly reminiscent of the church-
yard which once surrounded it. The vault to-day bears the
inscription on three marble facings, — " The front of this Isle
was enlarged by General Lord Mark Kerr A.D. 1888. Jean,
Marchioness of Lothian, built this Isle in the year of our Lord
1705," while the long list of names of members of the House
of Lothian succeeds, beginning with Mark Ker, the last Abbot
of Newbattle, who, with his son and successors, lie buried
there. A stone staircase leads down to the vault, and a single
slab of stone remains as a memorial of the old church which
once rose above it, in which Leighton preached those wonderful
sermons from which the then Earl of Lothian declared that
he got " more good from them than from those "of any other
that ever stood in a pulpit." That church, pulpit, communion
plate, library, &c., were all removed to the other side of the
Monkland wall, as also was the burying-place of the parish.
In this vault, then, consecrated by so many memories,
Argyll's body rested probably for a month, under the protection
of the Earl of Lothian. Thereafter, probably under cover
of night, it was removed in a carriage and four and driven
across Scotland to the Clyde, where, somewhere about Old
Kilpatrick, a vessel belonging to the Argyll family was in
waiting to transport the body of the chief to the family bury-
ing-place at Kilmun, — St. Mund's, — on the Holy Loch, which
got its name from the fact that a vessel bringing earth from
the Holy Land foundered in its waters. Argyll's head re-
mained on the spike at the Edinburgh Tolbooth until 8th June,
1664, when a warrant was obtained from Charles II., whom
Argyll had crowned with his own hand, for taking it down
and burying it with his body. The present Duke of Argyll
related to the writer how, when the ancient sepulchre of his
ancestors was opened for the burial of his father, " we found
the head with the hole through it made by the spike on which
it had been fastened."
The Clyde was then little more than a mountain torrent,
a few inches deep at Glasgow, and winding its way down to
Dumbarton Rock, with its martial memories, with no preten-
sions to being a river. Probably the little harbour from which
after its long cross-country journey, following the line of the
old Roman road and wall, the body of Argyll was transported
to the wherry, was somewhere between Bowling and the shore
below Old Kilpatrick. And thus the great Marquess had his
passing like one of Tennyson's heroes or as in the old Norse
Sagas, across the dim, mysterious tide to his everlasting rest.
The close link thus formed between the Earl of Lothian and
the Marquess of Argyll was further strengthened by the mar-
riage of the former to Jane, daughter of the executed peer.
Curiously, the great Marquess's son, Archibald Campbell,
the ninth Earl of Argyll, had in almost every detail the same
passing, rest, and final interment. On June 3oth, 1685, he
was executed at Edinburgh on. the Maiden, before which he
made a short, grave speech, and, finally, so great was his
composure, brought out a little ruler out of his pocket and
measured the block, and, seeing that it did not lie even,
notified the carpenter and had it rectified. He had already,
the day before his execution, composed a poetical epitaph to
be placed over his grave. After all was over, his body was
brought out to Newbattle and laid in the same Lothian vault
in which his father's ashes had rested for a month or so, —
only fate decreed that his remains should rest there for nearly
twenty years, from 1685 until the loth of April, 1704, when
they were taken, along with the body of the first Duke of
Argyll, down to Kilmun, and buried with their kindred dust
in St. Mund's lonely chapel. Curiously, his daughter married
the Marquess of Lothian, and thus a second link was formed
between Lothian and Argyll.
The collegiate church of St. Mund was founded in 1442
for a provost and six prebendaries by Sir Duncan Campbell
of Lochawe. It has, however, an even earlier ecclesiastical
glory and position than this, for in the early Columban or
Culdee Church, Kilmund ranked with Dunblane, Dunkeld,
and Abernethy, as one of the great seats of the early pre-
Roman Church of Scotland. It was on the 4th of August,
1442, that it was dedicated as a collegiate church with seven
Highland clergy to the memory of the Culdee Abbot, St.
Mund, but of the great building to - day only the tower,
forty feet high, and the burial vault remain. The church
was founded on the spot where the vessel carrying soil from the
Holy Land for the foundation of Glasgow Cathedral was
stranded, and casting out its precious freight, gave the name
of Holy Loch to that arm of the Firth of Clyde for ever.
The Paradise of Chichester Cathedral and other churches re-
ceived soil from Palestine, but the accidental foundering of
the vessel in the loch, which is surrounded by the steep frown-
ing glories of " Argyll's bowling-green," gave the name to
the Holy Loch, on whose shore rest the generations of the
Argylls, who, in calm and stormy weather, sought to serve
their country and their God. Beside the silent sea, the
Campbell clansmen in their generations have waited for the
muffled oar, which brought home their noble dead; but never
under such pathetic circumstances as when, first the father
and then the son of the Argyll house was borne from the
scaffold, first to their friendly rest among the greenwood of
Newbattle, and thence to the sweet chapel by the shore of the
Holy Loch. Sunset and evening star, -scarlet bars in the sky
above the rolling, rugged mountains which overshadow the
loch, have gleamed many a time over the strange burial
scenes of a romantic house, but never over such pathetic
obsequies as these.
It was a strange fate which led the daughters of
the Marquess and Earl of Argyll, respectively, to become
united with the heads of the House of Lothian. Fine por-
traits of the two executed Argylls hang in Newbattle House
to-day, alongside of the martial Kers, and of the wonderful
Vandykes, which are the priceless treasure of the place. " The
three heads of Charles I.," painted by Vandyke, in order that
a bust of the author of the " Eikon Basilike " might be
made for the Pope, and given by the King as a parting
gift to his bosom friend, the Earl of Strafford, who finally
also went to the block, his peer's robe, with the blood on the
collar, still lying in the crypt at Newbattle, is in fitting com-
pany, for it was round that first execution that the storm
began to rage, which sent both the Argylls to the Maiden,
and distressed two nations for nearly half a century.
In reference to these interesting historical events, the late
Very Rev. Principal Story, of Glasgow University, was good
enough to add the following touching incident to my nar-
rative : —
" Several years ago it came to my knowledge that an old widow
near Garelochhead said she possessed the blanket in which the Mar-
quess of Argyll's body had been wrapped after his execution. On
mentioning this to the late Duke of Argyll, I found that he believed
that he had the blanket at Inveraray. The old woman, however, was
positive, and could trace the blanket as coming to her late husband's
possession through a succession of forebears who had been servants
to the Argyll family, and the first of whom had been ghillie to the
decapitated Marquess. After some negotiation, the Duke agreed to
buy the blanket from the widow, and it was duly sent to Inveraray.
On careful examination, it was found it was a half of the plaid of
which the other half was the portion in the Duke's possession. The
two fitted into each other exactly, and were, when this correspondence
was established, sewn together by Princess Louise. The two halves
thus restored to each other after a long and romantic separation,
which had taken one to the Castle of the Argylls and left the other
as a treasured memento in the humble dwelling of the ghillie of the
great Marquess. If you write anything further with regard to him,
you might relate this anecdote."
THE discussion as to the date and place of John Knox's
birth was bound to come, and the pleasant rivalries
between the Haddingtonshire claimants are, perhaps,
the best compliment that could have been paid to
the memory of the Reformer whose statue adorns the
front of the Knox Institute in the town of the " Lamp of
Lothian." The ancient seat of the family was Ranfurlie,
near Paisley, and the most prominent living representative of
the historic house is the Earl of Ranfurlie, Uchter John Mark
Knox, K.C.M.G., the fifth to bear the title, who till recently
was Governor-General of New Zealand, and with the Parlia-
ment and people of the Brighter Britain of the southern
hemisphere, answered the rejoicings of Great Britain's enemies
by a magnanimous offer of unlimited assistance in the South
African war. The Ranfurlie lands seem to have been granted
to the Knox family by Uchtred, the second Earl of North-
umberland, and the family names have generally been John,
Uchter, and William. Whether the connection of the family
with Haddington was older than with Ranfurlie is another
point in dispute, for in a conversation with the Earl of Both-
well, whose house had an ancient interest in Haddingtonshire,
the Reformer said : — " My Lord, my great-grandfather, gude-
sire, and father have served your Lordship's predecessors, and
some of them have died under their standards, and this is a
part of the obligation of our Scottish kindness." At any rate,
the two families were intimately related, and both can claim
a share in the ancestry of him " who never feared the face of
The connection of Knox with Haddingtonshire, Edin-
burgh, and other places is so familiar, that, without his name
and influence, a great part of their history would disappear.
There are, however, some sidelights which can be thrown on
the Reformer's house and immediate relatives by several of the
parishes which border on the Esk in Mid-Lothian, Newbattle in-
cluded. Whether he was a brother or a nephew of the Reformer,
William Knox, who was first Reformed minister of Cockpen,
seems to be another doubtful point. In a valuable volume
of " Knox Genealogy," prepared by " a lineal descendant,"
it is categorically stated that " William Knox, elder son of
the laird of Gifford and brother of the Reformer, who was a
merchant in Preston," was the father of William Knox, the
first Reformed minister of Cockpen (1567-1592); while the
Rev. Mr Thomson, of Rosslyn or Roslin Chapel, in his work on
"Roslyn and Hawthornden," and others, describe the first min-
ister of Cockpen as John Knox's brother; the late Mr Peter
Mitchell, session-clerk to the parish, and author of " Cockpen
in the Olden Time," who had access to records, and was a good
antiquarian, describes him as ' ' brother, or, as some would
have it, nephew, of the Reformer."
From the " Genealogy of the Knoxes," referred to by
M'Crie in his " Life of Knox," which passed directly down
from generation to generation, and finally was found in 1838
amongst the belongings of Miss Charlotte Knox, the last sur-
vivor of the William Knox family, it is pretty clear that the
first Reformed minister of Cockpen was not the brother, but
the nephew of the Reformer. William Knox, laird of Gifford,
had two sons, — William, who became a merchant in Preston,
and John, who became the Reformer. William Knox, the
Preston merchant, had one son, William, who seems to have
become the first Protestant minister of Cockpen (1567-92). In
the records of the Presbytery of Dalkeith, his name frequently
appears in connection with the Reformation movements in the
neighbourhood. On 27th February, 1589, he was censured
by the Presbytery for baptising the Laird of Rosslyn's child,
and compelled to confess his fault, " notably because the said
kirk was bot ane house and monument of idolatrie and not ane
place appointit for teiching the word and ministratioun of ye
sacramentis, ane act for which he suld ask God's forgiveness
for yt. his offence baptizing ye bairne in yt. place."
Rosslyn Chapel seems to have given the more ardent
Reformers of the neighbourhood a good deal of concern in
William Knox's time, just as the other collegiate church of
Restalrig, at the foot of Arthur's Seat, did in 1560, when the
General Assembly, — the only instance of the kind on record,
— gave orders that " the kirk of Restalrig as monument of
idolatry, be razed and utterly casten down and destroyed."
Such is the Assembly's minute of 2ist December, 1560,—
almost the first minute of the first Assembly of John Knox, —
and the explanation of the strong measures taken is that Restal-
rig was a popular place of pilgrimage, where diseases of the
eye were supposed to be cured, one of the most renowned cures
being that of John, Bishop of Caithness, who in 1200 jour-
neyed from Scrabster, blinded, and with his tongue cut out
by Earl Harold of Orkney (as the old Saga relates), and his
pilgrimage, it was averred, restored him to sight. At the
other collegiate church of Rosslyn, the laird resolutely refused
to remove the images and altars of the saints, and the Pres-
bytery being informed by him that " he would defend them as
he might, .... judgit the laird not sound in his religion."
Mr George Ramsay, minister of Lasswade, was in 1590 for-
bidden by the Presbytery to bury Oliver St. Clair's wife in
the chapel, and Mr Ramsay, on 24th September of that year,
reported how he had gone to Rosslyn and found six altars
standing undemolished, as well as some broken images, and
when he expostulated with the laird he got no satisfaction.
The laird was then summoned before the Presbytery to " sub-
scribe to the heids of religion and also to have himself injoined
to destroy the monuments of idolatry." The laird declined
to do so, — " as to ye monumentis of idolatrie ye Laird of
Rosling says he will not demolish thame nouther gif King nor
Kirk command him." After being summoned before the
General Assembly, and after the Presbytery's threat of ex-
communication, the upper stones of the altars were removed,
but the bases were left still standing undemolished. The laird
was again ordered to compear before the Dalkeith Presbytery
on Thursday, August i7th, 1592, at nine in the morning, " and
have himself summarily excommunicated in ye Kirk of Dal-
keith," the sentence to be pronounced from the pulpit of Lass-
wade Kirk. At last he gave way, and on 3ist August, 1592,
Mr George Ramsay reported that the altars were demolished,
" till ane stane or twa hight, and yt the acts of the Generall,
Provinciall, and Presbyteriall Assemblies were fully satisfiet.
For the qlk the breither praysit God."
1592 was the closing year of William Knox's ministry
at Cockpen, when Rosslyn Chapel was finally declared free of
altars and images, — his death taking place in that year. He
was succeeded in his ministry at Cockpen by his second son,
William, who served the parish until 1623, dying in his
fifty-fourth year. His eldest son, John, became minister first
of Lauder and afterwards of Melrose, while his youngest,
James, who was elected one of the Regents of Edinburgh
University in 1598, was minister of Kelso from 1605 until
The second minister of Cockpen, William Knox, the son
of the nephew of the Reformer, left six sons, the eldest of
whom, John, was minister of Carrington from 1619 until 1661.
It was he who ordained Robert Leighton, afterwards Principal
of Edinburgh University, Bishop of Dunblane, and Archbishop
of Glasgow, to the ministry of Newbattle parish. The ex-
tracts from the records of the Presbytery of Dalkeith bearing
upon the ordination of the saintly Leighton to Newbattle are
sufficiently interesting to bear repetition. " Dec. 2, 1641.
Compeared ye parishioners of Newbottle and testified their
accepting Mr Robert Lichtoune to be their minister." Dec.
7, 1641. Returned Mr Robert Lichtoune his two theses:
endorsed. Compeared the parishioners of Newbottle and ac-
cepted." " Dec. 16, 1641. Admission Mr Robert Lichtoune.
Whilk day (being appointed for ye admission of Mr Robert
Lichtoune) preached Mr Johne Knox, Hebrews xiii., 17, —
' Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves ;
for they watch for your souls as they that must give account :
that they may do it with joy and not with grief : for that is
unprofitable for you.' Whilk day after sermon Mr Johne Knox
put to Mr R. Lichtoune and ye parishioners of Newbottle
sundry questions competent to ye occasion, and after imposition
of hands and ye solemne prayer was admitted minister at
Newbottle. Abssent Mr James Porteous, elder. Mr Robert
Rodger to intimate on Sunday next ye translation." The
presbyters who assisted John Knox's namesake, and great-
grand-nephew in ordaining the famous divine and peacemaker
to his first charge at Newbattle were Andrew Cant, his im-
mediate predecessor in the cure, who had been called to Aber-
deen ; Oliver Colt, of Inveresk, the founder of the Colt family,
which gives its name still to Coltness, and of whom it is related
that when complaining of the heaviness of his charge at Mus-
selburgh, Leighton, with his quaint wit, said, — " It is too
much to lay upon a colt." To which the Inveresk divine
replied, — " To the minister of Newbattle it would be a light
'un." Hew Campbell, William Calderwood, Patrick Sibbald,
J. Gillies, Adam and Gideon Penman, Robert Couper; and for
elders, James Porteous, elder at Newbattle, and ancestor of
the famous Bishop Beilby Porteous, of London, who wrote
the " Christian Evidences," and who, with three others, pre-
sented the four ancient Communion cups still in use in New-
battle Parish Church, of solid virgin-silver, hammer-beaten.
Other elders present were Alexander and James Rotson and
John Logan, and the ordination took place in the old church,
beneath which, at a later day, for some two months the remains
of the beheaded Argyll were kept, prior to their removal to
the family burial-place at Kilmun, under the protecting care
of the Earl of Lothian, whose sympathies with the Covenanting
cause were shown by his signing the Solemn League and Cove-
nant, an original copy of which still hangs in Newbattle House.
John Knox's great-grand-nephew, minister of Carrington,
thus took the leading part on that gloomy December day, which
the Christian Calendar marks with " O Sapientia," in the
ordination of one whose wisdom, learning, and spirituality are
the admiration of all branches of the Christian Church.
In the course of events this John Knox became frail,
and his son, John, was appointed his colleague and successor
in the pastorate of the sweet village by the Esk, called then
Carrington or Kerington, though also by the softer and more
poetic name of Primrose, thus connecting it with the House
of Rosebery, the old family residence of which lies close by,
surrounded by its great old trees, and within hearing of the
plash of the great reservoirs which refresh the capital of Scot-
The ministerial descendants of Mr William Knox, the first
Reformed minister of Cockpen, were legion ; but it is inters
esting to note these four generations which served first in the
ancient chapel of Cockpen, now standing in ruins, covered
with masses of ivy, and sheltering the marble obelisk which
rises over the greatest Viceroy of India who ever lived, the
Marquess of Dalhousie, and the two last in the peaceful hamlet
of Carrington, where the early primroses to-day speak of the
sweetness and appropriateness of its ancient name.
ON the 1 6th of December, 1641, a memorable event
took place in Newbattle, — memorable both for the
parish, the country, and Christendom at large. On
the afternoon of that day, within the walls of the
older Newbattle Church, now inside the Marquisial
grounds, the ruins of which are now used as a vault, Robert
Leighton was ordained to the holy ministry of the Church of
Scotland, and to the pastorate of Newbattle parish. That old
church was built of the stones of the demolished Abbey; and
when it, in turn, fell into decay, or proved too small for the
parish, the stones were carted away a second time, in 1727,
and built up again into the present Parish Church, — the older
portions of which are all composed of the ancient monastery
stones ; and on some of these, especially in the steeple, carvings
and figures may still be traced.
We may therefore very well hold these stones dear, when
they have such a memorable history behind them ; and to the
old question of Israel, "What mean ye by these stones?"
we can reply by telling the story of their fates and fortunes,
and how, to successive generations for 700 years, they have
been like the stones which Jacob raised at the place where he
saw the vision of angels, — witnesses to and of the near presence
of God Almighty. They bear the marks of where the ends
of the heavenly ladder rested ; to many they have been the
pillars of the gate of Paradise, through which, in spirit, they
have passed into the world unseen. " Behold a ladder set
up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven ; and
behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
And, behold, the Lord God stood above it. And Jacob called
the name of the place Bethel, — God's house !" Sacred is the
place where the stumbling soul of man climbs up to the Father
above, and, above all, where the Father above condescends
to meet His children below. I cannot understand any truly
religious man not having a deep and sacred affection and awe
for the visible courts of God's House. " Her saints take
pleasure in her stones : Lord I have loved the habitation of Thy
house, and the place where Thine honour dwelleth !"
While, therefore, we do not worship in the same church
as that in which Leighton ministered, nor in that oldest sanctu-
ary of all, where, for 500 years, the lights of devotion burned
with remarkable clearness ; still we can call the stones and walls
of our present sanctuary to witness that they have heard
Leighton's voice, and looked down on the solemn and ornate
functions of the ancient Cistercian Abbey.
The figure that received ordination on that dark December
afternoon, more than seven generations ago, was small, frail,
slight, and insignificant. The face bore evidences of care
and anxiety, though its owner was only thirty years of age.
A word about his previous history. His father, a medical
doctor, who lived at the beginning of these troublous times when
Episcopacy and Presbytery fought between themselves for
supremacy, had his ears cut off and his nose slit for writing a
controversial book, entitled "Zion's Plea against Prelacy," in
which he used language of terrible severity against the bishops
who then ruled the Church of Scotland. Further punishment
followed, for he was thrown into prison, and was not released
till the year when his son was ordained at Newbattle (1641).
The son might well look care-worn after such a terrible
domestic trial.
Robert was born in London in 1611, and though the family
was Scotch, he was reared in England. But at the age of six-
teen he was sent home to Scotland and enrolled as a student in
Edinburgh University. While at Edinburgh College, which
had not been very long founded, and of which he was after-
wards to be Principal, he got into trouble, which he explains
in the following letter written to his father : —
It is addressed "To my kind and loving father, Mr Alexander
Leighton, Dr of Medecine, at his house on the top of Pudle
Hill, beside the Blacke Friars Gate, near the Kinges Wardrobe
there, London : —
" Sir,
" The buisnes that fell out with me, which I cannot without
sorrow relate that such a thing should have fallen out, yet having
some hope to repe good out of it as yow exhort me — it, I say, was
thus. There was a fight betweene our Classe and the Semies, which
made the Provost to restraine us from the play a good while ; the boyes
upon that made some verses, one or two in every classe, mocking the
Provost's red nose. I, sitting beside my Lord Borundell and the Earl
of Ha[dington's] son, speaking about these verses which the boyes had
made, spoke a thing in prose concerning his nose, not out of spite
for wanting the play, neither having taken notice of his nose, but
out of their report, for I never saw [him] before but once, neither
thought I him to be a man of great state. This I spoke of his name,
and presently, upon their request, turned it into a verse thus :
' That which his name importes is falsely sad, His name is
That of the oken wood his head is made, Okenhead.
For why, if it had bein composed so,
His flaming nose had fir'd it long ago.'
"The Verses of Apology not onely for myself e but for the rest
yow have in that paper. I hope the Lord shal bring good out of it
to me. As for the Primare and Regents, to say the trueth, they
thought it not so hainous a thing as I my selfe did justly thinke it.
Pray for me as I know you doe, that the Lord may keepe me from
like f als ; if I have either Christianity or naturality, it will not suffer
me to forget yow, but as I am able to remember yow still to God ; and
to endeavour that my wayes greive not God and yow my deare
Parentes, the desire of my heart is to be as litle chargeable as may
be. Now desireing the Lord to keepe yow, I rest, ever endeavouring
to be,
"Your obedient Son,
" I pray yow, Sir, remember my humble duety to my mother, my
loving brethren and sisters : remember my duety to all my friendes.
EDENBROUGH, May 6, 1628.",
He passed thence to the Continent, where he spent ten
years, and there he received the impulse that guided his whole
after-life. While in France he came into close contact with
the Jansenists and the great leaders of the religious movement
known as Quietism, the chief idea of which was that religion
should bring about peace and quiet in the soul : the essence
of Christianity is a quiet inner life. Quietism was then only
in its infancy, but a few years after Leighton left the Con-
tinent it came to a climax, when Madame Guyon, the greatest
of the Quietists within the Church of Rome after Archbishop
Pension, was thrown into the Bastille in Paris, and allowed
to languish' there in solitude, as she wrote herself while in
jail : —
"A little bird I am
Shut out from fields of air ;
But in my cage I sit and sing
To Him who placed me there;
Well-pleased a prisoner to be ;
Well-pleased because it pleases Thee !"
Leighton caught the calm, peaceful, elevated spirit, which
possessed him all through life, as the per fume- incense possesses
the violet, from these good people. He carried it with him
untainted in an age of fierce controversy and most unchristian
temper ; when there was much talk and warring about religion,
but very little real, practical religion; when people seemed
to lay more stress on pure Christianity than applied Chris-
tianity. When almost everyone else on both sides chose as his
crest the thistle or the briar, or some other of the offensive tribe,
Leighton carried the white flower of peace and love, and a
blameless life.
It was from these early Quietists that he learned how to
possess his soul in patience, and to have his spirit kept in
perfect peace. " In quietness and confidence shall be your
strength !" His life-principle is summed up in the lines by
Madame Guyon, who has been already quoted, and who,
though a Roman Catholic, held the same deep principle of
faith :—
" Yield to the Lord with simple heart
All that thou hast and all thou art ;
Renounce all strength but strength divine,
And peace shall be for ever thine.
" Confess Him righteous in His just decrees,
Love what He loves, and let his pleasures please ;
Die daily : from the touch of sin recede;
Then thou hast crowned Him, and He reigns indeed !"
In 1641 Robert Leighton returned from Paris and was
at once ordained to Newbattle, where he remained for eleven
years. The present manse is where he lived, and was built
in 1625, and bears the weather-beaten inscription, " Evangelic
et posteris," — " For the Gospel and Posterity."
Extract from the Records of the Presbytery of Dalkeith : —
"Dec. 2, 1641. Compeared ye parishioners of Newbottle and
testified their accepting Mr Robert Lichtoune to be their minister."
"Dec. 7, 1641. Returned Mr Robert Lichtoune his two theses
[i.e. trial sermons] : endorsed. Compeared ye parishioners of New-
bottle and accepted."
" Dec. 16. Admission Mr Robert Lichtoune. Whilk day (being
appointed for ye admission of Mr Robt. Lichtoune) preached Mr
Johne Knox : Hebrews 13. 17. Whilk day after sermon, Mr Johne
Knox put to Mr R. Lichtoune and ye parishioners of Newbottle,
sundry questions, competent to ye occasion, and after imposition of
hands and ye solemne prayer, was admitted minister at Newbottle.
Absent Mr James Porteous, elder. Mr Robt. Rodger to intimate on
Sunday next ye translation."
The following list of some of the ministers of Dalkeith
Presbytery while Leighton was at Newbattle has been gathered
together out of the dim and faded pages of the Presbytery
Records, written in curious twisted hands, and the ink faded
away with two-and-a-half centuries of age : —
Rev. Andro Cant.
Rev. Oliver Colt (Inveresk).
Rev. Hew Campbell.
Rev. John Knox.
Rev. Wm. Calderwood.
Rev. Patrick Sibbald.
Rev. J. Gillies (previously Bishop, Lasswade).
Revs. Adam and Gideon Penman ; Mr Robt. Couper ; Mr James
Porteous, elder at Newbattle ; Alexander Rotson ; John Logan ; James
and Alexander Rotson, elders.
He carried out in his ministry there those deep principles
of love and peace which had been instilled into him abroad,
and which are the two great fruits of the Spirit. For eleven
years, from the very pulpit which is still in regular use (made
of dark oak beautifully carved), those principles were earnestly
and eloquently preached. A distinguished critic of to-day
says that, of all the sermons of the period, alike Covenanting
and Episcopal, his are the only ones which will bear reading,
and which are still true and useful. He was a man " born
out of due time." He lived before his age. While nothing
whatever was heard in the Church and society but the battle-
cry and the shouts of parties and sects which delighted in war,
he sent forth from his peaceful retreat his peaceful and moder-
ate advices to the Church of the land, advices which, if they
had been taken to heart sooner (as they are at last being taken
now), it would have fared better with all concerned.
While in Newbattle he wrote several of his great religious
works, — his " Exposition of St. Peter " and his theological
and other treatises, — all of which are of the first value to the
scholar and divine even yet. You cannot take up any collection
of religious sayings and maxims, any modern devotional
manual, any guide to heaven, without seeing Leighton's name
occurring over and over again with far greater frequency than
any other, — ancient or modern. Most of these thoughts were
matured amid the beautiful surroundings of Newbattle. A
contemporary of his, writing a few years before his death,
says of his preaching: — "There was a majesty and beauty
in it that left so deep an impression that I cannot yet forget
the sermons I heard him preach thirty years ago " (Arch-
bishop Burnet). He brought similes from the wide domain
of his reading, of nature, and of life, — he knew not only
what was in Scripture but what was in man. But the grand
spring of his life was peace. He may very well be called
"Scotland's Apostle of Peace!" and he well deserves the
eulogy of Professor Flint and Principal Tulloch, that " he
was the greatest saint Scotland has had since the Reforma-
Here is a description of this wonderful man from the
pen of a great living poet : —
" A frail slight form,— no temple he,
Grand, for abode of Deity :
Rather a bush, inflamed with grace,
And trembling in a desert-place;
And unconsum'd with fire,
Tho' burning higher and higher.
" A frail slight form, and pale with care,
And paler from the raven hair,
That, folded from a forehead free,
Godlike, of breadth and majesty; —
A brow of thought supreme
And mystic glorious dream !
" Beautiful spirit ! fallen, alas !
On times when little beauty was ;
Still seeking peace amidst the strife,
Still working, weary of thy life ;
Toiling in holy love,
Panting for heaven above.
" For none so lone on earth as he
Whose way of thought is high and free,
Beyond the mist, beyond the cloud,
Beyond the clamour of the crowd ;
Moving where Jesus trod,
In the lone Walk with God !"
He has left us, in a note, the principle of his ministerial
life here : — " The Sunday's sermon lasts but an hour or
two, but holiness of life is a continued sermon all the week
long." " I had as lief be a martyr for Love's sake as for
During the last few years of his ministry here, the very
strong Covenanting section in the Church of Scotland, — who
were instigated by the English Puritans, headed by Cromwell,
— who held and said that Presbytery was " of divine right,"
and that Episcopacy and all other forms of Church govern-
ment were of the devil, devilish, and who, to illustrate the
strength of their convictions, beheaded King Charles, — this
ultra- Presbyterian party, which really was as exclusive and
absurd as modern Ultramontanism, had grown the dominant
party, and had over-ridden the more moderate and sensible
men, who held with Leighton that " the best Church govern-
ment is that which is best administered," — in a word, the
principle of the Church of Scotland to-day, — that no form
L (161)
of church government is of divine right, but that that is best
and most divine which in practice is found to be most work-
able and beneficial.
Leighton hated the narrowness of the Puritans on the
one side, and on the other, and just as much, the intolerance
of the Episcopalian party. He held that both forms of gov-
ernment had proved themselves good and useful, but he denied
point-blank that any one of them was more divine than the
other. God's Spirit would not, he said, be dictated to; you
cannot say to it, — " Flow here, but do not flow there !" As
to that Spirit, he held Christ's doctrine as given by St. John
the divine, — whom he so much resembled, — that " thou canst
not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth !"
But in 1653 the English Puritan party had got so strong
within the Church, and were so quickly and utterly destroying
all our grand old Scottish traditions, — bringing in Cromwell's
crude off-hand ideas and phantasies as to doctrine and ritual,
— that Leighton was glad to retire from the ministry : and so
he left Newbattle in that year, giving as a reason " the weak-
ness of his voice " ; but the other was the real reason. And so
he was appointed Principal of the University of Edinburgh,
— a post which he held for eight years.
In December, 1661, Charles II. tried to force Episcopacy
on Scotland, and sent for four Scottish ministers, — Sharp,
Hamilton, Fairfowl, and Leighton ; and these having gone
up to London, were consecrated bishops for the northern king-
dom in Westminster Abbey. The conception of the whole thing
was bad, and the execution worse. Principal Robert Leighton
resigned his University honours, and was appointed Bishop of
Dunblane. While he never objected to Episcopacy in itself,
he did not like the intolerance of his co-bishops, especially
Sharp; and he showed unmistakable signs of vacillation. But
he remained as Bishop of Dunblane for ten years, doing
splendid service for Christianity, and still continuing to act
as the Apostle of Peace to poor, troubled Scotland. The
ancient Cathedral of Dunblane is still redolent of his memory,
and the " good Bishop's walk " is still pointed out where, on
the riverside, he continued those sublime and beautiful medita-
tions, begun many years before in Newbattle. His Episcopal
library is still in existence in Dunblane, and the books are
all covered over, as I have seen, with his notes and markings.
That noble Cathedral was restored by Mrs Wallace of Glas-
singal and by the public; it is a noble monument to the
man who is its greatest memory and ornament : its restor-
ation is a hopeful augury of the restoration of " whatsoever
things are peaceable" in the Scottish State- Ecclesiastic.
From Dunblane he was translated in 1671 to Glasgow,
where he was made Archbishop. He laboured in Glasgow
as the highest dignitary of the Church, — along with the Arch-
bishop of St. Andrews, — for three years; and then, in 1674,
he gave up his charge and retired into private life, wishing
to end his days in peace ! Though he had in all states kept
a soul unruffled, and a spirit absolutely untainted with malice
or bitterness or pride, he had passed through a troubled age, —
the mad .whirl and dim confusion of ecclesiastical strife, —
which is the worst of all, the Covenanting struggle, the Epis-
copal riots, the universal unrest and bigotry and bitterness of
the Scottish dark ages ; and his one remaining desire and
modest wish was that " at eventide there might be light," —
that after life's long day of storm and tempest, the sunset
glories might appear stretched out in peace and calm and still-
ness. He left Scotland for ever, and retired to the home of
his only sister at Broadhurst, in Sussex, where he passed ten
years of well-earned repose, looking back upon a life of aston-
ishing vicissitudes, and amid beautiful natural surroundings,
which must have reminded him very much of his earliest pas-
toral charge on the oak-clad banks of the Esk.
He had long expressed a great desire that he should end
his days in a wayside inn; " it looked," he said often, " like
a pilgrim going home, to whom this world was all as an inn,
and who was weary of the noise and confusion in it ! " He
got his wish ; for, going on a visit to London in June, 1684,
alone, he suddenly took ill by night in the Bell Inn, Warwick
Lane, and died during his sleep on the night of the 25th.
The half-finished dome of the new St. Paul's Cathedral,
— built by a tax on coal, which Leighton would associate
with his old parish, rose above the old inn from which his
gentle spirit passed. By a strange and many-sided providence,
he was born and consecrated and died in London, which,
as he himself had passed through fire and worry and harsh-
ness, had only just emerged from the great plague, the great
fire, and the great frost.
His biographer relates the circumstances of his decease,
which are very pathetic. " He often used to say that if he
were to choose a place to die in, it would be an inn. It looked
like a pilgrim going home, to whom this world was all as an
inn, and who was weary of the noise and confusion in it.
He added that the officious tenderness and care of friends
was an entanglement to a dying man, and that the unconcerned
attendance of those that could be procured in such a place
would give less disturbance. And he obtained what he desired,
for he died at the Bell Inn in Warwick Lane, London." An-
other of his biographers writes : — " Such a life, we may easily
persuade ourselves, must make the thought of death not only
tolerable, but desirable. Accordingly it had this noble effect
on him. In a paper left under his own hand (since lost) he
bespeaks that day in a most glorious and triumphant manner ;
his expressions seem rapturous and ecstatic, as though his
wishes and desires had anticipated the real and solemn cele-
bration of his nuptials with the Lamb of God. He sometimes
expressed his desire of not being troublesome to his friends at
his death ; and God gratified to the full his modest, humble
desire, for he died at an inn in his sleep. So kind and con-
descending a Master do we serve, who not only enriches the
souls of His faithful servants with His treasures, but often
indulges them in lesser matters and giveth to His beloved even
in their sleep."
It was a peaceful ending to a peaceful life; but what
was the peace of earth, which he had tried so hard to bring
about, or even the peace of death, which comes sooner or later
to hush up all strifes and lay low all combatants, to that
peace of heaven on which he has entered long long ago, — " the
peace which passeth all understanding?"
In connection with the residence of Leigh ton at Broad-
hurst, the accompanying letter from the present rector of
Horsted Keynes, where the good Bishop lies buried, is inter-
esting : —
" Horsted Keynes Rectory,
" East Gr instead.
" I write on behalf of my father to enclose the inscription on
the outside wall of our church, as also the inscription on the modern
tomb erected in the churchyard. I believe Archbishop Leighton's
remains were originally inside the church, but the church was altered,
and then, I suppose, the inscription was inserted in the outer wall
as now to be seen. There is a curious old farmhouse about one mile
from the church where the Archbishop spent the last ten years of his
life with his sister, Mrs Lightmaker, and it is said he preached his
last sermon in our church, but I don't think the original pulpit exists.
He died at an inn in London, though he left Horsted Keynes in his
usual health, I believe ; but, as perhaps you know from his life, he
had always wished to die at an inn. He laid great stress on regular
attendance at church, especially if wet, for fear he might seem to
countenance the habit of letting trifles hinder attendance at God's
house. We have the diary of Giles Moore, rector here at the time,
but he does not mention the Archbishop !
The following are the inscriptions on the ancient monument
beneath the crest : —
Archiepiscofi glasguensis
A-pud scotas
Qui obiit xxv.; die Junij
Anno dmj 1684
Etatis suce 74.
On the modern monument are these words : — " Here rest
the remains of Robert Leighton, Bishop of Dunblane, after-
wards Archbishop of Glasgow. In an age of religious strife he
adorned the doctrine of God his Saviour by a holy life, and by
the meek and loving spirit which breathes throughout his writ-
ings. He spent in this parish the latter years of his life in
devout preparation for his heavenly rest. Born 1611, died
1684. This memorial was placed here 1857."
Some years ago the writer paid a visit to the Bell Inn,
Warwick Lane, London, where Robert Leighton died, and had
an interesting conversation with the tenant of No. 35 Warwick
Lane, which is next door to the old "Bell," — now pulled down.
He was a Perthshire man, past the prime of life, and seemed
to cherish very warmly the memory of the great Scotsman who
died in so affecting a manner just at his door two hundred years
ago. In Hare's "Walks about London," the old "Bell" is re-
ferred to, and its connection with Leighton. " There is still/'
wrote the Rev. Dr Stoughton, the famous preacher, some years
ago, ' ' in the narrow thoroughfare called Warwick Lane, return-
ing out of Newgate Street, an old inn bearing the sign of ' The
Bell.' The writer never passes it without thinking of Leigh-
ton; for there he died." It was with a strange feeling that I
stood on the very spot where he breathed his last, hundreds
of miles away from his quiet pastorate on the banks of the
Esk. Mr Murray, who keeps a baker's shop in that narrow
wynd, gave me a number of very interesting particulars. The
"Bell Inn" was, in 1851, when he knew it first, exactly as
it had been since the sixteenth century ; in this state it remained
till 1878, when it was pulled down. A massive gateway led
from Warwick Lane, under the shadow of St. Paul's Cathe-
dral, and opposite " Amen Court," — the time-honoured resi-
dence of the canons and clergy of St. Paul's, — into a court
where the " Bell " stood, with its quaint old sign. It was
surrounded by the booths of butchers, and Mr Murray and
several other inhabitants of the place with whom I conversed,
remember seeing joints of meat hanging in great quantities all
round it. It was for several centuries the great inn for car-
riers from the country, and for country people generally ; and
hence Leighton, coming up from Broadhurst in Sussex, put
up there, partly because it was the great country people's inn,
and partly because it was within the precincts of the Cathedral,
and near the ecclesiastical residences. The rooms of the inn
were very small and exceedingly dark; the staircases were very
wide, and had thick wooden banisters; there were large bal-
conies outside. When Leighton visited London the present
Cathedral of St. Paul's was just building, and he had only
to go to the end of the alley to see the sheds and blocks
and rubbish, and the half-built dome. The old people in the
neighbourhood still cherish the associations of the great Scottish
divine whose spirit passed away from out of the midst of
the tumult and bustle of busy London into the calm and still-
ness of the heavenly rest. " I endeavoured," Mr Murray
writes me, " to find out which room he died in, but it is
not known." The site of the inn is now a spacious yard for
lorries and vans. Mr Murray appends to these interesting
details a verse from the poet Shenstone, which was suggested
to his mind, and which is scratched on a pane of glass in
the old Red Lion Inn at Henley, — a sentiment beautifully
enlarged upon by Washington Irving : —
" Whoe'er has travelled life's dull round,
Where'er his wanderings may have been,
Will sigh to think he still has found
His warmest welcome at an inn."
Many incidents are still floating regarding Leighton's life
and ministry at Newbattle. When charged by the Dalkeith
Presbytery with not " preaching to the times " (meaning
" preaching controversy "), he replied that " when so many
were busy preaching to the times, surely one poor brother might
be allowed to preach for eternity." In the old days, travellers
passing by night through " the Path," — the glen reaching up
from Newbattle village to Newtongrange, — always stopped in
the middle of the darkness and repeated the Lord's Prayer,
probably a remnant of Leighton's influence and practice. Two
instances of his dry humour may be given. When Bishop of
Dunblane, a lady called upon him, and, with great earnest-
ness, said she had a special message to deliver to him, and
declared that in a vision she had seen him pointed out as her
future husband. The pale little prelate, whom nature de-
signed to be what the Highland divinity student called " a
chalybeate," was rather taken aback at the " too suddenness "
of the revelation. Very shortly after, however, he regained
composure, and said that, after giving the matter prayerful
consideration, he thought that their best plan was unitedly
to wait until a similar vision had been vouchsafed to him.
The angel, however, seemed to tarry in making the second
revelation, and Leighton lived and died a mere man and a
storm-tossed bachelor.
When Colt was minister of Inveresk he complained to
Leighton of his heavy charge, and jokingly added that to the
minister of Newbattle it would be a " light Jun." The motto
of the family was " Light on," and the emblem a blazing
torch. It was curious that he should have been the minister
and close friend of the Earl of Lothian, whose crest was " the
rising sun."
After his retirement to Sussex, — sick of the controversies
and persecutions which were then making Scotland a veritable
battlefield, — he lived with his sister at Broadhurst, and made
it his duty to attend the Parish Church regularly, especially
on wet days, as an example. The diary of the rector, Mr
Giles, is still extant, but contains no reference to Leighton,
who is buried inside the Parish Church of Horsted Keynes,
two monuments recording the fact. His sister was a Martha
in Israel, and had a large family. On one occasion, losing
patience with her peaceful and meditative brother, she rather
warmly twitted him on being a bachelor, and that it was easy
to be holy and saintly with no family cares ; to which jibe the
good man calmly replied that it was quite the reverse, for in
Genesis v., 22, it is recorded that " Enoch walked with God
and begat sons and daughters," — a reply which i^ut the saddle
on the other horse.
On one occasion at Dunblane, his man-servant left early
in the morning for a day's fishing in the Allan Water, and
locked his master in the house. On his return, all that the
peaceable prelate could bring himself to say was, — " John,
when you next go a-fishing, remember to leave the key in the
Leighton's doctrine may be summed up in his own
Question i. What is naturally man's chief desire?
Answer. To be happy.
Q. 2. Which is the way to true happiness?
A. True Religion.
Q. 3. What is true religion?
A. The true and lively knowledge of the only true God, and of
him whom he hath sent, Jesus Christ.
Q. 4. Whence is this knowledge to be learned?
A. All the works of God declare his being and his glory; but
clearer knowledge of himself and of his Son, Jesus Christ, is to be
learned from his own word, contained in the Holy Scriptures of the
Old and New Testament.
Q. 5. What do those Scriptures teach us concerning God?
A. That he is one infinite, eternal Spirit, most wise and holy, and
just and merciful, and the all powerful Maker and Ruler of the world.
Q. 6. What do they further teach us concerning God?
A. That he is three in one, and one in three, the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost.
Q. 7. What will that lively knowledge of God effectually work
in us?
A. It will cause us to believe in him, and to love him above all
things, even above ourselves ; to adore and worship him, to pray to
him, and to praise him and exalt him with all our might, and to yield
up ourselves to the obedience of his commandments, as having both
made us, and made himself known to us for that very end.
Q. 8. Rehearse then the articles of our belief.
Q. 9. Rehearse the ten commandments of the law, which are the
rule of our obedience, and so the trial of our love.
Q. 10. What is the summary our Saviour hath given us of this
A. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thy-
Q. ii. What is the effectual means of obtaining increase of faith
and power to obey, and generally all graces and blessings at the hand
of God ?
A. Prayer.
Q. 12. Rehearse that most excellent and perfect prayer that our
Saviour hath taught us.
(?. 13. In what estate was man created?
A. After the image of God, in holiness and righteousness.
Q. 14. Did he continue in that estate?
A. No; but by breaking the commandment which his Maker
gave him, eating of the fruit of that tree which was forbidden him,
he made himself and his whole posterity subject to sin and death.
Q. 15. Hath God left man in this misery without all means and
hopes of recovery?
A. No ; for " he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have
everlasting life."
Q. 1 6. What then is the great doctrine of the Gospel?
A. That same coming of the Son of God in the flesh, and giving
himself to the death of the cross to take away the sin of the world,
and his rising again from the dead, and ascending into glory.
Q. 17. What doth that Gospel mainly teach and really persuade
all the followers of it to do?
A. It teacheth them to deny "ungodliness and worldly lusts,
and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world."
Q. 18. How hath our Lord Jesus himself expressed the great
and necessary duty of all his disciples?
A. That they deny themselves, and take up their cross and follow
Q. 19. Rehearse then some of the chief points wherein we are
to follow our Lord Jesus Christ?
A. I. — To surrender ourselves wholly to our heavenly Father, and
his good pleasure in all things, even in the sharpest afflictions and
sufferings, and not at all to do our own will, or design our own praise
and advantage, but in all things to do his will, and intend his glory.
II. — To be spotless, and chaste and holy in our whole conversation.
III. — To be meek and lowly, not to slander or reproach, to mock
or despise any ; and if any do so to us, to bear it patiently, yea, to
rejoice in it.
IV. — Unfeignedly to love our Christian brethren, and to be char-
itably and kindly affected toward all men, even to our enemies, for-
giving them, yea, and praying for them, and returning them good for
evil ; to comfort the afflicted, and relieve the poor, and to do good to
all as we are able.
Q. 20. Is it necessary that all Christians live according to these
rules ?
A. So absolutely necessary that they who do not in some good
measure, whatsoever they profess, do not really believe in Jesus Christ,
nor have any portion in him.
Q. 21. What visible seals hath our Saviour annexed to that
Gospel, to confirm our faith, and to convey the grace of it to us?
A. The two sacraments of the New Testament — Baptism and the
Lord's Supper.
Q. 22. What doth baptism signify and seal?
A. Our washing from sin, and our new birth in Jesus Christ.
Q. 23. What doth the Lord's Supper signify and seal?
A. Our spiritual nourishment and growth in him, and trans-
forming us more and more into his likeness, by commemorating his
death, and feeding on his body and blood under the figures of bread
and wine.
Q. 24. What is required to make fit and worthy communicants of
the Lord's Supper?
A. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and repentance towards God,
and charity towards all men.
Q. 25. What is faith in our Lord Jesus?
A. It is the grace by which we both believe his whole doctrine,,
and trust in him as the Redeemer and Saviour of the world, and
entirely deliver up ourselves to him, to be taught and ruled by him
as our Prophet, Priest, and King
Q. 26. What is repentance?
A. It is a godly sorrow for sin, and a hearty and real turning
from all sin unto God.
Q. 27. What is the final portion of unbelieving and unrepentant
sinners ?
A. The everlasting torment of devils.
Q. 28. What is the final portion of them that truly repent and
believe, and obey the gospel?
A. The blessed life of angels, in the vision of God for ever.
Q. Whereas you were in your infancy baptised into the name of
Jesus Christ, do you now, upon distinct knowledge, and with firm and
pious affection, own that Christian faith of which you have given an
account, and withal your baptismal vow of renouncing the service of
Satan, and the world, and the lusts of the fiesh, and of devoting your-
self to God in all holiness of life?
A. I do sincerely and heartily declare my belief of that faith,
and own my engagement to that holy vow, and resolve, by the assist-
ance of God's grace, to continue in the careful observance of it all
my days.
Rather than dwell on the details of Leighton's Newbattle
life, I purpose to quote the various references in the Pres-
bytery, Synod, and Kirk-Session books to his ministry.
The National Covenant signed in August 1639 by Mr Andrew
Cant, Newbottle, and other ministers in the Presbytery of Dalkeith,
by the Earls of Lothian and Dalhousie, Thomas Megot of Maisterton,
and other ruling Elders and several Expectants, in all about 100 per-
sons, is preserved in the volume of Records, 1639-1652.
1639, Oct. 10. — Mr Andrew Cant (and others absent), are excused,
being appointed by the Synode to attend with the rest of the brether
in Edinburgh during the Parliament.
Dec. 3. — Quhilk day the Presbyterie of Aberdeen sent be Mr
William More ane letter desyring the bretheren to dimit freelie Mr
Androw Cant to the vacant kirk of Aberdein, conform to the act of
transport given by the late General Assemblie holden theire ; to the
quhilk the brether returned thair an^uer and mynd be theire missive
letter sealed, and given in the said Mr William' his hands.
Dec. 17. — Quhilk day Mr Androw Cant exhibit ane letter written
from the Armie desyring him to returne, quha requested the brether
to supplie his place during his absence. They ordane the catalogue
of the bretheren to goe on, and begin whair it left.
March 25. — This day Mr Andro Cant having returned from the
Armie, thanked the Brether hartilie for suppleing his kirk in his
absence, and desyred thaine to continnew till his returne from Aber-
dein ; quhilk they accorded to.
June 17. — The Earle of Lauthian desyred the Presbyterie by letter
to supplie the kirk of Newbotle for two or thrie Sondayes ; quhilk suit
was granted.
July 15. — Mr Robert Lichtone appointed to adde, and to bring a
testimoniall from Edinburgh the nixt day.
July 22. — Exercised Mr James Porteous younger, and Mr Robert
Lichtone. Rom. ii., i, 2, 3. They approvin.
Mr Robert Lichtone produced a testimoniall from the Presbyterie
of Edinburgh.
July 29. — Exercised Mr Robert Lichtone and Mr R. Cowper.
Rom. ii. 4. Doctrine approvin.
Mr Robert Lichtone appointed to preach at Newbotle.
Aug. 5. — Reported Mr Robert Lichtone, that he had preached at
Sept. 23. — [Mark Cass or Carss] Cokpene produced, in name of the
Erie of Lauthian, a presentation to Newbotle in favours of Mr ROBERT
LICHTONE. Mr Robert Lichtone appointed to preach the next day.
Math. xxv. i, 2.
Se-pt. 30. — Preached Mr Robert Lichtone, Math. xxv. i, 2, and
approvin. He ordained to have the common heid De profagatione
Oct. 28. — Mr Robert Lichtone had the common heid De •profa-
gatione Peccati, and approvin. Ordained to susteine disputes the
next day.
Nov. n. — Mr Robert Lichtone susteined disputes, and approvin.
This day fyfteine dayes appointed the last dyet for his farther tryall.
Nov. 25. — Mr Robert Lichtone tryed in the languages, chronologic,
and difficult places of Scripture. Approvin.
Ordains ane edict to be served for Mr Robert Leightone at the
kirk of Neubotle on Sonday nixt.
Dec. 2. — Reported Mr Robert Lichtone that his edict was served,
and returned it indorsed. Compered the parochiners of Newbotle,
and testified their accepting Mr Robert Lichtone to be their minister.
Ordains a second edict to be served.
Dec. 9. — Returned Mr Robert Lichtone his second edict indorsed.
Compered the parochiners of Neubotle, and accepted.
Ordains the last edict to be served on Sonday next.
The next Thursday appointed for his admissione.
Mr Hew Campbell appointed to preach in Newbotle on Sonday
next, and the moderator (Mr Jhone Knox) at Mr Robert's admissione.
Ordains the clerk to write to Edinburgh and Hadintone for their con-
currence to the said actione.
Dec. 16. — At Newbotle.
Quhilk day (being appointed for the admission of Mr Robert
Lichtone) preached Mr Jhone Knox, Heb. xiii. 17. Commissioners
from Edinburgh, Mr Robert Dowglas, Mr Archbald Neutone ; from
Hadentone, Mr Robert Ker, Mr Wil. Trent.
Quhilk day, after sermon, Mr Johne Knox posed the said Mr
Robert Lichtone and the parochiners of Newbotle with sundry ques-
tions competent to the occasion. Mr Robert, with imposition of hands
and solemn prayers, wes admitted Minister at Newbotle.
Dec. 30. — Quhilk day, the brethren subscryvit Mr Robert Lich-
tone's collatione and took his oath of alledgiance, and that he hath
maid no privat pactione to the prejudice of the Kirk.
(Leighton often absent this year.)
June 30. — Lichton was one of the Commissioners to the General
Assembly. In his turn, he made the usual exercise and addition
before the Presbytery, on July 7 and 14, on Rom. vi. i, 4.
Oct. 6. — He and other two members ordained to speak to the Earl
of Louthian about one James Ramsay, guilty of murther.
The quhilk day, Mr Robert Lighten gave advertisement to the
brethren that the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly was to meet
the 1 8th of October.
Feb. 2. — Exercised Mr Robert Lichtoun, Rom. viii. 12, and
Feb. 9. — Becaus Mr Rot. Lichton was seik, appoynts Mr William
Thomson to adde.
Feb. 29. — Mr Robert Lichtone ^being present) ordained to give
James Ramsay the first admonition out of pulpit, according to the
Book of Discipline.
March g. — Long minute about James Ramsay of Southsyde,
charged with the murther of William Otterburne. Reported Mr
Robert Lichtone that he had given the first admonition out of pulpit.
March 16 and June i. — Mr Robert Lighten absent.
July 20. — (He being present) Annabell Hall in Carrington con-
fessed that siie had made a covenant with the Divell, and had received
his mark and his name, and ratified whatsoever she had confessed to
he/ own minister, in presence of the brethren ; whose confession the
biethren subscyved, that it might be presented to the Counsell.
July 27. — Helen Ingliss in Carrington does the same.
Sept. 7 and 14. — Exercised Mr Robert Lighten. Rom. ix. 19-23.
Feb. 8, 29, March 7 and 28. — Mr Robert Lichton one of those ab-
sent. On the 7th of March he had been ordered to supply Lasswade.
April 4. — Patrik Eleaz (Elice) of Plewlands gave in a bill to the
brethren, wherein he desired them earnestlie to put him in possession
of that seat in Newbotle Church quhilk belonged to the lands of Easter
Southsyde, the quhilk lands he had now purchased. But because Mr
Robert Lighten, the minister of the parish, was not present, the
brethren would doe nothing in this businesse till Mr Robert was pre-
April n. — Patrik Eleaz and Alexander Lawsone wer desyred to
be heir this day eight days to heare it decerned who had best right
to the seate in Newbottle Church now in question.
April 1 8. — Reported Mr Oliver Colt, that the Commissioners of
the General Assembly ordained that we should gee on in the processe
against James Ramsay, manslayer, and cause summons him at the
Corse oi Edenbrugh and peire of Leith, to compeir before us and
answer his murther within threescor dayes.
June 6 and 13. — Exercised Mr Robert Lichton, Rom. xi. 26-32.
July 18. — Reported Mr Robert Lightone that he had preached in
Aug. i. — Compeired James Gibsone, of the parishe of Neubottle,
supplicating theyr helpe in respect of the burning of his house. Refers
him to the several kirks.
Aug. 22. — Mr Robert Lightone appointed to preach in Edinburgh
at the Synode.
Sept. 5. — Reported the Commissioners that the Committee of the
General Assemblie advysed them to continue all farther processing of
James Ramsay till it be instructed that he is living. Mr Robert
Lightone appointed to acquaint the partie perseuar to use diligence
Sept. 12. — No exercise this day because of Mr Robert Lighton's
seiknes, who should have had the common heid.
Sept. 26. — Mr Robert Lighten had the common heid, De Christi
Dec. 19. — No addition becaus of Mr Robert Lighton's sickness,
Mr Robert Carson ordered to mak, and Mr Robert Lighten to adde,
if health permit.
Jan 2 and 16. — Exercised Mr Robert Lighten. Rom. xiii. 5-9.
Jan. 16. — Quhilk day, was presented ane Catalogue of books given
by William, Erie of Lauthian, to be ane begining of a librarie to
belong in all tyme comeing to the paroche kirk of Newbottle for the
use of the Minister; which the Brethren thankfullie accepts for a
good work and good example to uthers, and heartilie thanks his Lord-
July 17. — Mr Robert Lightoun appointed to adde.
Oct. 2 and 9. — Exercised Mr Robert Lichtoun. Rom. xv. 12-14.
Feb. 19. — Exercised Mr Robert Lichton. Rom. xvi. 20, 21. Ap-
Feb. 26. — Exercised Mr Robert Lichton. Rom. xvi. 23, 24, 25.
May 29. — Mr Robert Cowper, minister of Temple, being accused
of excessive drinking : the brethren and ruling elders were severally
desyret to informe themselves the best way they cane quhairin Mr
Robert has miscariet himself in his calling and conversation. " Mr
Robert Lichtoun declared that ther was an surmise of his scandalous
drinking in the Stobhill upon an certain day. The brether desyret
Mr Robert Lichton to try the verity thereof, and report the next day."
June 18. — Mr Robert Lichton appoynted to go ther (to Ormiston)
the next day.
June 24. — Reported Mr Robert Lichton he had preached at Or-
As for Mr Robert Lichton, to whom was recomendit the tryell of
(Mr Robert Cowper) his drinking in Stobhill, reported, that he was
informet that on an certaine day he wes drinking in ane Simeon Wil-
son's in the Stobhill.
July 2. — Mr Robert Cowper objects to Sir James Dundas sitting
as a judge. The most of the brethren thought he should not sit.
" Wherewith he not being well pleaset, the brether sent forth Mr
Oliver Colt and Mr Robert Lichton to deill with him, and requeist
that he would not sit as an judge in that busines ; quhilk when he
refuset, they desyret (he being callet in) that he would giv his oath
that in his cariag in this particular he wes free of malice and splen,
and had nothing before his eye bot the glory of God."
July 16. — The said day Mr Robert Lichton informet the bretherin,
that ther wes an who informet him that ther wes an William Hoge
and his wyf in Laswad, who would witnes against Mr Robert Cowper
that he wes drunk, if they should be callit thereto.
[These extracts refer to a long trial of Mr Robert Cowper, who
is accused by Sir James Dundas of Arnoldston (Arniston) of excessive
drinking. The depositions of the various witnesses are recorded, and
Cowper is finally acquitted ; but having, on his acquittal, broken out
into a violent invective against Sir James Dundas, he is suspended.]
August 20 and 27. — Exercised Mr Ro. Lichton, i Cor. iii. 1-4.
Oct. i. — In a dispute about the settlement of Borthwick, and the
presentation in favour of Mr Alexander Wedderburn, between the
heritors and presbytery, each party, "after long debate and confer-
ence, nominate three candidates, viz., Mr Robert Lichton, Mr John
Stirling, Mr Alexander Wedderburne for the heritors of Borthwick,
Mr Alexander Verner, Mr David Lidle (Liddell), Mr William Clyd,
were nominate by the presbitery." On the i5th Wedderburn de-
Oct. 15. — Mr Robert Couper "most humbly did supplicate the
brethren of the pressbitery that he should be relaxit at this time from
his suspension." — It was the mynd of the wholl members of the pres-
bitery and commissioners (from Edinburgh and Haddington, who had
been summoned to advise and assent) except Mr Robert Lichton and
the Laird of Arnolston, he be presently relaxet upon the humble ac-
knowledgment of his offence (against) God and his brethren, and
purging himself of all malice against the Lard of Arnolston. Quher-
upon Mr Robert Lichton and Arnoldston desyret their voyces should
be market as disassenters, in respect they thought it should be referret
to the judgment of the Synode.
Ormiston, Jan. 14. — The said day ther was an act of the com-
mission producet be the clerk, ordaining Mr James Robertson and
Mr Robert Lichtoun to preach to the Parliament the 24 of Januar,
and Mr Oliver Colt and Patrick Sibbald to preach the last of the
said month ; quhilk they promisset to obey.
Feb. 25. — Exercised Mr Robert Carson, i Cor. vi. 12, 13, &c., and
wes approvin. There wes no addition, because Mr Robert Lighten
wes sent for by his Father, who was lying sick at Londoun.
22 A-pril. — The said day Mr James Fairly, moderator, delaitit one
named Stephen Askine, who wes a known malignant, and wes in
actuall service with James Graham, and had purchaset an testimoniall
from the schollmaster of Newbotle, declaring that he wes an honest
man, and that ther wes no blemish found in his conversation except
that he had been with James Graham, for which he had satisfiet the
kirk-session of Newbotle, and was absolvet this last Sabboth be Mr
John Sinclair, who preachit ther for Mr Robert Lichton.
May 13. — Forasmuch as Mr James Aird was not lawfully sum-
monded for giving a testimonial to Steven Askine, who was received
for his complying with the rebels in the Church of Newbatle, con-
trary to the Acts of the Generall Assembly, he was ordained to be
summonded again the next day, with certification.
May 20. — Mr Robert Lightoune present.
The which day, being called, compeared Mr James Aird, and
declared that the Session of Newbotle, to which he was clerk, gave
orders to him for the giving up the name of Steven Askine to Mr John
Sinclair, who did occasionally preach there by the absence of Mr
Robert Lightoune, for receiving his satisfaction for his compliance
with the rebels ; and whereas he was received, not being first at the
presbytery, Conform to the Act of the Generall Assembly, it was onely
done b}' him out of ignorance. Wherefore he was admonished to be
more circumspect afterward, and because the Session was concerned
in that businesse, they ordained the elders thereof should be present
the next day to declare themselves.
May 27. — (Steven Askine, who was a parishioner of Lasswade,
compears in sackcloth.)
June 3. — The which day it was declared by Mr Robert Lightoune,
in name of the elders of the Session of Newbotle, that whereas they
ordained Steven Askine to satisfy for his compliance with the rebels,
contrary to the Actis of the Generall Assembly, they did it out of
ignorance of the said Actis.
Sept. 16. — The which day Mr Robert Lightoune made a reference
to the presbytery, of a processe of adultery, from the session of New-
battle, of John Howy and Katherine Alane, which they denied.
(Long process and examination of witnesses and confronting of
[From May 20, 1647, when the sederunts began to be entered in
full, till March 23, 1648 (between which date and March 30 Leighton
went to England) there were 41 meetings of presbytery" (several of
them being merely visitations in distant parishes), at 29 of which I find
Leighton was present. There were few more regular attenders.]
Jan. 20. — Mr Robert Leightone having given in Theses de
Oratione atque Invocations Sanctorum, was appointed to handle that
commonplace, the next Thursday.
Jan. 27. — The which day Mr Robert Leighton handled the com-
monplace De Oratione atque Invocations Sanctorum, and was ap-
March 16. — This day came from the Commission of the General
Assembly, 16 Declarations and ane Act, for the reading of them by
every brother the next Sabboth.
(This declaration evidently was connected with the " unlawfull
March 30. — Mr Robert Leightoun, who should have added, being
absent in England for some necessary businesse, Mr Robert Alisonne
appointed to adde the next day.
April 6. — This day, the brethren (being interrogated by the Mod-
erator), (as also the two days before) declared that they had all read
the Declaration themselves the first Sabboth after they got it. Onely
Robert Porteous, the elder of Newbotle, declared that Mr Robert
Leightoun had made the Precentor read it, and that because of the
lownesse of his awne voice, which could not be heard thorow the
whole kirk. The clerk was ordained to report this in writt to the
Commission of the General Assembly.
A-pril 27. — Absents from the Synod, tried. — Mr Robert Leightoun,
because in England, could not give his excuse.
At Edinburgh, in the New Church, May 3. — The quhilk day, the
bretheren and ruling-elders being removed quhill ther presbyteris
book wes a trying, did mak choise of Mr James Robertsone and Mr
Robert Lichtoun to preach to the Parliament Sunday come a moneth ;
and in case Mr Robert Lichton his not home-coming, Mr Patrick
Sibbald to supplie his place.
June 15. — The quhilk day, according to the ordinance of the Pro-
vinciall Assembly, the moderator did demand Mr Robert Lichton —
i. Why he did not read the Declaration himself. 2. Why he went
away to England without obtaining libertie from the Presbyterie,
seein ther wes Acts of the Generall Assembly expresly prohibiting
ministers to be absent from their charge thrie sabbothes togidder,
under the paine of deposition, unlese they have obtainet libertie from
ther Presbyterie.
To the first he answered, That that Sabboth quhen the Declaration
wes to be red, he wes so troubled with ane great defluction that he
was (not) able to extend his voyce, and therfor was necessitat to do
that farr, by his intention, bot it shall be helpet in tyme coming.
To the 2d he ansueret —
1. That quhen he went away he intendit onlie to have been absent
two or thrie Sabbothes at the most, and he humbly conceavet ther
had bene no expresse Act why an minister might not have bene absent
for that short space. Bot if ther be any such Act, he wes sorrie
that he should have downe anything that might appeir contrarie to
2. Hoc -posito he had remainit longer away than these few Sab-
bothes togedder, he affirmed, that he did acquaint som of the brether
with it, and desyret them to excuse him.
3. Quhen he cam to York he found an busines of an neir friend's,
bot non of his own, that necessitat him to go further and stay longer
than he intendit.
4. He no sooner came to York bot als sone he wrote an letter of
excuse to the Brether, notwithstanding it did not come to ther hands
befor his coming home.
5. Quhen he came home he was surpryset with seikness, and was
not able to come to the presbyterie for the space of 14 days.
He being removit, and his excuses being considerit and they
charitablie constructed, did appoynt him to be gravlie admonishit
to amend; which was accordinglie done be the Moderator, after his
incalling, and receavit by him humblie, and promisit be the grace of
God to amend.
June 22. — The quhilk day, list being made for choising the com-
missioners to the Generall Assemblie, Mr John Knox, Mr John Sin-
clair, and Mr Robert Lichton wes choisen, and my Lord Borthwick
rulling elder; which being intimat be the Moderatour to them, they
did all accepe of the commission and gave ther oath of fidelitie, except
Mr Robert Lichton, who gave these Reasones why he could not accept
of the commission :
1. Because he had an great charge.
2. He had his people to examine.
3. He wes bot shortlie come home from England.
4. It was not long since he was commissioner to the Generall
5. The great attendance of the commission : And therfor he could
wish they would not insert his name in the commission.
The forsaids reasons, after his removall, being consideret be the
Brethren, and withal laying to heart the bad consequence that might
follow upon his refusall or not accepting of the commission, being
orderlie choisen, uthers might do the lyk, and so ther should be no
Generall Assemblie if the allegit reasones of every commissioner
should be accepted as relevant : And therefor they did adhere unto
ther former voyces in choising of him commissioner, and desyret
him to think upon it till the day 14 days, and then to be present and
accepe upon oath as the rest.
July 6. — The quhilk day, the brethren and rulling elders that
were present finding that Mr Robert Lichton was not ther to accepe
the commission to the Generall Assembly ordainet his name to be
expungit be the clerk out of the commission.
Aug. 5. — (Mr Robert Lichton present — arrangement made for
copying and reading the Declaration against the Engagement and two
Acts of the Assembly.)
August last. — The quhilk day, Mr Robert Lichton wes poset, Why
he did not come to the presbyterie that Thursday immediately preced-
ing the sitting downe of the Generall (Assembly) and embracit his
commission to the said Assemblie, conforme to the appoyntment of the
Presbyterie. Ans. He was so troubled with an distillation that he
was not able to come for the space of two or three days.
Also being poset, Why he did not embrace the commission? Ans.
He was conscious of his own weaknes for the managing of that
busines, and could have wisht that they would construe it so.
2. He declared that he wes very infirme, and feared that he should
not have been able to have waited upon the sitting of the Generall
Assembly. And withall he assured them, that if he had suspected
that they would not have choisen another in his place, notwithstanding
of all his weakness of bodie, yea, although it had tendit to the great
prejudice of his health, he would have embraced it, for he resolvit
never to be refractarye to anything which they commandit him, and
he lookit they would think so of him.
The forsaids reasons being ponderet be the Bretheren and found
somwhat weak, they thought him censurable, but quhat his censure
should be, they continued the same to the nixt Thursday that the com-
missioners of the Generall Assemblie be present.
Se-pt. 7. — The quhilk day, the bretheren and ruling elders (after
Mr Robert Lichton his removall) having divers tymes hard his reasons
red be the clerk, and charitably consideret them, why he did not accepe
of the commission to the General Assemblie the first day quhen he wes
choisen, neither cam the second day conforme to the presbyteries
ordinance, having gotten tyme to think upon it : And finding that
it wes not disaffection unto the cause of Christ, neither out of any
disrespect unto the ordinance of his bretheren, but judging it modestie
in ther brother and infirmitie in bodie that movet him to it, did ordaine
him gravly to be admonishit be the Moderator for his imprudent
cariage, and to beware of the lyk in tyme coming : Which was accord-
ingly downe, and wes modestly taken by him, and withall promiset
be the grace of God to amend.
Sept. 28 — Nov. 2. — (Mr Robert Whyt, expectant, charged with not
being " weil myndit to the Covenant," and suspected of not praying in
the Lugton family (where he seems to have been tutor) against the
Engagement. He admitted he did not pray against the engagement,
gave his reasons, and after long process was ultimately suspended.)
Nov. 2. — (A report on the state of the various Kirks of the Presby-
tery occurs here in the Register.) That of NEWBATTLE is very brief,
viz. —
"The parish therof four miles in lenth, and in bredth two; com-
unicants about 900 ; provydet with manse and glybe and stipend, payet
be the Erie of Lowthean, patron, 4 chalder of victuals, 40 bolls thereof
oats, 8 bolls wheat, and 16 bolls beir, with 400 merkes of moneys."
(At the Synod held at Edinburgh, Nov. 7, 1648, a commission, of
which Mr Robert Lightoune was a member, was appointed for " trying
of any members of the Assemblie had bein active promoters of the last
sinfull ingadgement, or had accession thairto, or had hand in carieing
on the samen, or if any of the brethren had contryvit subscrivit or had
hand anywayes in a supplication that was caried on befoir and at the
tyme of the last Generall Assemblie, and is reported to haue been
contrarie to the public resolutions of the Generall Assemblie."
The Committee reported that "they had cleared their number,"
but report that there " are fyve ruling Elders who have had accession
to the ingagement."
[The strict examination of the Presbytery books by the Synod, pre-
cluded the possibility of any minister being habitually absent.]
Dec. 21. — (Mr Robert Leightone present.) This day, the brethren
being particularly enquyred by the Moderator, If they had observed
the fast, and renewed the Covenant according to the directions given
by the Commission of the Generall Assemblie, answered all, that they
had so done ; which Mr Jhone Knox was ordained to report to the
Dec. 28. — Exercised Mr Patrick Sibbald and Mr Robert Leightone,
upon the i5th of the ist Epistle to the Corinthians, from the 6th verse
unto the gth.
Jan. 12. — Exercised Mr Robert Leightone and Mr Jhone Knox,
expectant, upon the i5th ch. of the ist Epistle to the Corinthians, from
the gth verse unto the i2th, and were approven.
April 12. — This day, the Presbytery having diligently revised and
examined Mr John Pringle, his whole processe could find none of these
declarations that were given in against him clearly and directly
proven, &c. (he was "an expectant," or probationer, and was charged
with thinking the Engagement lawfull) Mr Robert Leightone
and Mr Jhone Sinclare did declare that, to their best sense and judg-
ment, he had testified to them and evidenced true signs of sorrow and
repentance for his errors and miscarriages in relation to the late En-
gagement ; the Presbytery suspended him from preaching till he
should give furder signs and evidences of repentance. (This and
other notices are sufficient to show the incorrectness of Burnet's state-
ment, that Leighton in the year 1648 had declared himself in favour
of the Engagement for the King.)
Over and over again there are references in the Presbytery
books to Leighton's request to be allowed to go to England.
Probably the occasion of these absences was to visit his father,
who, though a Confessor sorely maimed, lived to an old age.
He generally remained away three months, and would pick
M (177)
up the London stage-coach at the " Sign of the Sun" Inn
near the manse, which is still standing. His father left him
;£iooo, which he lost through the failure of a merchant. In
March, 1650, — the year after his father's death, — he again
got leave to go to London " on weightie business," — on this
occasion to try and rescue some of the money, the loss of which
greatly hampered one who never had much of this world's
goods, and who at his death had nothing, — ' ' the provision and
the pilgrimage ending together."
1649, May 31. — (Mr Robert Lighten present.)
-The Moderator having inquyred of everie brother severally, if
they had red the Declaration, and bbserved the day of public thanks-
giving, found that everie one had discharged thaimselfs cheerfullie.
June 14. — The which day, Mr Robert Lighten declared that his
Father, being under seakness, had written for him, and thairfor de-
syred libertie to goe and visite him.
The Brethren judget his desyr reasonable, graunted the same, de-
syring him to returne with all possible diligence to his charge, and to
provide some to supplie his plaice induring his absence ; quhilk he
promised to be cairfull off.
June 21. — Erie of Louthian chosen rewling elder to the Assemblie.
July 12. — At Glencorss Visitation, the people said they were abun-
dantlie satisfied of their minister [Mr Robert Allison] in his life, and
much edified by his doctrine, and that he had preached according to
the exigence of the times, and particularlie against malignants and
Se-pt. 6. — (Mr Robert Lighten present, first time since June.)
This day the Presbyterie appoynted everie brother to give in the
names of all quho in their parishes had bene upon the lait unlawful
Ingagement, and had not as yet nather satisfied nor supplicate.
Sep. 20. — Mr Robert Leighton excused for his absence last day
(Sept. 13).
Nov. 8. — The Provinciall Assemblie of Lowthian and Tweeddale
" requeists my Lord Lowthian to speak to the Committie of Estaits,
that ther Lordships may give ordour to their clerks to issue out com-
missiounes for tryall and burning of witches, gratis."
Nov. 29 — Dec. 6. — The which day, exercised Mr Robert Leightoun,
2 Cor. i. 6-1 1, and was approven.
Jan. 24. — The which day Marjorie Paterson of the parioch of
Newbottle (and others), confessing witches, had their depositions at-
tested by the Moderatour.
Every minister ordained to see that his kirk was provided accord-
ing to the Act of Parliament. Mr Hugh Campbell to speak to my
Lord of Lothian for the settling of the stipend of Newbottle.
Feb. 7. — The which day, reported Mr James Robertsoune, that my
Lord Lothian had provided the kirk of Newbottle with a stipend, ac-
cording to the Act of Parliament, to wit, 4 chalders victuall, of wheat,
bear, and oats, foure hundrethe pounds of money, with 40 pounds for
the elements, with 4 sowmes grass, when the minister shall demand it,
with manse and gleib.
March 14. — The which day, Mr Robert Leightoun did show the
Presbyterie that a weightie businesse did call for him to England, and
obtained libertie from the Presbytery to goe, upon condition he should
take a course for the providing of his kirk till his return, which he
told the Presbyterie he had alreadie done.
May 21. — Mr Robert Leightoun's name reappears at this date.
May 30. — This day, Mr Robert Carsan complained of Robert
Walter his precentour, for malignant speeches that he should have
vented in my Lord Lothian's family. Mr Robert therefore, and Mr
John Sinclar, were ordained to try my Lady Lothian anent his
June 20. — This day, Mr John Sinclar reported that Mr Robert
Carsan, and he could learn nothing of the malignancy of Robert
Walter, the precentour in Newtoun, at Newbottle.
June 27. — This day, Robert Ker, having been 12 years in Germany,
and having come to the country within thirteen dayes, and having his
father dwelling in Newbotle, was ordained to be received to the cove-
nant by Mr Robert Leightoun, after triall.
(One Andrew Alexander, signs a declaration, expressing his sor-
row for having condemned set prayers, and the use of the Lord's
Prayer, and admits that it may be lawfully used, both in public and
private, and he " heartilie detests and abhorres the errour of those
who condemne the use therof as sinfull.")
" Moreover, forasmuch as the said Andrew declared he was scar-
cely satisfied that sett prayers were lawfull, and desired he were clear-
ed from Scripture, Mr Robert Leightoun and Mr John Sinclar were
ordained to conferre with him.")
Ther wes no meiting of the Brethren from 25 Julii 1650, untill
the 15 day of Junij 1651, into which there wes anything judicially
done. The Brethren resolved to meet at Cockpen, and choose Commis-
sioners to the Generall Assembly.)
June 22. — The meeting was held at Cokpen.
Nine members were present, including Mr Robert Lichton.
(One or two leaves wanting here, till Oct. 30, 1651.)
1651, Nov. 4. — Adjourned to January 6, and then to March 1652 : —
Proceedings of the Synod.
No Presbytery Books except Linlithgow, because, through the cal-
amities of the times, the meetings of Presbyteries had been very unfre-
quent. Long proceedings about differences in the Presbytery of Lin-
lithgow. A committee, of which Robert Leighton was a member,
appointed to consider what should be done by the Synod.
A committee appointed to consider "what is expedient to be done
in relation to our Brethren prisoners in the Tower of London and
about that city."
Committee for healing present ruptures in the Kirk, and Act of
Synod thereanint.
A committee of which Robert Leightoun was a member, appointed
to present this Act to the brethren differing in judgment from its Pro-
vinciall Assembly.
(Committee on Mr Edward Wright's processe appointed : Robert
Leighton one of the members.)
Overtures anent the Brethren Prisoners in England.
The committee appointed in relation to our brethren, prisoners
in England, proposed — (i.) That a generall letter should be written
to them, showing sympathie and fellow-feeling. (2.) " That a fitt man
of the Synod be pitched upon, to be sent to London with com-
mission to negotiat their liberation and freedome, by all possible and
lawfull meanes, quho may take advice of the minister of St Andrews
and Edinburgh, the Lord Warristoune, and Mr John Livingstoune,
anent his carriage in that business, quho shall have 50 peeces (50
peeces — 600 merks) allowed toward his charges, te be payed by the
Presbyteries of the Synod proportionally. (3.) That some be directed
from the Synod to acquaint the Magistrats of Edinburgh, and the
persons in nearest relation to the prisoners, with this resolution.
(Mr Robert Ker and the clerk to draw out the letters and commis-
sion, and a committee, of which Mr Robert Leightoun was one, to
acquant the Magistrats and nearest relations with the Synod's pur-
pose.) Proportions payable by the Presbyteries fixed.
Mr Robert Leightoun is unanimously chosen and earnestly desired
by the Synod to undertake the charge of repairing to London for ne-
gotiating and enlargement and fredome of our imprisoned brethren
in England ; quhilk he accepted. The commission being presented
and read, was aproven ; the tenor quhairof followeth.
The Provinciall Assembly taking to consideration the sadd con-
dition of their brethren now prisoners in England, and the dutie
incumbent to this Assembly in relation to them, found themselves
obliged as to hold them up in prayer to God in privat and publict,
so to use all lawfull meanes for their enlargement and libertie ; and
having found it expedient for that end, that on should be sent up to
London, doe unanimouslie appoynt their reverend brother, Mr Robert
Leightoun, minister at Newbottle : hereby giving him power and com-
mission to repair to London for negotiating the freedome and enlarge-
ment of their said brethren ; and doe appoint the Presbytrie of Dal-
keith to take course for supplie of his place, that the people of his
charge sustaine no prejudice during the time of his absence : lykewise
the drawght of the letter to the brethren imprisoned, being presented
and read, was approven, the tenor quhairof followeth : —
REVEREND AND DEARE BRETHREN, — [4th November, 1651].
Neither our condition nor yours will permitt us at this time fullie
to expresse the thoughts of our hearts toward yow in your suffering, yett
we thought it our dutie to give yow some testimony of our remembrance
of yow ; and therefore, being by the Lord's good providence mett here
in our Provinciall Assembly, the brotherlie affection we carry to yow,
and the Christiane sympathie we have with yow, hath put us to a
resolution of assaying all possible and lawfull meanes of your en-
largement ; for this effect we have desired our reverend brother, Mr
Robert Leightoun, to repair to London, giving power to negotiate in
that matter, as God sail be pleased to blesse any meanes for that end,
— there shall be no earthly thing more acceptable to us : for obtaining
hereof we have appoynted prayers to be made throughout the churches
of our bounds : in the meanwhyle assure yorselves our souls desire to
God shall be for yow, that his consolation may abound in yow, and
his strength support yow : to his rich grace we commend yow, and are
in him
Your loving Brethren and most affectionat
ASSEMBLY OF LOTHIAN, &c. in their name.
(A Fast appointed.)
1652, March 3.— Mr Robert Leightoun appointed by the Synod one
of a committee " To consider of the marriage and fornication of our
women with the English souldiers, and the baptizme of children gotten
betwixt them in fornication ; and whether ministers are to accompt the
personnes so maried of the number of their congregation ; also how to
cary in case of their suteing proclamation, and to present their thots
anent these things to the Synod," &c. &c.
March 4. — Report : Mr Hew M'Kaile — Mr Robert Trail! and he
having moved the English Commissioner for freedome or maintenance
to our brethren prisoners in England, speciallie those who are in the
Tower, that they found no hopes at all of the former, and but little
for the latter.
The Synod nominats and appoints Messrs William Dalgliesh,
George Leslie, Oliver Colt, Robert Ker, to concurre with the brethren
of Edinburgh in dealing with Mr Leighton, to the intent of the com-
mission given him for repairing to London, to negotiat for the breth-
ren in prisone there.
Dalkeith, November 14. — In supplying Borthwick during the
vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr James Porteous, it was or-
dained, that (after six members who are named) it should be done by
those who should have suppliet Mr Robert Lichton's place during his
abod at England, if he went not away before that tyme.
(Few meetings of the Presbytery were held about this time.)
January 22. — No exercise, because of the English comissioners
at Dalkeith, and the great confluence of soldiery, both of horse and
The said day the brethren appoynted ther next day of meeting
to be at Cokpen this day 20 days, fearing the insolencie of the soul-
diers at Dalkeith.
At Cokpen : There was no thing judicially downe, because there
wes bot few brether came ther, and therfore it wes resolvet that the
place of meeting should be at Dalkeith againe. In respect they were
credibly informed that they might als safely meet at Dalkeith as at
April i. — An act of the Sessione of Borthwik laid on the table,
showing that the heritors and elders had unanimouslie chosen Mr John
Weir as their minister. The brethren having pondered the premess,
approved of the same, and " appointed Messrs James Fairlie, Robert
Lichton, to concurre with the heritors of Borthwick for his transport-
ation from Leith to Borthwick, and for that effect to appear before
the Presbytrie of Edinburgh.
April 15. — The quhilk day, reported Mr James Fairlie and Mr
Robert Lichton, that they had been at the Presbyterie of Edinburgh,
for the lousing of Mr Johne Weir from his charge he had at Leith,
and that they had loused him from his charg ther without relation
unto any place.
Weir having accepted this call to Borthwick : the call, among
other things, says, " and that it will be your studie- not to break, bot
entertaine and preserve, the union and harmonie of this Presbyterie,
quhairin they are so singularly happie in this distracted tyme."
At Znneresk Kirk, April 29. — The quhilk day, ther came an letter
from Mr Robert Lichton, desyring the brethren to have an cair of
suppliing his place during his abod in England, in respect he wes
going to sie if he can obtaine any sort of libertie to these Ministers
who wer keepet in the Tower and uther places.
The brethren condescendit to his desyr, and ordainit Mr James
Robertsone to preach at Newbotle upon Sonday com 8 days, and after
him the wholl brether to preach ther per vices, according to their
standing, expressed in the Presbyterial Roll.
July 15. — Also it was informed by some of the brether, that Mr
James Robertsone, at the marriag of the Erie of Lowthian's daughter,
had both in the kirk prayet, and at the table in Newbotle Castell
craved an blessing before supper, and given thanks also, Swinton being
present, who is excommunicat ; and therfor Mr James being posit if
it wer so, as wes alledget, An. : That if Swinton wes in the kirk it
wes more than he knew of, for he did not sie him ther. As for his
being at the table, it wes an long tyme before he did perceave him,
he being at an larg distance from him, and many betwixt them, as
also it being in the evening. Bot quhen he perceaved him ther, he wes
much weighted then, as also now, for his imprudent and inconsiderat
carriag. As for his giving of thanks, it wes after Swinton's rysing
from the table, uthers having downe the lyk befor, and taking the
opportunitie at his absence, did give thanks.
The brethren having ponderat the premisses, and finding that he
had not careit himself as it became an man of his place and age,
ordainet him to be publicly rebuiket, and to be more circumspect in
tyme to come ; which, after his incalling, wes accordingly down, and
the same rebuik well accepted of by the said Mr James.
(Leighton appears to have remained in England from May till
about the end of November 1652.)
December 16. — A letter frome Mr Robert Lichtone, presented be
Mr Hew Campbell, quhairin he dimits his charge of his ministrie at
Newbotle : Quhilk the Presbyterie refused to accept. Appoints the
Moderator to writ to him, and to desyre him to returne to his charge.
December 30. — Ressavit from Mr Robert Lichtone ane letter,
quhairin he divests his charge de no-vo, quhilk the Presbyterie refused
to accept. Appoints the Moderator to writ to him.
Januar 13. — Appoints Mr James Robertsone to preach in Newbotle,
and to speik to the Earl of Lauthian about Mr Lichtone and Mr Robert
Alisone the nixt day.
Reported the Moderator that he had written to Mr Lichtone.
Januar 27. — Compeared Mr Robert Lichtone, and desyred to be
lowsed from his charge.
Compeared Andrew Brysone, in name of the towne of Edinburgh,
shewing that the Councell of Edinburgh had given Mr Lichtone a call
to be Principall of the Colledge ; and his commissione being requyred,
he undertook to produce it at the nixt meeting. Appoints the nixt
meeting to be this day eight dayes, and then to give ane answer to
both : but no exercise that day. Appoints Mr Robert Carsane to
preach in Newbotle, to mak publick intimation to the parishioners,
that if they had any thing to say against the lowsing of their Minister,
they might appear befor the Presbyterie the nixt day.
February 3. — Reported Mr Robert Carsane that he had preached
in Newbotle, and made publick intimation, as was appointed the last
day. The parochiners of Newbotle called, compeared not.
Ane letter presented be Andrew Brysone from the Councell of
Edinburgh, desyring that Mr Lichtone might be lowsed from his
charge at Newbotle, and transported with all conveniencie to Edin-
burgh Colledge, to be Principall there ; and ane Act of Councell lyke-
wyse presenting the said Mr Lichtone to the said place. Mr Lichtone
being posed, if he wold embrace the foresaid charge, answered, that
he wes not yet fully resolved.
The quhilk day the brethren of the Presbyterie convened, accord-
ing to the appointment of the day preceding, anent the desyre of our
brother, Mr Robert Lichtone, to be lowsed frome his ministrie at the
kirk of Newbotle, by reason of the gritnes of the congregatione farre
exceeding his strength for discharging the dewties thereof, especially
the extreme weakness of his voice not being able to reache the halfe
of them when they are convened, which hes long pressed him very
sore, as he had formerly often expressed to us : And to give ane
answer to the Commissioner from the Councell of Edinburgh, anent
his call from them to be Principall of Edinburgh Colledge, that he
may be released from his ministrie ther to that effect. And having
ordained the parish of Newbotle to be warnit by public intimation
from pulpit to heir and see quhat they could object against the said
desyre and call. The Brethren this day having called the said
parish, and they not compearing, nor any in their name, and having
hard our said Brother renew his desyre, as also having red the letter
and commissione from the Councell of Edinburgh, directed to us by
Andrew Bryson, thesaurer to the said toun, anent his foirsaid call,
did, after mature deliberatione, unanimouslie conclude, that the said
Mr Robert Lichton shall be lowsed, and by thir presents, doe actually
lowse him from his ministrie at the said kirk of Newbotle, declaring
the kirk thereof to be vacant, and transports him to that charge. And
ordains publick intimation to be made heirof the next Lord's Day at
the said kirk of Newbotle, by Patricke Sibbald, minister at Penni-
cooke, and ordains ane extract heirof to be given to the said Androvy
Bryson, and to Robert Porteous, younger, in Newbattle.
Appoints Mr Patrick Sibbald to preach in Newbotle, and to con-
vene the Session, and to desyre them to pitch with all conveniencie
upon ane honest and able man.
[Mr Alexander Dickson, afterwards Professor of Hebrew in the
University of Edinburgh, was admitted Leighton's successor on the
7th of October, 1653.]
1643, March 12. — The whilk day the Heritoures of the parochine
of Newbattell, with Minister and Elders, being convenit in the kirk
thereof — viz., Mr Robert Lightone, Sir John Murray, Mark Cass of
Cokpen, Thomas Megot of Maisterton, Mr Robert Preston, Robert
Porteous, elder and younger, Mr Mark Ker, John Trent, James Ker,
with uthers divers, condescendit and agreed, with ane consente, to
pay to thair reader and schoolmaster, Williame Hamilton, the soume
of tua hunder marks yearly, at tua times in the year proportionally,
Witsonday and Martimes — viz., Be the Right Honourable William
Earle of Lowthean fourtie punds, be the toune of Newbattell nftie
marks, and the rest of the tua hunder marks to be payit out of land-
wart — viz., Fordell and Coatis twentie-fyve marks, Eisthousses elevin
markes, Westhousses sextein pundis, Southsyde seven pundis ten schil-
lings, Murtoun fiftie shillings, Arniston for Newbyres ten marks,
and the tuo milnes to pay the rest that wantis of the forsaid tuo hunder
April 9. — Given for a lock to the gate of the kirkyard, 00-14-00
May. — (Arrangements connected with the communion. The com-
mencement is torn away, which related to " preparations befoir," and
"for provision of the elementes." This last by "John Trent and
Archibald Broune." It then says) " Also for,"
The First Sabbath. The Second Sabbath.
Thomas Megot, Andrew Abernathie,
Robert Prestoun, James Ramsay,
Robert Porteous elder, Samuell Davidson,
Robert Porteous younger, Johne Trentt,
Thomas Steill, ' Thomas Russell,
John Hutcheson. George Huntar.
For Dooris. For Tikattis (Tickets).
John Borthwik. Archibald Broune.
James Ker. James Trentt.
Ther is also appointed be the session for the first dayes elementis,
tuo gallonis of vyne and two dusson of breid.
Memorandum. — That after the communion there sail be ane ac-
compt taken of the pooris money in the box, becaus this tuo year no
accompt has been taken.
June 26. — The which day, all the collections and distributions
from the loth Oct. 1641 till his 26th June, 1643, being all layit and
competit, thar remainit undistribut of good money in the poor's box
121 pundis. (See Cash Book.)
August 14. — The minister and elders of the parochin of Newbat-
tell, considering the manie evillis that follow upon the neglect of bring-
ing up childring at school, and especially and that it is not only ane
maine cause of thair grosse rudness and incivility, bot of thair un god-
lines and ignorance of the principillis of religion, and makis them
also almost unteaehabell, have ordained that all parents within the
said paroch be careful, so soon as thair childring com to capabill
yeiris, to send them to some schooll, that thay may learne at the leist
to read, and that, whosoever sail be found within this paroch to fail
heirirf, sail be obliged to pay as give they did send thair childring to
schooll according to the number of thame, or be utherwayes cens(ured)
as the session sail think fitting.
Oct. 15. — It was related be the elders that searchit, that thair was
tuo wes drinking in James Erskine's in tym of divin service, and
ordainis the said James Erskin to be sumoned against next Saboth
to compeir befoir the session.
Nov. 5. — The quhilk day, it was with universall consent, both of
minister and elders, condescendit upon that thair sould be built befoir
the pulpet ane convenient seatt of timber for the reidar as is in uther
kirkis : and the elders to sit at the tabill or boord befoir the pulpett.
Nov. 12. — It was relatit that John Burrowman in Easthousses did
carie his aill and small drink oft and divers tyms throw the parochin
upon the Sabbath day, and thairfoir is to compeir befoir the session
the next Sabbath that he may be decernit to satisfie for the same.
1644, Feb. n. — After dividing the parish into districts, and nam-
ing an elder for each, it is added — That everie ane be cairfull within
thair owin boundis designit to visit frequently, as once in fyfteen
dayes, and to inquyr about family exerceise in every house, and the
conversation of the people. Especially to tak ordour with cursing,
swearing, or scolding, and excessive drinking — give any such dis-
ordour be fund amongst tham ; and to be cairfull in visiting the seik,
and sik as ar in want to give notice of thame to the minister and
March 13. — The which day, it was condescendit upon be the
elderis and heritours, at thair meeting in the kirk of Newbattell, that
thair sould be the soum of ane thousand pundis of stent imposit upon
the heritours of the said parochin for repairing of the said Kirk.
March 17. — The which day, it was condescendit upon be the mini-
ster and the wholl session, that Captain Andrew Abernethie sould
have the roome and place whair Abraham Hereis' dask and seatt
stood, to build and place tuo pews in. Also Patrik Eleis (Elice), now
of Southsyde, gave in his bill and petition to the session desyring
Alexander Lawson in Westhousses to remove out of that seat that
belongit to him next to my Lord's Isle, on the west syd thairof.
Patrik Eleis referrit himself to the arbitriment of the session ; bot
Alexander Lawson declynit the session and appealit to the presbiterie.
The which day, it was condescendit at the meeting of elders and
heritouris, that thair sould be the soume of ane thousand punds of
stent for the repairing of the Kirk of Newbattell imposit upon the
heritours of the parochin of Newbattell.
March 26. — The heritours and elders being also convenit, being
inquyred whom they thought most fitt for collecting of the former
soume, did appoynt Thomas Megot of Muirtoun collectour for the
toun of Newbattell, and Robert Porteous, younger, collectour for the
gentilmen in landward.
June 16. — Appointed to attend upon the committee in Edinburgh
everie Monday, vicissim tours about, Thomas Megot, James Ramsay,
Robert Porteous elder and younger, John Trent, Thomas Russell, and
Johne Hutchison.
(No meetings of Session held from December, 1644, to May, 1645.)
Eodem. — Thair lent out of the -pooris money to the Minister,
•with consent of the Session, 500 marks Scottis.
(This entry is erased by a pen being drawn through it, the money
having either been repaid, or perhaps not required.)
Mair to James Ramsay, 100 marks.
Mair to Thomas Russell in Newbattell, 100 marks, quhairof the
annuelrent was payit till Candelmas 1646.
Mair to Sir John Murray, 300 marks.
(The next and only other entry in the book is dated 4th January,
1646, so that during 1645 there were apparently only two meetings
of session held). The foregoing minutes appear to be principally in
the handwriting of William Hamilton.
Another volume commences in the handwriting of Mr James
March 17, 1646. — (On two fly-leaves at the beginning of the vol-
ume are the following entries) : —
" A Catoluge of Bookes given by William Earle of Lothiane to
the Parisch Kirk of Newbattell, to be ane abiding librarie for the use
of the Ministers thereof successively.
"Also of such bookes as uthers well affected hath given for the
increase of the same librarie."
(The catalogue has been torn away, but in the Presbytery Records
there is a list of the books. On the other fly-leaf are the following
entries) : —
Record of Wescheles (vessels) and such like that pertaine to the
Parosch of NEWB.
1646, 29 May. — The whilk day, was given by Robert Porteous
younger, a silver cup for service to the Kirk.
Likewise by Alexander Kaitnes, another of that same faschion.
Likewise by Patrick Ileis of Southsyde.
1647, May 2. — The whilk day, Sir John Murray was chosen ruling
elder for the ensuing Synod.
May 16. — The whilk day was Patrick Ileis of Southsyd receaved
by Mr James Fairlie from the place of public repentance, where he
had sitten from the aforenamed day, and entred (continued) to sit
without intermission in sackcloth.
(Leighton was absent from February till this time.)
1647, Nov. 21. — The whilk day Helen Smith was exhorted by the
Minister, in presence of the Session, to have a care of herself and
house, that she walked Christianlie. Because schoe was reported to
have had ane unrulie and uncivill house, which cold not be throughly
1648, Feb. 27. — And Didhop and Isobell Watt were reseaved pub-
licly for a scandall they had given by being out in a yaird together,
which in some circumstances had some presumptions ; yet because the
Session cold not knaw no more but that they were happily preveined
from adulterie, did appoint them to acknowledge their scandall pub-
March 27. — Bessie Lawsone and Marjorie Nicolsone humbled
themselves on their knees before the Session for scolding, and were
referred to the magistral.
June 4. — Jon Clerk was punished by the civil magistrat for
1648, i-jth Sept. is the last entry of the Session proceedings in
this volume. No other volume is extant of its proceedings during
Leighton's incumbency. His successor seems to have begun a new
volume when he came in 1653. There is, however, one page containing
short Sessional notices, extending from $d Dec. 1648 to Sept. 23, 1649,
a.nd another containing notices from May. to July 1650.
On a fly-leaf 'is a " Coumpt of charges given for the building of
the Eastern loft, beginning the 21 of June 1646." Among other items
is one of £2, for " mending the doore of the kirk and the loaupping-
on stone."
The Term of Mertemes 1650.
The quhilk day Robert Porteous did dischairg himself off the
money quhilk he was dew to the schurch off Newbottell, and his de-
bursment is all allowet. He restet off fre money — the soume off ane
thousand merks Scotis quh'itch wes delyverit to Mr Lichtoune, minister
thaire, for the quhitch he hes gevane his bond to pay interest; and
now at this terme off Witsonday 1651, the said Mr Lichtoune hes de-
burset the half yeir's interest from Mertenmess 1650 to Wltsounday
1625, at dispositione off the elders. And to testefie thir premisses, we
the Elders underwretten hes subscryvet with our hands.
Some extracts from the Session's Accounts during Leigh-
ton's incumbency may be interesting.
July 31 Given at command of Session for ane horse to £ s. d.
to the Minister, 01800
23 August Given to James Johnson, wright, on command
of the minister, for mending the pulpett, i 10 o
,, Mair to Nicoll Simpson for making and dress-
ing of the grein cloath to the pulpett, - - i 16 o
3 Septr. Given to the Paintor, at command of Session,
for collouring the pulpett, - - 434
4 Septr. Accompt of the pulpett cloath :
„ Item, for ane ell and quarter of cloath at 3
markes the ell, is - - £6 13 4
,, Item for 8 ell fustian at i6s. the ell, - - -680
,, Item for 3 ell and ane half silk fringes, - - 6 14 4
4 Septr. That same day given by Minister to Andrew Lun, ^300
14 Sept. Given to James Jonson for ane footgang to
serve for the communion, - - - -001200
16 October Mair given out for pulpit cloath, - - - 20 oo oo
Robert Cuthbertson beadle at this time.
William Hamilton schoolmaster of the parish.
There was also a schoolmaster in Stobhill, Thomas
Smebeard ; and another in Westhouses, David
28 May Mair to Robert Porteous to buy ane cave, to
keip our communion wyne in, - - - - 13 10 o
,, For carrying cave from Edinburgh, - -060
24 Septr. Given out of the collections of the poore's money,
for ane Psalm-book to serve the kirk, and for
binding the Bybill, 3 15 o
22 Octr. Given for the Acts of the Assembly, - - o 13 4
,, Mair for the Covenant, 040
„ Given at command of the Minister to ane gen-
tilwoman in grit necessitie, - - -400
10 Deer. Mair for the subscryving of the Covenant, to the
Reidar that subscryvit for thes that could not
subscryve themselffs, i 10 4
To James Jonson, wryt, for making steps of
timber about the pulpett, ^3 15 o
Given to Robert Cuthbertson (the beadle), for
working at the kirk four dayis, - - -140
Given to Robert Cuthbertson and ane boy for
carrying the red out of the kirk, - -080
(Many " gentilmen from Ireland " and other
strangers in necessity helped.)
For hanging the belstring, - - - - o 12 o
Drinksilver for 5 cairts in Easthouses for bring-
ing hame timber to the kirk, - - - -too
5 May Given to ane Hungarian scholler, - - - 2 13 4
14 July Mair given be the baily out of his own purse
to two poor women in necessity, at command
of the minister, - - - - o 16 8
18 Aug. Given to a daft man, 040
10 March The whilk day taken out of the poor's box, at
command of the minister, to pay for glas win-
dows to the kirk, ,£90 oo oo
(The Wester loft seems to have been built about
this time.)
i June Mair to the two fishars wyffes (often entered), - i 13 4
,, Mair to the Egiptians, o 16 8
3 Aug. Distribut for John Gillies his wyff, and boy,
that died first in the visitation, - - - 8 10 o
(Frequent entries connected with this visitation
of the Pest.)
20 Aug. Mair given to William Hamilton for his extra-
ordinar pains in wryting, - - - -800
,, Mair given to James Gilchrist for making the
prese in the Kirk for to keip the Buiks given
to the Kirk be the richt Nobill William Earle
of Lothiane, 800
,, Mair to doctour for visiting James Watson's
daughter, after her depairting, - - - 6 13 4
„ Mair for aill to the seik, - i 13 4
,, Mair for 200 panther naillis for the prese to
hold the buiks in, - - i 6 8
„ 3 gallons aill, - - - i 12 o
,, 7 fir lots meill, n 4 o
15 Deer. Nyne gallons aill, 5 dusson breid, for those
under visitation, - - 6 16 o
,, Four gallons 4 pynts aill, - 280
,, Four dusson breed, - i 12 o
,, Ane boll and 2 peks meill, - 6 15 o
28 Dec. To Richard Brown, for making seven graves
to John Cairn's house, 400
(The Dalkeith communion cups seem to have been borrowed on
Sacramental occasions previously to the year 1646 : entries occur of
gratuities to " Dalkeith-belman " for the loan.)
The printed copy of the Solemn League and Covenant [Edinburgh,
1643], and now in tne Royal Antiquarians' Society's Museum, cost
Newbattle Parish 4/, and bears the signatures of Leighton, heritors,
and parishioners, as affixed in October, 1643.
Some years ago a handsome brass memorial was erected
in the parish church of Newbattle, beside the ancient black
oak pulpit from which, during his incumbency of the parish
(1641-1653), Leighton was wont to preach. The inscription,
which gives the main events of his life, is as follows :—
To the glory of God, and sacred to the memory of
Archbishop Leighton. Robert Leighton was born in London,
1611 : educated at Edinburgh University, and on the Con-
tinent : ordained pastor of this parish on December i6th, 1641,
where he ministered faithfully till 1653. Principal of Edin-
burgh University, 1653-1661 ; Bishop of Dunblane, 1661-1671 ;
Archbishop of Glasgow, 1671-1674; after which he retired
into private life, and lived with his sister at Broadhurst, in
Sussex, for ten years. He died, according to his long cher-
ished wish, in an Inn (the Bell Inn, Warwick Lane, London),
by night, during his sleep, — June 25th, 1684; and was buried
in the Parish Church of Horsted Keynes, Sussex. Blessed
are the Peacemakers. For so He giveth His Beloved Sleep."
In Horsted Keynes Church, two memorials are raised
to his memory,1 and the old farm-house is still pointed out
where he stayed ; though, curiously, in the diary of Mr Giles,
who was rector there during Leighton 's residence, there is no
reference to him. Two memorials stand, one within and the
other outside the parish church there, and the tradition is still
fresh there that he would always go to church, especially on
wet days, as an example to others. The Bell Inn, under the
shadow of St. Paul's Cathedral, beside Amen Corner, where
the Cathedral Canons lived, has only within recent years been
transformed : the memory of Leighton still lingers round the
place. Newbattle was his first charge, — and the following
are all the traces that can now be gathered up of his presence
and influence here : —
i. His old Pulpit : a small round oak pulpit with canopy;
handsomely carved, and originally without a seat.
'• "His remains were deposited in the south chancel of the Church
of Horsted Keynes, in the county of Sussex, in which parish he had
resided for several years with his sister and her son, Edward Light-
maker of Broadhurst. A plain marble slab bears this inscription : —
Leighton by David Laing in the Proceedings of the Society, vol. iv.
p. 488).
2. The ancient Hour Glass ; it is still entire, sand and
everything, and stands about 8 inches high. The wooden
frame is very rude, as is also the rough iron stand.
3. The ancient Funeral Bell, which was rung through the
parish when a funeral was about to take place; the handle is
an imitation, in iron, of a leg-bone. On the front of the bell,
— i M A 1616. Also the ancient church key of iron, sadly
worn and rusted.
4. The Sacramental Vessels —
(a) Communion Cups. Communion cups of solid silver, not
moulded, but beaten with the hammer ; of an unusually
graceful shape — a large shallow bowl resting on a richly
carved pedestal. They were all presented to the church dur-
ing Leighton's incumbency, on May 29, 1646, by Robert Porte-
ous, younger, Alexander Kaitness, Patrick Ellis of South-
syde, and Andro Brysson. They are still (with some modern
additions) the eucharistic vessels of the parish. In 1732, one
of these massive silver chalices was stolen, and carried off to
England. In 1733 it was discovered at Newcastle, though
some say Newbottle (near Feiicehouses, in Durhamshire), —
the old name of Newbattle being Newbottle [the new resid-
ence],— and brought back damaged. The repair of it cost
£6, 6s. Scots, half of which was charged to " James Wilson,
the beadle." The marks of these repairs are still quite notice-
able. Round the lip of each chalice are the words — " For the
Kirk of Newbatl " — the name being spelt differently on each
cup. The cups in Dunblane Cathedral are almost identical.
(b) Baptismal Vessels. A massive silver basin and beautiful ewer,
hammered and inscribed. They were bought by the Session,
and bear the inscriptions : — " Pereat qui amoverit vel in
alium usum pervertit.'" [" Perish the man who bears it away,
or turns it to another use,"] — with the Scripture texts : —
According to His mercy, He saved us by the washing of re-
generation and renewing of the Holy Ghost; and round the
edge of the basin — Re-pent and be ba-ptized every one of you
for the remission of sins. Though not in actual use during
Leighton's incumbency, the baptismal vessels belonged to his
period, and were bought during his lifetime, during the
second episcopacy, 1680.
5. Parish and Presbytery Records. — There are many re-
ferences to Leighton, and some in his own writing, in the
Session Records. In the Presbytery books there is much con-
cerning him.
6. Leighton's Newbattle Library. — Thirty-one volumes are
preserved of Leighton's Library, and are handed down from
incumbent to incumbent, just as at Salton with the library of
Bishop Burnet. Many of the books are much spoiled with
damp, but they are as a whole of matchless interest. Some
of them seem to have been presented to him as minister by
William, Earl of Lothian, with whom he was on terms of the
closest friendship, and intended to be handed on to his suc-
cessors. In the Session Records there is an entry, — " List of
books given by the Earl of Lothian to the Minister of New-
battle." But the list is gone, — only the title-page being left.
Many of the present books must, from their internal character,
have been gathered by Leighton himself. All the books, how-
ever, were acquired by Leighton when minister at Newbattle,
whether by gift or. purchase, so that the entire collection is
entitled to the name of " Leighton's Newbattle Library."
When Leighton left Newbattle for the Edinburgh Principal-
ship, he left these volumes behind him : —
1. "Clavis Theologica." Folio. "A Key to Theology." A
thick folio volume of blank pages with printed headings : a religious
common-place book and theological ledger — in which to put down any-
thing striking in the course of reading. A score of pages are torn
out from the beginning, and in the pages left there is not a single
MS. entry. The first remnant page is headed — "Whether Christ died
for all men or not?" The first twenty pages have the general head-
ing— " De Christo," and there are spaces for notes on His Nativity,
Death, Resurrection, &c. Then the Sacraments, Church, the Com-
mandments, &c. It is pre-eminently a young man's book and study-
companion, — a methodical help to reading and meditation. Why there
are no entries it is difficult to say ; perhaps Leighton hit upon some
better and less laborious method ; but his Theological Lectures and
Commentaries show deep research, and contain crowds of learned re-
ferences which could not have been gathered in a day, but must have
been the savings and accumulations of years of study. This has a
peculiar interest, as probably one of Leighton's earliest intellectual
2. " Doctrinale Bibliorum Harmonicum, id est Index dilucidus
Novus, — athore Georgio Vito D. Abbate coenobii Anhusani Wirtem-
bergici." — Winteri, 1613. Folio. A Harmony of the Bible. Each
book of the Bible is taken separately, and its chief doctrinal points
are alphabetically arranged. There is thus a doctrinal concordance
for each book of Scripture, and not for the whole Bible, as in modern
concordances. This copy bears marks of use, and there are oil stains
on its pages from the old Scotch cruizies, which were universal in
Leighton's time. The author of this concordance was George Vitus,
Lutheran Abbot of Wurtemberg.
3. "Thesaurus Locorum Communium." — Augustinus Marloratus.
Folio, 1574. A dictionary of common places, or concordance to the
whole Bible, not taking the books separately, as in the last, but all
Scripture in a mass. Not only are references given as, e.g., under P
— Pax — to all the places where "peace" occurs in the Bible, but illus-
trations are given in a freer and more general way than is common
in modern concordances. It is remarkable that, under this word, the
pages are much worn, and bear marks of much reading — which is in
keeping with the character of the man to whom the book belonged.
This Biblical Cyclopaedia is by Marloratus, Reformed pastor in Rot-
terdam. At the beginning of the volume are a number of Latin poems
laudatory of the learning of this great Biblical Scholar. There is also a
sentence or two of commendation from the Reformer Beza. It bears
the imprimatur of Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, given at Lam-
beth Palace, 1573.
4. The " Magdeburg Centuries." Folio. Leighton's handbook en
general Church History, written by Matthew Flacius of Maldeburg,
and still an authoritative work of reference. The History of the
Church is traced from the beginning till the dawn of the sixteenth
5. "Joannis Baptistae Folengii Mantuani, Divi Benedicti monachi,
in Psalmos aliquot juxta Hebraeam veritatem commentarius." [Title-
page lost.] Folio. A commentary on certain Psalms according to
the Hebrew Text, by Spitel of Mantua. The finest volume in the col-
lection ; it must once have been really a handsome folio. It has richly
gilded edges, and is bound in particularly fine leather, which also has
once been gilt. The author's name, " John Spitel," is done in gilt
on front and back. Spitel was a monk of the. monastery of Mantua,
and his commentary on the Psalms is richly devotional, many passages
reminding one of Leighton's own sublime strain of discourse. He may
have received some of this style from his old devotional commentary,
which was a standard work in its day. Leighton was accused of har-
bouring and using ascetical and Roman Catholic books, as Bishop
Butler was in a later century ; and in this small Newbattle Library,
there is a good sprinkling of works by Roman Divines. One peculi-
arity of this book is, that each page is lined and bordered with red
ink, evidently done by the hand, which must have been an immense
labour, as there are over 1000 pages.
6. Osiander's — (a) " Summaries of XVIth Century Church His-
tory." " Epitomes Historian Ecclesiastics centuriae decimae sextae."
Lucas Osiander, D. Tubingen, 1508. (b) " Summaries of XVth Cen-
tury Church History." Ditto. Tubingen, 1507. Osiander's " Sum-
maries of Church History," a well-known standard narrative of the
Reformation age, with all its wars and controversies.
7. " D. Hieronymi Osorii Lusitani, Episcopi Sylvensis, de Regis
Institutionibus et Disciplina, Lib. viii. Olysippone, 1571." Osorius,
the Spanish Jesuit's treatise on "The Institutions and Discipline of
a King," published in Portugal in 1571, with the Pope's imprimatur
printed on it, and dedicated to Sebastian, King of Portugal. This
work on monarchy, from a very high and "Divine-right" point of
view, is bound in skin vellum, with rich gilt facings, and it has once,
been tied with green ribbons, the ends of which still remain. There
are jottings by "R.L." on the fly-leaf.
8. Complete Catalogue of the Books in the Bodleian Library, 1620.
In some respects the most interesting volume in the library — a small
quarto, in vellum, containing a catalogue of all the books and MSS.
in the Oxford Bodleian Library in 1620 (which is the date on this
copy), published at Oxford, by John Lichfield and James Short. Pos-
sibly Leighton may have brought this old catalogue to Newbattle
from Oxford with his own hand ; but on the fly-leaf there is a faded
jotting : — " 1625, Mr Cheyne, Parson of Kinkell. Aet. 40 yrs." and
a very striking coincidence is here. The parish of Kinkell, Aberdeen-
shire, in the first quarter of the seventeenth century had a series of
mishaps, and hence also probably the name on the book, and its pre-
sence in Leighton's Newbattle Library. It is very remarkable that
in this catalogue Shakespeare is not named, and John Knox's works
are marked " imperfect." It is curious to see who are named and who
are omitted.
9. Philosophia digne restituta : libros quatuor praecognitorum
philosophicorum complectens, a Johanne-Henrico Alstedio, ad illus-
trissimam Anglorum Academiam quae est Cantabrigias. Herbornas
Nassoviorum, 1612." John Henry Alsted's " Philosophy." A logical
and philosophical work — a strange mixture of metaphysics, theology,
logic, and psychology.
10. Locorum Communium S. Theologia; Institutio per Epitomen,
Auctore Luca Trelcatio, judice ecclesiae Rom." London, 1608. A
small volume of theology, logically arranged, from a strongly Pro-
testant point of view. Published in London, 1608. It is bound in
vellum, and has a complete index written in Leighton's own hand-
writing — the same handwriting as on other books here, and at Dun-
blane, where his great library exists. It is an interesting study in
n. Speculum Pontificum Romanorum in quo imperium, decreta,
vita, prodigia, interitus, elogia accurate proponuntur, per Stephanum
Szegedinum Pannonium," 1526. "View of the Roman Pontificate, ''
by Stephen Szegedinus of Pannonia. "The Roman Pontificate is de-
scribed with grotesque fulness — " Its Rule, Decrees, Life, Wonders,
Death, and Elegy accurately laid out." It is a strongly Protestant
handbook, but has nothing else particularly interesting about it.
12. " Analysis Logica in Epistolam ad Hebraeos, Auctore D.
Roberto Rolloco Scoto, Ministro Jesu Christi et Rectore Academiae
Edinburgensis." " Logical Analysis of the Epistle to the Hebrews,"
by Dr Robert Rollock, Principal of Edinburgh University. Edin-
burgh (R. Charteris, King's Printer, 1605). It was under Principal
Rollock's rule that Leighton's father was a professor, and not im-
probably this little commentary on the " Hebrews " may have been
presented by the Principal and inherited. The most touching thing
about it is that on the front page, a text written in Latin in the same
hand as all the rest, is inscribed, and with the faded initials "R.L."
after it : — " God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of
Jesus Christ."
13. S. Chrysostom's Works in Latin. Antwerp, 1547. With some
letters on the fly-leaf in another hand (a sort of shorthand) — and the
word — " Jonathan."
14. Jobi Historiae Docta et catholica explicatio per R. Patrem D.
Joannem Ferum Metropolitanae Ecclesiae Moguntinensis. Coloniae
Agrippinae, 1574. A Roman Catholic Exposition of "Job," "not
only to teach true doctrine, but to heal controversies," by John Ferus,
Bishop of Mentz.
15. " Illustrium et clarorum virorum epistolae selectiores." Lug-
duni Bataviorum, 1617. Elzevir Edition. "The Letters of Famous
and Illustrious Men," showing the abuses of the Roman Church, &c.,
are well known.
16. Cornelius Crocus. Philology and Rhetoric. Discussions on
words and meanings. Partly bound in an old vellum will, beginning
— " Milhelmus." Curious old writing, and rich illuminations, with
beautiful initial letters.
17. Calvin's "Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles" (Latin).
(Much damaged and beardless.)
18. Claudian's Works, 1612, with Latin commentary on the poet.
Editor — Caspar Barthius. (Much damaged and beardless.)
19. " De Prima Mundi Aetate," by Lambert Danalus. Four
books, 1590. " Concerning the First Age of the World." (Beardless.)
20. Papa Confutatus, sanctae et apostolicae ecclesiae in con-
futationem papae." London, 1580. Bound in a sheet of vellum il-
luminated in black and red lettering ; fine initials. Protestant contro-
21. " De Arcanis Dominationis Arn. Clapmarii," Lib. iii. Arnold
Clapmarius. " Concerning the Mysteries of Government." And
bound up with it in thick vellum are Casanbon's Works : " Isaaci
Casauboni ad Frontonem Ducaeum, S. J. Theologum Epistola, in qua
de Apologia disseritur communi Jesuitarum nomine ante aliquot
menses Lutetiae Parisiorum Edita." London, 1611 — (vellum and
strings). The latter treatise is peculiarly interesting as an indication
of Leighton's affinity with the great scholars of the period who were
being gradually drawn towards Episcopac}7. Casaubon as a Contin-
ental Presbyterian who was attracted by the Church of England, might
naturally be a favourite author with Leighton.
22. Theodore Beza's Works. Geneva, 1588; and bound up with
it a History of the Reformers, with fine engravings — the only book in
the whole collection which has plates. Fine heads of Huss, Savon-
arola, Bucer, &c., and a full narrative of the Waldenses, especially
the burnings of 1559, closing with "Emblems," and pictures with
descriptive poetry below, like Quarles' " Emblems," &c., e.g. — " Life
a Sea," — and a representation of a ship ploughing its way amid " the
troublesome waves of this present world."
23. Raymund Lullius' Works. "Ars magna." — Treatises on logic,
rhetoric, astrology, science, — a general gazetteer and emporium of
knowledge. A very fine copy, bound in vellum, with strings, of date
24. " A Commentary on the Galatians," by Dr Martin Luther.
London, 1603, printed in black letter.
25. A volume of loose Tracts and Papers bound together — valuable
but sorely spoiled by damp and mice. One of the tracts is entitled —
" Christ Confessed, or several important questions and cases about the
Confession of Christ, written by a Preacher of the Gospel, and now a
Prisoner," — written by a Covenanter. Also—" The Charge of High
Treason, Murder, Oppressions, and other Crimes exhibited to the
Parliament of Scotland, against the Marquis of Argyle and his Accom-
plices." January 23, 1646. And a large number of other Covenanting
papers and tracts, including a tract on the persecutions of the Quakers,
by Alexander Jaffray, Provost of Aberdeen, — the great advocate of
the Quakers, and several times Commissioner to Parliament. Jaffray,
for several years, lived in an old house in Newbattle, next to the
manse, now pulled down, having married the daughter of Leighton's
predecessor, the Rev. Andrew Cant, who afterwards became minister
at Aberdeen. Leighton's strong advocacy of Peace in the troubled
times of Episcopal and Presbyterian rivalry arose from — (i) His close
friendship with the Quaker Jaffray, his next door neighbour ; (2) His
early education in France, where, for nearly ten years, till the age
of 30, when he was appointed Minister of Newbattle, he associated
with the French Quietists, of whom Fenelon and Madame Guyon may
be taken as fair examples, and whose salient doctrine was that where
religion does not work peace with God, peace with man, and peace in
the soul, it accomplishes nothing; (3) His own innate spiritual ten-
dencies, to some extent mystical, fostered too by his study of Roman
Catholic mystical and spiritual writers ; (4) A reaction from the fierce
spirit of unrest and storm in the midst of which he lived; (5) To some
extent the pacifying influence of the calm, beautiful scenery in the
midst of which his lot was cast, first at Newbattle with its matchless
woodlands and rich historic associations, and then at Dunblane with
its noble reposing mass of cathedral masonry.
26. " The Perpetuall Government of Christ's Church," by the Rev.
Thomas Bilson, Warden of Winchester College. Bilson was one of
the first of Anglican High Churchmen. This book on Episcopacy was
published at London in 1593, by Christopher Baker, Queen's Printer.
It is an elaborate argument in favour of bishops, written by a strong
advocate of the Episcopal order.
27. A little French Catechism (fly-leaf lost) — on the Christian
Faith from the French Reformed point of view. At the end are the
Ten Commandments put into verse, and a tune given, the music being
printed. The tune is still a well-known one to us, and goes very well
with the eight verses into which the Ten Commandments are com-
pressed. It is strange to read that old music out of this battered old
book. It was published at Lyons, by Jaques Faure. Bound in vellum,
28. "A Familiar Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans" in
French, with one of the boards covered with French writing — probably
the work of some Huguenot Protestant. Leighton spent his youth in
France, and brought this and other French volumes over with him
from the Continent to Newbattle.
29. " A Replye to an answer made of Dr Whitgifte, against the
Admonition to the Parliament," T. C. (probably Thomas Cartwright),
Hooker's opponent. The book, at any rate — which is a hot one against
bishops and archbishops, proving them unscriptural to the author's
complete satisfaction, and treating Archbishop Whitgifte's arguments,
on their behalf, in the most scornful manner, — is thoroughly in Cart-
wright's style and spirit.
30. A Work on Astrology, Physiognomy, Cheiromancy, and kin-
dred arts. This is one of the most curious books in the collection,
being full of woodcuts and designs of all kinds. The astrological sec-
tion gives rules for sketching your life-history by the stars on the
shortest notice, and on the most approved principles; that on Cheiro-
mancy teaches the reader how to tell fortunes from the palm — scores of
illustrations being given of variously contorted palms. The chapters
on Physiognomy are particularly rich. The volume really consists of
two works, of which exact details are appended : —
(1) Johannes Hoflerinus, Justingensis : De Compositione aut Fabrica
Astrolabii ejusdemque usu multifariisque utilitatibus.
Moguntise : Petrus Jordan : 1535. Fol.
Before the title page are 8 leaves :
(i) Preliminary title with woodcut of Time.
(2, 3, 4) Dedication by Petrus Jordan to Ferdinand, King of the
(4-8) Index.
" Prima Pars, de Fabrica" extends to f. 30, recto.
"SecundaPars. de Usu" : f. 30 obv. — f. 77 obv. The last Prop.
is No. 45.
Leaf at the end with emblems of Fortune within an architec-
tural framework, and the colophon.
The work appears to have been first published at Oppenheim
1512-13, fol. 2nd Edition, Oppenheim 1524, fol.
(2) Johannes ab Indagine : Introductiones apotelesmaticoe in Chyro-
mantiam, Physiognomiam, &c. :
Argentorati : Job. Schottus 1541. Fol.
Title-page with portrait of author,
p.p. 3-62. Chiromantia : 36 woodcuts of hands, and 6 of planets.
— 63-76. Physiognomia : 22 heads.
— 77-81. Periaxiomata de faciebus signorum.
— 82-89. Canones oegritudinum.
— 89-119. Astrologia naturalis.
— 119-130. De judicio complexionum.
Leaf at end, with arms of the author on the front, and of the
printer (Schottus) at the back.
The book appears to have been first published in 1522 : at Stras-
burg in folio, and at Frankfort in i2mo. 3rd Edition, Strasburg 1531,
folio. There are also later editions. English translation by Fabian
Withers, London, Purforte, 1575.
Another relic of Leighton of great interest is preserved in
the National Museum, and now exhibited. It is a copy of the
Solemn League and Covenant, in the usual printed form (Edin-
burgh, 1643), which cost the parish the sum of 4/, and contains
on the blank leaves at the end the signatures of the minister,
heritors, and parishioners of Newbattle in October, 1643.
It may be repeated that the present parish church of
Newbattle, of date 1727, is built of the old Abbey stones,
many of which can still be traced in the walls and tower. At
the dissolution of the monastery, the Abbey Church was pulled
down, and rebuilt about 200 yards off. This was Leighton's
church. In 1726 it was again shifted another 200 yards off, and
the same old Abbey stones were built up again for the third time.
Though the present church, therefore, is not Leighton's, the
stones once heard his voice, and the monastic voices of earlier
days. Part of the present manse of Newbattle is the old
parsonage of the good Archbishop; his dining-room, bedroom,
and study are small, quaint rooms, and on the outside stepped
gable is the inscription, — " Evangelic et Posteris." The
London coaches ran past the end of his house in the olden
days, and made their first stoppage after leaving Edinburgh at
the ancient " Sign of the Sun " Inn, which is still standing,
— a most interesting old building facing the gates of New-
battle House. The window of Leighton's parlour looks out on
beautiful woodlands, and on the old inn which may have sug-
gested to him his wish to die in an inn. Shenstone at a later
day voiced this wish in his well-known verse, scratched on a
window in the old Red Lion Inn at Henley with a diamond : —
"Whoe'er has travelled life's dull round,
Where'er his wanderings may have been,
Will sigh to think he still has found
His warmest welcome at an inn."
NEWBATTLE parish has had three successive churches,
- first, the Abbey; then Archbishop Leighton's
church, now a burying vault ; and our present fabric,
which dates from 1727. The earliest mention of the
communion plate is in connection with Alfred, the
second Abbot of Newbattle, who in 1159 furnished the mon-
astery with several silver vessels and a richly-embossed silver
chest to contain articles of peculiar value and sacredness.
Then there is a dead silence of two hundred years, during
which we hear nothing of the altar vessels and plate of the
great monastery, though it is quite certain that these must have
been largely augmented from royal and princely sources. It
was the mediaeval custom to commemorate any great benefit
or deliverance by a gift to the altar.
In 1385 Richard II. and his uncle, John of Gaunt, in-
vaded Scotland, and in their fiery progress northwards wrecked
the finest abbeys and churches of the country, up to Edin-
burgh. The old Scottish bard, Wyntoun, in the chapter en-
titled, " When Richard, King of England, burned abbaies in
Scotland," describing these ravages, says : —
With all their men the way they took
To Scotland, and at Melrose lay :
And there they burnt up that abbey
Dryburgh and Newbottle, they twa,
Intil their way they burned also.
Of Edinburgh The Kirk burnt they.
Thus Newbattle Abbey and the Cathedral of St. Giles'
(" The Kirk of Edinburgh," as it was always called) shared
the same cruel fate from the same ruthless hands. So great,
indeed, was the havoc done to the latter that the Town Council
and Guilds of Edinburgh all contributed handsome sums to-
wards its restoration. Newbattle Abbey was burned to the
ground, and its lofty towers and spires levelled with the dust ;
even its farms and granges were fired. Some of the monks
were taken prisoner, and the few who were allowed to remain
among the smoking ruins were obliged to sell twenty-nine mas-
sive chalices, besides all the other silver-plate and sacred altar
ornaments, in order to get food. Thus the accumulated trea-
sures of more than two centuries were scattered and irreparably
lost. In the course of a few years the monastery was rebuilt
and furnished anew with altar vessels, of less worth and splen-
dour, however, than of old.
On the 3oth of September, 1390, — five years after the
dreadful havoc, — Sir James Douglas, of Dalkeith, made a will
bequeathing to the Monastery of Newbattle, amongst other pro-
perty, " a splendid jewel," twelve silver dishes, and other
plate, on condition that his body were interred beside that of
his wife in the monastic cemetery, — now the marquessial gar-
dens,— where, besides a host of ecclesiastical dignitaries, sev-
eral royal personages sleep.
In 1479 Abbot John, desirous of perpetuating his memory,
adorned the conventual buildings and furnished the altars with
several rich chalices and ornaments.
Again the old place had trial of fire ; the English destroyer
came up once more in his bands in 1550, under the Earl of
Hertford, and wrecked the Abbey ; but history is altogether
silent as to the fate of the gold and silver vessels. Although
even then the Church was growing corrupt, and ripening for
the great upheaval of the Reformation, there were still those
who took pleasure in the old Abbey stones, blackened with
English smoke, and to whom her very dust was dear ; and with
loving hands the old pile was reared again, and the voice of
devotion was heard once more in the land. And then the Re-
formation came, and Mark Ker, the last Abbot, became the
first Baron of Newbattle; the monks, old and young, were
driven away, and their home was transformed into the mansion-
And here all traces of the plate are lost; in the troubles
of the time many of the Scottish priests and monks fled to
France, and to-day, in the Scots College at Paris, there are
several of the ancient Scottish communion vessels, — amongst
others, some of those of Glasgow Cathedral.
After the Reformed Church of Scotland was fairly organ-
ised, laws were enacted requiring every church to furnish itself
with " large silver cups " for the communion wine, and large
plates for the bread. Almost all the old parish churches of
the land possess these original vessels still, — which are all of
the same general pattern, — large bowls on carved pedestals.
They are, as a rule, of the purest silver, and are not moulded,
but hammered into shape, — the marks of the hammer being still
quite distinct. Such churches as Trinity College, Old Grey-
friars', and St. Giles', in Edinburgh, still possess these original
Reformation cups. Our cups and other sacramental plate are
not of so early a date. Up till 1646 the Dalkeith plate was
borrowed for sacramental occasions, and in the old session
records are frequent entries of gratuities to the " Dalkeith
belman," evidently for carriage. But in that year our New-
battle parishioners made a gift of plate to the Church.
The following is the entry in the Session Records regard-
ing the gift of communion plate to Newbattle in 1646 : — " Re-
cord of wescheles (vessels) and such like that pertain to the
parosch of Newbattle, 1646. 29 May. The whilk day was
given by Robert Porteous younger a silver cup for service to
the Kirk. Likewise by Alexander Kaitnes, another of the
same faschion. Likewise by Patrick Ileis (Ellis) of South-
These are the vessels which the parish now possesses. They
are of chaste and beautiful pattern; the marks of the hammer
are quite distinct on the bowl, and on each of them are in-
scribed the words, " For the Kirk of Newbotl," — the proper
name being spelt differently on each of them.
For more than a century these four cups and other vessels
were in constant use, when, in 1732, one of the cups was lost.
There was a mystery about its disappearance, and for a whole
year its fate and whereabouts were unknown. In 1733 it was
found at Newcastle, and brought back damaged. The repair
of it cost £6, 6s., half of which was charged to " James Wil-
son, the beadle." The marks of these repairs are still quite
Ever since, these chalices have been used at every sacra-
ment regularly, — all through two centuries, — up to Nov-
ember, 1885. Their beautiful pattern has been much admired,
and copies of them have been executed. Their money value
is very great, the silver being of the purest ; a point on which
our pious forefathers were most scrupulous, — that only the
best should be given to God. At present they are worth more
than their weight in shillings.
At a meeting of the Royal Scottish Society of Antiquaries,
held in Edinburgh some years ago, a paper was read by Sher-
iff Macpherson on " Certain Communion Cups from Duirinish,
Skye." A large collection of communion chalices, — about a
hundred in all, — were on exhibition to illustrate the subject.
It was a strange and touching sight. Cups from the Orkney
Islands, from the distant Western Isles, from town and country
— all stood together, probably for the first time in their history,
and very likely for the last, as the trouble of procuring the
vessels «iust have been enormous. One Orkney minister carried
his plate with his own hands over land and water until the
Scottish mainland was reached, when he delivered it up into
responsible hands. Many of the cups were similar in shape
to the Newbattle type, which was the prevalent shape of the
period, and is seen in the cups of St. Giles', St. Cuthbert's,
&c. Others were more of the wine-glass shape. Others were
set on tall, tapering pedestals, richly adorned, these being as
a rule pre- Reformation vessels. Two or three were just big
silver tumblers; while some from the far north were made of
horn, with a narrow silver edging. The Newbattle cups re-
ceived special mention as next in historical interest after a
magnificent silver-gilt chalice, three hundred years old. Their
association with Leighton was specially referred to.
A word may here be said about the Newbattle baptismal
plate, — which consists of a massive solid silver jug and basin.
They were bought on March 20, 1681, the basin weighing " 36
oz. 14 drops, at ^3, 123. Scots the oz." Round the edge of
the jug are the words, '" Repent and be baptised every one
of you, for the remission of sins."
On October 12, 1679, four flagons of two pint apiece
were bought, costing nine pounds Scots each.
These sacramental vessels were all used in that older New-
battle church which succeeded the Abbey as a parish sanctuary,
but which is now almost obliterated, save for the small part
of it used as a vault for the house of Lothian. It will ever be
something to remember and be proud of, that they were
handled and drunk out of by Leighton, — according to Principal
Tulloch and Professor Flint, " the greatest saint that Scotland
has had since the Reformation."
These ancient chalices are thus not without a history of
their own ; when rubbed, like Aladdin's lamp, the spirit of the
past comes out and stands face to face with us. They were
touched by the ' lips of Leighton ; out of them the forefathers
of the present families of Newbattle tasted the wine in which,
year by year, they anew pledged themselves to Christ; they
were probably out on the moors at the Covenanting communions
on the Pentlands, so vividly pourtrayed in the well-known en-
graving. In 1888 a fifth cup was added as a memorial from
the Newbattle congregation to the late Rev. Dr Thomas Gordon
(minister of Newbattle). A sixth cup was recently presented
by Mr and Mrs Ebenezer Dawson of Glenesk, Dalkeith, uni-
form in pattern, style, silver, and weight with the ancient ves-
sels which have stood the wear and tear of time so wonderfully.
FROM 1140 A.D., when the Abbey of St. Mary, New-
bottle, was founded, until 1560, there were 36 abbots,
the chronicle of whose doings is briefly recorded in
the Chartulary of the Abbey, preserved in the Advo-
cates' Library in Edinburgh. From 1560, — the year
of the Reformation,— until to-day, there have been 28 parish
clergymen, and the full list is here given, with a few historical
notes under each name.
RALPH, 1140 or 1141. A youth from Melrose. A legendary vision of
the Evil One is recorded of him.
ALFRED, 1159. Who greatly improved the Abbey, and died i7th Octo-
ber, 1179.
HUGH, 1179. Famous throughout Scotland as a "settler of contro-
versies." Resigned 1201.
ADAM, 1201. " Master of Converts." Resigned 1213.
ALAN, 1213. Formerly sub-prior of Melrose.
RICHARD, 1214. Formerly cellarer of the house.
ADAM DE HALCARRES, 1216. Formerly cellarer, afterwards Abbot of
RICHARD, 1218. Master of Converts.
RICHARD, 1220. Received Alexander II. on igth May, 1223; his Queen
lies buried at Newbattle, as well as that of David II.
CONSTANTINE, 1230. Resigned 1236.
RODGER, 1236. From Melrose; cellarer there; afterwards went to
WILLIAM, 1256. Acquired for Abbey properties in Leith and Greenside.
ADAM, 1259. From Melrose ; afterwards Abbot of Melrose.
GUIDO, 1261. The porter.
PATRICK, 1269-72.
WALTER, 1272.
WALDEVE, 1273. Cellarer at Melrose; " He departed to the Lord, leav-
ing his house in full peace, and excellent condition."
JOHN, 1275. Did homage to Edward I. in prison. His seal is in
Westminster Abbey Chapter-house.
GERVASE, 1312. Sat in Scotch Parliament at Cambuskenneth 1314, and
Ayr, 1315 ; present at Bannockburn, where several churchmen
fought, and the Abbot of Inchaffray blessed Bruce and the Scot-
tish army.
WILLIAM, 1328. Got privileges from Melville.
ANDREW, 1330. Commissioner for Pope.
WILLIAM, 1350. Commissioner for Pope regarding Paisley Abbey.
HUGH, 1360. Monastery burned by English under Richard II. and
John of Gaunt.
NICHOLAS, 1390. Abbey restored. 80 monks and 70 lay brethren.
JOHN GUGY, 1402.
PATRICK MEADOW, B.D., 1460. Royal Commissioner for holding and
continuing Parliament.
JOHN CRECHTOUNE, 1470. Abbey at height of its magnificence. In
Glasgow University records he is referred to (1474) — " A venerable
father in Christ, John Crechtune, Abbot of the Monastery of Neu-
botil " ; and, in the same year, " Patrick Sluthman, a monk, of
his convent."
JOHN, 1479. Greatly adorned Abbey. In his reign America was dis-
ANDREW, 1494.
JOHN, 1512. (Entertained James V. 22nd April, 1526.) The King
granted the monks Prestongrange, where they shipped their coals.
Morison's Haven is their old port, as the " Salters' Road" is their
old highway to the sea.
EDWARD SHEWILL, 1526. Grants feu-charter for Craighouse lands to
Hugh Douglas.
JAMES, 1531. Developed coal working at Newbattle. Contracts with
Dunfermline monks regarding Prestongrange workings. The
Newbattle abbots' residences at Inveresk are still standing, — now
called Halkston House and Inveresk Lodge, containing crypts,
chambers, and subterranean passages. Prestongrange Salt Works
and Salters' Road.
JOHN, 1540.
JOHN HASWELL, 1542. Abbey burned by the English under Earl of
Hertford. The Abbey was never quite rebuilt again. Remained
Abbot till 1547.
MARK KER, 1547. (Son of Sir Andrew Ker of Cessford.) Reformation,
1560. Mark Ker made Commendator.
After the dissolution of the monastery, a period of ir-
regularity seems to have set in, and, as all over Scotland,
worship was neglected, morals deteriorated, and religion lan-
guished. In many cases the doors of the Parish Churches
remained closed for years. In Knox's " First Book of Dis-
cipline," it was laid down, — " To the churches where no mini-
ster can be had presently, must be appointed the most apt men
that distinctly can read the common prayers and the Scriptures,
to -exercise themselves and the church till they grow to greater
perfection ; and in process of time, he who is but a reader may
attain to a further degree, and by consent of the church and
discreet ministers, may be permitted to minister the Sacraments,
but not before he is able somewhat to persuade by wholesome
doctrine besides his reading, and be admitted to the ministry "
(iv. 5). As showing the difficulty of obtaining suitable clergy-
men after the Reformation, it is interesting to note that in 1567
the Rev. William Knox, nephew of John Knox, the Reformer,
was appointed to minister at Cockpen, in the old church now
ruined, and at the same time to have pastoral charge of Car-
rington, Temple, and Clerkington (now part of Temple) par-
ishes. The first settled minister after the Reformation of 1560
was ADAM FOULIS, who in 1570 was translated to Newbattle
from Heriot. In 1573 ROBERT WILSON was translated from
Dalkeith to Newbattle. In 1583 JOHN HEREIS was translated
from Ormiston to Newbattle. In 1606 ALEXANDER AMBROSE,
M.A., was minister. In 1615 JOHN AIRD, M.A., became mini-
ster, having been translated from Newton. The old part of
the present manse was built in 1625. During his incumbency
there were eight or nine hundred communicants in the church,
though, of course, then the parish was without quoad sacra
churches, and the Newbattle sacrament was a great occasion,
not only for the parish, but the district. The "Tent" was
erected in the old historic churchyard, and immense gatherings
of people assembled from all parts to participate in the sol-
emnities. In these days neighbouring churches were closed
when a Sacrament was celebrated, and the ministers and people
of their churches journeyed to the place where the Communion
was dispensed, many people taking Communion on suc-
cessive Sundays in different churches. Doubtless a good deal
of what Burns wrote sarcastically regarding the " Holy Fair "
was true, and farm servants in those days of few holidays
used to stipulate, on taking arles, for the "Dalkeith Fair ;'
and " Newbattle Sacrament " as days of freedom. The large
table-shaped tombstone in the churchyard which covers the
ashes of the Welshes (Carlyle's relations) is still pointed out
as having been used on these occasions as a table for refresh-
ments. These traditions may be taken for what they are worth.
This Mr Aird did much in Newbattle in his time for the cause
of education, there being at his induction " no satled schole "
in the parish. Through his exertions, Knox's great idea of a
school in every parish as well as a church, was carried out in
Newbattle. He was a man "eminent for grace and gifts,
faithfulness and success." As showing the social state of
Scotland at the time, it has come down in writing that he had
" six silver spoons, twa silver tassis, and some broken silver
work." Mark Carse, the famous "Laird of Cockpen," was
his intimate friend, and also the Rev. John Knox, minister of
Cockpen, grand-nephew of the Reformer and son of the first
reformed parson of Cockpen. The " funeral bell," with its
iron bone-shaped handle, which used to summon Newbattle
parishioners to funerals, still exists, and bears the initials,
"1616. M.J.A.'—" Minister, John Aird." The Rev. AN-
DREW CANT, M.A., succeeded Mr Aird in 1639 : he was trans-
lated from Pitsligo, but remained at Newbattle only three
years. He was one of the most uncompromising of the Coven-
anters, and forms a notable figure during the reigns of Charles
I. and II. It was he who was sent by the " tables " (as the
Convention of the National Party was designated, in opposition
to the Royalists) to Aberdeen to induce the inhabitants to sign
the Covenant, and, along with a few others, zealously promoted
the Covenanting cause in the north, where Episcopacy was
strong. On August 3oth, 1640, he was with the army when
the Scots obtained possession of Newcastle, and by request of
the army preached in one of the churches of that city. He
loved nothing better than to declaim from the pulpit against
kings and magistrates, and though often taken to task both by
civil and ecclesiastical courts, they had in the end to give in
to this determined, dogged Presbyterian minister, who feared
and cared for nobody. In 1640 he was appointed one of the
ministers of Aberdeen, and left Newbattle, and while in the
northern metropolis he ruled the church with a rod of iron.
Many amusing stories are told of him. The Aberdeen people
(never very keen for the Covenant) disliked him very much,
and would not come out to church in the afternoon to hear him,
contenting themselves with "half -day hearing." As a retalia-
tion, and in order to compel them to come out a second time,
he abstained from giving the congregation the blessing at the
close of morning worship, and so, in order to receive the bene-
diction, they were forced to appear at the afternoon service.
It is also related that one Sunday afternoon during the sermon,
a number of children made a considerable noise outside the
old church of St. Nicholas where he was preaching, and Mr
Cant, getting at last exasperated, rushed out of the pulpit and
so through the congregation into the open-air, where he engaged
in a vigorous chase after the ingenuous youth of the city where
Jews cannot flourish, and having dispersed them, returned to
the pulpit, and taking up the thread of his discourse where
he had stopped it, finished his sermon. It is related that the
people " marvelled greatly." He was strongly opposed to both
Charles I. and II., and often preached before the Scots Par-
liament. At the Restoration in 1660 he was charged with
sedition, and was obliged to resign his ministry at Aberdeen.
Addison in the " Spectator " says (No. 147) that the word
" cant " was derived from this minister's name, whom he de-
scribes as an " illiterate man." Cant's son became afterwards
(1772) Episcopalian Bishop at Edinburgh, a repetition of the
Leighton incident, where the Presbyterian father and martyr
gave his son as a bishop.
In 1641, after Mr Cant's translation to Aberdeen, ROBERT
LEIGHTON was ordained minister of Newbattle, December i6th.
On that day " Mr Jhone Knox," nephew of the Reformer,
preached before a large congregation gathered within the old
church (of which only a fragment remains in the " Lothian
Vault") a sermon on Hebrews xiii. 17, — "Obey them that
have the rule over you and submit yourselves : for they watch
for your souls as they that must give account : that they may
do it with joy and not with grief." The ecclesiastical steps
connected with Leighton's election are recorded in the records
of the Presbytery of Dalkeith, as follows : —
"Dec. 2, 1641. Compeared ye parishioners of Newbottle and
testified their accepting Mr Robert Lichtoune to be their minister."
"Dec. 7, 1641. Returned Mr Robert Lichtoune his two theses
[i.e. trial sermons] : endorsed. Compeared ye parishioners of New-
bottle and accepted."
" Dec. 16. Admission Mr Robert Lichtoune. Whilk day (being
appointed for ye admission of Mr Robert Lichtoune) preached Mr
Johne Knox : Hebrews 13, 17. Whilk day after sermon, Mr Johne
Knox put to Mr Robert Lichtoune and ye parishioners of Newbottle,
sundry questions, competent to ye occasion, and after imposition of
hands and ye solemne prayer, was admitted minister at Newbottle.
Absent Mr James Porteous, elder. Mr Robert Rodger to intimate on
Sunday next ye translation.'
The following list of some of the members of Dalkeith
Presbytery, while Leighton was at Newbattle, has been gather-
ed together out of the dim and faded pages of the Presbytery
Records, written in curious twisted hands, and the ink faded
away with two and a half centuries of age : —
Rev. Andro Cant.
Rev. Oliver Colt (Inveresk).
Rev. Hew Campbell.
Rev. John Knox.
Rev. Wm. Calderwood.
Rev. Patrick Sibbald.
Rev. J. Gillies (previously Bishop of Argyle), Lasswade.
Revs. Adam and Gideon Penman ; Mr Robert Couper ; Mr James
Porteous, elder at Newbattle (this James Porteous was a bailie in
Newbattle, and presented one of the four silver Communion cups
gifted to the church during Leighton's ministry. He was the ances
tor of the famous Dr Beilby Porteous, Bishop of London, whose
work on Christian evidences is still a standard one. It is believed
his family came to this district originally from Jamaica) ; John
Logan ; James and Alexander Rotson, elders.
Archbishop Leighton's family motto was "Light on";
and the life-principle of this old Newbattle minister was (to
quote a few of his own sentences which deserve to be written
in letters of gold), " Print in thine heart the image of Jesus
Christ crucified, — the impression of His humility, poverty,
mildness, and all His holy virtues. Let thy thoughts of Him
turn into affection and thy knowledge into love." " Good
words do more than hard speeches, as the sunbeams without
any noise will make the traveller cast off his cloak, which all
the blustering winds could not do, but only make him bind it
closer to him." " It is not the gilded paper and good writing
of a petition that prevails with a king, but the moving sense of
it. And to that King who discerns the heart, heart-sense is
the sense of all, and that which He only regards; He listens
to hear what that speaks, and takes all as nothing where that
is silent. All other excellence in prayer is but the outside and
fashion of it; this is the life of it."
A full life of the good Archbishop is given elsewhere ;
and here we only give a few extracts from the session-records
of the parish, written during his incumbency : —
" 1643. 28 May. Mair to Robert Porteous to buy ane cave, to
keip our Communion wyne in — ^13 : IDS.
" For carrying cave from Edinburgh — 6s.
" 24 Septr. Given out of the collections for ane psalme-book to
serve the kirk, and for binding the Bybill — ^3 : 153.
" 22 Oct. Given for the Covenant — 43.
" 10 Dec. Mair for the subscryving (subscribing) of the Cove-
nant, to the Reidar that subscryvit for thes that could not subscryve
themselffs — £i : IDS : 4.
" 1664. May 5. Given to ane Hungarian scholler — £2 : 13 : 4."
[This must have been some poor student from Hungary whom
Leighton took by the hand and helped.]
" 18 Aug. Given to a daft man — 43.
" 1645. 10 March. Glas windows for the kirk — £go.
" i June. Mair to the fishars' wyffes (often entered) — £i : 13 : 4.
" i June. Mair to the Egyptians (gipsies) — i6s. 8d.
" 20 Aug. Mair for aill to the seik — £i : 13 : 4."
ALEXANDER DICKSON, M.A., succeeded Leighton in 1653,
after the latter had left Newbattle to become Principal of
Edinburgh University. He was the son of Dr David Dickson,
Professor of Divinity in Edinburgh University, and after a few
years' service in the holy ministry at Newbattle, he himself
was called to be Professor of Hebrew in the same University
as his father, in 1657. His father was a remarkable figure
in Scottish history, having been a persecuted Covenanter, ban-
ished and deprived, and having also taken a leading part in
the famous Glasgow Assembly of 1638. He, along with Hen-
derson and Calderwood, prepared the " Directory for Public
Worship," and "The Sum of Saving Knowledge." He is
more especially famous as the author of the beautiful hymn,
" O mother dear, Jerusalem !" which may have been an echo
of the Elizabethan priest's poem, " Jerusalem, my happy
home." At any rate, both of these and all the other hymns
of this type (and there are several) are begotten of an ancient
Latin hymn of the eighth century which appeared during the
pontificate of Urban VIII., — the hymn for the dedication of
a church, — " Urbs beata Jerusalem," or " Caelestis urbs Jer-
usalem,"— a grand old rugged hymn of the early Latin Church,
of which Dr Dickson gave the following general rendering : — -
" O mother dear, Jerusalem !
When shall I come to thee?
When shall my sorrows have an end,
Thy joys when shall I see?
O happy harbour of God's saints !
O sweet and pleasant soil !
In thee no sorrow may be found,
No grief, no care, no toil !
" In thee no sickness is at all,
No hurt nor any sore;
There is no death, or ugly sight,
But life for evermore.
No dimmish clouds o'ershadow thee,
No dull nor darksome night ;
But every soul shines as the sun,
For God himself gives light.
" There lust nor lucre cannot dwell,
There envy bears no sway ;
There is no hunger, thirst, nor heat,
But pleasure every way.
Jerusalem ! Jerusalem !
Would God I were in thee,
O that my sorrows had an end,
Thy joys that I might see.
" No pains, no pangs, no grieving grief,
No woeful sight is there,
No sigh, no sob, no cry is heard,
No well-away ! no fear !
Jerusalem the city is
Of God our King alone,
The Lamb of God, the light thereof,
Sits there upon His throne !
" O God, that I Jerusalem
With speed may so behold ;
For why? The pleasures there abound
With tongue cannot be told.
Thy turrets and thy pinnacles
With carbuncles do shine;
With jasper, pearl and chrysolite
Surpassing pure and fine.
" Thy houses are of ivory,
Thy windows crystal clear,
Thy streets are laid with beaten gold,
Where angels do appear ;
Thy walls are made of precious stones,
Thy bulwarks diamond square,
Thy gates are made of Orient pearl.
O God ! if I were there !
" There David sings with harp in hand,
As master of the queir ;
A thousand times that man were blest
That might his music hear ;
There Mary sings Magnificat
With tunes surpassing sweet,
And all the virgins bear their part,
Singing about her feet.
" There love and charity doth reign,
And Christ is all in all ;
Whom they most perfectly behold
In glory spiritual.
They love, they praise, they praise, they love,
They ' Holy, holy ' cry ;
They neither toil nor faint nor end,
But laud continually.
" O passing happy were my state
Might I be worthy found
To wait upon my God and King
His praises there to sound !
With cherubims and seraphims
And holy souls of men,
To sing Thy praise, O God of hosts,
For ever and amen."
It is interesting to think that Leighton's first act on going
to be Principal of Edinburgh University, was to send the pro-
mising son of his colleague in the University Chair of Divinity
to be his successor at Newbattle. Doubtless he got the ap-
pointment through Leighton's influence.
1657. During a period of national confusion, when the Covenant-
ing struggle was at its height, calls were made to several ministers
to fill Mr Dickson's office — amongst others to HEW ARCHIBALD,
who, however, was rejected for vitiating his testimonial. He
however served the cure for some time.
1660. GEORGE JOHNSTON, A.M., was translated from the parish of
Lochrutton to Newbattle. His was, however, a most troubled
ministry owing to the fierce contest between Covenanters and
Episcopalians. On nth June, 1662, he was deprived of his
office by Parliament and ceased to be minister, being a deter-
mined Covenanter. In 1679 he was seized for preaching at
Covenanting conventicles, and oh refusing to desist was con-
fined to the parish of Borthwick.
1663. ARCHIBALD CHEISHOLM, M.A., son of Walter C. Cheisholm,
bailie of Dunblane, was appointed curate or minister of New-
battle, the Church of Scotland being Episcopal since the Restora-
tion of the Stuarts in 1660. Leighton was at this time Bishop of
Dunblane, and probably through his great influence, this son of
the Dunblane bailie was made incumbent of Newbattle. From
this date the " Book of Common Prayer " was regularly used in
the church. Cheisholm was in 1667 translated to Corstorphine.
1667. ALEXANDER MALCOLM succeeded him, having been translated
from the Edinburgh Tolbooth Parish. In 1681 he was translated
to Greyfriars', Edinburgh (Episcopalian). During his incumb-
ency a disastrous fire took place at Newbattle. In the Session
Records of Cockpen this sentence occurs : — " 1675, December 26th.
This day a collection intimate for the people who had their
houses burnt at Newbottle, and the people exhorted to have it in
readiness against Friday next, and the elders would come to
their several houses to receive it."
1681. ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, M.A., was translated from Newton to
succeed Mr Malcolm. (Episcopalian.)
1682. ANDREW AUCHINLECK, M.A., was translated from the parish of
Denino to succeed Mr Douglas. (Episcopalian.)
1687. GEORGE JOHNSTON, A.M., (above-mentioned), returned to
Newbattle on the overthrow of Episcopacy, and was, after the
" rabbling of the curates," restored as minister of Newbattle, the
Church of Scotland having then adopted Presbytery as its church
polity. Liberty was given to Presbyters who had been ousted
by the Stuart bishops to return to their old charges, and, after
all his vicissitudes, Johnston came back to his former incumbency
at Newbattle. Shortly after he was translated to Edinburgh.
The Covenanters have left an indelible mark in this dis-
trict. The martyred Argyle lay in the Newbattle vault for
two months after his execution, under the care of the Earl of
Lothian, whose sympathies were so strongly with the Coven-
ant. The George Johnston referred to was minister of New-
battle in 1660, was deprived by Parliament in 1662, and in
1679 restored to Newbattle : seized again for preaching at Con-
venticles and confined in BortEwick Castle in 1670 : after his
liberation, he was several times arrested during the Covenant-
ing struggle. In 1687 he was restored to Newbattle and re-
turned thither on liberty being given to Presbyterianism. He
was afterwards translated to Greyfriars, Edinburgh, and the
life of this strong. Covenanting leader forms an interesting
chapter in history. In 1684, Mr Macgeorge, minister of
Heriot, was imprisoned for his Covenanting views. Rullion
Green has its vivid memories of battle and blood, and of Hugh
M'Kail and James Renwick, the last martyr of the Covenant.
James Guthrie spent a night in Newbattle manse on his way
to his execution in Edinburgh. Away up in the Pentlands at
" Roger's Kirk " a wounded refugee from the battle of Rul-
lion Green, belonging to Ayrshire, finding refuge at Blackhill
House, expressed a wish to die " within sight of the Ayrshire
hills." He was taken up the glen of the west water, and died
within sight of his native county. A tombstone stands to his
memory with this inscription, — " Sacred to the memory of a
o (209)
Covenanter who fought and was wounded at Rullion Green,
November 28, 1666, and who died at Oaken Bush the day
after the battle, and was buried here by Adam Sanderson of
The records of the Presbytery of Dalkeith are very in-
complete during the quarter of a century of the Covenanting
struggle, as are also those of the kirk-sessions of the district.
An original copy of the " Solemn League and Covenant "
hangs in Newbattle House, and the Earl of Lothian, like
Argyle, was a keen Covenanter, and his name is adhibited to it.
At Rullion Green the late Lord President Inglis of Wood-
houselee, close by, had the memorial to the Covenanting mar-
tyrs, who fell in the " Pentland Rising," restored. The in-
scription is as follows : —
"A cloud of witnesses lie here,
Who for Christ's interests did appear,
For to restore true liberty
O'er turned them by tyranny ;
These heroes fought with great renown,
By falling got the martyr's crown."
Hugh M'Kail was the most prominent of the leaders, and
took refuge at Goodtrees, now Moredun, where a party of dra-
goons followed him up. He was apprehended on the Braid
Hills, and hanged at Edinburgh Cross, amid the tears of the
Scottish people, after addressing the assembly with touching
affection and rapturous confidence.
Andrew Gillon, a Covenanter who suffered at the Edin-
burgh gallows in 1683, is buried near St. Andrews. He was
accused of complicity in the murder of Archbishop Sharp, and
took refuge in the Bilston glen with Mrs Umpherston. Gillon
was first imprisoned in Dalkeith prison, and then in the Edin-
burgh Tolbooth, and chained to a thick bar of iron still to be
seen in the Antiquarian Museum, Edinburgh. He was hanged
at Edinburgh Cross on Friday, 2oth July, 1683. His brother,
Robert, married a Maggie Marr, and her name still survives
in the designation of a field on Hardengreen Farm in Cockpen
parish, which is still called "Maggie Marr's field." ["Andrew
Gillon : a Tale of the Scottish Covenanters," by John Strath-
1688. JOHN MOSMAN succeeded him. He seems to have been a Pres-
byterian minister very much after the bigoted, vicious type, satir-
ized in " Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence Displayed." Indeed, in
that book of terrible stories, prefixed by the most laughable
satirical picture ever drawn, Mosman several times is held up to
ridicule. A good story is there told of him how at his induction
sermon he gave out as his text, — " I am the Good Shepherd,"
and from that motto drew an edifying picture of the relations
which ought and were to subsist between pastor and people.
"Now, brethren," said this Boanerges, "I am going to be the
shepherd and you are to be the sheep " ; " and this Bible," he said,
holding up the bulky pulpit volume, "will be my tar-bottle, for
I'll mark you all with it." Then, bending over the edge of his
preaching-tub, he touched the precentor on the head and said,
" Thomas, you'll be the dowg." " Deil a bit of your dowg will I
be, minister," cried the offended chief-musician looking up indig-
nantly out of his singing-barrel. " O Thomas," said the divine
in his most soothing accents, "I spake mystically." "Ah but,
sir, retorted the unabashed son of Asaph, "ye spake mischiev-
ously !" Several good stories are told of this estimable divine,
who spoke of David in the pulpit as "a wee mannikin, who with
a slingie and a stonie broucht that grate muckle giant Goliath to
the ground." He refused to pray for the King and Queen ; order-
ed to appear before the Estates.
1695. ROBERT SANDILANDS succeeded.
1705. CHARLES CAMPBELL succeeded.
1721. ANDREW MITCHELL succeeded. During his incumbency the
present parish church was re-built (1727), the same old Abbey
stones being used for the second time +
1739. WILLIAM CREECH succeeded.
1746. JAMES WATSON. Relatives still living.
1754. GEORGE SHEPHERD. Relatives still living.
1779. WILLIAM PAUL. Went to St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh.
1786. JAMES BROWN. "Who greatly excelled as a preacher, and in
1794 built the beautiful village of Eskbank." (Hew Scott's
1813. JOHN THOMSON. Published "The constraining Power of the
Love of Christ " (1839), which was greatly admired. Memorial
in Church.
1841. DR VEITCH. Translated to St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh.
1843. THOMAS GORDON, D.D. Memorial in Church.
i All that remains of the second church is a portion of a doorway
and a vault known as the Lothian vault, in which the last Abbot is
buried and many of his descendants, as the quaint inscription on the
front shows — " Jean Marchioness of Lothian built this Isle in the year
of our Lord 1705," a statement which probably must be interpreted as
re-building, for in all probability, after the dissolution of the mon-
astery, when the old Abbey stones, blackened with English fire, and
ruined even unto death, were removed from the old site, marked out in
gravel, beside the present dwelling-house, and re-built into the church
a stone-throw off as the parish church of Newbotle, a vault was pre-
pared underneath the chancel of the re-built church, the orientation of
which is exactly the same as in the old site beside the cloisters, and
in it were intended to be deposited the mortal remains of the commen-
dator's family, which was now by allowance of the Crown in tempor-
ary custody of the entire monastic property and revenues. The
" building " of 1705 could only have been a " re-building," and in
1727 the entire church was moved to the other side of the road and
re-built a second time, — the old Leighton pulpit being removed along
with the church and all the other ecclesiastical belongings.
THE first edition of Burns' poems was published at Kil-
marnock in 1786, under the title of " Poems chiefly
in the Scottish Dialect." The second appeared at
Edinburgh in 1788 from the press of William Creech,
afterwards Lord Provost of Edinburgh. He pur-
chased the copyright of the poems, and all along proved him-
self so warm and true a friend to the poet, that some account
of him needs no apology.
Creech's father was minister of the parish of Newbattle
in Prince Charlie's time, and saw all the rebellions and striv-
ings of that memorable epoch. He entered the incumbency
in 1739, succeeding the Rev. Andrew Mitchell, and died in
the year of the battle of Prestonpans. There are those living
in Newbattle to-day whose immediate ancestors of three gener-
ations back travelled up the brow of the hill in the upland part
of the parish above the Roman Camp, and seawards towards
In the previous editions of " William Creech " the following note
was prefixed : — " Though he had misfortunes great and small, Robert
Burns had also many kind friends, who took the young ploughman by
the hand, and acknowledging the fire of his genius, helped with the
material fuel. Dr Laurie, minister of Loudon, — one of the poet's
earliest benefactors, — introduced him to Dr Blacklock, the blind poet
and divine, whom Dr Johnson ' beheld with reverence,' and who was
practically the first to reveal to Scotland the greatness of her gift.
The Earl of Glencairn, — the last to hold the title, — by his generous
patronage of an Ayrshire peasant, gilded his coronet with imperish-
able glory, and shed a parting ray of light on the dying honours of
his house. Dugald Stewart not only graced the chair of moral philos-
ophy, but stretched out a warm hand to the author of the ' Cottar's
Saturday Night.' But probably the most practical and useful friend
Burns ever had was ' Willie Creech,' who in song and letter is often
referred to by him. It is fitting that, after nearly a century of forget-
fulness, he and his father should be commemorated in the place where
the former was born, and where the latter offered the sacrifice of
praise. The simple sketch appended is intended to revive some of the
Creech memories and traditions lingering around Newbattle and Dal-
keith, and as an apology, — if such were needed, — for the erection of
a brass memorial to them both in the ancient sanctuary where the
father ministered, and the repair and improvement of the tombstone
in the churchyard where so many generations rest quietly after the
Fawside Castle, to get a view of the battle while it was in
progress. So that brings things up pretty close to the present
day. We do not know on which side Mr Creech's sympathies
were, but there was great excitement in the big village of New-
battle, which clustered round the old church, when the news
of Prestonpans spread like wildfire.
William Creech was the son of a respectable farmer in
Fife, where the name is not uncommon. He was probably re-
lated to the great Cambridge scholar, Thomas Creech, who
died towards the close of the seventeenth century, and who
translated Lucretius into verse. Creech certainly had con-
siderable connection with England and the English.
After studying at the University of Edinburgh, where he
distinguished himself very highly, and carried off many hon-
ours, he became tutor to Mr George Cranstoun, and on August
ist, 1733, ne was licensed as a preacher of the Gospel by the
Presbytery of Jedburgh. The reason of his being there was
that he had taken to teaching in the Grammar School of Jed-
burgh, then one of the first educational institutions of the time,
— the old grammar schools of Scotland being splendid institu-
tions of their kind, and real nurseries of learning and genius.
The headmastership of Jedburgh Grammar School fell
vacant, and he applied for it in 1734, but failed. After about
four years of teaching (teaching clergymen being then quite
common, for indeed the schoolmaster was then regarded as a
semi-cleric, as he still is in the North of Scotland, where many
of the schoolmasters are in Orders, and preach occasionally,
religion and education being then more closely allied, as in
the older civilisation, when the school was part of the monastic
buildings, and was taught by lay brothers), he received a call
to Newbattle parish on the 22nd September, 1738, and was
presented to the living by the then Marquess of Lothian. After
all the preliminary stages had been taken, he was ordained in
the church by the reverend fathers of the Presbytery of Dal-
keith, who set him apart to the holy ministry of the Church
of Scotland, and to the special pastoral charge of Newbattle
parish. The Rev. Mr Cavers, of Fala, preached the sermon,
and addressed the newly-ordained clergyman.
He married Mary Buley, an English lady, related to Mr
Quarmes, of a very old Devonshire family, several of whom
held the office of Black Rod in the House of Lords, and they
had one son, William, the famous Edinburgh bookseller, and
two daughters, Margaret and Marjory, who died almost in
infancy, and are buried in the old churchyard.
Mr Creech died at the early age of forty, but in his short
incumbency of about seven years he was eminent for gifts and
graces, and as an eloquent preacher, a faithful pastor, and a
highly accomplished scholar. The tombstone in the old church-
yard, now very defaced, and built into the wall, gives a hint or
two of his faithfulness.
A few entries in the old session-books about this date are
interesting :—
" X739> June I3- — The session applied 6 shillings (Scots) sterling,,
to be paid to Win. Stephenson for 3 stools made by him for
setting the plates on at collections. Likewise they appointed
him to make two chairs for the elders to sit on when collecting."
[Probably a quaint old chair still in the church porch is the
very one, and is thus a curious antiquarian relic. Possibly the
collecting stools are also the ones still in use.]
" 1742. — The session, considering the many abuses that happen
on the Lord's Day, came to a resolution that the elders who
collect shall go through the town," — [Newbattle being then a
town with two bailies, several mills, inns, and public-houses,
and a large population], — "each Sabbath in time of public
worship, and observe what irregularities are in the place."
" 1743, May 8. — The Marquis of Lothian ordained an elder."
" 1745, August ii. — Mr Creech presided at a meeting of session."
"August 21. — Mr Wm. Creech, our minister, having this day
deceased, the session could not have their quarterly meeting as
Almost no particulars have come down to us of this once
famous man, but he distinguished himself highly in church
courts, the Presbytery and Synod books testifying to this, and
he was a fine classical scholar.
The same high literary qualifications come out in his only
son, William, who afterwards rose to a high position in Edin-
burgh, and eventually became Lord Provost. The materials
regarding the son are so numerous and varied that some notice
of William Creech, jun., will not be out of place.
The minister died on August 21, 1745, aged forty, and in
the seventh year of his able and brilliant ministry, and Mrs
Creech, with her son, retired from Newbattle to an old house
in Dalkeith, probably one still standing at the entrance to the
town. The Marquess and Marchioness of Lothian showed her
much kindness in her bereavement. William received an ex-
cellent education at the High School under Mr Barclay, an
accomplished educationist, one of the ablest and most suc-
cessful teachers in Scotland at the time, who in early life had
been tutor to Lord Charles Loughborough, and Lord Leven
and Melville; and so close was the tie formed at Dalkeith
Academy among the boys, that for long years after " Barclay's
scholars " used to meet and dine together and talk over youth-
ful exploits of long ago. To show how excellent a teacher be
was, after he had been dead forty years, no less than twenty
gentlemen who had been taught by him met together, presided
over t>y Lord Melville, to drink a toast to his memory. " These
meetings," says the biographer of Creech, " are still con-
tinued, though the hand of death has struck many of them
down, so that now few are left."
Young Creech was also taught there by Dr Robertson,
afterwards minister of Kilmaurs, who was then tutor to the
sons of Lord Glencairn, all of them boarded at Mrs Creech's
house at Dalkeith ; and a great friendship was struck up be-
tween the two young noblemen and young Creech, which lasted
till the very end of life, and continued afterwards even among
other branches of the respective families.
While at Dalkeith young William Creech showed great ap-
titude for conversation, and much zeal in his studies, and fine
literary tastes, just like his father. Next we find him going
with his mother to Edinburgh, where he was received with
great kindness by many of the late Mr Creech's friends, and
especially by some of the family of Kincaid. Alex. Kincaid,
a highly cultured man, was then His Majesty's printer for
Scotland, and Lord Provost in 1777, in which office he died.
Booksellers then in Edinburgh ranked next to the aristocracy,
for it was in the old days of clubs and coffee-houses, and the
bookseller's shop was the great rendezvous for talent of every
kind. Mrs Kincaid was granddaughter of Robert, fourth Earl'
of Lothian, and daughter of Lord Charles Ker, and she con-
tinued and transferred the friendship of the noble family which
had previously been given so generously to the widow and son
of their favourite clergyman, whose ministrations they regularly
attended, sitting in the gallery still known as the " Marquis'
Mrs Creech was acknowledged to be a woman of sound
culture, having received a very high-class education in Devon-
shire, but what was far better, a woman of true goodness
and piety and deeds ; and she made it her life-work to bring
her son William to follow in his father's footsteps. She was ab-
solutely successful, and Lord Provost Creech was, we are told,
just the Rev. William Creech reproduced. So like was he in
face and height and appearance and voice and disposition that
people who saw the son said the father was back again to life.
He imbibed, too, his religious and ecclesiastical and theological
tastes, and took a great part in religious controversy, but al-
ways with good taste and modesty of bearing. Neither father
nor son were ever known to do a mean or dishonourable thing
in their every-day spheres.
Young Creech in his leisure hours as a boy used often to
write sermons, and tried to imitate his father's gestures in
preaching, and had quite a collection of Scripture texts written
down, with notes and parallel passages and the like. From
the first he was an abnormally clever boy.
At Edinburgh University he completed his studies and
got great fame. Being pressed to become a doctor, he studied
medicine for a time ; but Mr Kincaid, the famous bookseller,
had him in his eye for his business, and at last Creech became
an apprentice in his bookshop, which was then the firm of
Kincaid & Bell, — both excellent men, moving in the highest
circles of Edinburgh society. While in their service his ex-
cellent mother died, July, 1764, and young Creech was taken
home by the Kincaids to live with them for altogether, and
was treated with warmest regard and affection. In 1766,
still in their service, he visited London, and pushed the busi-
ness, and spending a year there, qualified himself as a profici-
ent publisher and bookseller. At the same time he cultivated
the acquaintance of his relative, Mr Quarmes, one of whose
house was then master of the Black Rod in the House cf
Lords, — and thence he passed to Holland and Paris, where
he stayed a few months, returning to Edinburgh in January,
1768. In 1770, along with his old playmate, Lord Kilmaurs,
the second son of Lord Glencairn (Burns' patron also), he had
a tour in Holland, Switzerland, and Germany, thus enriching
his mind and fitting himself for the high station in life he was
afterwards to occupy. In May, 1771, the firm of Kincaid &
Bell, the most celebrated Scotch publishing firm of that cen-
tury, was dissolved, and Kincaid took young Creech into part-
nership, and thereafter the firm became " Kincaid & Creech,"
— a name to be seen on scores of old Edinburgh books. This
firm existed till May, 1733, when Mr Kincaid, whose duty as
Lord Provost and as King's printer engaged him very much,
left the business entirely to Creech, permitting the first name
to stand as before; but henceforth it was Creech's firm in the
High Street of Edinburgh, in a shop built against St. Giles'
Cathedral on the High Street side, — the most central and con-
venient part in Edinburgh. Some ill-natured people used to
say that Creech owed a great deal of his success to the position
of his shop, which was always before the public eye, and in
the most convenient point in Edinburgh. Lord Cockburn even
.said so, and that it was because he was in the very thick of
business and attached literally to the old cathedral, that it
became a resort of all the authors and literary men of the time.
It was a big house of five storeys, and one of the many built
round St. Giles' Cathedral, thus ruining its stately proportions.
Pictures of the fine old pile with the " booths " built up
against its outside walls are still preserved in the Cathedral.
Creech, from 1773 onwards, became one of the leading
citizens of Edinburgh, and his shop the great meeting-place of
literary men. Lord Kames was his closest friend. He was
the original publisher of the sermons of Dr Blair, the eloquent
minister of St. Giles', of which Creech was a leading and
interested elder, and all through a zealous and able defender
of the ancient Church of Scotland, of which his father had
been so distinguished a minister. Some other famous habitues
of Creech's shop were Dr Beattie, the polished writer; Dr
Cullen, and Dr Gregory, the physician; Mackenzie, the author
of " The Man of Feeling "; Lord Woodhouselee ; Fergusson,
the poet; Reid and Dugald Stewart, the philosophers; Dr
Adam of the High School; Robert Burns, and many others.
He published two well-known papers, " The Mirror," one of
the best magazines ever conducted, the last number of which
appeared 23rd January, 1779; and "The Lounger," — short
essays and papers on current topics, — after the model of Addi-
son's " Spectator." So much society gathered around his
shop that it came to be called " The Mirror Club," and it
consisted chiefly of Lord Gray, Mackenzie, Low, Cullen, Lord
Bannage, George Howe, Ogilvie, &c. Mr Creech formed the
Edinburgh Speculative Society, which still exists, and he gave
weekly breakfasts in his room above the shop, at which all the
celebrities attended, and which came to be known as Ct Creech's
He took a great interest in Edinburgh as a citizen, and
rfter serving in various municipal capacities, he was, on Pro-
vost Kincaid's death, elected Lord Provost of the City, amid
the congratulations of the citizens.
All through these stirring times, and all through what was
a very varied and full life, he tarried his father's spirit. Amid
innumerable society engagements with all the literati and noble-
men of Scotland, of whom he was the respected centre, — cheer-
ing them all with his address and delightful conversation and
genial happy presence, — he never suffered anything to interfere
with reading and reflection, and above all, with the regular
study of the Bible and morning and evening prayers. He took
a warm interest in the various religious questions of the day,
and always took a reasonable, sensible, and unbiassed view.
He was on very close terms of intimacy with all the Edinburgh
clergy, and especially with his own distinguished minister, Dr
Hugh Blair, the author of some of the most polished sermons
that have ever been written. His personality was so attractive
that it was this that drew so many of Scotland's cleverest sons
around him. He was an inimitable story-teller, and as Provost
used to keep scores of diners-out in fits of laughter with his
humour, and suddenly he would change to the most pathetic
and touching strain.
Burns was introduced to Creech through the Earl of Glen-
cairn, his old mate, who recommended to him the publication
of the second edition of Burns' poems, which Creech under-
took, and carried to a successful issue. Burns and Creech at
once became close and warm-hearted cronies, and " mony a
canty day and nicht they had wi' ane anither." There are a
good many of Burns' letters to Creech preserved in Cromek's
" Reliques of Burns. " Here is one : —
" May 13, 1787.
" MY HONOURED FRIEND,— The enclosed I have just wrote nearly
extempore in a solitary inn in Selkirk after a miserable wet day's rid-
ing. I have been over most of East Lothian, Berwick, Roxburgh,
and Selkirk shires, and next week I begin a tour through the north of
England. Yesterday I dined with Lady Hariet (Lady Hariet Dunn,
sister of the Earl of Glencairn's wife), sister to my noble patron.
' Quern deus conservet !' I could write till I would tire you as much
with dull prose as I daresay by this time you are with wretched verse.
But I am jaded to death, so with a grateful farewell, I have the
honour to be, Good Sir, Yours Sincerely,
Here is the special poem to Creech, which Burns addres-
sed to him. The occasion was Mr Creech's journey to London
for a few months, and Burns' grief at his departure : —
"Auld chuckle Reekie's sair distrest,
Doon droops her ance well-burnished crest,
Nae joy her bonnie buskit nest
Can yield ava ;
Her darling bird that she loe's best —
Willie's awa' !
" Oh, Willie was a witty wight,
And had o' things an unco slight,
Auld Reekie aye he keepit tight
And trig and braw;
But now they'll busk her like a fright —
Willie's awa' !
" The stiff est o' them a' he bowed ;
The bauldest o' them a' he cowed ;
They durst nae mair than he allowed,
That was a law ;
We've lost a birkie weel worth gowd —
Willie's awa' !
" Now gawkies, tawpies, gowks and fools,
Frae colleges and boarding-schools,
May sprout like simmer puddock stools
In glen or shaw;
He who could brush them doun to mools —
Willie's awa' !
" The brethren o' the commerce chaumer
May mourn their loss wi' doulfu' clamour :
He was a dictionar and grammar
Among them a' ;
I fear they'll now mak' mony a stammer —
Willie's awa' !
"Nae mair we see his levee door
Philosophers and poets pour,
And toothy critics by the score,
In bloody raw ;
The adjutant o' a' the corps —
Willie's awa' !
" Now worthy G s' latin face,
T s' and G s' modest grace,
M e, S 1, such a brace
As Rome ne'er saw ;
They a' maun meet some ither place —
Willie's awa' !
" Poor Burns, even Scotch drink canna quicken;
He cheeps like some bewildered chicken
Scar'd frae its minnie and the cleckin
By hoodie craw ;
Grief's gi'en his heart an unco kickin' —
Willie's awa' !
" Now every sour mou'd girnin' bellum
And Calvin's folk are fit to fell him;
Ilk self-conceived critic skellum
His quill may draw;
He wha cou'd brawly ward their bellum —
Willie's awa' !
" Up wimpling stately Tweed I've sped,
And Eden's scenes on crystal Jed,
And Ettrick banks now roaring red,
While tempests blaw;
But every joy and pleasure's fled —
Willie's awa' !
"May I be slander's common speech;
A text for infamy to preach;
And lastly, streekit out to bleach
In winter snaw ;
When I forget thee, Willie Creech,
Tho' far awa' !
" May never wicked fortune towzle him !
May never wicked men bamboozle him !
Until a pow as auld's Methusalem
He canty claw !
Then to the blessed New Jerusalem
Fleet wing awa' ! ! !"
This fine song shows a really close friendship, and yet
Burns and Creech had a disagreement as to money. Creech
delayed in gathering in the profits of Burns' poems, and Burns
being hard up, this annoyed him, and there was a coolness
for a time. However, when all was settled, Burns said " he
had been quite amicable and fair." As showing, however,
that there was a coolness, during the temporary estrangement
Burns wrote of him as
" A little, upright, pert, tart-tripping wight, —
And still his precious self, his dear delight."
Creech had another very close friend in Baron Voght of
Hamburg, who resided for some winters in Edinburgh, and in
a " Journal of a Traveller," written in Germany many years
after, he describes Mr Creech among the remarkable men of
Scotland. " It would be a pity," says the great German, " if
he should die without recovering that fund of literary anecdote
which long intimacy with all the learned men of his country
had furnished him with."
The chief work of Creech himself is entitled " Fugitive
Pieces," a collection of sketches of different events and doings
in the course of his life, — some of them giving very curious
sidelights on the days and manners of Scotland a century and
a half ago. For example, in one paper he draws a contrast
between the state of a Scotch parish forty miles from Edin-
burgh in 1763 and 1783, a period of twenty years.
" Land in 1763 at 6s. an acre in that parish. In 1783 at
i8s. In 1763 oxen used to plough the field; in 1783 horses.
In 1763 several acres at ^3 per acre; in 1783, ^£7 and £&. In
1763 no English cloth worn but by the minister and a Quaker.
In 1783 ' there are few who do not wear English cloth, and
several the best superfine.' In 1763 there were only 2 hats
worn in the parish, — the men wore cloth bonnets; in 1783 these
wore all hats and almost no bonnets. In 1763 one eight-day
clock in the parish, 6 watches, and 2 tea-kettles; in 1783,
21 clocks, about 100 watches, and above 80 tea-kettles. In
1763 the people in the parish never visited each other but at
times ; the entertainment was broth and beef ; the visits out
to an ale-house for 5 or 6 pints of ale, even many doing it
without ceremony. In 1783 people visited each other oftener;
a few neighbours are invited to a house to dinner ; six or seven
dishes are set on the table elegantly dressed; after dinner a
large bowl of rum punch is drunk ; then tea, and another bowl ;
after that supper, and what is called the great drunk. In 1763
all persons in the parish attended divine worship on Sundays;
there were only 4 Seceders in the parish ; Sunday was regularly
and religiously observed. In 1783 there is such a disregard
of public worship and ordinances that few attend divine wor-
ship with that attention which was formerly given. The decay
of religion and growth of vice in this parish is very remarkable
within these twenty years."
Here is another of his delightful little tit-bits : —
" Abridgement of a sermon which took up an hour in de-
livering, from the words, ' Man is born to trouble.' ' My
friends, the subject naturally falls to be divided into three
heads: — i, Man's entrance into the world; 2, His progress
through the world ; 3, His exit from the world ; and 4, Practi-
cal reflections from which may be said : — First, then, man
came into the world naked and bare. Second, His progress
through it is trouble and care. Third, His exit from it none
can tell where. Fourth, But if he does well here, he will do
well there. Now I can say no more, my brethren dear, should
I preach on the subject from this time till next year. Amen.' "
He also tells how a lady can furnish a dinner at 7d for
two : —
"At the top, 2 herrings I(i.
Middle dish — i ounce and £ of butter melted Ad.
Bottom dish — 3 mutton chops, cut thin 2d.
One side — i Ib. of small potatoes ±d.
On other side — pickled cabbage ... ' |d!
Fish removed — 2 larks, plenty of crumbs iJ-d.
Mutton removed — French roll boiled for pudding Id
Parsley for garnish '.. |<j'
" This dinner was served up on china, looked light, tasty,
and pretty on the table, and the dishes well proportioned. We
hope each lady will keep this as a lesson. It is worth knowing
how to serve up dishes consisting of fish, joint of mutton,
couple of fowls, pudding, vegetables, and sauce, for seven-
pence !"
Judging from the pictures, which are still in his descend-
ants' possession, Mr Creech seems to have dined at a higher
figure, and to have had a less slender appetite than for stewed
lark or a boiled French roll.
On one occasion Creech received a blank letter from a
Mr H. on April ist. This was his reply : —
" I pardon, sir, the trick you've played me,
When an April fool you've made me ;
Since one day only I appear
That you, alas ! do all the year .'"
A very pretty little poem by him is entitled : —
" Travel the world and go from pole to pole,
So far as winds can blow or waters roll,
So all is vanity beneath this sun ;
To silent ocean through headless paths we run.
" See the pale miser poring o'er his gold,
See the false patriot who his country sold ;
Ambition's votary groans beneath the weight,
A splendid victim to the toils of state.
" Even in the mantling bowl sweet poisons glow,
And love's pursuit oft terminates in woe.
Proud learning ends her great career in doubt,
And, puzzled still, makes nothing clearly out.
"Where, then, is earthly bliss? where does it grow?
Know, mortal, happiness dwells not below.
Look up to heaven, for heaven is daily care,
Spurn the vile earth and seek thy treasure there.
Nothing but God, — and God alone, — you'll find
Can fill a boundless and infinite mind."
To a gentleman who complained of having lost his gold
watch, he rather quaintly wrote : —
" Fret not, my friend, or peevish say
Your fate is worse than common,
For gold takes wings and flies away,
And Time will stay for no man."
Here is a curious little local sidelight about the coaches
of the day : —
" In 1763 there were 2 stage coaches and three horses, a
coachman and postilion to each coach, which went to the Port
of Leith (i mile and a half distant) every hour, from 8 in the
morning till 8 at night, and consumed a full hour on the road.
There were no other stage coaches in all Scotland, except one,
which set out once a month for London, and it took from 12
to 16 days upon the journey. In 1763 there were 5 or 6 stage
coaches, which took only J an hour to Leith."
" J. Dunn, who opened the magnificent hotel in the New
Town, was the first person who attempted a stage coach to
Dalkeith, a village 6 miles distant. There are now coaches
and flies all over."
A public masquerade was first attempted in Edinburgh
in March, 1786, in the following advertisement: —
" J. Dunn begs to inform the nobility and gentry that there
is to be a Masquerade in his rooms on Thursday, 2nd March
next. The prices of tickets are i guinea to Gentlemen, and |
guinea to Ladies.
" N.B. — Rooms in Hotel will be set apart, and refresh-
ments and wines, sweetmeats, &c., in the large room. A band
of musicians will attend, and the whole will be conducted with
the strictest regularity and decorum. No admittance on any
account into the Halls, no servants into the lower part of the
Mr Creech wrote a paper making fun of it all, and raised
a great laugh about it.
Creech gives fine pictures of the young mashers of his
day, with doublets and coloured finery, and swords and buckles
and embroidered waistcoats and " tonish dress."
It was at this time that the great row took place as to
clergymen going to theatres and encouraging the drama. The
Rev. Mr Home had written his tragedy of " Douglas," a most
moral and correct play, and many clergymen went to see it
acted, including " Jupiter Carlyle " of Inveresk. Thereupon
the General Assembly pulled them up, and forbade clergymen
to countenance the stage in any way; but in 1783 a great
change had come over public feeling, and it was quite common
to see the black surtout and the roll of white muslin round the
neck, in a theatre stall. The whole story of the controversy
regarding clerical play- writing and theatre-going is given at
full length in the Autobiography of " Jupiter Carlyle," the
great minister of Inveresk, who stood by Home in his diffi-
culty, and suffered along with him.
It was in May, 1784, that Mrs Siddons first visited Edin-
burgh. A few citizens subscribed the money and invited her
to come, which she did. There was, however, a fearful row,
as the subscribers very naturally insisted on front seats, and
the mob of 2000 people swelled in and crushed them all up.
There were 2557 applicants for 630 seats. The weather was
warm, and the house exceedingly crowded, and this gave occa-
sion for the servants of the theatre introducing a variety of re-
freshments into the pit and gallery. Creech wrote a humorous
poem on it : —
" Each evening the playhouse exhibits a mob,
And the right of admission's turned into a job.
By five the whole pit used to fill with subscribers,
And those who had money enough to be bribers ;
But the public took fire and began a loud jar,
And I thought we'd have had a Siddonian war.
The Committee met, and the lawyers' hot mettle
Began very soon to cool and to settle.
Of public resentment to blunt the keen edge
In a coop they consented that sixty they'd wedge,
And the coop's now so crammed it will scarce hold a woman,
And the rest of the pit's turned a true public-bouse,
With porters and pathos, with whisky and whining,
They quickly all look as if long they'd been dining.
As for Siddons herself, her features so tragic
Have caught the whole town with the force of her magic.
Her action is varied, her vision extensive,
Her eye very fine, but somewhat too pensive.
I quickly return, and am just on the wing,
And some things I'm sure that you'll like I will bring —
The sweet Siddons cap and the latest dear ogle.
Farewell till we meet,
" Your true friend,
" June 7, 1784."
After a long and useful life, and receiving every honour
which Edinburgh, and indeed Scotland, and all literature could
give him, he laid him down to die. In 1815 he was suddenly
seized with illness, and he sank and passed away in January,
1815, aged 70 years.
The " Edinburgh Courant " of i2th January said of him :
— " His conversational talents, whether the subject was gay or
serious or learned, his universal good humour and pleasantry,
and his unrivalled talent in describing to a social party the
peculiarities of eccentric characters,, will be long remembered
by the numerous circle to whom his many pleasing qualities so
long endeared him, and who so sincerely regret that he is lost
to them for ever."
He greatly resembled his father in face, figure, and dis-
position, and fine Raeburn paintings of him are still preserved
in the family, the chief representatives of which are the Wat-
sons. In Kay's " Edinburgh Portraits," there are many re-
ferences to Creech.
.The ravages of time have very nearly destroyed the last
remains of his father's monument in Newbattle Churchyard.
All that remains of it is a headpiece built into the south
wall, with an open book and the text, Job xix., 25, and a small
piece of broken sandstone below, with the words, — " M.S.D.
Gulielmi Creech, Ecclesiae apud Newbattle fidelissimi . . .
pietate, prudentia ma . . . hominem or . . . "
Provost Creech is buried in the Greyfriars Churchyard in
Edinburgh, and a great monument, erected by the city, is
to-day rotting to decay.
Creech briefly sums up his life-philosophy in these words :
" A languid, leaden iteration reigns,
And ever must o'er those whose joys are joys
Of sense.
On lightened minds that bask in virtue's beams
Nothing hangs tedious.
Each rising morning sees them higher rise,
Each bounteous dawn its novelty presents
To work returning.
While nature's circle like a chariot wheel
Rolls beneath their elevated aims,
Makes their fair prospect fairer every hour,
Advancing virtue in a line to bliss,
Virtue which Christian motives best inspire,
And Bliss which Christian schemes alone ensure ! "
The brass in Newbattle Church and the new stone in the
churchyard commemorate both father and son.
WHEN Sir Walter, after his apprenticeship to the
law, settled down with his young French wife,
Charlotte Margaret Carpenter, in December, 1797,
the daughter of a gentleman of Lyons, whom he
had accidentally met on an excursion to Gilsland
Wells in Cumberland, — in the cottage now known as Scott's
Cottage, Lasswade, he was only a rising young lawyer of
Edinburgh. He had already published several works, trans-
lations of Burger's Ballads, but in December, 1799, he was
appointed, through the influence of the Duke of Buccleuch,
whose distant kinsman he was, Sheriff-Depute of Selkirkshire,
at a salary of ^300 a year. He dedicated the " Lay of the
Last Minstrel " to the young Duchess of Buccleuch, and al-
most every part of the district around Dalkeith has been cele-
brated by him in verse. The Esk valleys, he often said, were
the most beautiful in Scotland, and certainly it was from the
noble family of Dalkeith that he received his greatest encour-
agement and inspiration.
Scott's nearness to the Buccleuch family, when in Lass-
wade, helped him greatly in his work in many ways, and he
was on terms of the closest intimacy with the fourth Duke.
He was also on intimate terms with Robert Dundas, the second
Viscount Melville, and was never out of Melville Castle, which
stands quite near Lasswade. There are piles of Scott's un-
published letters preserved in the library of Melville Castle.
He also was a frequent visitor at Dalhousie Castle, the Earl
being a school and college companion; and, generally, Scott's
connection with Lasswade and the neighbourhood was intimate,
and he introduces almost every historic incident and picturesque
feature or landscape of the entire Esk valley into novel or
poem : —
Sweet are the paths, O passing sweet !
By Eske's fair streams that run,
O'er airy steep, through copsewood deep,
Impervious to the sun.
There the rapt poet's step may rove,
And yield the muse the day ;
There Beauty, led by timid Love,
May shun the tell-tale ray.
From that fair dome, where suit is paid,
By blast of bugle free,
To Auchendinny's hazel shade,
And haunted Woodhouselea.
Who knows not Melville's beechy grove
And Roslin's rocky glen,
Dalkeith, which all the virtues love,
And classic- Hawthornden.
But so far as Newbattle is concerned, besides often visit-
ing its churchyard, — famous through Old Mortality, the Resur-
rectionists, and others, — "The Gray Brother: a Fragment"
is the finest remnant of his connection with and attachment to
the place. It is only a fragment descriptive of the vision
which was seen in the old valley, and may be quoted in full : —
The Pope he was saying the high, high mass,
All on saint Peter's day,
With the power to him given, by the saints in heaven,
To wash men's sins away.
The Pope he was saying the blessed mass,
And the people kneeled around,
And from each man's soul his sins did pass,
As he kissed the holy ground.
And all, among the crowded throng,
Was still, both limb and tongue,
While through vaulted roof, and aisles aloof,
The holy accents rung.
At the holiest word, he quivered for fear,
And faltered in the sound —
And, when he would the chalice rear,
He dropped it on the ground.
"The breath of one of evil deed
Pollutes our sacred day ;
He has no portion in our creed,
No part in what I say.
" A being, whom no blessed word
To ghostly peace can bring ;
A wretch, at whose approach abhorred,
Recoils each holy thing.
" Up ! up ! unhappy ! haste, arise !
My adjuration fear !
I charge thee not to stop my voice,
Nor longer tarry here ! " —
Amid them all a pilgrim kneeled,
In gown of sackcloth grey ;
Far journeying from his native field,
He first saw Rome that day.
For forty days and nights, so drear,
I ween, he had not spoke,
And, save with bread and water clear,
His fast he ne'er had broke.
Amid the penitential flock,
Seemed none more bent to pray;
But, when the Holy Father spoke,
He rose, and went his way.
Again unto his native land,
His weary course he drew,
To Lothian's fair and fertile strand,
And Pentland's mountains blue.
His unblest feet his native seat,
Mid Eske's fair woods, regain ;
Through woods more fair, no stream more sweet,
Rolls to the eastern main.
And lords to meet the Pilgrim came,
And vassals bent the knee ;
For all mid Scotland's chiefs of fame,
Was none more famed than he.
And boldly for his country, still,
In battle he had stood,
Aye, even when, on the banks of Till,
Her noblest poured their blood.
Yet never a path, from day to day,
The Pilgrim's footsteps range,
Save but the solitary way
To Burndale's ruined Grange.
A woeful place was that, I ween,
As sorrow could desire ;
For, nodding to the fall was each crumbling wall,
And the roof was scathed with fire.
It fell upon a summer's eve,
While, on Carnethy's head,
The last faint gleams of the sun's low beams
Had streaked the gray with red ;
And the convent bell did vespers tell,
Newbottle's oaks among,
And mingling with the solemn knell
Our Ladye's evening song :
The heavy knell, the choir's faint swell,
Came slowly down the wind,
And on the Pilgrim's ear they fell,
As his wonted path he did find.
Deep sunk in thought, I ween, he was,
Nor ever raised nis eye,
Until he came to that dreary place,
Which did all in ruins lie.
He gazed on the walls, so scathed with fire,
With many a bitter groan —
And there was aware of a Gray Friar,
Resting him on a stone.
" Now, Christ thee save !" said the Gray Brother ;
" Some pilgrim thou seemest to be."
But in sore amaze did Lord Albert gaze,
Nor answer again made he.
" O come ye from east, or come ye from west,
Or bring reliques from over the sea,
Or come ye from the shrine of St James the divine,
Or of St John of Beverley? "—
<c I come not from the shrine of St James the divine,
Nor bring reliques from over the sea :
I bring but a curse from our father, the Pope,
Which for ever will cling to me."
" Now, woeful Pilgrim say not so !
But kneel thee down by me,
And shrive thee so clean of thy deadly sin,
That absolved thou mayest be." —
"And who art thou, thou Gray Brother,
That I should shrive to thee,
When he, to whom are given the keys of earth and heaven,
Has no power to pardon me? "
" O I am sent from a distant clime,
Five thousand miles away,
And all to Absolve a foul, foul crime,
Done here 'twixt night and day." —
The Pilgrim kneeled him on the sand,
And thus began his saye —
When on his neck an ice-cold hand
Did that Gray Brother lave.
The little cottage where De Quincey lived with his girls
is still standing on the declivity of the steep hill at Polton.
The De Quinceys were of Norwegian descent, and came over
with William the Conqueror. The family, however, in course
of time dropped the " De," but the great author, with his
taste for romance and antiquity, revived the ancient prefix.
His father was a literary man, and in 1775 published a book
on a tour through the Midlands. He married Miss Penson,
and there were four sons and four daughters of the marriage,
Thomas being the fifth child and second son, born August 15,
1785. It was probably at Manchester that he first saw the
light, but he spent his early childhood at Greenhay, a little
way out of Manchester, a fine residence which his father built
in 1792, at a cost of ^6000. He early began to show a dis-
position for dreaming and reverie. His mother was a very
intelligent woman, and her letters rival Lady Montagu's. His
father having died in 1796, his mother went to Bath, and
Thomas was sent to Bath Grammar School ; later on to Wink-
field School in Wiltshire, where he formed a close intimacy
with young Lord Westport, with whom he spent several vaca-
tions in Ireland. Next he was sent to Manchester Grammar
School, from which he ran away and began a course of vag-
rancy on his own account, wandering over North Wales, the
Lakes, and London. He took lodgings in Greek Street, Lon-
don. He was very shy and timorous, and wonderfully ec-
centric ; he could not do anything like any other body. Carlyle,
seeing him at the age of eighteen, was struck with the oldness
of the expression on the boyish face, and his gentle
demeanour and wonderful gift of delivery and, melli-
fluous speech. In 1803 he entered himself at Ox-
ford as an undergraduate at Worcester College, where
he got the name of being a very strange, studious, kind,
but eccentric man. When he went up for B.A. his examiners
said he was the cleverest man they had ever had to do with.
Next, leaving the University, he took a cottage at the English
lakes, Townend Cottage, Grasmere, in November, 1809, and
was thenceforth to be enrolled as one of the English Lakists,
of whom Wordsworth, Southey, Coleridge, Bishop, Watson,
and Charles Lloyd were all there at the time. Here he amas-
sed a great library and lived on books, hills, lakes, and opium.
Partly to relieve the weariness of a weak and fragile physique,
partly to open the doors into the other world, the unseen uni-
verse of imagination and mysticism, he took the ruby fluid
which was to him the key into that world, " liquid damnation,"
as Professor Masson calls it. While there, busily writing for
the magazines, and preparing his " Confessions of an opium-
eater," and other works, he married Margaret Simpson, the
daughter of a neighbour, she being eighteen and De Quincey
thirty-one. Just before marriage he managed to reduce his
daily allowance of opium from 8000 drops a day to 1000 drops
or 40 grains. His description of the delicious sensation and
the glorious visions vouchsafed to the opium-eater, is a thril-
ling picture, were it not for the awful portrait given of the
victim after paradise had been lost and the grey work-a-day
world reappeared. Next we see him editor of " The West-
moreland Herald," and more busy than ever writing to "Black-
wood." And then he comes to Edinburgh and lives at 42
Lothian Street, under the shadow of the University, in the old
town. Next his eldest daughter, Margaret, induced him to
take the cottage of Mavis Bush, between Lasswade and Polton,
now called " De Quincey Villa," to be a home for the family,
for Thomas, himself, could settle nowhere, but was always on
the move and always in dreamland. He, however, kept on
his house in Lothian Street, and divided his time between
Lasswade and Edinburgh, — often lying out in the open-air
with the constellations for a canopy, — often being lost to his
family of young children for weeks at a time. He was a
well-known figure in the Grange, Lasswade, Dalkeith, and the
district round for twenty years prior to his death in the autumn
of 1859. There are many in this district who remember him
well, and his odd and eccentric ways and his habits of fearful
confusion and disorder. A well-known lady in Eskbank re-
cently deceased, used to relate how her housemaid turned the
dreamer from the door under the impression that he was a
vendor of stationery, with the remark, " we don't require any
to-day." There are also traditions of love-letters having been
frequently carried by those still living when small boys, be-
tween Prestonholm and the young Misses De Quincey at Polton
during their father's absence. Those who arranged his rooms
after his death are still living, and declare that such a con-
fusion of paper-scraps never was seen before, — a perfect snow-
storm of pamphlets and books. He is buried in St. Cuthbert's
Churchyard, Edinburgh, and a plain stone marks the spot.
[See Professor Masson's " De Quincey."]
Early last century the widowed Countess of Haddington
married Captain Hay, and resided at Woodburn, the finely-
situated, beautifully-wooded mansion overhanging the South
Esk. She was one of " Camp Meg's " kindest friends. In
1824, Mr James Wilson, a well-known traveller and naturalist,
married Miss Isabella Keith, also a naturalist, and settled
down at Woodburn, where they enjoyed a singularly happy life
in congenial pursuits and studies. Together they composed
almost all the articles on Natural History in the " Encyclo-
paedia Britannica," and wrote countless articles on the same
subject to the " Quarterly Review," " Blackwood's Magazine,"
&c. Wilson's diary is delightful reading, especially the ac-
counts of his rambles in Sutherlandshire. in search of rare
eggs and birds. His studies solaced him for many years after
his wife's decease in 1837, also the visits of his brother, Pro-
fessor John Wilson, better known as " Christopher North,"
who is still remembered as a sojourner at Woodburn. After
the burial of the genial author of the " Noctes Ambrosianae "
in the Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh, James lived for two years,
and died on Sunday morning, i8th May, 1856, at Woodburn,
with the words of the 23rd Psalm on his lips, and full of
triumphant Christian faith and love. His life forms one of
the "Favourite Christian Biographies." [Edinburgh: Gall
& Inglis.] General Lord Ralph Kerr now resides in the
beautiful old mansion.
Thomas Carlyle's visit of a week to Newbattle Abbey is
still remembered in the valley. The high opinion he enter-
tained of his host and hostess, the Marquess and Marchioness
of Lothian, is referred to in another chapter. The Chelsea
sage seems to have fairly revelled in the host of Cromwell and
other letters of which the house is full, as well as in the count-
less treasures and pictures for which the stately historic resi-
dence is famous.
In an old house now pulled down, which used to stand
beside Newbattle Church, on the other side from the manse,
lived the famous Quaker, Alexander Jaffray, whose " Diary >?
is a rich and full story of the Covenanting period. It was
edited and published by John Barclay in 1856 (Aberdeen :
George & Robert King), and is in two parts, — the first being
a religious diary giving a day by day account of J affray's s'pir-
itual condition. Carlyle said that if Jaffray had said less
about his soul and more about Oliver Cromwell he would have
done the world a greater service. In an age of religious con-
tention and fighting, like Leighton, who was his friend, he
sought peace in an inward spiritual life of individual walking
with God. The second part of the Diary gives " memoirs of
his contemporaries and companions in the profession of fhe
same Christian principles." He was one of the very earliest
Scottish Quakers, and, curiously, ever since his residence in
Newbattle, there has always been a small representation of
the body in the district. Jaffray was Provost of Aberdeen,
one of the Commissioners to King Charles II., and a member
of Cromwell's Parliament. He married the daughter of the
Rev. Andrew Cant, who left Newbattle to be minister of Aber-
deen. When Jaffray was appointed by the judges at Edin-
burgh to be Director of the Chancellery, in March, 1652, he
removed from Aberdeen, and through his wife's connection
with Newbattle, he took up residence in the old house beside
Newbattle Church (now demolished) on i5th November, 1656.
He records in his diary the goodness of God in arranging all
the details of the journey from Aberdeen to Leith, — " we were
carried as it were on eagles' wings, without the least trouble
to the mother or to the young ones that were with her, though
the season of the year was not very convenient for such to
travel in; yet by the good hand of our God with us, were all
brought safely to Newbattell."
Leighton had resigned the charge three years earlier, and
Alexander Dickson was minister, — the son of Professor David
Dickson, the Covenanting martyr and hymn-writer, who wrote
the hymn, — "O mother dear, Jerusalem." The relationship
between Jaffray and Leighton and Cant was thus a very close
one. In 1657 he left Newbattle to reside in a house near
Holyrood Abbey, at Abbeyhill. It is said that James Guthrie,
the Covenanting martyr, spent some of his last days at New-
battle, in company with sympathising friends, including the Earl
of Lothian. At any rate, when Guthrie and the other Covenanters
were imprisoned in the Tolbooth in Edinburgh, Jaffray often
visited them and had conversations with them as to the causes
of God's wrath against Scotland. He was on intimate terms
with George Fox, the Quaker, who wrote several Encyclical
letters to the Quakers in Scotland through him. When the
Restoration took place in 1660 Cant left Aberdeen and came
to Liberton, where his son was minister, and thus J affray came
again into close contact with his father-in-law. Both of the
Cants, father and son, were summoned in 1662 before the
Privy Council, but suffered nothing, and indeed the son con-
formed to Episcopacy. Jaffray was all through a zealous
member of the Society of Friends, and was driven, like Leigh -
ton, to seek an inner spiritual and hidden life by the troubles
and disputes and controversies of the times.
In 1870 Miss Ellen C. Miller, a quakeress who had con-
nection with Newbattle, joined a party of Friends in a pil-
grimage to the East, and has summed up her impressions,
which are very interesting, in a volume entitled, — " Eastern
Sketches," in which she gives a devout and interesting account
of the journey which she made in the Orient in company with
Eli and Sytsil Tones, Quakers, who felt drawn to go to the East
and proclaim Christ. The poet Whittier, of America, had at one
time thought of joining the party, being of a Quaker tendency
himself, but circumstances prevented him, and he sent the fol-
lowing verses as an apology : —
" As one who watches from the strand
The life-boat go to seek and save,
And all too weak to lend a hand
Sends his faint cheer across the wave ;
So, powerless at my hearth to-day
Unmeet your holy work to share,
I can but speed you on your way
Dear friends, with my unworthy prayer.
Go, angel-guarded, duty-sent —
Our thoughts go with you o'er the foam;
Where'er you pitch your pilgrim tent
Our hearts shall be and make it home.
And we will watch, if so He wills
Who ordereth all things well, your ways,
Where Zion lifts her olive hills
And Jordan ripples to His praise.
Oh ! sweet to tread where Jesus taught,
And tread with Him Gennesaret's strand ;
But whereso'er His work is wrought,
Dear hearts, shall be your Holy Land ! "
There are no memories of Robert Burns having ever been
in the Newbattle valley, though he, during his visits to Edin-
burgh, must surely have visited some of the interesting places
in the district. Liberton has an interesting connection with
Robert Burns. Near Southfield, at the hamlet of Greenend,
there lived for some time the Rev. John Clunie, who is taken
notice of in Connolly's " Eminent men of Fife." He was the
author of the well-known Scotch song, " I lo'e nae a laddie but
ane." Born about 1757, he was educated for the ministry of
the Church of Scotland, and after being licensed to preach the
Gospel he became schoolmaster at Markinch, Fife, and having
an excellent voice, he also acted as precentor. He was after-
wards, about 1790, ordained minister of the parish of Borth-
wick, in Mid-Lothian. Burns, in one of his letters, dated
September, 1794, thus celebrates him for his vocal skill : —
" I am flattered at your adopting ' Ca' the Yowes to the
Knowes,' as it was owing to me that it saw the light. About
seven years ago T was well acquainted with a worthy little fel-
low of a clergyman, a Mr Clunie, who sang it charmingly, and
at my request Mr Clark (Stephen Clark, the composer) took ifr.
down from his singing." He was minister of Borthwick for
twenty-seven years, and died at Greenend, Liberton, in 1819.
One of Burns' songs, " Sae far awa'," is set to the air of
" Dalkeith's Maiden Brig," probably the old Roman Bridge
in Newbattle grounds, and is as follows : —
Oh sad and heavy should I part,
But for her sake sae far awa' ;
Unknowing what my way may thwart
My native land sae far awa'.
Thou that of a' things Maker art,
That form'd this fair sae far awa' ;
Gi'e body strength, then I'll ne'er start
At this my way sae far awa'.
How true is love to pure desert,
So love to her, sas far awa' :
An' nocht can heal my bosom's smart,
While, oh ! she is sae far awa'.
Nane other love, nane other dart,
I feel but hers, sae far awa, ;
But fairer never touch'd a heart
Than hers, the fair sae far awa'.
The other literary associations of Newbattle are rich and
varied, and form a deeply interesting chapter in its history.
NOW that the discussions on "How Long" and the
causes of non-church-going have died down, it may
be interesting, especially at this time, to take a
glance at the quaint and capacious church of St.
Michael, Inveresk, which, owing to its magnificent
Situation, has for generations borne the local name of " The
Visible Kirk." Visible, indeed, it is from land and sea for a
dozen miles and more, itself commanding one of the richest
and most far- stretching views in Scotland, with the loamy
lands of the Lothians around it, the Pentlands, Moorfoots, and
Lammermuirs in the distance, Arthur's Seat couching on the
west, and away far to the Highland gates the masses of Ben
Ledi, Ben Cruachan, and the other giants which bar the way
between the lowlands and the North. The Lomond Hills of
Fife, with their rounded tops and dropping slopes, gleam
across the Firth, with its never-ceasing life of steamer and of
fishing craft.
This was the spot chosen by the Roman soldiers for one
of their greatest camps and stations, and the remains of their
presence are numerous, altars and coins and earthenware having
been recovered, while in the grounds of Inveresk House and
of the modern mansion of St Michael's there are many relics
of the presence of the legionaries. Probably the old bridge
of Musselburgh, " the honest toun," which boasts three shells
as its crest, was built by these wonderful military engineers,
who brought with them to Britain that marvellous skill in
building and organising material forces of which the vast aque-
ducts and cyclopaean walls of Italy are still eloquent. From
this great central camp the Romans carried roads inland. It
was joined to the great " Watling Street," which passes from
the south through the Channelkirk moorlands and across the
Soutra Hill to Borthwick. A road was carried up the Esk valley
to Newbattle, where the picturesque "Maiden Bridge," which in
its ivy-covered beauty — no mean rival of the "auld brig o'Doon"
— still spans the sweetly flowing Esk, bears striking testimony
in its massive sides and triple-ribbed arch to the lasting char-
acter of their engineering work. From this point inland the
whole neighbourhood is reminiscent of the Roman Eagles —
Campend, in Newton; Dalhousie Chesters (castra), in Cock-
pen ; Borthwick and Heriot have all their memories of the
vanquishers of Caledonia.
After the departure of the legionaries from Scotland, the
camp at Inveresk changed its character and its mission, and the
stones in all probability were used to build the first Christian
church on the historic hill-top. Instead of the golden eagle,
the symbol of the place was to be an Agnus Dei. Nothing is
known of this earliest ecclesiastical foundation, but the old
church of St Michael, which was pulled down in 1804, was
a large Gothic structure, which probably, as in the case of
other ancient churches built on the sites of Roman camps and
temples, was partially built of the old heathen stones. It was
with peculiar appropriateness that the church on Inveresk hill
was dedicated to St Michael and All Angels. It was on a
hill-top that the archangel wrestled over the body of Moses,
and almost all the churches with this dedication are built on
lofty sites, overlooking wide stretches of country, the most
remarkable example being the French fortress-church, bearing
that name, which towers over the Gulf of Brittany. Both
England and Scotland are dotted over with churches dedicated
to the conquering angel, while there are four Scottish parishes
of the same name, with the word " kirk" as a prefix. The
beautifully restored church of St Michael's, Linlithgow, has a
sculptured image of the angel, whose form is also carved in
stone at Dallas, painted on the Aberdeen Episcopal " Regist-
rum," while it glows in the magnificent transept window of
Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford, .as a memorial to that great
and distinguished Scotsman, William, eighth Marquess of
Lothian, who was reputed to be the most brilliant student ever
sent out from under the shadow of Big Ben.
There is no tradition as to whether this old St Michael's
on Inveresk hill had a spire or steeple or saddle-back tower,
but at any rate it must have, like its successor, formed a con-
spicuous object in the landscape, whether viewed from land or
sea — not unlike the stately church of Notre Dame de la Garde,
which in the .bay of Marseilles lifts from a lofty rock its ma-
jestic tower, crowned like its Avignon neighbour with a colossal
golden statute of the Virgin and Child, the latter holding out
his infant hands in blessing over the blue waters of the Medi-
The Reformation had one of its centres in Scotland at
Musselburgh, the reputed miracle of the curing of the blind
urchin being a factor in the stormy movements of the time.
"Our Lady of Loretto " was a famous shrine, and when the
historic church in the low-lying part of the town was pulled
down and re-erected into the Town Hall — a quaint old build-
ing still doing good service — the Pope gave his ban to Mussel-
burgh. Nothing is known of what happened during these
stirring times to St Michael on the hill, but the storm passed,
as>d the reformed faith and worship were established and
settled in the place of the old.
" The grandest demi-god I ever saw," said Sir Walter
Scott, " was Dr Carlyle, minister of Muselburgh, commonly
called Jupiter Carlyle, from having sat more than once for the
King of Gods to Gavin Hamilton; and a shrewd, clever old
carle was he, no doubt, but no more a poet than his precentor."
The great figure of Jupiter Carlyle fills up the history of In-
veresk during the latter half of the eighteenth century ; indeed,
so powerful was his influence that " scarcely a Primate of the
proud church of England could over-top in social position and
influence the Presbyterian minister of Inveresk." His person-
ality was the gathering-point for the literary and social forces
of the day ; his influence was felt all over the south of Scot-
land, and the story of his life as told by himself in his auto-
biography is the most valuable record we possess of the social
and religious state of Scotland in the eighteenth century.
A splendid example he was of an independent, spirited
Scottish minister, who feared God and knew no other fear,
and who hated all shams, whether social or religious, with a
perfect hatred. " I must confess," is one of his memorable
sentiments addressed to those who cynically observed as to th&
Church of Scotland, with its comparatively small endowments,
that " a poor Church makes a pure Church " — " I must con-
fess that I do not love to hear this Church called a poor
Church, or the poorest Church in Christendom. I doubt very
much that if it were minutely inquired into this is really the
fact. But, independent of that, I dislike the language of
whining and complaint. We are rich in the best goods a
Church can have — the learning, the manners, and the char-
acter of its members. There are few branches of literature
in which the ministers of this Church have not excelled. There
are few subjects of fine writing in which they do not stand
foremost in the rank of authors, which is a prouder boast than
all the pomp of the hierarchy." The sentiments of the min-
ister by the Esk strangely harmonise with those of the plough-
man by the Doon ; the one voice in the Church, and the other
in the world, spoke for that generation the best sentiments of
independent, freedom- loving Scotland.
At this time of day merry thoughts possess the mind as
one thinks of the Jupiter-like divine of St Michael's having
been condemned by his Presbytery for aiding, abetting, and
encouraging John Home, minister of the East Lothian parish
of Athelstaneford, in the production of his very mild dramatic
effort — "Douglas: a tragedy." He came out victorious at
the General Assembly, escaping with a mild advice from the
Moderator neither to deal with plays nor frequent theatres
any more.
In 1745 Carlyle watched the battle of Prestonpans being
fought between the Royalists from the quaint round tower of
Prestonpans Church, still standing. He was always a loyal
son of the house of Hanover, and was all through his life a
persona grata at Court, as well as an unmistakable ornament
in every way to the society of his time. In his autobiography,
he gives many interesting incidents in the career of Prince
Charlie — his crossing of the old bridge at Musselburgh with
his Highland troops, the Royal levee and review at Holyrood
(at which he himself was present), the very appearance of the
" Bonnie Prince," with his fine features and sad expression.
For long the old church where he ministered was found
too small and inconvenient for the growing town at the Esk
estuary, and in 1804 the present building was begun, to take
the place of the ancient edifice, the stones of which are incor-
porated in the present church. The old man hoped to have
had the gratification of opening it on the first Sunday of Aug-
ust 1805, " were it only with a brief prayer," but his wishes
were not to be gratified, for illness so pressed upon him that
he could not be present, and he died on the 25th of that
His two sucessors in the ministerial office of Inveresk, Mr
Moodie and Mr Beveridge, with him cover a period of a century
and a half, — a remarkable record, hard to beat in any Scottish
parish. The new church was typical of the time, — the style of
architecture called " Heritors' Gothic," now happily a thing
of the past so far as both churches and heritors are concerned.
The building consisted at first of a great square teacaddy-look-
ing building, with no adornments or spire, or anything to
divert the mind from the unseen beauties of the Faith. It was
suggested to the Duke of Buccleuch that a spire would be an im-
provement, though " a very little one; " to which suggestion his
Grace, who was a patron and heritor, replied that there should
be a spire at each corner — a suggestion which happily was not
acted on, as the edifice might to the wit-loving folks of the
honest town have suggested a dirty and weather-beaten brides-
cake on the hill-top. One steeple was subsequently added to
the quaint edifice, and forms a landmark for all the country
and the sea, over which it towers in dignified simplicity. The
fine restoration of twelve years ago, instigated and carried out
with so much enthusiasm by minister and people, has made the
historic place, especially internally, worthy of divine worship,
and of its dedication to those whose motto — written to-day in
letters of gold on the archway above the magnificent organ — is,
" Praise ye the Lord."
One other personage connected with this interesting " vis-
ible kirk," — one among many who have worshipped in and
laboured on the side of the angels on this hill-top, — cannot be
passed over without a grateful recollection. The beloved
physician-poet of Musselburgh, " Delta Moir," had in church
and town the joyful sphere of his literary labours. The
humorous author of " Mansie Wauch," the pathetic writer of
" Elegiac Effusions," the learned minstrel who sang of the
memories of Seton, and Hawthornden, and Newbattle, and the
rest, lies in the churchyard taking his last sleep. His "con-
tentions " with the bodies and souls of those to whom he min-
istered will never be forgotten. Straying one day through the
autumn-tinted woods which clothe the Inveresk hill, he wrote
these words : —
'In gazing o'er a scene so fair
Well may the wondering mind compare
Majestic nature with the strife
And littleness of human life !
Within the rank and narow span
Where man contends with brother man,
And where, a few brief seasons past,
Death is the common doom at last."
Standing on the time-honoured old hill, with its countless mem-
ories, and looking around on the historic scenes and active
life and silent death around it, St. Michael's vision comes
before the eyes. " The chariots of God are twenty thousand,
even thousands of angels. The Lord is among them, as in
Sinai, in the Holy Place."
The view from Soutrahill is one of the very finest in
Scotland, embracing the Lothians and all the lands around the
Forth. The ancient " Domus de Soltre " or the Soutra mon
astery was a monastery, hospital, and sanctuary. Pilgrims
from the South of Scotland to Edinburgh made it their resting-
place, so that on that bleak, storm-swept, lonely hill-top of
the Lammermuirs it served something of the same purpose as
the Great St. Bernard in the Alps for pilgrims from France to
Italy. The ancient Roman military road, — " Watling Street,"
— crossed the Borders at Carter Fell and onward to Channel-
kirk and Soutrahill, and thence to Borthwick, — this ancient
road being distinctly traceable in the different colour of the
grass and the solid stone foundation beneath it. Quite poss-
ibly the Roman soldiers may have had a camp at this hill-top,
as they had at Channelkirk, and the church and monastery, as
in so many other cases, may have superseded the military
station. The House of Soutra, — the " St. Bernard's " of the
Lammermuirs, — was founded in 1164, by King Malcolm, " for
the entertainment of pilgrims." Possibly the foundation
of Soutra monastery may have been a year or two earlier.
[See Rev. James Hunter's valuable work on Fala and Soutra.]
Chalmers, in his " Caledonia," says it was " the best en-
dowed house in Scotland," and the Chartulary, preserved, like
the Newbattle one, in the Advocates' Library in Edinburgh,
proves it to have been one of the wealthiest religious houses in
the land, possessing properties all around, — in Channelkirk,
Elphinston, Ormiston, Haddington, Cranston, Kirkurd,
Temple, Mount Lothian, Earlston, Lauder, Edinburgh, and
elsewhere. By the charter of Malcolm the Maiden, the house
Q (240
was recognised as a hospital for pilgrims, a shelter for the
destitute, and a sanctuary for the oppressed and persecuted.
The charter of Pope. Gregory IX. says, — " If in future any
person, ecclesiastic or layman, aware of this writing of con-
firmation shall do anything contrary to the tenor thereof, let
him know that he thereby renders himself liable to divine pun-
ishment, and becomes alienated from the Most Holy Body and
Blood of our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ; but upon all
who keep these laws may the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ
descend, and may they have the reward of everlasting peace."
(A.D. 1236.) This charter is the first indication of the house
having come under the rule of Rome. The house all through
the middle ages was a hospice for the lonely traveller crossing
the bleak Lammermuirs, as well as a wealthy place of enter-
tainment for distinguished visitors. The fathers exercised
medical and surgical skill on all who came, while the " Trinity
Well," or " Ternity Well," as it is called, — a spring of bright
pure water still bubbling on the steep roadside, — was a favour-
ite place of pilgrimage for sick folks, who declared its miracu-
lous powers. Like all great monasteries, " Trinity College,"
Soutra, had the right of sanctuary, and a chain marked the
sacred place, which no one dare invade without permission, as
at Newbattle, and, until quite recent times, at Holyrood.
In its earlier days Soutra Hospital seems to have been uiv
attached to any particular order, but in course of time the Pope,
at the desire of the Master and Brethren, put them under
the rule of the Augustinians, Canons Regular or Black Friars.
Their dress was a black cloak over a black cassock, and
reminiscences of their presence and appearance still exist in
the names of the district, Blackshiels, Brothershiels, Brother-
stane, &c. The Brothers had a mill, as usual, on the Lin-
dean burn, a mile and a half from the monastery, the road
passing near Woodcot, by the side of which still bubbles the
" Friar's " or " Prior's " well. The brethren, like the great
St. Bernard monks of the high Alps, were great travellers, and
Alexander I., in 1182, gave them a special safe-conduct and
protection. The master was always a man of high position in
the church.
In 1462, Mary of Gueldres, the widow of James II.,
(who was killed by the bursting of a cannon at Roxburgh
Castle), with the consent of Archbishop Kennedy of St. An-
drews, founded Trinity College and Hospital in Edinburgh,
at the foot of the Calton Hill, now covered by the Waverley
Station, and transferred the princely revenues of Soutra to this
new collegiate institution, which, in its rebuilt form, rises above
the Waverley Station on the opposite side from the Calton
Hill, and is called "Trinity College Church." The original
revenues of Trinity College of Soutrahill were divided in
perpetuity between the provost and eight prebendaries of the
new Edinburgh house, — the master, who received the rents of
Falahill, Strathmartin, &c. ; the sacristan, who received those
of Gilston, Brotherstane, Balerno, &c. ; the other prebendaries
having the old lands and livings apportioned to them, and they
themselves took the names of the lands from which they drew
their livings, being called the prebendaries of Brotherstane,
Gilston, Strathmartin, Ormiston Hill, Newlands, &c., although
serving in the new Edinburgh house. Henceforward the church
of Soutra was served by a vicar, and the provost and chapter
of the new Trinity College in Edinburgh became patrons of
the various livings held by the old house. At the Reformation
the Lord Provost and magistrates were acknowledged by Queen
Mary as proprietors both of the old house and lands on Soutra-
hill and of the new Trinity College and all its revenues in Edin-
In 1542 James V. gathered an army of 30,000 men at
Soutrahill. Somewhere about this time the King lost himself
in the moors and woods which surround the monastery on every
side, and came at last to a shepherd's house, — that of John
Pringle, shepherd to Sir William Borthwick, who held the
lands of Soutra from the Edinburgh Trinity College, the in-
stitution having been removed a hundred years before. King
James never revealed his identity, but the shepherd suspected
high rank in his guest, and had the best hen in the yard
roasted for the supper. In the morning, as a token of his
appreciation of the shepherd's hospitality and the bird's ap-
petising qualities, — though, doubtless, the splendid clear hill
air did something to sharpen the royal appetite, — he made
Pringle a gift of the lands of the " Beadsman's Acres," which
remained in the family till early in the nineteenth century,
when the Laird of Soutra Mains bought it. The Pringles are
buried in the transept on Soutrahill, — called the " Aisle," —
the only portion left of the great building, though the founda-
tions can be traced all over the hill-top. On one of the stone
doors of the aisle there is an inscription to several Pringles,
renewed as lately as 1827. The lonely aisle forms a promi-
nent object in the landscape, breaking the evenness of the bare
hill and descried from the farthest distances. When the house
was in its glory the great building must have been a conspicu-
ous landmark from every side, towering above the brown moors.
The old ballad, sung by wandering strollers in days gone by, —
"The Guidwife of Soutra," — tells the story of the shepherd
and the King t —
" Hae ye no heard o' the guid auld times
When Pringle was sae luckie
To get a lump o' Soutrahill
Just for a roasted chuckle."
Pringle had good reason to bless his poultry-yard and his
After the Reformation the vicarage and parish of Soutra
were united with those of Fala (" Faulawe " : cf Falkirk or
Fa-kirk), or the sloping declivity, the parish church of which
was dedicated to St. Modan, and which had, like Soutra, been
under the Edinburgh Trinity College. The Trinity College
in Edinburgh consisted of nine clergy, two clerks or choristers,
and thirteen alms-men, who wore blue gowns. Matins were
said daily at 5 a.m from Pentecost to Michaelmas, and at 6
a.m. during the other six months. After service the canons
every day visited the tomb of the foundress, — Queen Mary,
who was buried there on November 16, 1463, — sprinkling it
with hyssop and reciting the " De Profundis." The revenues
amounted to .£362, 6s 3d. The nave was never completed,
but the present aged structure is very fine, and makes a strik-
ing feature in the interesting church which has had so many
vicissitudes, the stones having lain out on the Calton Hill for
years, numbered and marked, after the removal from the old
site at Leith Wynd and prior to their re-erection at the present
site. The present charities known as " Trinity Hospital,"
Edinburgh, and " Trinity House," Leith, derive their funds
from the ancient establishment.
At Burghlee, at the foot of Soutrahill, James Logan was
born and bred, and possibly it may have been here that he
wrote or got the idea of the second and other 'paraphrases.
At any rate, the wild Lammermuir, — stretching across from
the old monastery to Channelkirk and Carfraemill, — with its
dreary, bleak road, marked with snow - posts, is suggestive
enough of "each perplexing path of life" and "this
weary pilgrimage." In the old days the monastery hill-top
was the token of rest, shelter, guidance, and comfort; but
to Logan this sight of the long weary winding road, with its
snow - posts, and exposure, suggested the need of a divine
Whether the " domestic hymn-prayer " of Scotland,—
sung so often on occasions of parting, or when, wreathed with
veil and orange-blossom, the youthful bride bids farewell at
the altar to her father's house and her mother's loving care, —
was inspired by the wild loneliness of the Lammermuir with
the old God's House as its only landmark, save the snow-posts
and the shepherd's hut at Huntershall marking the place where
Edinburghshire, Haddingtonshire, and Berwickshire meet, —
whether that is an historical fact or not, at any rate the
scenery of the place is suggested in almost every line : — " O
God of Bethel," — the lonely pilgrim house on the hill-top over-
looking moorlands, rich pastures and fields, far- stretching sea
and distant islands ; "by whose hand Thy people still are
fed " — suggestive of the hand- feeding of the sheep on those
bleak slopes where sounding rushes and brown peat are more
frequent than the grass and the clover ; ' ' who through this
weary pilgrimage hast all our fathers led," — the long three
miles and more of road with its guiding snow-posts and foot-
sore travellers ; ' ' our vows our prayers we now present before
Thy throne of grace," — pointing upwards to the once spacious
and magnificent House of Prayer, dedicated to the Holy Trin-
ity, where day and night of old the sacrifice was offered and
the prayer was made ; ' ' God of our fathers be the God of their
succeeding race," — the fathers are asleep, but the stream of
pilgrims still passes across the hill of life and needs the old
guide and pilot ; ' ' through each perplexing path of life our
wandering footsteps guide," — the mists on the moor and the
snow-drifts often in this very place causing the traveller to
lose his way, and the moorlands around Soutra have many
traditions of such incidents; "give us this day our daily
bread and raiment fit provide," — suggestive of the food and
fresh clothing given at the House of Soutra to the way-worn,
travel-stained pilgrim; " O spread Thy covering wings around,
till all our wanderings cease," — reminiscent of the wide
broad pinions of some of the large moorland birds as they
swoop across the blue with an ever-keen eye on the nest of
young among the rushes; "and at our Father's loved abode
our souls arrive in peace," — the safe arrival of the pilgrim at
the House which crowns the hill and ends the weary journey ;
the closing verse of the paraphrase gathers up the pilgrim-idea
of the place and the rest of the House that is on high.
The whole pilgrim-idea of the paraphrase and the place is
identical with Archbishop Leighton's idea of life and his
wish to die in an inn, — " so like a pilgrim going home who
was weary of the turmoil and dustiness of the road," — an idea
as old as St. Paul who besought his hearers " as strangers and
pilgrims," — as old as Egypt and the Vedic age of India, — as
old as Jacob who leant upon his staff and worshipped, sleep-
ing on the rude stones of Bethel, which, in his vision, became
the first steps of the radiant angel-thronged heavenly stair-
Soutrahill is literally the hill of the shoemaker (cf the
" Souter Johnnie " of Burns, and the song, — " Up wi' the
Souters o' Selkirk "), and this adds to the vividness of the
pilgrim-idea, — the weary sole of the traveller and the rest to
the footsore. So the past generations weaved their life-web
and are asleep : —
" He dropped the shuttle, the loom stood still, —
The weaver slept in the twilight grey :
Dear heart, he will weave his beautiful web
In the golden light of a longer day."
The weary soul gets rest and the life-web gets finished.
The most interesting memories and the most varied of the
Tyne district surround Crichton Castle and its collegiate
Church of St. Mary and St. Mungo. Mainly through the
generous dealings of the present laird of Prestonhall, the old
church has lately been restored from a condition of filth, ruin,
decay, and desolation, in which it had remained for genera-
tions, into a stately, inspiring house of prayer. The church
consists only of a beautiful chancel, transepts, and saddle-back
tower, for the nave was never finished. It was founded on
pth December, 1449, by the great Lord Chancellor, Sir William
Crichton, whose stately and historic castle, in ruins, rises be-
side the church. The clergy consisted of a provost and eight
prebendaries or chaplains, two singing boys, and a sacristan.
There were four special stalls in the gift of the Archbishop
of St. Andrews,— those of Vogrie, Arniston, Middleton, and
Locherworth (Loquhariot), — small villages round about the
church, which still exist, the second of them having, through the
great development of the mining industry, commenced by the
monks of Newbattle in the fifteenth century, who, Father Hay
says, gave the poor "black stones" (coals) instead of bread, be-
come a prosperous town, better known as Gorebridge.
The situation of this church on the face of a lonely veldt-
like hill, far from all human habitations, and originally simply
the private chapel of the great Crichton, is in keeping with
the architecture, which, though stately and impressive, is ex-
tremely plain Gothic, with little or no ornamentation save a
wreath of stone flower-work on the outside chancel walls and
a few carved heads above the windows, representing monastic
faces in all conditions of sadness and gladness, humour and
misery. The six inside pillars are garlanded at the top. The
tower has a low bell-gable. Crichton grew in course of time
into a wealthy and powerful ecclesiastical institution, and un-
fortunately, before the Reformation, became, like Melrose and
other abbeys, from various causes, lax and careless. Father
Hay describes " the voluptuous life of the canons," and the
monk of Cambuskenneth describes their " fidgetting in the
stalls, the lawsuits in church, the payment of Easter dues and
tithes within the sanctuary, the eating, drinking, and sleeping
permitted when workmen gave up work at an hour too late for
their return home or people came from far, and the binding of
sick pilgrims to the pillars in the hope of being healed." The
revenues of the establishment amounted to ,£133, 6s 8d, and
on the dissolution of the religious orders at the Reformation
the forfeitures were granted to Patrick, Lord Hales, who by
James VI. was created Lord Creyghton. The last provost,
Sir Gideon Murray, had the church lands of Crichton created
into a temporal estate, just as in the case of Newbattle, where
the last abbot was made commendator of the entire property.
The great Sir William Crichton, who, "out of thankful-
ness and gratitude to Almighty God for all the manifold
deliverances he had vouchsafed to him," founded this interest-
ing college,— one of some forty scattered over Scotland,—
dedicated, like Borthwick, Penicuik, and other Mid-Lothian
sanctuaries, to St. Mungo the Beloved, — was a man of ancient
family and immense power. The barony of Crichton goes
back to the reign of Malcolm III., and in the foundation char-
ter of Holyrood by David L, Thurstanes de Creichton is a
witness. In 1240, William de Crichton is mentioned as " lord
of Crichton," while his son was one of the barons who in 1296
swore allegiance to Edward I. The great chancellor was the
guardian of James I., and had many strange experiences in
connection with the boy-king, being besieged in Edinburgh
Castle, but at last, in the full enjoyment of the royal favour,
he died in 1454. Many great Crichtons adorn the page of
Scottish history, notably the "Admirable Crichton" of the
sixteenth century, who was one of the moving spirits of Scot-
land during the reigns of Queen Mary and James VI. Bishop
Crichton of Dunkeld was the Prelate who in 1539, on the ex-
amination of Dean .Thomas Forrest, Vicar of Dollar, for
heresy, — (burned for his Reformation principles), — declared
that he was glad he " never knew what either Old or New
Testament meant, for as for him he would know nothing but
his breviary and pontifical." Another Crichton, of Brunstane
in Mid-Lothian, was banished by the Regent Arran at the Re-
formation for his reformed views. Crichton Castle, the seat
of this ancient family, is described by Sir Walter Scott in
" Marmion " as the place where that hero lodged, but which,
he declares, is now the resting-place of miry cattle.
" That castle rises on the steep
Of the green vale of Tyne;
And far beneath, where slow they creep
From pool to eddy, dark and deep,
Where alders moist and willows weep,
You hear her streams repine."
All these alders and willows are now away, — used
to make gunpowder-charcoal during the Napoleonic wars and
scares, and now the valley is a veldt. But the castle still
stands in its picturesque and lonely watch, with its graceful
portico and beautiful grand hall;
"The towers in different ages rose;
Their various architecture shows
The builders' various hands;"
and the old church is there, with its mingled memories and its
restored beauty and risen hopes. Queen Mary stayed at
Crichton Castle with Darnley, as she stayed at Borthwick
Castle with Bothwell.
Ancient and venerable as these buildings are, they are
juveniles compared with the pre-historic Picts' House in the
neighbouring farm of Crichton Mains, discovered some fifteen
years ago, with its underground dwelling and human remains.
It is almost the only underground dwelling of early man dis-
covered in Mid-Lothian, and is undoubtedly the oldest habit-
ation in the neighbourhood, and makes even the old castle and
college young and recent.
Exactly opposite Crichton Church, on the other side of
the veldt-like valley, stands the ancient farm of Hagbrae,
which got its name from the fact that it was the favourite place
for the burning of Mid-Lothian witches or "hags" for two
hundred years after the Reformation. To-day it is a large
red-tiled establishment, in full view of Crichton College
Church, so that the expiring hag might through the flames of
her pyre catch sight of the holy place, whose God she had
Crichton Castle was far more splendid than the usual
Scottish castles of the period. Its twisted stone cordage, ros-
ettes, and ornaments tell of fine taste. Its magnificent stair-
case and gallery are the admiration of every visitor, and though
the " miry kine " sometimes have their home there, as Sir
Walter Scott poetically observes, the castle still strikes one by
its grandeur and proportion. The horrible dungeon called
" Massie More," — a foreign name used of the same oubliettes,
dungeons in Moorish castles in Spain, and doubtless brought
to Scotland by foreign travellers, — is there still, as terrible as
the bottle- dungeon in the Castle of St. Andrews or the awful
oubliette in the Castle of Chillon on the shore of the blue lake
of Geneva. Sir Walter Scott's poetic pictures of Crichton
Castle in " Marmion " are among his very finest efforts.
The hut of " Camp Meg," the famous Newbattle witch-
doctor of the first quarter of the nineteenth century, away up
on the top of the Roman Camp Hill, overlooked Hagbrae on
the other side. Had " Camp Meg " lived a century earlier
she would doubtless have been sacrificed like hundreds of other
uncanny folks of these dark days. At Longfaugh there are
very perfect remains of a Roman camp ; while in Crichton glen
the summer display of glow-worms is wonderful. An old
minister of Crichton, writing of this feature, says that the late
visitor to the glen " will find himself amply rewarded in the
brilliant display of shining lamps which the little illuminati
of the glen are ever and anon beaming out around him. They
are best in July and August, and at the beginning of Sep-
tember are extinguished for the season." The beautiful seat
of Costerton, with its sweet primrose glen, was in 1840 the
residence of the Very Rev. Francis Nicoll, D.D., principal of
the United College, St. Andrews.
The proper name of this beautiful and historical parish is
" Gowkpen " or the "Cuckoo-hill." The presence in the
early spring of the cuckoo in the richly-wooded Esk valleys
is recorded in the names of other places in the vicinity. Gowks-
hill on the opposite hill is the " hill of the cuckoo," while
Penicuik, further up the Esk, means exactly the same as Cock-
pen, — with the distinctive parts of the word transposed, — " the
hill of the cuckoo " : between "gowk-pen" and "pen-i-gowk"
there is no great difference. The old Scottish farce of April
ist, " huntigowk," gives an idea of the date when the bird
of spring appears in the lands around the Esks, — with the1
corncrake as its companion spring visitant, although, in fact,
it is May before the voice of either is heard in the land.
Old Cockpen Church, — the ivy-clad ruins of which ar6
still standing at the Butlerfield end of the parish, — was a
chapel under Newbattle Abbey, and was served from thence.
It is a simple nave, strongly reminiscent of Alloway Kirk, and
contains, among many interesting memorials, the monument
to the great Marquess of Dalhousie, Viceroy of India, who
guided the destinies of millions of the human race.
William Knox, nephew of John Knox the Reformer, was
minister of Cockpen, and took a strong part in the movement
initiated by the Presbytery of Dalkeith to remove the images
and altars of the neighbouring Roslin Chapel. As at Cross-
raguel under the patronage of the Kennedys, so at Roslin under
the patronage of the St. Clairs, great difficulty was experienced
in accomplishing the removal of the superstitious elements in
the church and worship. John Knox's family is closely linked
with this part of Mid-Lothian. It was probably at Gifford-
gate, Haddington, that the Reformer was born, — a scion of
the Gifford branch of the Knox family, which originally be-
longed to Ranfurlie, Renfrewshire, and of which the foremost
living representation is Uchter John Mark Knox, fifth Earl
of Ranfurlie, and until recently Governor- General of New
Zealand. William Knox, son of the Reformer's brother, suc-
ceeded his father as minister of Cockpen, and his son John was
minister of Carrington from 1619-61. It was he who in 1641
preached in Newbattle Church at the ordination of Robert
Leighton, afterwards the saintly Archbishop. Mr John Knox,
a son of this Carrington minister, was his father's colleague
and successor from 1653-1659. Cockpen, therefore, had two
generations of Knox in its pulpit, the Reformer's nephew and
grand-nephew, while Carrington had also two, the Reformer's
great-grand-nephew and great-great-grand-nephew. On the occa-
sion of a great fire in the then extensive village of Newbottle,
a collection was made in Cockpen for the distressed folks in the
neighbouring valley, and is still recorded in the minutes. Roman
remains exist in Cockpen, and the very name of " Dalhousie
Chesters " signifies the camp (" castra ") at Dalhousie. Cock-
pen was originally a chapel under and served by Newbattle
Abbey, and part of the lands of Cockpen still belong through
commendatorship to the House of Newbattle.
The old bell of Cockpen, — now included in the new bell
recently erected in the beautiful church tower, — was originally
the bell in Kinkell parish in the north. That parish became
bankrupt, and the minister was hanged for a crime, and on the
head of these troubles the precentor drowned himself. Fin-
ally, all the church's moveables were sold to pay debts, — in-
cluding the bell, which was bought by Cockpen, and one of
the minister's books — (Catalogue of the Oxford Bodleian Li-
brary, 1620), — which came to Newbattle and is still included
in the Leighton library there, and bears the inscription : —
" 1625. Mr J. Cheyn, parson of Kinkell, Act 40." The
writing is very faded, and the volume, bound in vellum, does
not even mention Shakespeare in the list of works in the great
Oxford library. A rhyme as to these disasters used to be
current both at Kinkell and Cockpen : —
O what a parish is that of Kinkell,
Hanged the minister,
Drooned the precentor,
And fuddled the bell,—
the last line referring to the manner in which the liquid assets
of the church were to some extent disposed of.
The town of Dalkeith, which stretches from the ducal
gates southwards in a long High Street, has as its most out-
standing antiquity the fine old parish church of St. Nicholas,
the choir of which, containing 'the recumbent figures of the
Douglases, the burial-place of the successive families who
lived in the castle, is now in ruins. It is very interesting to
know that up till 1377 Dalkeith was neither a parish nor had
it a place of worship. The district was included in Lasswade,
and the people worshipped either in Lasswade Church or in
Newbattle Abbey. It was Sir James Douglas of the castle
who, in 1377, built a chapel, and in 1386 a small hospital for
six poor men, very much akin to those of Greenside, St. Leo-
nard's, Cambuslang Spital, Cavers Spital, Govan, Glasgow,
and elsewhere, where aged poor persons lived in peace at life's
close, and had the privileges of daily worship in the hospital
chapel. This was the nucleus of the Dalkeith ecclesiastical estab-
lishment, which afterwards became the collegiate church of
St. Nicholas, and a parish of Dalkeith was marked out sub-
sequently. The apse of the present church is octagonal, and
is ruined, but the general effect is of a worshipful, stately,
and imposing ecclesiastical building, with excellent pillars,
arches, carvings, and faces. The spire, some ninety-six feet
in height, is modern, a great fire having burned the old spire
and much of the church a number of years ago, when the old
bell fell and was shivered to pieces. Pieces of this bell, and
of the ancient bell of Newbattle Abbey, which also fell, in
1547, in the fire of the monastery, are still in existence. In
later times, - - during the last half of the fifteenth and
first sixty years of the sixteenth century, — Dalkeith Church
was a college, like Roslin, Crichton, Restalrig, and Seton,
in the immediate neighbourhood, having a provost and
canons, who performed their ministry in Dalkeith and
round about. The livings connected with the collegiate church
of St. Nicholas, Dalkeith, were in the patronage of Dunfernn
line Abbey, as were also those of St. Giles (Edinburgh), Inver-
esk, Cousland, Lasswade, Newton, and many others. When
in 1650 Cromwell visited Scotland, he made Dalkeith his
headquarters, and used the church to house his English Guards
and horses, at which the minister, Mr Hew Campbell, was so
affrighted, that "neither sermone-nor session could be kept."
General Monk and the English Commissioners and troopers
arrived at Dalkeith in 1652, and remained there five years,
and though at first their advent occasioned great anxiety, in
course of time the people became used to them, especially as
they conducted themselves in a conciliatory and friendly
The Church of St. Edwin, Lasswade, was served by a
curate from Restalrig Collegiate Church in pre- Reformation
days, when the village was called " Leswalt " or " Leswolt."
Among the many possessions of Restalrig, was Lasswade in
one direction, and St. Mary's, Rothesay, in the other. Lass-
wade seems, in course of time, to have become an independent
and far-stretching parish. There was also a chapel at Mel-
ville, and traces of chapels to St. Leonard and St. Anne are
still in evidence. A beautiful fragment of the old Church of
St. Edwin still stands in the churchyard covered with ivy.
The belfry fell some years ago, but two square corner towers
are still standing. In the old days the church had no seats,
but each worshipper brought his stool. The lower part of the
belfry was for long used as a watch-house in Resurrectionist
days. Bishop Fairlie, the ousted Bishop of Argyll and the
Isles, was, on the restoration of Presbytery, at his own piteous
request, made minister of Lasswade, his distresses having
brought him to abject poverty. He appealed to the Church
for relief. The Rev. John Paton, some time minister of Lass-
wade, held the office of King's Almoner for Scotland, an
office which involved his preaching every King's birthday be-
fore the Canongate bailies and the King's blue-gown bedes-
men, and at the close giving each bedesmen as many shillings
as the King was years old, and a blue great-coat to the men,
a cloak to the women, with a leaden badge, inscribed, " Pass
and repass," which gave them the right to beg. Forty to fifty
bedesfolk enjoyed these annual privileges, — not very different
from the ceremony in Westminster Abbey on Maundy Thursday,
and when the King's " maundy money " is distributed at the
altar by two almoners bearing towels, — a reminiscence of
Christ's foot - washing, — to the aged poor of Westminister.
These bedesmen, like most Scottish institutions of the kind,
gradually died out, and the office of King's Almoner, held by
Mr Paton, lapsed into the Scottish Exchequer.
Pentland Parish dates from a very early period, and be-
longed to Holyrood Abbey (1128). In 1296, Stephen de Kyn-
gorn, the parson of Pentland, " swore fealty to Edward I.,
and had his forfeited goods restored." Old Roslin village
stood quite close to Pentland Church, the parish of which in-
cluded the Barony of Roslin. The present village of Roslin
was built by Henry St. Clair to accommodate the masons and
artificers employed by him in building Roslin Chapel. Old
Roslin stood, according to Father Hay, at Bilsdone (Bilston)
Burn. The old parish of Pentland was mainly owned by the
St. Clairs of Roslin, but in 1633 the barony of Pentland
passed into the hands of the Gibson family. The foundations
of the old church can still be traced, and three monumental
slabs, probably pavements of -the old church, are in existence.
The Pentland pastor at the Reformation, — Sir David
Hutchesone, — was a pronounced Reformer, and in 1540 he
was denounced for heresy and his goods gifted to Sir Oliver
St. Clair of Roslin. The next Pentland incumbent was Sir
John St. Clair, the fourth son of the latter, who became Dean
of Restalrig, Bishop of Brechin, and Lord President of the
Court of Session. He performed the marriage ceremony in
Holyrood Abbey between Mary Queen of Scots and Darnley,
in July, 1565. When the Reformation came, Pentland was
put under the charge of a reader from Lasswade until 1590,
when a duly ordained minister was appointed in George Lundy,
who, however, was so harassed by the St. Clairs of Roslin and
Dryden, — and even threatened with his life, — that he finally
sickened and died in 1592, after which date Pentland ceased
to be a parish, and worship was no longer held.
The original name of Liberton was probably Lepertown,
or the town of lepers, for the reason that in the middle ages
when leprosy was common in Scotland, the stricken were con-
fined to this village and were forbidden to approach the city.
Each leper carried a pair of clappers to give warning of their
approach. The existing name in the parish, " Clapperfield,"
and other kindred names, recall the life of the men who stood
afar off, and from the summit of the hill gazed with wistful
eyes on the city which they could not enter. It has not been
recorded whether there was a " leper window " in the old
Liberton Church, as was usual and as can be seen in Bamburgh
Church and elsewhere, through which the unfortunate stricken
received the elements of the sacrament standing outside. The
derivation of Liberton from " Lepertown " has been challenged
on the ground that there is no record of any plague till 1282,
and the name " Liberton " was applied to the village on the
hill 139 years before. In a charter of David I. the name
occurs, and the king farmed a large portion of the land, and
the men who worked it were called " Libertines " or freedmen.
Whatever the origin of the name, Liberton became, at any rate,
the concentration camp for the lepers of the Lothians. The
name " Spittletown " is also frequently met with in old re-
cords, and is a reminiscence of the leper hospital. The bell of
the old church of Liberton was a heavy and magnificent one,
and could be heard at Soutrahill, 16 miles off, on a calm day,
just as the great bourdon bell of Kirkwall Cathedral could,
with still water and air, be heard across the sea on the main-
land of Caithness.
Liberton, however, was not an hospital for lepers, but
possessed a striking attraction for all afflicted with leprosy or
any other skin diseases in the famous " Balm well of Liber-
ton," which is still in existence, carefully arched over and
guarded by iron gates. It stands in the grounds of the small
property called " St. Catherine's," on the highway to Loan-
head. The water is clotted with black oil patches, and is a
most interesting study in physical science, the presence of these
masses of oil being due to the shale- formation so famous in
the district where the Clippens Oil Company have their work-
ings. It is really a deep bath of the shale oil produced natur-
ally in the district, and is still used by some of the farmers
in the neighbourhood to cure horse-sores and the like. Hector
Boece says of St. Catherine's Well : — " About two miles from
this town (Edinburgh), a spring on which drops of oil float,
gushes out with such force that if you draw nothing from it
the flow is no greater, and however much you take away no less
remains. It is said to have arisen from some of the oil of St.
Catherine which was being brought from Mount Sinai to St.
Margaret, having been spilt at that spot." Matthew Mackail,
a surgeon, in 1664 describes it fully, arid tells how James VI.
visited it in 1617, and ordered it to be built from the bottom
with stairs up and a cover erected over it. Cromwell destroyed
this erection, which again was rebuilt at the Restoration. A
chapel used to stand near it in the lands of St. Catherine's.
The tradition was that a vessel of the oil of St. Catherine was
being brought from Mount Sinai (St. Catherine's shrine) to
Queen Margaret, and the bearer stumbled and spilt some of
it, hence the holy oil or balm well began its career of healing.
The proximity of the Straiten oil-fields is a more probable
origin, though as with another matter, you can take your choice
of explanations.
The convent of St. Catherine's, corrupted now into " The
Sciennes " (St. Catherine of Sienna) on the south side of Edin-
burgh, which stood in the district now called " Sciennes,"
had its origin from one of the Rosslyn St. Clairs, who pro-
bably also built the chapel of St. Catherine near the well, dedi-
cating the former to the saintly Catherine of Sienna, who in the
fourteenth century roused Europe with her powerful person-
ality, life and work, and the latter to the great Alexandrian
saint and martyr who met her death on the wheel, still called
" The St. Catherine's wheel," and whose exiled refuge was
at the foot of Mount Sinai, where the famous monastery of
St. Catherine's commemorates her exile, martyrdom, and legen-
dary entombment by the angels. The sisters of the Sciennes
house came out in procession once a year and visited the Balm
Well and the chapel. On the lintel of the well are the letters
" A. P." Near St. Catherine's is a rising called Grace Mount,
formerly Priesthill, probably connected with the chapel. The
Roslin St. Clairs seem to have been enamoured of the St.
Catherine's of the Church, — five in number of its hagiology.
— for in addition to the Church of St. Catherine of Sienna in
Edinburgh, and the Chapel of St. Catherine of Mount Sinai
at Liberton, they built a third St. Catherine's among the Pent-
lands as a thank-offering for victory in a coursing match be-
tween the greyhounds of St. Clair and those of Robert Bruce,
— a chapel dedicated to the youthful martyr of Mount Sinai
and now covered over, save in times of great drought, by the
waters of the reservoir. The Sciennes house was the last mon-
astic establishment founded in Scotland before the Reforma-
tion, and was the special home of the unmarried daughters of
the Crown.
The proper name of Roslin Chapel is the " College of
St. Matthew," — originally a collegiate church like St. Giles',
which afterwards, in Episcopal times, developed into a cath-
edral; Restalrig, originally a great minster, out of the stones
of which the Nether Bow of Edinburgh was chiefly built, leav-
ing only the tiny fragment of the chancel as a place of modern
worship; Crichton, of which only the chancel was built, and
(not to give further particulars of any) the ancient churches of
Dalkeith, Corstorphine, Craill, Foulis, Kirkheugh, Methven,
St. Salvador, St. Leonard, Tullibardine, Aberdeen, Cullen,
Kinnethmonth, Kilmun, Guthrie, Gullane, Dunglas, Dunbar,
Trinity College (Edinburgh), Seton, Stirling, Yester, Lin-
cluden, Biggar, Bothwell, Carnwath, Dumbarton, Hamilton,
Kilwinning, Maybole, Peebles, Abernethy, Tain, Kilmaurs,
The idea of a " college " or " collegiate church " with its
provost and canons was that in any town which from its size,
position, or history, seemed entitled to have more than an
ordinary parish church, there should be an ecclesiastical estab-
lishment, with a full body of clergy attached, which might
form a religious centre for a district. Beautifully situated
amongst the woods of Hawthornden, with the Pentland Hills
as a background, and surrounded by scenery of altogether
unique beauty, Roslin College still, rises, the perfection of
architecture planted in the midst of the perfection of natural
beauty, — a pocket cathedral in an earthly paradise, -
William de St. Clair, Earl of Orkney, founded it on Sept-
ember 21, 1450 (St. Matthew's Day), and had it dedicated
to the apostle who obeyed Christ's command, — " Follow
Me." The present chapel was intended only for the choir,
the rest of the building, as in the case of Crichton College,
never arriving at completion. But though only a fragment,
it is altogether unique in the richness of its decoration and
Its founder, determined to build " a church of extraordin-
ary glory and magnificence, "—an architectural gem in the
midst of scenic beauties which could not be surpassed, — drew
on the resources of all lands to carry out his design. Perhaps
St. Clair remembered the legend of the richly-decorated Burgos
Cathedral in Spain, that angels built its roof; at any rate,
R (257)
there are resemblances in its style to that wonderful cathedral
pile, and the model of the thirteen pillars of Roslin Chapel
was the nave of the Cathedral of Seguenza in Spain, one
special feature of the former being, however, the horizontal
arches over the side aisles, which, however, though quite
straight and roof -like, are supported by safety- arches concealed
by a face ornament on each side. The riches of almost every
phase of Gothic architecture were gathered together by the
princely St. Clair, except that which was at the time in vogue
in England, and with the minute decorations of the Tudor
Gothic is combined the solidity of the Norman style.
Roslin to a great extent is a repetition of Glasgow Cath-
edral on a smaller scale, but with infinitely greater elabora-
tion and ornamentation. Each is built on a sloping hill, hence
the opportunity for a crypt, as was also intended at Crichton, —
the naves being cryptless. The styles, however, of all countries,
—Moorish arabesques, enrichments which could only have been
copied from Burgos and Ovie"do and other Spanish minsters;
the vault of tunnel shape has its transverse ribs incrusted with
stars, pendants, and clusters of every conceivable description,
after the French form. At Plougasnou, in Brittany, there are
the same Gothic " barrel roofs " and identical pendants hang-
ing down from the crown of the vault, and curiously-moulded
shafts with flat carving in the caps, — ideas which could only
have been derived from the French architects, — what is called
the style of " Breton renaissance"; while Italian architecture
is also represented, the master-mason himself having spent
many months in Rome to conceive the idea of a fresh pillar.
The reason of the international character of the Roslin
architecture is not far to seek. Lord St. Clair was master -
mason of all Scotland, and desiring to mark his sense of the
honour done to him and the trust reposed in him in committing
to his keeping the highest secrets of the mystic brotherhood, he
founded the church not only to eclipse the construction of other
noble founders, but also to embody and petrify the ideas, mys-
teries, and symbolism of that Freemasonry of which he was
the arch-custodier, — Jachin and Boaz glorified, with the lily-
work and much else besides. 'And so, to initiated eyes, every
flower and leaf, every arch and pillar and fluting has a Masonic
meaning. The whole theory of human life, the mysteries of earth-
ly existence and of the Divine government, are all carved out,
— idea after idea, symbol after symbol, — so that Roslin Chapel
is literally a sermon in stone on the mysteries of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is understood all over the world, and its signs are
international, and so it was suitable that the architects of this
Cathedral of Freemasonry should come from the north of
Spain, that the roofs should be copied from the old churches
in the south of France, that some of the pillars should be liter-
ally the other halves of shafts still standing in some of the
Italian churches, that even Saracenic and Moorish ideas should
mingle with those of the Normans and Goths.
Every one knows the story of the " Prentice Pillar," how,
in the absence of the architect in Rome to get new ideas for
the great work, a young apprentice tried his hand at original
architecture, and carved out this beautiful column, with its
wreath of leaves springing out of the base ; and how the master
in his wrath killed the youth who had been so presumptuous.
Even that pillar, however, has a symbolical meaning, for at
the foot of it a worm is represented eating away the vitals of
the clinging plant, with the result that only leaves are found
upon it,— possibly a parable on the social and religious cor-
ruptions of the day, — " nothing but leaves." Similar traditions
cling round similar " Prentice Pillars " in Rouen and in other
ancient minsters. One lovely carving represents satan drag-
ging a girl from her mother's care, with an angel holding a
cross beckoning in front, — a stone sermon on good and evil
influence. The virtues, the seven deadly sins, the star of
Bethlehem, the instruments of the Passion are all carefully
Twelve barons of St. Clair lie in the vaults below the
chapel clad in armour, and when the crypt was last opened
the breastplates were found lying as they had been left, and
a little dust beneath each. Who has not heard of the lurid
redness which is said to light up the chapel on the eve of a St.
Glair's death, to which Sir Walter Scott refers in the " Lay of
the Last Minstrel " : —
O'er Roslin all that dreary night
A wondrous blaze was seen to gleam ;
'Twas broader than the watch-fire's light,
And redder than the bright moon-beam.
It glared on Roslin's castled rock,
It ruddied all the copse-wood glen;
'Twas seen from Dryden's groves of oak,
And seen from cavern'd Hawthornden.
Very few of the thousands who, on the thin iron line of
civilization, rush past the little village and church of Restalrig,
under the shadows of Arthur's Seat, are aware of the unique
interest which clusters round that ancient and picturesque shrine
Its story is to a great extent buried in the forgotten past, whose
long dim aisles house the forgotten dead. But, just as the
stone which we carelessly kick out of our path, when picked
up by the naturalist and examined, brings forth a new discov-
ery for all time, so in these stones there are sermons, and you
have but to rub them like the magician of old, to have the
spirit of the past come out and meet you : and glancing from
to-day's watch-towers out on the dim, misty, looming past,
tombed figures take shape, and old dusts begin to speak.
Tradition says that along with St. Rule, who was wrecked
in St. Andrew's Bay, there came several other pioneers of the
Gospel, among whom was a certain woman, Triduana. She
is to-day little more than a name, but she seems to have been
one of those who, swallow-like, heralded the coming of the
Gospel-spring in Scotland. The starlight that caught your
eye last night was light that left the stars a thousand years
ago; your eye caught a thousand arrivals from journeys of
thousands of years ; and the Christian light which floods Scot-
land to-day started thirteen hundred years ago, with those holy
men and women, who themselves, like the stars, are unseen and
unknown, but the waves and influences of whose lives are still
felt and realised.
One tradition has it that Triduana was a Greek lady of
royal blood, to whom, after a sight of the Cross, this world
became very small ; the sentiment of Mary, Queen of Scots,
was hers : —
" Foes to my greatness, let your envy rest,
In me no taste for grandeur now is found !"
After a life of missionary labour in Scotland, she died,
and was buried, and Restalrig [or Restalric, or Lestalric]
Church covers her remains.
It was once a large and stately edifice. The little bit
remaining is only a portion of the chancel, all the transepts and
nave having been swept away. It was founded by James III.,
and was a rich and powerful corporation, a collegiate church,
consisting of a dean, eight prebendaries, three chaplains, and
two singing boys. It held the Church of Lasswade, the rector
of that town having a stall there, also St. Mary's Rothesay,
besides valuable property in Bute, Leith, &c. The octagonal
chapter-house, with a fine central pillar and groining, was built
by Sir Robert Logan, who died in 1539. Originally dedicated
to the Holy Trinity and to SS. Mary and Margaret, its chief
interest lay in the fact that it contained the tomb and shrine of
St. Triduana, St. Rule's companion. That shrine was one of
the most renowned places of pilgrimage in the middle ages :
it was supposed to work miracles, especially in diseases of
the eye, one of the earliest recorded instances of such cure?
being that of John, Bishop of Caithness, who in 1200 jour-
neyed from Scrabster, blinded and with his tongue cut out by
Earl Harold of Orkney (as the old Saga relates); and it is
said he was cured by his pilgrimage hither. Many other such
pilgrimages are on record, and the place got not only great
fame, but also considerable wealth in consequence. St. Tri-
duana's chapel in that noble church was served by a prebend-
ary who ministered at her altar, and also acted as organist in
the church.
Restalrig Church, for this reason, attracted the attention
of the first Reformers in 1560, and it is almost the only case
in which Knox and his colleagues actually demolished a sacred
edifice. It is one of the earliest entries in the transactions of
the first reformed assembly of the Church of Scotland, — "That
Restalrig Church be utterly demolished as a monument of
idolatry." In 1559-60, Lord Gray, Commander of the Eng-
lish forces, during the siege of Leith, threw up trenches round
the church, and lodged himself with his horsemen within its
walls. In December, 1560, it was demolished by the Pro-
testant throng and utterly razed, save only for the little piece
of the east end, which was left in ruins. The great masses
of stone were carted off to build the Nether Bow of Edinburgh,
which was almost entirely drawn from this rich quarry ; and
even so late as 1571, one Alexander Clark found stones enough
left at the old site to build his house. For many years the
small remnant of the church, with its three pillared bays and
fine east window, remained an utter ruin, and to a great extent
roofless; but within recent years it has been worthily restored,
and is now appropriately used as a chapel of the Church of
Scotland. Several notable people are buried in the pretty
churchyard which spreads around it, and was for long a fav-
ourite place of sepulture for Episcopalians. The ruin of St.
Anthony's Chapel, on a spur of Arthur's Seat, looks down
upon it, — perched up there among the flocks of the Holyrood
monks, because St. Anthony -was the guardian of the brute
creation, and is said to have made the lambs and the birds,
and even the fishes his companions. The stately towers of
Hale-rude-house (Holyrood) rose up at the other end of the
meadow, and it is to be hoped will very soon be restored, with'
the Auld Brig o' Ayr, the Scots Greys, the Ben Nevis Observa-
tory, and other Scottish interests which have too long been
One cannot look at the little chapel without wishing that
those who professed to cure blindness there, had not been, in
later days at any rate, such blind leaders of the blind, and
that their spiritual cataract had not become so dense, that the
offending eye had so ruthlessly to be plucked out.
But all such spiritual developments are in the hands of
Him who of old touched the eyes of blind Bartimeus on the
wayside; and though such spiritual blindness cannot, alas, be
numbered as one of the extinct diseases, but has only taken
other forms, yet the Church of God can never sigh, — " Oh
for the touch of a vanished hand," for Christ's touch has still
its ancient power. At best in life we see " men as trees walk-
ing," as they did long ago : but now as then, " The Lord God
walks among the trees of the garden." And a broad charity
like that of the Lord Jesus, whose mission was to open the
blind eyes, and who looks with larger, other eyes than ours,
to make allowance for us all, bids us gaze back through the
dim mist of the past on that earlier faith with a forgiving eye,
and forward to a still more perfect day when we shall no
longer see through a glass darkly, but face to face, —
" Waiting for the end
Of all misunderstandings and soul-hunger,
When lack of love shall trouble us no longer ;
When a white shroud shall cover up our faces
And better people fill our vacant places !"
Newton, or Neaton, Church was granted to the monks of
Dunfermline (like St. Giles') in the twelfth century, and the
ruins of the old church stand beside the Buccleuch woodlands,
within sight of the railway, a tall square tower rising above the
holy place. There was another church and parish, that of
Woolmet or Wymet, which was probably the chapel of the fine
old house of Woolmet, famous as the retreat of Francis Stew-
art, the second Earl of Bothwell, in James VI. 's reign, after
the battle of Craigmillar. The house is still a stately baronial
mansion, and has interesting historical memories. David I.
granted the church of Woolmet, which is still standing in the
village of Edmonstone, to the monks of Dunfermline, like the
church of Newton. At the Reformation the two chaplaincies
and parishes were united, and a new church built in the centre
of the parish, the church lands being given to Lord Thirle-
stane by James VI., from whose descendants they passed to
the Wauchopes, while the Newton portions eventually fell in
to Buccleuch. The church of Newton to-day has interesting
memorials on its walls of those whose life it was to " win "
the coal, and is an ideal country church and churchyard,
echoed in some of Mr Martin Hardie's paintings. The old
estate of Sheriffhall has interesting memories, while the
" Kaim " (hence " Campend " or " Kaim-end ") — a round
earth-heap surmounted by trees, is supposed to cover the
remains of those who fell in some of the early battles of prehis-
toric Scottish history.
Monkton House, between Newton and Inveresk, was the
favourite residence of General Monk, and near it is the " Rout-
ing Well," so called from a noise which it is supposed to make
predicting a coming storm. This well, dug many fathoms
deep through a rock in order to get below the coal-strata, com-
municates with the coal-seams below, which occasions a rumbl-
ing noise, " which does not precede but accompanies a high
wind." The gardens of Monkton were among the earliest in
Britain, and in the books of Dalkeith Palace it is entered that
fruit and vegetables came thence in more excellent quantity
and quality two and a half centuries ago than from any other
quarter. The house was originally built by the monks of New-
battle, to whom the property belonged, and the west side of
the courtyard is the work of the monks. It stands two storeys
high, and has the usual hall and other rooms on the ground
floor, and bedrooms above, while the turret staircase and the
fine mullioned dormers of the upper floor are unique. A
branch of the Hays of Yester succeeded to the property, which
came into the hands of the Falconars, and finally into those
of the Hopes of Pinkie. [" Castellated and Domestic Archi-
tecture of Scotland," iv.]
Monkton Hall, a little nearer Musselburgh, is also an
interesting old residence full of antiquarian memories. New-
ton House is a large, commodious and massive mansion-house
dating far back, quite of the same style as Monkton House,
Woolmet, &c., close by, and in all probability the laird of
Newton or Neaton was the originator, patron, and protector
of Neaton Kirk close by. To-day only the church tower
stands, surrounded by trees, and with about half-a-dozen table-
tombstones around it. The entrance to the tower is a round
arch, and the marks of presses, doors, fireplaces, and roofs
are quite traceable. The sweet old tower, standing out on the
ploughed field, — with its castellated top and many memories,
is romantic to a degree, and in early spring, when the fresh
olive-green is on the old churchyard trees, is beautiful and
suggestive beyond words.
The picturesque ruined church of Carrington stands in
an isolated field half-a-mile from the present village and
church, now called Carrington, but once called Primrose, —
an indication of the old connection between the house of Rose-
bery (Primrose) and this district, which up to the Moorfoots
is the property of the Lord of Dalmeny. The church of Car-
rington or Kerrington has a very curious history. In a docu-
ment of the chartulary of Scone Abbey, dated February, 1356,
it is stated that the Abbot of Scone is to get the church of
Blair, with its pertinents, in exchange for the parish of Car-
rington. Blair had belonged to William, Bishop of St. And-
rews, Carrington to the Abbey of Scone. It was a matter of
arrangement between the two, and was apparently amicably
settled. But in Scone Chartulary there is another document,
a bull of Pope Gregory the XI., dated 1373. In 1356 the
Bishop of St. Andrews had apparently given up all claim to
Blair Church in exchange for that of Carrington. The Abbot
of Scone seems, however, to have had his doubts about the
binding character of the transaction. He appears to have
dreaded that he might lose Carrington and fail to get Blair.
And so he sought the good offices of Robert II., who had been
crowned at Scone, to secure a bull from Pope Gregory con-
firming the exchange. This bull is an interesting document.
It narrates that Carrington " abounded in revenues," but was
so distant from Scone, and the way to it was beset with so
many difficulties that it would be more suitable to transfer it
to the Archdeacon of Lothian. The revenues of Blair were
very poor, but that church was close by Scone. The vicar
at the time of the exchange was paid the stipend of 10 merks
or ;£6, 145. 3d. Carrington income could easily have been far
more, and yet not so very much. To-day the rental of Car-
rington is ^4000, of Blairgowrie, ^27,000.
After the Reformation the charge of Carrington was held
by John Knox (1619-61), — grandson of the second minister
of Cockpen, and, therefore, great-grand-nephew of the Re-
former, and he ordained Robert Leighton to Newbattle. He
was succeeded by his son, John (1653-9), tne great-great-grand-
nephew of the Reformer.
The valley of the Tyne stretches from the hillfoots around
Borthwick, on through Crichton, and out through Haddington-
shire. Borthwick Castle, recently restored, is one of the very
finest peel-towers in Scotland, standing on a tongue of rocky
land, and the roof of the grand hall is so lofty that it was
almost a proverb that a knight on horseback could swing his
spear without touching wall ot wood. That roof is still in ad-
mirable preservation, and in one of the panels there is the in-
scription,— " Ye Temple of Honor." The fireplace is carved
and gilded. Queen Mary's room is still pointed out, and the
nailmarks of the ancient tapestries which hung on its walls are
traceable. The two great towers are very striking. It is said
that something like half-a-century ago a foolhardy student
jumped from one to the other, — a tempting of Providence al-
most as great as that of the Italian mason, who, when Durham
Cathedral was finished, swung a rope from tower to tower and
walked across it, performing a somersault in the middle. The
roofs of the towers are saddleback and covered with stone-
slates, as at Corstorphine, Crichton, St. Margaret's Chapel in
Edinburgh Castle, &c. There is an excellent spring well in a
vault on the left side. The original home of the illustrious Borth-
wicks was Catcune Castle, famous as the residence of the great:
Sir William Borthwick, who had to do with the strong national
movements of his age. It is said that the founder of the noble
house was a Livonian knight called Burtick, who came with
Edward Atheling and his sister Margaret (afterwards Malcolm
Canmore's wife) to Scotland in 1067, and settled here. Then
Sir James Borthwick, who made the fame of the house, re-
ceived permission on 2nd June, 1430, to erect a castle at Loch-
warret (Locherworth or Loquhariot) to take the place of the
old Catcune Castle. From Currie glen, close by, the stones
were brought, and while it was building Sir James was created
Lord Borthwick, in recognition of his great services to the
nation. He died in 1458, and was buried in the Church of
Borthwick (St. Mungo's), where his recumbent figure, along
with that of his wife, is still to be seen, — one of the few per-
fect recumbent tombs in Scotland. He lies in full armour,
and the sleeping pair form a very beautiful piece of sculpture.
This ancient portion of Borthwick Church, — now at the rear of
the beautiful parish church, — is a fine relic of the age, and the
piscina and other features are still in good preservation. The
carved flowers on the outside walls below the stone roof are
copied, as at Roslin, from the flora of the valley, which, doubt-
less, the sculptor held in his hand as he carved. The faces,
which alternate with the flowers, represent jo'y, grief, mockery,
surprise, cunning, singing (the trumpet-like carving represent-
ing the music issuing forth as in the S. transept of St. Giles',
Edinburgh, beside the organ), resignation, merriment, death.
The faces are almost identical with those on the outside of
Crichton choir, and are probably the work of the same hand.
The massive roof of paving-stones is identical with that of
Corstorphine. The church was in all probability built about
the same time as the castle, and was in all likelihood originally
simply the chapel of the house of Borthwick. It was dedi-
cated to St. Mungo, whose influence was widely felt in this
part of Mid-Lothian. Glasgow Cathedral is St. Mungo's or
St. Kentigern's Church, and still retains his well and tomb in
the beautiful crypt. It was at Glasgow (" the dark forest ")
that St. Mungo and St. Columba met, with their missionary
bands. St. Mungo has given his name to a Dumfriesshire
parish. The old friary of the Observant Friars, also, at
Lanark, founded in 1314 by King Robert, bears his name.
Alloway's haunted kirk is St. Mungo's, and Burns has sung
of the thorn hard by, " where Mungo's mither hanged hersel'."
Besides giving his name to the churches of Penicuik, Borth-
wick, and Crichton, the name and influence of this early mis-
sionary can still be traced all over Lanarkshire and eastern
Mid-Lothian, and it is singular that " Mungo " should still
be a favourite Christian name in Mid-Lothian, and also that it
should have been the name of the great modern traveller,
Mungo Park, who did so much to open up Africa to light and
civilization. St. Mungo's mother was St. Thenaw, whose cor-
rupted name appears still in Glasgow in " St. Enoch's " Sta-
tion, just as " St. Rollox " in the same city is properly " St.
Roche," from a chapel on the hill there, and " Manuel " on
the North British Railway is properly " Immanuel," from the
ancient church dedicated to " Christ Immanuel," which
has almost entirely disappeared. The Penicuik Lodge of Free-
masons is called " St. Mungo's." His influence in the upper
ward of Lanarkshire and the Esk valleys was almost as great
as in Clydesdale, all of which he made his own by missionary
effort. His proper name was Kentigern, and he was born at
Culross, and flourished in the last half of the sixth century.
" Mungo " or "Beloved" was a name of endearment given
him by his devoted disciples, and so deep was the affection of
Scotland for him that the new name very nearly ousted the old.
It is interesting to remember that St. Mungo was grandson to
the famous King Loth, whose name survives in the title of the
lands over which he ruled, — " Lothian." King Loth's regal
residence was at the foot of Traprain Law.
From the death of the first Lord Borthwick in 1458, son
succeeded father, until the ninth lord, who died without issue,
and the title expired. Descendants of the house of Borthwick,
however, still live at Crookston (and in the Castle), while one
is the respected chief of the Mid-Lothian constabulary.
The sixth Lord Borthwick was the staunch friend of Mary
Queen of Scots, who lived with Bothwell within the walls of
the grim fortalice in the valley. It was her last home of
liberty, for when she fled from Borthwick Castle she very
soon passed on to her captivity. The memories of Queen Mary
cluster very thickly around the grand old keep, which keeps
silent guard over the lovely valley, through which the express
trains rush in their mad progress to the south. James, the
ninth lord, was a warm-hearted partisan of the Stuarts, and
in the interests of Charles I. he for a time defied Oliver
Cromwell. Cromwell bombarded the castle, and the marks
of his shot and shell can still be traced on the walls, as well
as in the earth-mounds in the vicinity, raised for his cannon.
The record of the house of Borthwick is a noble one, as no
atrocious or brutal crime such as characterised most houses of
medisevalism, can be imputed to Borthwick, but, on the con-
trary, there is a fine tradition of patriotic work well done.
.The nephew of the ninth lord, — Lord Dundas of Harvieston,
succeeded to the castle and estate, but the title lapsed. In
1692 he sold the property to Sir James Dalrymple, progenitor
of the house of Stair. In 1760, Mitchelson of Middleton
bought it, and in 1812 it was bought by Mr John Borthwick
of Crookston. Lengthy litigations have taken place over the
revival of the title, claimed both by the Crookston and the
Nenthorn branches of the Borthwick family, and in 1870 the
House of Lords gave the title to the Nenthorn branch, —
descendants of the third lord, and the present peer is the
The beautiful new church of Borthwick was a gift to the
parish from the Kidd family (1850), and the old portion of
the church is the hall and vestry. The great historian, Prin-
cipal Robertson, was born in the old manse in 1721. His
father, the Rev. William Robertson, was minister of Borth-
wick, and afterwards of Lady Yester's and Old Greyfriars',
Edinburgh. He was the author of the 25th, 42nd, and 43rd
paraphrases, — three of the finest in the collection.
Beautiful Currie Glen, with Currie House, is close by,
while interesting Roman remains in the way of roads and
camps are on the hillsides, the great Roman road, " Watling
Street," passing through the parish. A Roman camp is on
the summit of one of the Heriot Hills close by.
A very striking feature is to be observed in the glen from
Borthwick to Crichton on summer evenings, in the presence
of multitudes of glow-worms, which seem to have a special
affection for this locality. The " lampyris noctiluca " or
glow-worm, is a short little worm, thick and ugly by daylight,
but at night its light-emissions are wonderful and mystic. It
can extinguish its light at will when frightened, and on misty
warm summer evenings during June, July, and August, thou-
sands of these marvellous night-lights can be seen in rapid
motion in the Crichton Glen. The glow-worms close their
" feast of lights " about 11-12. If one of them is caught and
put in a glass case it will keep shining on for weeks till the
phosphorescent deposit or luminary matter is exhausted, when
it dies.
The remains of a small Roman camp are on the hill above
the Heriot valley. The old chapel of Heriot or Herieth was
under Newbattle Abbey, and was a vicarage worth .£19, 75
lod scots. It served the hill district of the Moorfoots to the
east, as the chapel and house of Moorfoot, the ruins of
which are still standing at the foot of the Powbate Glen, did
the western portion of the rich green pastoral mountainsides
and moors, which are still as beautiful and refreshing to
soul and body as ever.
Walcott, in his " Scoti-monasticon," says that Gawin or
Gavin Douglas (1516), the renowned Scottish poet and bishop,
was at first rector of Heriot. Other authorities say he began
his clerical life as rector of Hawick, which has more evidence
in its favour than the other statement. He was afterwards
Provost of St. Giles', Edinburgh, and Bishop of Dunkeld.
He played an important part both in Church and State, and
added great lustre to St. Giles and Dunkeld alike. He was
a poet and a scholar, and translated into Scottish, Virgil's
" JEneid," and Ovid's "Remedy of Love," besides writing
the " Palace of Honour," — an apologue for the conduct of
the king, in which, in a vision, the vanity of earthly greatness
is beautifully depicted. He was the friend of Polydore
Virgil, and presented him with a commentary of the history
of Scotland, in which the Scottish -race is traced back to Athens.
He was Provost of St. Giles when the fatal news of Flodden
reached Edinburgh, and the women crowded into the old
minster to pray for " the Flowers of the Forest." Owing
to the enmity of the Earl of Angus, an unjust sentence of
proscription was issued against him ,by the king : the Pope
cited him to Rome : on his way he sickened in London of the
plague and died there in 1522, and was buried in the Savoy
Chapel. It is interesting to trace the great career of this dis-
tinguished Scotsman back to the green hills and sweet valley
of Heriot, where his poetic gifts may have received their
earliest impulses, as Robertson received his, centuries later,
at Borthwick, on the other side of the same swelling Moor-
THERE are many places of deep historic interest in
Newbattle parish regarding which much could be said.
The fine old mansion-house of Southside — once a
dower-house of the Lothian family, and, within liv-
ing memory, ornamented on the top with fine battle-
ments, has interesting traditions. One laird, Patrick Ellis,
gave in 1646 a communion cup to the church, which, with the
other three, given in that year* by Alexander Caithness, Robert
Porteous, and Andrew Bryson, are still in use, and were gifted
to the church in the sixth year of Leighton's ministry at New-
battle, — the cups for the sacrament having, previous to that
donation, been borrowed from Dalkeith.
D'Arcy Farm and its picturesque lands on the hillside
above the ancient village of Easthouses (referred to frequently
along with Westhouses in the charters of Newbattle Abbey),
got their name from the Lady Caroline D'Arcy, who, in 1735,
married William Henry, the fourth Marquess, just as the
" Talbot Park " received its name from the matrimonial alli-
ance of the House of Lothian with the Talbots, the " Camp-
bell Park " with the Argylls, and the " Fortescue Park " with
the Fortescues. The village of Westhouses used to stretch
extensively round the hillfoot beneath the Roman Camp, where
" Camp Meg " lived. It formerly contained a school, and
old coins of the Stuart period have been found among the
stones. The Cock-houlet Wood beside it is reminiscent of the
old farm and village which stood there half a century ago.
A somewhat famous well, — St. Helen's Well, — used to be
popular as a place of resort for the healing of diseases, just
like the St. Catherine Balm Well at Liberton. Maisterton
Tower is another old castle in the parish, forming a not-
able landmark in the landscape, seen from afar by sailors
in the Forth. It is a thoroughly mediaeval keep, and was the
residence of the Baron of Maisterton, which of old was also a
separate parish, the chapel being at Bryans or Brien as it is
called in the Newbattle chartulary. The fine old trees round
Bryans farm are probably indications of where the Churchyard
stood, and a portion of the byre was many years ago largely
paved with the gravestones. One tree is still called " The
Lady Tree," and possibly the " Lady's Road " may have got
its name from the Virgin, who was the special patroness
of Newbattle. The farm called Mansfield may have been
the glebe of Bryans chapel, standing as it does half-way
between the Maisterton Tower and Bryans. Fordel, in the
eastern portion of the parish, so-called from the ford over the
river Tyne, which passes through the Oxenfoord and Preston-
holm valley, giving its name to Ford, famous as the place
where iron ploughs were first made in Scotland, — is to-day
famous as the finest strawberry-producing district in Scot-
Lothian Bridge, with its striking railway arches, over
which of old the horse-trains were dragged to Newington from
Newbattle, but over which now-a-days the Flying Scotsman
every night rushes with its ripple of lighted windows and
sounding din, till the Borthwick hills surround it, and all is
still, was, until recent years, the seat of the great paper in-
dustry, begun and continued for several generations by the
Craig family. The village, indeed, rose around that in-
dustry, which owed so much to the genius and personality of
Mr Robert Craig, a man as gifted as he was attractive and
loveable. This world-famed industry was in 1890 transferred
to the neighbourhood of Airdrie, where, at Moffat and Calder-
cruix, great works provide employment for hundreds of people,
the company being known as Messrs Robert Craig & Sons,
Limited. Newton Grange House occupies the site of the old
monastic farm mill, and Mr John Romans, the present vener-
able laird, can lay claim for his family to three centuries of
settlement in the historic place.
At what is now known as Barondale House, on the Esk
shore at Newbattle, the scene is laid of the " Laird of Cock-
pen." Tradition declares that Mark Carse was the veritable laird
of Cockpen, who wandered down the riverside from Old Cock-
pen House, a mile higher up the South Esk from Newbattle,
down to Barondale House, which stands still, though renovated,
by the waterside, near the Newbattle bridge. " Doun by the
dyke-side a lady did dwell." The "dyke" was the old Monk-
land wall still standing in Newbattle village, and " Clavers-
ha-Lea " (Barondale House) was by the water amid the beau-
tiful scenery of the romantic Newbattle valley. Mrs Jean
was brewing the " elder-flower wine," — one of the dear old
drinks of long ago, — and the Newbattle valley is full of these
old-fashioned trees and shrubs. The laird walked down the
Esk side by a path still traceable through the river brushwood,
and, arriving at his destination, asked the lady's hand. His
actions seem to have been too sudden, for flat-footed Jean
refused him with a lofty disdain not uncommon on such occa-
sions, we are informed. She thought better of it, however,
and, having evidently arrived at the stage of " where is he?"
took him, and thus the Cockpen and Barondale estates were
united under Laird Mark Carse, who thus had an estate in
Newbattle. What is termed by scholars " the poultry verse "•
in the old song, is a modern addition and is seldom sung, save
by those who have not confined themselves to the mild New-
battle stimulant termed by the song, " elder-flower wine." In
1722 this small Newbattle estate of Mark Carse fell into the
hands of Lord Lothian.
Reference has already been made to the charming estate
and mansion of Woodburn, with its recent memories of
Christopher North. The distinguished general, Lord Ralph
Kerr, C.B., brother of the late Marquess, is now the occu-
pant of the mansion. Quite near it, and in a haugh by the
river, stands the large thatched house of Newmilns, for many
years a prosperous corn-mill. Robert the Bruce is said to
have owned a field in the parish, and his son David II. buried
his mistress, Catherine Mortimer, in the Abbey.
The old school and schoolhouse of Newbattle, founded
mainly through the influence of the Rev. James Aird, about
1620, are still standing near the now demolished village of
Crawlees. The late Mr David Dunlop, a fine type of the old
Scottish parochial schoolmaster, for a generation adorned his
position and sent many excellent scholars out into the world.
His diary, still extant, is an interesting and intellectual record
of the times in which he lived, and reveals a disposition and
nature at once enlightened and progressive. The adjacent
village of Crawlees has altogether disappeared, save for an old
well and a hole leading down to the coal, by which women
5 (273)
led up the coals to the surface. Blackcot, close by, was once
a flourishing farm, and under the surveillance of the Burtons,
— one of whom was drowned in the " Captain," was an im-
portant element in the parochial life. Lawfield Farm and
Tower, Blinkbonny Farm, Billhead, and Lingerwood are also
to be named as important factors in the old Newbattle days,
as they are still at the present time.
THERE are few districts in Scotland so rich in
historic memories as the Tyne valley in Eastern
Mid-Lothian. The Scottish Reformation had practi-
cally its beginning at the foot of it, when at Ormiston
Knox, as tutor to the Cockburn family, embraced
and declared the doctrines of the reformed faith. It was
Thomas Gwilliam, the provincial of the Black Friars in Scot-
land, born at Athelstaneford, who " was the first man from
whom Mr Knoxe receaved anie taste of truth." Moffat, the
African missionary, was bom in Ormiston. Possibly at
Burghlee, at the foot of Soutra Hill, where he was born,
James Logan wrote the second and other paraphrases. At
any rate, the wild Lammermuir, stretching across from the
old Soutra Monastery of the " Holy Trinity," — the revenues
* The following preface introduced the story of "Camp Meg" in
its earlier editions: — "The narrative of Camp Meg's life has been
gathered together, throughout the years, from many different sources,
persons, and places, and every endeavour has been made to ensure accur-
acy and fulness. Francis Rigby's little book, published many years ago,
and now very scarce, is the basis of the story, which was corroborated,
told over again and enlarged upon with endless variety to the
writer by the late Mr Abram Douglas, of Mayfield, whose father and
his family were Meg's kindest friends. Many others, including Mr
John Romans, J.P., and C.C. for Newbattle, of Newton Grange House,
Miss Margaret Noble, Easthouses, Miss Jane Clyde, Newbattle, and
many more, both living and deceased, have kindly contributed to the
storehouse of her biography; while Mr George Douglas, J.P., Dal-
keith, has not only corroborated what is here written and greatly
added to it, but himself knew the heroine of the Camp intimately;
and to him, therefore, with deepest respect, I venture to dedicate this
little volume, gratefully thanking him and the other contributors to
the work, and wishing my six octogenarian friends, who are still
living and remember Camp Meg, and who have generously helped me,
continued health, peace, and blessing."
Alas ! since this was written Mr George Douglas has passed away,
also Mrs M'Culloch and Mr Robb, who all knew the heroine well.
The Misses Donaldson at Newtonloan House, who are still alive, re-
member seeing Camp Meg often in their father's farm kitchen at
Gowkshill, where she was a frequent visitor.
of which were transferred by Queen Mary of Gueldres to
endow Trinity College, Edinburgh, — to Channelkirk and
Carfraemill, with its dreary, bleak road marked with snow
posts, is suggestive enough of " each perplexing path of life"
and " the weary pilgrimage." But we must say no more, or
the everlasting " Bruce-Logan controversy," almost as im-
mortal and unending as that of the " Casket Letters," will
be on us. Prestonhall, with its rich wooded valley, is for
ever associated with that famous Duchess of Gordon who died
there in October, 1760, and whose husband proclaimed Prince
Charlie King at Castle Gordon, fought for him at Sheriffmuir,
and was imprisoned for his conduct in Edinburgh Castle.
The Duchess had bought this fine mansion and estate at a
judicial sale in 1738 for ^8877, and at her death left it to
her fourth son, Lord Adam. Oxenfoord Castle, close by,
and the House of Stair form an essential part of the history
of Scotland. The upper end of the Tyne valley touches
Borthwick, with its ancient collegiate Church of St. Mungo,
covering one of the few perfect recumbent-figure tombs in
Scotland, — a parish of which the finest tradition probably is
that the great historian Robertson was born within the manse,
where his father wrote three of the " paraphrases." Logan
at one end of the Tyne valley and Robertson at the other
are thus accountable for a considerable share of what the
Anglican humorist calls "the Caledonian poets."
The most interesting memories and the most varied of
the district, however, surround Crichton Castle and its col-
legiate Church of St. Mary and St. Mungo.* Mainly through
the generous dealings of the present laird of Prestonhall,
the old church has latelv been restored from a condition of
* ST. MUNGO. — Glasgow Cathedral is St. Mungo's or St. Kentigern's
Church, and still retains his well and tomb in the beautiful crypt.
It was at Glasgow ("the dark forest") that St. Mungo and St. Colomba
met, with their missionary bands. St. Mungo has given his name to
a Dumfriesshire parish. The old friary of the Observant Friars,
also, at Lanark, founded in 1314 by King Robert, bears his name.
Alloway's haunted kirk is St. Mungo's, and Burns has sung of the
thorn hard by " where Mungo's mither hanged hersel'." Besides,
giving his name to the churches of Penicuik, Borthwick, and Crichton,
the name and influence of this early missionary can still be traced
all over Lanarkshire and Eastern Mid-Lothian, and it is singular that
" Mungo" should still be a favourite Christian name in Mid-Lothian,
and also that it should have been the name of the great modern tra-
veller, Mungo Park, who did so much to open up Africa to light and
filth, ruin, decay, and desolation, in which it had remained
for generations, into a stately, inspiring house of prayer. The
church consisted only of a beautiful chancel, transepts, and
saddle-back tower, for the nave was never finished. It was
founded on pth December, 1449, by the great Lord Chancellor,
Sir William Crichton, whose stately and historic castle, in
ruins, now overshadows the church. The clergy consisted of
a provost and eight prebendaries or chaplains, two singing
boys, and a sacristan. There were four special stalls in the
gift of the Archbishop of St. Andrews, — those of Vogrie,
Arniston, Middleton, and Locherworth, — small villages round
about the church, which still exist, the second of them having,
through the great development of the mining industry, com-
menced by the monks of Newbattle in the fifteenth century,
who, Father Hay says, gave the poor " black stones " (coals)
instead of bread, become a large town, better known as
The situation of this church on the face of a lonely veldt-
like hill, far from all human habitations, and originally simply
the private chapel of the great Crichton, is in keeping
with the architecture, which, though stately and impressive,
is extremely plain Gothic, with little or no ornamentation save
a wreath of stone flower-work on the outside chancel walls and
a few carved heads above the windows, representing monastic
faces in all conditions of sadness and gladness, humour and
misery. The four inside pillars are garlanded at the top.
The tower has a low bell-gable. It grew in course of time
into a wealthy and powerful ecclesiastical institution, and
unfortunately, before the Reformation, became, like Melrose
and other abbeys, from various causes, lax and careless.
civilization. St. Mungo's mother was St. Thenaw, whose corrupted
name appears still in Glasgow in " St. Enoch's Station," just as " St.
Rollox" in the same city is properly "St. Roche," from a chapel
on the hill there, and "Manuel" on the North British Railway is
properly " Immanuel," from the ancient church dedicated to " Christ
Immanuel," which has almost entirely disappeared. The
Penicuik Lodge of Freemasons is called " St. Mungo's." His influ-
ence in the upper ward of Lanarkshire and the Esk valleys was almost
as great as in Clydesdale, all of which he made his own by missionary
effort. His proper name was Kentigern, and he was born at Culross,
and flourished in the last half of the sixth century. "Mungo" or
" Beloved " was a name of endearment given him by his devoted dis-
ciples, and so deep was the affection of Scotland for him that the new
name very nearly ousted. the old.
Father Hay describes " the voluptuous life of the canons,"
and the monk of Cambuskenneth describes their " fidgetting
in the stalls, the lawsuits in church, the payment of Easter
dues and tithes within the sanctuary, the eating, drinking, and
sleeping permitted when workmen gave up work at an hour
too late for their return home or people came from far, and
the binding of sick pilgrims to the pillars in the hope of being
healed." The revenues of the establishment amounted to
^133, 6s 8d, and on the dissolution of the religious orders at
the Reformation the forfeitures were granted to Patrick, Lord
Hales, who by James VI. was created Lord Creyghton. The
last provost, Sir Gideon Murray, had the church lands of
Crichton created into a temporal estate, just as in the case
of Newbattle, where the last abbot was made commendator
of the entire property.
The great Sir William Crichton, who, " out of thank-
fulness and gratitude to Almighty God for all the manifold
deliverances he had vouchsafed to him," founded this inter-
esting college, — one of some forty scattered over Scotland, —
dedicated, like Borthwick, Penicuik, and other Mid-Lothian
sanctuaries, to St. Mungo the Beloved, — was a man of ancient
family and immense power. The barony of Crichton goes
back to the reign of Malcolm III., and in the foundation-
charter of Holy rood by David I., Thurstanes de Creichton
is a witness. In 1240 William de Crichton is mentioned as
" lord of Crichton," while his son was one of the barons
who in 1296 swore allegiance to Edward I. The great
Chancellor was the guardian of James I., and had many
strange experiences in connection with the boy-king, being
besieged in Edinburgh Castle, but at last, in the full enjoy-
ment of the royal favour, he died in 1454. Many great
Crichtons adorn the page of Scottish history, notably the
" Admirable Crichton " of the sixteenth century, who was
one of the moving spirits of Scotland during the reigns of
Queen Mary and James VI. Bishop Crichton of Dunkeld
was the Prelate who in 1539, on the examination of Dean
Thomas Forrest, Vicar of Dollar, for heresy, — burned for his
Reformation principles, — declared that he was glad he " never
knew what either Old or New Testament meant, for as for
him he would know nothing but his breviary and pontifical."
Another Crichton, of Brunstane in Mid-Lothian, was banished
by the Regent Arran at the Reformation for his reformed
views. Crichton Castle, the seat of this ancient family, is
described by Sir Walter Scott in " Marmion " as the place
where that hero lodged, but which, he declares, is now the
resting-place of miry cattle.
" That castle rises on the steep,
Of the green vale of Tyne ;
And far beneath, where slow they creep
From pool to eddy, dark and deep,
Where alders moist and willows weep,
You hear her streams repine."
All these alders and willows are now away, — used to make
gunpowder-charcoal during the Napoleonic wars and scares,
and now the valley is a veldt. But the castle still stands in
its picturesque and lonely watch, with its graceful portico
and beautiful grand hall ;
"The towers in different ages rose;
Their various architecture shows
The builders' various hands;"
and the old church is there, with its mingled memories and its
restored beauty and risen hopes. Queen Mary stayed at
Crichton Castle with Darnley, as she stayed at Borthwick
Castle with Bothweli.
Ancient and venerable as these buildings are, they are
juveniles compared with the pre-historic Picts' House in the
neighbouring farm of Crichton House discovered some fifteen
years ago, with its underground dwelling and human remains.
It is almost the only underground dwelling of early man
discovered in Mid-Lothian, and is undoubtedly the oldest
habitation in the neighbourhood, and makes even the old castle
and college young and recent.
Exactly opposite Crichton Church, on the other side of
the veldt-like valley, stands the ancient farm of Hagbrae,
which got its name from the fact that it was the favourite
place for the burning of Mid-Lothian witches or " hags " for
two hundred years after the Reformation. To-day it is a
large red-tiled establishment, in full view of Crichton College
Church, so that the expiring hag might through the flames of
her pyre catch sight of the holy place, whose God she had
Wonderful indeed was the witch-craze which seized hold
both of England and Scotland after the Reformation. Perse-
cution, torture, and burning were transferred from one sphere
to another, but the spirit was much the same. The statutes
of Henry VIII., Elizabeth, and James I., all require death
as a penalty, and the last statute against witches was only
repealed in 1736, amid almost universal lamentation on the
part of the religious world. Old Zachary Gray, the editor
of " Hudibras," says : —
" Some only for not being drowned,
And some for sitting above ground
Whole nights and days upon their breeches
And feeling pain — were hanged for witches."
He adds that during the Long Parliament over three thousand
wretched women were burned in different parts of England
for supposed illegal dealings with Satan.
The case of the " Lancashire witches " is the most
terrible on record, for the three women burned were not
" hags," but beautiful girls, burned at the stake as witches
mainly through the villainy of the imposter Robinson, whose
wretched life has been dramatised by Heywood and Shadwell.
Usher and Hales are the constantly- quoted authorities in our
old Bibles on questions of sacred and secular chronology. The
latter, Sir Matthew Hales, the finest lawyer of his day, and
a man of clear reason and sound common-sense and religious
feeling, condemned two women to death in 1664 — Amy Duny
and Rose Cullender — on evidence of witchcraft which is an
insult to human intelligence; and yet Sir Thomas Browne,
the author of the " Religio Medici," and one of the finest
ornaments of English literature, corroborates Hales' view, and
vouches entirely for the truth and validity of all the charges.
Under Lord-Chief-Justice Holt in 1694 a turn came in
affairs; in that year Mother Munnings was charged with being
a witch. She was a wizened old hag, and was supposed to
have satan's marks on her body. But Holt gave the jury such
a common-sense and firm charge that for almost the first time
on record the witch escaped death, and from 1694 until 1701
no witch was burned in England, chiefly through his stern
opposition to the superstition.
In 1711 an Englishwoman named Wenham was charged
with witchcraft, and Chief- Justice Powell asked the jury —
" Do you find her guilty upon the indictment of conversing
with the devil in the shape of a cat?" to which the foreman
replied, — " We find her guilty of that." She however escaped
with her life. But in 1716 the old rage against witches
revived, and at Huntingdon a Mrs Hicks and her little
daughter of nine were burned to death for having sold their
souls to the devil and for raising a violent hurricane " through
pulling off their stockings and making a lather of soap !"
This was the last case of witch-burning in England, for in
1736 the law, which owed its origin to the Puritans, who
took as their motto the Old Testament texts, — " Thou shalt
not suffer a witch to live," and — " There shall not be among
you a witch," was repealed, and the punishment for witch-
craft was changed to the pillory or imprisonment.
Writing on the twentieth statute of Henry VIII. regard-
ing witchcraft, the great legal authority Barrington says that
altogether 30,000 witches were burned in England since the
Reformation. The Act repealing witch-burning is IX., George
I., cap. V.
Though foisted upon Scotland by Cromwell, Puritanism
took firmer root there than in England, and not only expelled
the old Reformed confessions and practices and forms of John
Knox, but introduced a fiercer persecution of witches than had
ever been known before, — a persecution compared with which
all previous persecutions either Roman or Protestant were mild-
ness itself.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, under strong
Puritan influence, the Presbyteries of Scotland burned the
witches by the thousand, and Hagbrae was a favourite altar
for the dreadful immolation. Hardly a session-record in Scot-
land but has its dreadful entries regarding witches and witch-
burning. In the Kirkcaldy books under date 1633 there is
this entry : —
For 10 loads of coals to burn yem - - ^3 6 8
For a tar barrell - - o 14 o
For harden to be jumps to them - - o 3 10
For making of ym - -008
The Session records of Spott in Haddingtonshire, close by,
contain these entries: — " 1698. The session, after a long
examination of witnesses, refer the case of Marion Lillie, for
imprecations and supposed witchcraft, to the Presbytery, who
refer her for trial to the civil magistrate. The said Marion
generally called the Rigwoody witch." " Oct. 1705. Many
witches burned on the top of the Spott Loan." North Ber-
wick has its humorous traditions of how the Fife witches
crossed the Forth on their broomsticks, and gathered in St.
Baldred's Chapel by the harbour to hear satan expound his
views to them. The less said of the concluding act of homage
to the eloquent pulpiteer the better.
From the quaint old diary of Robert Birrell the following
extracts are culled: — "25 June, 1591. Euphemia M'Kalzen
was burnt for witchcraft." "21 July, 1603. James Reid
burnt for confessing, consulting, and using with satan and
witches, and who was notably known to be ane counsellor with
witches." " 24 July, 1605. Henry Lowrie burnt on the
Castle Hill for witchcraft done and committed by him in Kyle,
in the parish."
The minister at Gladsmuir in 1705, Mr John Bell, wrote
a " Discourse on Witchcraft," one chapter of which is entitled
— " Symptoms of a witch, particularly the witch's mark, mala
fama, inability to shed tears, &c., all of them providential dis-
coveries of so dark a crime, and which like avenues lead us to
the secret of it."
It is notorious that John Knox believed in witchcraft, as
well as in visions and special spiritualistic interpositions. In
his " History of the Reformation," and other works, there are
frequent references to the hags ; and in thorough Old Testa-
ment spirit, he held with most of the Reformers that only one
punishment was possible for them. The witch of Endor,
Manasseh's trafficking with the black arts, Jezebel's " many
witchcrafts," and even St. Paul's summary of the works of
the flesh, including " idolatry, witchcraft," stood luridly in
front of the Reformer's eyes, and made them energetic in deal-
ing with the evil.
At the close of the seventeenth century, the wife of a,
distinguished Edinburgh lawyer was strangled and burned for
witchcraft, which she herself owned to and confessed. In the
eighteenth century Captain Weir and his sister, — aristocrats
residing in the best part of Edinburgh, in the fashionable High
Street, — were both publicly burned at the cross for the same
offence. One of the witch's marks was if the supposed "hag"
had a little brown mark on the back or shoulders, and if a pin
were driven in and no pain were felt, that was proof positive
that the person was a veritable witch.
The witches' death-list is a long one. Witch-burning be-
came the new superstition of the Reformed Churches, and a
much more disastrous one than any of the old death-deserving
offences. England sacrificed 30,000 hags ; Geneva burned 500
over Calvin's grave; at Como, in Switzerland, 1000 were de-
stroyed in one year; while in Scotland during the sitting of
one Parliament alone 600 unfortunate women were destroyed
like night-moths in a paraffin lamp !
The earliest Scottish Act against witches was in 1563, by
the first Reformed Parliament. Probably no witch had ever
been burned in Scotland before. That fate was reserved for
other offenders. After the Reformation thousands were de-
stroyed, thu& testifying to the mistaken zeal of the Reformed
Church to live up to the strict letter of the newly-discovered
elder scripture, and not to " suffer a witch to live."
The procedure in connection with a witch was methodical
and highly organised. After a Session and Presbytery had
searched out a case and became convinced that " the devil
was in it," the witch passed out of ecclesiastical hands and was
passed over " to the civil magistrate to be dealt with." She
was then conveyed to Edinburgh and tried in the High Court
of Justiciary. Seated in their scarlet robes and crosses, on
chairs covered with scarlet cloth, each wearing a black cap on
his head, the fifteen Lords of Session listen to the case. The
bench is raised on a dai's, and the business begins at eight in
the morning, the Lord President seated in the middle and seven-
judges on each side. Ten advocates in gowns of Paris stand
around. A tall wax candle painted over with religious em-
blems burns on the President's right hand and a gold cross
hangs on his breast. In the horse-shoe form the judges sit
and listen.
And now comes the awful part of the scene; a rack
covered with black cloth stands in front of the Lord Presi-
dent,— the rack being used in Court up to William III.'s
reign, and still in use in various foreign countries. No wit-
nesses are allowed for the defence, — only the evidence of the
Session of her parish, and of the Presbytery who handed her
over to be dealt with. The hag is stripped in court to the
waist, and if the devil's marks are seen, that is proof that
satan had nipped her person. Next, a needle, — so contrived
that when pressed against anything it glides up into its own
handle with the very slightest pressure, without pricking at
all, — is applied to one of the marks. The witch naturally
feels no pain, though the witch-pricker has the instrument
against her body, for the needle is not piercing her but is up
in the handle, and therefore she does not utter the slightest
cry or murmur. This is proof positive of her guilt, for a witch
is insensible to pain. The needle was supposed to go into
her body, but really the point; slightly blunted, never pierced
her at all.
Her guilt is now amply proved, for the witch- pricker,
clad in scarlet doublet, leathern apron, and with bare arms,
has wounded her, but she has not felt the pain. The judge
puts on the black cap again, blows out the candle, and gives
doom after trial by racking. Stretched on the rack, the poor
creature gives way and faints. She is then taken out, dressed
in sackcloth with white cord, a white cross and skull sewn on
the back and breast, and carried off either to the City Cross
of Edinburgh, or preferably to Hagbrae, or some other fav-
ourite witch-pyre, to be burned in sight of all those whom she
is supposed to have wronged, and cursed, and blighted. Awful
memories cling round Hagbrae, facing the sweet College of
St. Mary and St. Mungo the Beloved ! Many a time doubt-
less the old bell, " founded in 1619," and re-cast in 1702 by
Sir James Justice of East Crichton, rang out across the valley,
as the flames roared up at Hagbrae opposite, and divine anger
was appeased. Might not the dreadful old symbols of death-
torches, — white tongues of flame on a black background, which
used to cover the walls of one of the Crichton Church tran-
septs, used as a tomb, — be a reminiscence of the horrible witch-
nightmares of Hagbrae?
Undoubtedly, it was a remnant of mediaeval superstition,
— a remnant indeed of the earlier devil-worship of Druidical
and later times, when as at the Callernish stone circle in Lewis,
and as at Stonehenge, the hot red blood of human victims
hurried from the stone of immolation down the drain and into
the thirsty earth.
The same thing is to be met with to-day fifty miles in-
land from some civilised towns in British West Africa, where
the only religion is witchcraft, and the only priest the magic-
man, who conducts dealings with the unseen devildom, with
cannibalism as an addition. The American Indian chief,
who was treated by the missionary to a strong dose of the
sternest Jonathan Edwards Calvinism, with its extremest
threats and most awful horrors proceeding from the Divine,
replied that he and the missionary adored the same deity;
" only," he added " your God is our devil !" One thinks
of that story in connection with the horrors of Hagbrae. The
first witch was burned in Scotland in 1563; the last, Maggie
Osborne,— a beautiful young girl who was driven stupid by
" Adair, the saviour of Ayr," into confessing herself a witch,
was burned in 1722, and is buried in the Fort Churchyard
in Ayr, under the shadow of the church tower of St. John's,
— all that remains of a great ecclesiastical edifice, which Crom-
well first used as a stable and then demolished to build his
wall round Ayr, and to fortify the town of Wallace, Bruce,
and Burns.
The Act against witches was not repealed in England
until 1736, and in Ireland not till 1821. When it was re-
pealed in Scotland a national fast and day of humiliation
were held, just as when the act of Catholic Emancipation was
passed, and just as was threatened when the great scourge of
cholera raged, had not Sir Robert Peel given the very sage,
practical advice, — " Rather clean your drains."
Even during the middle of the eighteenth century, and
towards its close, belief in witchcraft lingered in Scotland.
Dr Chalmers, while in the Tron Church of Glasgow, used
every Sunday to visit an old lady at Bogleshole, between Camp-
sie and Glasgow, — Mrs Elizabeth Drew, — who, when Prince
Charlie swooped down suddenly from the Highlands and quar-
tered his men on her father's farm there, remembered vividly
how his Highland soldiers cut up the farm cheeses with their
swords and roasted the junks at the kitchen fire. She was
only a little fair-haired girl at the time, and Prince Charlie,
seeing her sitting by the kitchen fire, frightened and anxious,
went up to her and stroked her gold hair, and told her not to be
afraid, for no harm would come to her. That touch became
the glory of her life, and she told the tale often to Dr Chal-
mers and other Glasgow citizens, who visited her regularly
until she died in 1821, at the great age of 104. An oil-paint-
ing of her is still in existence. As a little child she was be-
witched by a passing vagrant, who cast on her " the evil eye "
as she was playing in the farmyard. For long she " dwined
away " and was ill and sickly, until, through the exertions of
the minister, the witch was discovered and forced to undo the
harm. This was about the year 1730, just after the repeal
of the witch-burning laws in Scotland.
In 1775 n^ne °ld women were burned at Kalish, in
Poland, " charged with having bewitched and rendered un-
fruitful the land belonging to a gentleman in this district."
Such is an extract from the "Gentleman's Magazine" of
1775. Even into the nineteenth century, more especially in
the Highlands and islands of Scotland, the belief in "un-
canny folks " prevailed, and, indeed, still prevails to some
small extent in lonely Highland glens beneath the awful
shadows of the great Inverness-shire and Sutherland bens.
All hill-peoples are superstitious, and England still thinks that
the Scotch are full of superstitions, and of strange notions
about the unseen and spiritualistic communications and in-
fluences. When one recalls the popularity in the south of
" Planchette," even in the highest places, and the strange
doings of " the souls," and the sober statements of Mr Alfred
Wallace and other scientific spiritualists regarding their com-
munications with the unseen, and the almost universal super-
stitions as to lucky horse-shoes, May weddings, and Friday
sailings, one can readily forgive the simple crofter and the
lonely Lewisman fisher for kindred beliefs, surrounded as
they are with the steep frowning glories of dark Highland
mountain-chains and the weird loneliness of the brown moor
and desolate ocean.
Verily Hagbrae has its lurid memories, as Crichton Church"
and Castle have their sacred and festive ones. The old spots
where the Scottish witch-fires were lighted are not few and
far between. The Cross of Edinburgh, the Cross of Dalkeith,
the Cross of Musselburgh, were all famous burning-places.
The Knock of Crieff has still its old tree to mark where the
spot was for the passing of the witches. The Spott of Hadding-
tonshire has its terrible memories. But for a lonely business-
like burning-place, in full view of the sanctuary whose God
had been profaned, there is no place to equal Hagbrae. It
was a good thing that " Camp Meg," who lived early last
century in witch-like solitude and eccentricity on the summit
of the Roman Camp Hill, overlooking Newbattle on the one
side, and Crichton and Hagbrae on the other, was mercifully
born after the witch-burning Acts were repealed, or, judging
from her strong supernatural reputation, which still lingers
all over Eastern Mid-Lothian, she would have added a fresh
victim to the witch-fires of Hagbrae.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century the whole of
Great Britain was in terror lest the great Napoleon, who had
advanced across Europe, conquering and to conquer, should
steal across the narrow silver streak of sea which separates our
little group of rocky islands from the north-west of Europe,
and annex our patch of land. Beacon-houses and watch-towers
were hurriedly raised, so that on any alarm being given of
the approach of the French flat-bottomed boats, signals could
be flashed from one post to another along the miles of shore.
Indeed, in these anxious months, the appearance at night of
the country must often have borne a striking resemblance to
the scene on the memorable Diamond Jubilee night, when Ber-
wick Law answered Lammer Law, and the Lammer flashed
its signal to Carnethy and Arthur's Seat. One of these beacon-
houses was raised on the now wooded hill known as the Roman
Camp, from which a magnificent view is to be had of fourteen
counties, and of the sea from Leith to the desolate Isle of May.
That there was once a Roman Camp on that hill, above historic
Newbattle, is undoubted. There are still remains of mounds
and trenches, and the marks of a stone circle, where probably
the General's tent was pitched. The neighbourhood is rich
in Roman remains. The village of Edgehead, on the far side
of the Camp Hill, was formerly called Chesterhill (Camp
Hill). Dalhousie Chesters, the Chesters, and other place-
names of to-day all point back to the Roman occupation.
There are small camps near Borthwick and in Heriot, while
Roman bridges still stand in the district, notably the Maiden
Bridge of Newbattle, afterwards adopted by the Cistercian
Monks there as the abbey bridge, near which the great gates
were raised. Inveresk hill, crowned with the "Visible
Church" of St. Michael's (as Newbattle was the "invisible
church," so called from its low-lying site, not from any special
grace or celestial worth), is rich in Roman remains, and altars,
mosaics, antiques, and even a well remain to testify that there
the Roman Eagles were gathered together. Recently some
fresh coins were unearthed on the hill.
It was, then, on the boldest point of the Roman Camp
Hill that a beacon-house was built, — one of a chain along the
entire east coast ; and the picture rises before one of fire-flash
answering fire-flash through the dreary nights of anxious wait-
ing, — relieved for other people in towns and country by in-
cessant drills and military exercise, in preparation for the
invader. When the scare came to an end in 1815, and Waterloo
ended Napoleon's career, the lights went out and the beacon-
houses fell into decay ; and in the deserted watch-house on the
Roman Camp Hill, commanding the grandest and most wide-
spread view probably in Scotland, " Camp Meg " finally took
up her residence. Without question, her figure, so grotesque
and unearthly, flitting across the first quarter of the last century,
forms one of the most curious and out-of-the-way subjects' of
investigation ; and the generations which knew her or had
heard directly of her, from fathers and mothers, are rapidly
disappearing. There are still some few remaining in the
ancient parish, while some have gone to lands far distant, and
others, now white and frail, are glad to hear again of the
weird old witch-doctor, who combined veterinary skill with
catechetical instruction. From about a score of these the facts
and traditions of this paper have been carefully gathered and
preserved, ere these, too, pass away.
The consistent tradition of all the old folks is that Camp
Meg's real name was Margaret Hawthorn, and that she came
from Galloway, where the name is still quite common. And
the story usually told of her is that she occupied there an
excellent social position, and was married to a man of high
position and considerable fortune. He was cut off early in
life, leaving her a widow, with one little son, and considerable
means and landed property. She had not been long widowed
when a gentleman who lived near her in Galloway came and
claimed part of the property as his, a claim which Margaret
Hawthorn knew to be groundless, as her young husband had
left everything to herself and her babe. The bully, however,
tried to terrorise her, and at last, maddened with his insults
and injustice, her spirit broke, and, seeing her evil genius
walking through the grounds of which she was proprietrix, she
walked up to him and demanded by what right he trespassed
there. His reply was a fresh insult; and, stung with passion,
she drew a pistol, which for some time she had been carrying
for fear of him, and shot him. Looking at his bloody form
lying on the grass, she awoke to the fact that she was a mur-
deress and self -condemned to death, and, like Cain of old,
she became a fugitive. Leaving all her property behind her,
and her little son, who she knew would be well cared for by
her many friends in Galloway, she ran for her life, not know-
ing whether her victim was absolutely dead or only dying.
Travelling by night and day, she sought a lonely spot in which
to pass her days in hiding from a world whose laws she felt
she had outraged. But, as with Eugene Aram, the livid
figure rose up and mocked her hopes of peace and happiness.
After many a strange and footsore wandering, she at last
reached Edinburgh, and then, drifting through the Lothians,
she finally came to the Newbattle valley, with its old oaks
and big straggling village, — " a' to the tae side," — and, climb-
ing the hill, which gradually rises up to the Roman Camp,
she lighted upon a deserted cottage, which had locally come
to bear the name of the " Wartstone House," and somewhere
about 1815 or 1816 she made this bleak, isolated cottage her
refuge. The London mail coaches, with their scarlet-coated
drivers, made their first stop from Edinburgh at the " Sign of
the Sun " (the Lothian Crest) Inn in Newbattle, which still
stands, with its old orifice, through which hot drinks were
handed out to the travellers. It is now no longer a hostel,
since, instead of the crack of the whip and the dust-cloud, the
thin iron line of civilisation stretches behind the trees, and,
with a ripple of lighted windows, the Flying Scotsman roars
southwards on its eight-hours' rush. But, far away up in the
loneliness of the Camp, the poor fugitive felt secure from
message or messenger of doom which any stage-coach might
bring, although sometimes her courage failed her, when, par-
tially disguised in male dress, she saw a strange face on the
Her appearance at the Roman Camp, and her manner of
life were mysteries to everyone. It is said that she told her
story to one person and one only, and it was never divulged.
Except that she came from Galloway, that her family name
was Hawthorn, that she was a widow, her husband's name
being lost, no one knew anything. After living for some time
a hermit life on this isolated spur of the Moorfoots, she began
to increase in confidence, and sought for something to do. Mr
Hope, farmer at Blinkbonny, on the far-off side of the hill,
employed her in cutting whins, casting drains, and the like,
It was then that she adopted the extraordinary costume which
she ever afterwards affected, — a man's hat, vest and coat, and
T (289)
an antiquated pair of Wellington boots, — everything masculine
save that garment which is the symbol of man's supremacy,
the transference of which to the other side of the house can
only be described as a domestic calamity. Her visage was
decidedly masculine, adorned .as it was with a slight beard and
whiskers. Many indeed who saw her and lived in terror of
her, swore she was a man. It seemed really to have been her
ambition to look as unfeminine as possible, probably to avoid
detection and to prevent awkward inquiries as to her past and
the dark crime which lay across her path.
After living at the Wartstone Cottage for some little time,
the watch-house where the sentry had resided became finally
abandoned, and as it was on the very summit of the hill and
more lonely, she moved thither and spent twelve years or so in
it, — in fact, till her death in 1827 ; and from her residence
there, she received the name for which she became famous all
over Mid-Lothian and Haddingtonshire, — of " Camp Meg."
Though so peculiar and eccentric, she was a shrewd, clever,
active woman, and, both in speech and behaviour, showed
marks of high breeding. Once good-looking, grief, anxiety,
and hard usage had made her wizened, queer, and odd, and
her isolated, lonely life at the Camp had increased her oddity,
and finally the entire district lived in some slight fear of her,
regarding her as somewhat of the nature of a witch. It must
be remembered that witchcraft was still believed in, in her
age, by many, and Maggie Osborne, the last witch burned in
Scotland, and buried in the Fort Churchyard at Ayr, where her
stone still remains, had not met her doom so long before. Many
pious people, indeed, early in the last century, regretted the
abolition of the penal laws against witchcraft, and indeed held
that several disasters which came to Scotland were the result
of their removal. Camp Meg, however, was no witch, though
a more witch -like figure never was seen, either on land or in
the illustrious regiment of uncanny ones, who, after satan's
sermon to them at North Berwick, hurried across the Forth on
their broomsticks to their several homes.
The furniture of her little hut was of the rudest descrip-
tion,— not much superior, indeed, to that of the pre-historic
inhabitants of the underground dwelling at Crichton, a few
miles away. The seats were stumps of trees and stones, — not
carved stone tables and chairs, as in Alexander Paterson's re-
nowned cave at Gilmerton, — probably the original of Way-
land's cave, — but rough, primitive arrangements. Her bed
consisted of young fir trees, cut from the adjoining woods,
which then flanked the beautiful hillj the curtains were sack-
cloth bags. Her fame spread gradually all over the Lothians,
and she was visited by many. Her bull-dog, " Help," was
kept always chained behind the door, — " my trusty freend,"
as she called the mangy quadruped, whose Johnsonese temper
and vicious snaps were the terror of the visitor. She was a
famous rider, and, in an age when "vets." were unknown,
was recognised all over the Lothians as a first-class horse
doctor. She herself was sole proprietrix of a white horse bear-
ing the historic name of " Skewball." He was a fairly well-
bred stallion, but lame in one leg. She had got him out of
the Duke of Buccleuch's kennel park to cure or kill, and she
so doctored the apocalyptic beast that he made a very passable
steed indeed. She sometimes had quite a gathering of invalid
horses to undergo the fresh-air treatment in her hill hydro-
The accommodation for the sickly Rozinantes which were
put under her charge was in her own sleeping apartment, be-
hind the bed, under which her fine, well-favoured pig enjoyed
life, — a family group of peace and goodwill, ruled kindly but
firmly by the greatest character of the century in the district.
Mr Brown, of Currie, whose descendant contributes some inter-
esting reminiscences, gave her a very fine grey mare, which
had been his favourite hunter, but which he thought was in-
curable. The equine ^Esculapius was, however, to score an-
other triumph, and having brought the mare up to her hill hos-
pital, hung her in slings from the roof, so that her feet might
not touch the ground, and after a few weeks in that constrained
position, so suggestive of ecclesiastical minority parties, the
mare's pulse grew regular, and she stepped down strong and
well, to be a fresh jewel in Camp Meg's equestrian crown.
This trophy she then sold to Mr Lees of Mountskip for ^7,
and he afterwards sold it to Colonel Maclean of East Lothian,
for ^22, who called it " Camp Meg," after its deliverer, and
it is said that this mare's offspring became known as one of
the finest breeds in East Lothian. She had often quite a little
stud of horses in her keeping, and took the greatest pride in
curing them of their various ailments, though whether she re-
peated the " Absalom Treatment " (with the positions of man
and mare reversed) history declareth not. With a view of keep-
ing her horse-academy before the world of farmers, she at-
tended the various weekly markets, issuing handbills to inform
the farmers where she was to be found for consultations :—
"Tuesdays, Penicuik; Thursdays, Dalkeith; Fridays, Had-
dington." She always went to these markets in full equestrian
state, in that riding-habit which was her own particular make,
over which she wore either a man's greatcoat or the military
cloak which Mr Brown, of Currie, had given her. As she
scampered along the Dalkeith streets she was for all the world
like a Waterloo veteran, with her big Wellingtons and martial
greatcoat. And after a good day's business, she might be seen
rushing home to the Camp in high spirits. " Skewball might
toddle down from D'Arcy on three legs, but he always used
all fours at night, and his ears cowered and his tail stuck out
like a bottle-brush on the homeward journey."
At the Dalkeith races Skewball almost always was allowed
to ride in victorious; it was part of the fun of the fair, but
besides that, Meg was a capital horsewoman. The race-course
was then at the west of Dalkeith, from the head of the Crofts
Park (near Croft Street) round by Gallowshall and Newbattle
tolls, and came in at the foot of the park by Benbught. On
that historic arena Meg and Skewball had many a hard race.
One memorable contest has been described by John Rigby,
an invalid stone-mason, who in 1860 wrote a booklet on our
heroine, freely interspersed with incidental verses, and to which
we are indebted for a number of the incidents described in this
paper. It was the Dalkeith Fair, and Camp Meg entered
Skewball for a race, her opponent being Mr Cossar, innkeeper
at Dalkeith, who owned a fine grey mare. After a dispute as
to whether Meg's white horse should be allowed to enter the
lists, it was decided by a majority that Meg should be allowed
to compete. Having secured an urchin to ride Skewball, the
race began, and in order to make victory a certainty, Meg kept
running after her mount, encouraging Skewball in his exertions,
with the result that the gallant steed won the race by two heads.
She is said to have uttered a witch's cry, — " Talla, talla, tall,
ada, daum, daa !" — which bewitched her rival's mare, and
which we can quite believe. When Meg was fairly victorious,
clean Dalkeith trembled with excitement, and amidst the plaud-
its of the crowd Meg received her prize, and then dashed off
for the Camp to her old solitariness. Referring to her mount,
which, like Job's war horse, is historical in the district, she
is said to have sung the following rhyme, which Dalkeith
schoolboys long ago loved to repeat : —
'' There's flint in his nose.
There's fire in his tail,
His back is of whalebone,
His legs are of steel !
Hurrah ! Hurrah !
Here's a health unto Cossar,
Tho' he is the loser !
I'll run him next year
On the very same ground !
Hurrah ! Hurrah !
A splendid horsewoman, she was often to be seen tearing
across the D'Arcy hill at a breakneck speed, and at every mar-
ket and race in the district her presence was indispensable. In
later days the Dalkeith races fell away, but in 1860 some lead-
ing inhabitants tried to revive them on the first Saturday
afternoon after the October fair, when good horses and gaily-
dressed riders were to be seen. Two leading gentlemen of the
district, now, alas ! deceased, and from whose well-stored
memories many of these incidents have been culled, remem-
bered Meg and her race, and delighted to describe it to the
The farmer of Southside (a fine architectural and histori-
cal building, where a former Marchioness of Lothian resided)
was a staunch friend to Meg, and employed her regularly to
cure his cattle. " Hielan' Donald," the cattleman, was, how-
ever, Meg's pet aversion. Often the two came to blows, and
once, at any rate, she felled him. Running into the farm
kitchen after one of these encounters, Meg made the poker red-
hot, and when the irate Sandy came after her, she generously
offered him the poker, which he first grasped and then re-
linquished, probably on the principle of ' ' blessed is he that
sitteth down on a wasp's nest, for he shall rise again." For
this barbarous offence she was forbidden to draw near to South-
side, and she had to encounter the snell north wind of the
master's displeasure. The Highland cattleman declared he
would always have a burning recollection of his game of poker
with Margaret.
Mr Hope of Blinkbonny had a fine bull which died. She
begged the carcase, and running it up to the Camp, made fine
hams of him, for which the faithful soul always blessed Mr
Hope's charity.
One memorable day a rap came to her door in the Roman
Camp, and a fine-looking young man asked if Margaret Haw-
thorn lived there. She replied — " Yes, and what do you want
with her?" His reply was that he did not know much about
her, but that he had travelled many a mile trying to find her,
and that if she lived there he would like to see her. Asked
where he came from, he replied, " From Galloway." Being
further interrogated as to his motive in searching for Margaret
Hawthorn, he replied, " Oh, she has been missing these many
years and no clue has ever been got, till lately, when a gentle-
man told me that she would be found in Newbattle Parish,
living at the Roman Camp." Meg then asked him what he
wanted with her. " Because," was his reply, " I am her son;
she left me when I was a child, and I have never seen her
since." Meg turned upon him a strange unearthly face, and
scanning his features fiercely, she detected the traits of his
dead father. " Then," said she, " I am your mother " ; and
overcome with emotion, she dropped into a swoon. Her son
nursed her tenderly back to consciousness, and when she revived
he was in tears, and another illustration was added to the swol-
len roll of the past, how " one touch of Nature makes the
whole world kin." For three days he remained at the Camp,
during which he urged his mother to return to Galloway with
him; but the Camp was now dearer to her than many Gallo-
ways, and her son had to go off with a heavy heart, and he
never saw her again.
The gentleman who had given her address to her son had
been at the " Caledonian Hunt," a famous hare-hunt held
twice a year in the Dalkeith district, — once in autumn and
once in spring. He had there met Meg at the Camp, and
going afterwards to Galloway on business, he met a person of
the name of Hawthorn, and told him about a woman of that
name whom he had met at Newbattle at the Hunt, with the
touching result that a long- lost mother found a long- lost son.
Meg was a notable figure at the Caledonian Hunt, and
received the greatest attention from all the distinguished mem-
bers. When the scarlet-coated huntsmen rattled across the
Camp Hill in hot pursuit of the hare, Meg either joined in
the sport or meditatively regarded the chase from her doorstep.
At the close of the day the hat was invariably sent round, and
a handsome offertory was handed to Meg. It is related that
once she saw a hare hotly pursued by " Diddles," a fine dog
belonging to Captain D. of Woodburn, and by another belong-
ing to Dewar of Vogrie, the two swiftest dogs ever seen by
Meg on the Camp; Meg watched the chase and saw the hare
flash across the fields to Newlandrigg and Vogrie, and thence
up to the Camp, where, opening her hospitable door, she was
good enough to receive the hare as a paying guest. The pay-
ment was made in blood.
The poachers of the district had no sterner foe than Meg
of the hills. She always kept a gun and a horn to alarm them,
and to keep the game on the Camp from being disturbed. One
night she pursued some poachers hotly and roared after them
to the gamekeeper where he would find them, a story which
greatly amused the then Marquess of Lothian, who used often
to go up and pay Meg a visit. Sometimes she made mistakes ;
one night she fired at what she thought was a poacher; but it
was only a tree-stump, which must have been considerably sur-
prised at Meg's delicate attentions.
Fear was absolutely unknown to the strange woman who
lived in the lonely bit above Blinkbonny. Living absolutely
alone, she disliked all strangers, and, to protect herself from
attack, kept a sickle and scythe and also a bayonet, which
passed into the hands of the Newbattle forester after her death.
Many have recorded the way in which she received and
treated them. One day a stranger came to her door, and was
asked very sharply by her as to his intentions. Dumb-stricken at
her appearance, her masculine visage, costume, and bearing, he
hesitated in his reply. Not to be trifled with, Meg took down
her scythe, and put it affectionately round his neck, and lug-
ged him into her hut, and, causing him to be seated, went to
the cupboard, not to get the poor man a bone, but to bring
down the Mother's Catechism or Shorter Catechism, " for those
of weaker capacity," as the Westminster divines, in a moment
of grim, sardonic humour, described it on the fly-leaf. Her
dog, " Help " (who, however, showed no disposition to assist
the wayfarer, but rather the contrary) stood waiting on, an-
ticipating an order for dental operations. But the wanderer
rose to the occasion, and managed to scramble through his
answers, meriting, at any rate, a labour certificate. Meg then
asked him where he came from, if he was married, whether
he had olive-branches or not, while the pupil sat on the edge of
a tree - stump, trembling with fear, and anxiously awaiting
developments. So poor an appearance, on the whole, did the
stranger make in the way of replies, that Meg, bidding him
farewell, added that she trusted, when next he came to see
her, he would show greater preparation and proficiency in the
Catechism. She then let him go, and showed him the road
over the Camp, a path which he was only too glad to see.
One very stormy night a wanderer came to her door.
" Margaret," cried a voice. " Well, what is it?" answered
a hoarse bass from within, sounding a deep pedal note, coupled
with the trumpet and clarionet. Turning on the full swell,
the wanderer cried, " For God's sake, Margaret, open the door
and let me in or else this very night I will perish." " I will,"
quoth she, and, taking him by the hand, set him down on a
tree-stump at the fire. " Stop," said the visitor, in a repentant
mood, " I think, on consideration, I will rather try to find
my way home, if you will show me the road." " No, no,"
replied the old witch, " ye shall bide where ye are, noo ye are
here." And, scythe in hand, she threatened him if he breathed.
In a vain endeavour to get into her good graces, the wanderer
tried the personal and family card, and asked, simply and
sympathetically, "But, Meg, how do you live at all?" "Oh,"
she replied, " I eat when I'm hungry and I drink when I'm
thirsty, and I sleep when I'm sleepy," which virtually meant,
" Ask no questions, and you'll be told no lies." She locked
the door, and went to bed, putting the key under her pillow,
and left her visitor alone all night beside the red ingle to medi-
tate. In the morning, when the scarlet bars were stretching
themselves across the sky above the German Ocean, she hoarse-
ly ordered him to prepare for his departure. Offering him
tea (then a great delicacy, — "that new China drink," as
Pepys calls it), he declined it, and after thanking her, with a
lump in his throat, he said he would never forget her kindness,
and offered to do anything he could for her by way of recom-
pense. "All the return I want," was her reply, "is to be
left alone." But the stranger did not forget, and ever after
sent her a cart of coal at regular intervals, the carter being
strictly enjoined never to divulge the identity of the sender;
but one day she discovered her benefactor, and mounting Skew-
ball, strideways as usual, she rode off in state to thank him.
She had a curious love of catechising old and young, and
no one escaped. Many people went to her, to see herself, her
bull-dog, her horses, and all the other inhabitants of her hut,
all living comfortably under one roof, but every one who came
had to answer the "mother's questions," even the Marquess
of Lothian in his occasional visits being put through his fac-
ings. She knew her Bible and Catechism thoroughly, and was
actuated by a strong desire to make others have the same ac-
quirements. Indeed, she kept a kind of Sunday School in
days when that institution was almost unknown in Scotland,
and many of the old folks in the parish owed part of their
religious training to Meg. The writer has frequently heard
from the late Mr James Rutherford, Easthouses, one of her
pupils, who died in 1886 at the age of ninety-two, graphic
accounts of her dame-school, while Mr John Romans, of New-
ton Grange House, who is so well versed in all parish mem-
ories, his sister, and Miss Noble, Easthouses, the respected
daughter of the late respected schoolmaster, and Mrs M'Cul-
loch, Dalkeith, and a few others, have many a story to tell
of Meg's relations to their several families. The late Mr
Deans, Mr Robert King, and Mr Joseph Nelson had also
many traditions of Meg's academy. Though her very name
used to strike terror into the youthful bosom long ago, her
treatment was kindly in a way, although it was rather an un-
propitious inauguration to a course of theological studies to
be introduced into the witch's divinity hall with the assistance
of a sickle round your neck.
One day a company of students came out from Edinburgh,
as hundreds did, to see her. They were going to play a trick
upon her, but she played a trick on them. Her door did not go
down to the ground quite close, and so, getting ropes, the
young sparks tied her door, but she, sharper than any of them,
thrust her scythe-hook underneath, and caught one of the ad-
venturers by the leg, and did not let him go until he had given
her five shillings, which he was only too glad to do. The
schoolboys of Cranstoun, over the hill, and of Newbattle, used
often to play truant from school in order to go up and pay
Meg a visit, and multitudes of stories are still in circulation
among the old families of the district, but there is a family
resemblance among them all, — the masculine, bearded dame,
the scythe or sickle as a neck-companion, " Help," and the
white pony, being common to almost all the traditional pic-
Old Mr Douglas, the well-known farmer of D'Arcy, was
one of her kindest friends, his house standing only a few hun-
dred yards from Meg's oratory, and the deceased gentleman's
two sons, — both of them, alas ! gathered to their fathers,
amid the regrets of a wide district, — having occupied posi-
tions of high estimation in Dalkeith, — were Meg's constant
benefactors. The money gathered at the Caledonian Hunt
for Meg was kept by old Mr Douglas, and dispensed to her
in weekly half-crowns, in case of any sudden and extravagant
thirst on the old lady's part, which might result in the entire
sum being melted in a night. Mr Bertram, farmer at Law-
field, adjoining D'Arcy, collected the dole one year, and
handed the capital over bodily to Meg, and she forgot herself
and lay out all night. De Quincey, it is true, did the same
in the neighbourhood, dreaming his dreams, and was even in-
formed by a maid-servant in Dr Thomson's house in Dalkeith,
who mistook the gentle seer for a tramp selling smallwares,
that "none were required to-day." But the cause of poor
Meg's outdoor rests was not so elevated, though certainly much
more elevating. The night she spent under the stars was the
evening of the memorable day when a youth of twenty-six was
hanged in Dalkeith for having robbed Mr Dickson, of Cous-
land, on his road home from Dalkeith, — the only execution
ever held in the clean town. Meg was carried home in great
distress, and the boys from D'Arcy went over next day to pay
her a visit. Getting a teaspoon, they gave her some bread-
berry, but she rejected it. Their father then suggested dipping
the warm mouthful in whisky, and that fetched her.
Poor Meg often came across to D'Arcy Farm to die. She
made her will, leaving Mr Douglas' elder son her guinea pigs,
the horse to his younger, and the sticks of her hut to himself,
to build up his stacks with. One Sunday she said to the same
boys, — " I wish I had some chicken brae," and at once secur-
ing a hen, the lads cut its head off, and put it bodily into a
pot, feathers and all. When the cooking was over, they took
the ill-fated bird out of the cauldron, when the feathers and
upper skin all came away in a piece, like a dress suit, but the
soup was declared by Meg to be an admirable compound.
Though really only an eccentric and peculiar character,
in her day and generation she was regarded largely as uncanny.
Some people declared she had intimate dealings with satan,
and had she lived a few years earlier, when a day of humilia-
tion was held in Scotland over the abolition of the penal laws
against witchcraft, she would undoubtedly have made the ac-
quaintance of the witch-pricker and witch-burner. Some said
she was to be seen gathering sticks on the Camp, and at the
self-same moment she was to be observed inside her house work-
ing her spinning-wheel, — the witch-gift of being seen in two
places at once. Meg said herself that she frequently heard
a heavy footstep behind her in the wood, and that she occasion-
ally saw satan there with " a face as old- looking as the Pent-
land Hills opposite her home, and wearing a cap lowin' red,
trimmed with blue," but that she had always power to keep
him off. Mr Romans interestingly narrates how she used to
smoke in his mother's kitchen, and how she worshipped the
goddess Nicotine. One night she called at D'Arcy Farm,
and said she was going for tobacco, when she met the Evil
One, and had a long discussion with him. She described his
costume, — neat, but not gaudy, — " long gaiters, elongated
horns, and a red hat." On this occasion he seemingly omitted
the blue trimming or passementerie which he usually affected.
After having had enough of his company, she turned to him
and said, — " Ye are the ugliest beast I ever saw in the Camp,
but I'm awa' for ma 'baccy." She enjoyed nothing better
than to sit and smoke in Mr Douglas's hospitable kitchen at
D'Arcy, smoking like a colliery chimney, and telling creepy
tales to the young ones and the gaping circle, of her interviews
with satan, " that birsey buddy."
If her life was that of a witch, her death was doubly so.
There is an old superstition that when a fearful hurricane
blows it marks the passing on that night of a witch's spirit
into the Unseen. In spring 1827 Meg took ill, and "dwined"
for three weeks, though she never took to her bed. The night
before her death a terrific and most memorable snowstorm came
on, and so tremendous were the snows that the hills and valleys
were wreathed and blocked, and the hedges and roads were
level. In many parts the snow was twenty feet deep, and the
storm was dismal. Next morning a man named Darling (whose
descendants are still parishioners, and slightly related to the
illustrious Grace) bethought himself of Meg, and in a kindly
spirit wondered how she had fared that dreadful night on the
storm-swept hill. With enormous difficulty the kind-hearted
man climbed the Camp Hill, and found Meg lying a lifeless
corpse on her own doorstep, half covered with snow. It was
thought she had risen during the night to see the storm-fiends
at work among the Moorfoots, Pentlands, and Lammermuir
hills, and overcome with cold, she perished at her own door.
During her illness, Dr Otto, of Pathhead, visited her sev-
eral times, and old Mr Douglas and others showed her every
kindness. Next day a few farm-servants dressed and shrouded
her ; not a woman was near. Eight men, servants of Mr
Bagrie, of Southside, conducted the funeral. Two of them,
yoked like horses, drew in front, with a rope attached to the
coffin ; another held on by a rope behind lest the coffin should
run down the two pullers as they struggled down the frosty,
slippery, snow-blocked hill-side; while, to steady it, James
Baillie, the Southside hind, sat stridelegs over the coffin, and
so they slid down the hill, over hedges and ditches and every-
thing,— James Baillie all the time holding refreshments in his
hand, and dispensing them at convenient intervals, as with
many a halloa and hooroo they proceeded towards the venerable
churchyard in the valley.
As they passed the " Sign of the Sun "„ Inn, the Rev. Mr
Thomson, minister of the parish, met the weird cortege, and,
the weather being so Alpine in its severity, suggested that the
farm-servants who had conducted the funeral should be re-
freshed, and indicated a bottle of whisky as a not unsuitable
way of carrying out his wishes. In the party went to the old
inn, — still standing near Newbattle Church, — and very quickly
the mistress waited on them. Mr Thomson, — whose much-
respected son, the late Mr Charles Wodrow Thomson, C.A.,
was a well-known Edinburgh citizen in later years, — had omit-
ted, however, in the usual ministerial, unbusiness-like way, to
mention what kind of bottle the Church would provide for
her plucky sons ; but the farm-servants took a generous view of
the situation, and, assuming that the minister meant the largest,
ordered a jar; and the entry for this and other expenses con-
nected with Camp Meg's sickness, death, and burial, is still
to be seen in the kirk-session records of Newbattle : —
" October 2, 1825. — By Margaret Hawthorn^ in straits - os. 6d.
December 18, 1825. — By Margaret Hawthorn, in straits os. 6d.
January 15, 1826. — By Margaret Hawthorn, in straits 6s. od.
February 5, 1826. — By Margaret Hawthorn, in straits
and for lodging - 8s. od.
February 26, 1826. — By Margaret Hawthorn, straits,
Ad., - 4S- od.
March n, 1827. — Margaret Hawthorn, - 4s- od.
May 13, 1827. — By the church officer for bread, &c.,
for Margaret Hawthorn's funeral, - - is. gd.
Do., do., for digging ditto's grave, - is. 6d."
" Bread, &c." is rather a good one, reminding one of the
humorist's caustic account of Scottish New Year customs, and
the inch of shortbread and a quart of something else, and the
invitation to " taste my New Year bannock."
During the progress of the events detailed in the above
extract with such fine reticence and self -repression, the coffin
stood outside on the road with its ropes loose. Coming out
of the inn evidently refreshed not a little, the men resumed
their work of mercy and pulled the coffin past the church and
up the hill, and entered the churchyard, burying Meg near the
wall which overhangs the road, — the old thorn tree which grew
near her grave being now away. No stone marks her grave,
but, then, Creech, Robert Burns' friend, patron, and benefactor,
until recently lay there too, unhonoured and unmemorialised.
Mr Romans, Newton Grange House, has the account for
her burial expenses, and remembers the funeral, as also do
several other veterans in the neighbourhood. Meg herself had
during her lifetime sold her body to Dr Otto, Pathhead, when
bodies were scarce and resurrectionists active, for the munificent
sum of ;£i. The resurrectionist scare is borne evidence to
in Newbattle Churchyard by ever-recurring coffin irons to hold
the coffin to the grave-bottom, and by the old resurrection-
house, which was lately removed. Meg's body was to be,
therefore, a special favour to her kind doctor; but she stipu-
lated that after he was done with her, she was to be buried up
in the dear old Camp, which had so long sheltered her Hagar-
like life, with a hawthorn tree at her head, as an emblem of
her name. But she lies buried still in the pine-encircled old
churchyard, where so many generations peacefully sleep.
A local bard has thus " dropped into poetry " over poor
Meg and her " passing," although the style is strongly re-
miniscent of the " spring poets " : —
" Caledonia's huntsmen now safely may scamp,
Since their heroine's gone, the pride of the camp :
Her hones are at rest, but her soul's on the tramp
In the valley of death, through yon dreary swamp !
Safe thither may she be led by a lamp —
The Lamp of Glory !"
The Camp House has long since been levelled, only one
stone being left as a memorial of Meg, and a sweet-wreathed
hawthorn tree. The generation that knew her is fast passing
away, and the quaint old witch-figure is fading away gradu-
ally into the dimness of oblivion. And yet the light of other
days brings a tenderness to the heart, and, perhaps, even a
moistness to the eyes ; and if not, at any rate, a moment's look
at the weird vision flitting betwixt the old order and the new
is a relief and refreshment amid the prosaic commonplace of
ordinary life.
Mr JOHN ROMANS, J.P., C.C. for Newbattle, &c., very
kindly contributes the following : — " I was only between seven
and eight years old when Camp Meg died, but my sister, Mrs
Duncan, who is five years my senior, remembers her personality
better than I do. Camp Meg was no witch or palmist, as any
discreet, educated person would have certified after five min-
utes' conversation with her. She was a regular visitor to my
father's house and workshop, at Newbattle, either on Monday,
the meal market day in Dalkeith, or on Thursday, the corn
market day. She possessed emphatic argumentative abilities,
especially on doctrinal religious questions, which was also a
characteristic feature in my father's nature, and I have seen
the two nearly quarrelling over opinions expressed in ' Boston's
Fourfold State.' Nevertheless she had a high opinion of my
father. She was a tall, muscular woman, not fat, but wiry,
deeply bronzed, with deep lines set in the entire visage, bushy
eyebrows, and a prominent chin and nose. She walked as if
she considered herself born to command, and expressed herself
after the same manner. She was peculiar in several of the
ordinary habits of social life. In riding, — which she invariably
did when visiting in her professional vocation, — she always
rode astride the horse. Her dress was something between that
of a male and a female. She wore an ordinary low-crowned
man's hat, which was tied under the chin with a good thick
cord or thong. She on most occasions wore long leather-legged
boots, which covered the knees, but I have seen her with her
legs wrapped in straw or hay ropes from her ankles to above
the knees. She wore a thick greyish woollen skirt, a little
longer than a Highlander's kilt. Usually she wore a kind of
waistcoat made from the skin of an animal, — probably a calf
or a dog, — and over all she wore what now appears to have
been a huntsman's or a military officer's coat. It had brass
buttons, and was of the swallow-tailed shape. I don't think
she used stirrups, at least I do not remember seeing any, and
I was frequently privileged to be elevated on to the saddle, —
a very comfortable one, — that was fixed on the back of ' Skew-
ball ' (that was the name of Meg's horse), but she never per-
mitted me to be my own horseman, just leading it round my
father's close a few times, and then lifting me carefully down.
She 'generally had some little requirements she wanted from
my father, such as a piece of board and a few nails, and while
these were being prepared, she took a seat by our kitchen fire,
where my mother would serve her with such food as was con-
venient ; and as the kail-pot was in use every day, a visitor
could never come wrong. In those days, — now seventy-five
years ago, — all roads were bad, and those in Newbattle parish
especially so, and badly fenced. In descending from Meg's
residence on the Roman Camp, Skewball used to arrive in our
close pretty well covered with mud, especially if the Esk was
in flood, as Meg never used the bridge if the river was ford-
able, in which case Skewball received a thorough washing;
but if compelled to use the bridge, I well remember how Meg
and I mopped the horse all over, which he seemed to enjoy.
At the time I am writing about, the veterinary profession was
scarcely known, and Meg was then the acknowledged horse and
cow doctor in the neighbourhood, about which I had facilities
of knowing something special, as my grandmother, — the Lady
of Newton Grange, as she was styled, — kept five or six cows,
and her only ' veterinarian ' was Meg, whose services were
frequently required. On occasions I have known her sit an
entire night in the house watching the invalid cow, and invari-
ably passing much of her time in perusing the Bible. This
was not the act of a witch or vagrant. It has been reported
that Camp Meg, or Margaret Hawthorn, — as that appears to
be her real name, — belonged to Gallowayshire, and was of
gentle blood, and because of some domestic troubles she fled
from her native place and adopted this Gipsy sort of life. As
for the truth of this, I can say nothing, but thirty years ago
when visiting Whithorn I found there was a landed proprietor,
— a Major Hawthorn, of Castle Wigg, in that neighbourhood.
I ventured to make enquiries in connection with our heroine,
but the Major was reticent, and I failed to elicit reliable in-
formation, although it still strikes me forcibly that the family
I refer to is the clan to whom Camp Meg belonged originally.
The mansion-house is about two miles from Whithorn. I have
now only to relate what I remember about Meg's death and
burial. In the month of February, 1827, there was a severe
snowstorm, and the roads were blocked up for days. Meg was
missed from Cock Houlet, a southern suburb of Westhouses,
but long since wiped off, where she frequently visited. Affec-
tionate curiosity led Willie Darling, of Cock Houlet, to pilot
himself up the hill to Meg's cabin, when on forcing the door
poor Meg was found dead, lying in front of what had been a
fire, but now burned out. My father was then the wright and
undertaker in Newbattle, and Willie called upon him. The
two proceeded to the manse and reported the case to Rev. John
Thomson, who authorised my father to attend to the necessary
interment of Meg, and after a visit to the Camp a coffin was
carried up by my father and two of his workmen, when the
body of the deceased was solemnly deposited in it, and two
strong bars of wood were transversely fixed on the bottom and
two longitudinal ones nailed under them, to which ropes were
attached, and some eight or ten men dragged it over the snow
down to Blackcot, where a cart was procured and conveyed
it to the Churchyard of Newbattle, where, near the centre,
poor Meg was buried. I may here state there is no truth in
the current reports that there was much drunkenness at Meg's
obsequies. Sure am I that where my father had control, no
drunkenness would be tolerated, for he was rigidly a tem-
perate man, although not an abstainer. Of course, where there
were a dozen men to regale, and possibly some of them tumb-
ling amongst the snow, an extra dram might be given, but that
is not drunken revelry. It has been stated to me by respon-
sible parties that after the funeral the men who assisted had
liquor ad libitum in the ' Sign of the Sun ' hostelry, paid for
by the Marquis. This, like several others, is fabulous, as the
1 Sun ' Inn was deprived of its licence in 1825, two years
before Meg's death, and the only public-house in the village
was the ' Dambrig ' Inn, kept by Mr William Stephenson, a
man who was an elder of the kirk-session for upwards of thirty
years, and who would permit no drunkenness. The inn stood
opposite to the present clock tower of the Marquis's stables.
Before closing this time-worn reminiscence (it is seventy-five
years since Meg died) I may state that in those days that
piece of country between Meg's cabin and Mansfield was in
a state of prairie, growing only whins, brooms, sloe-bushes,
briars, and heather, — a fertile region during the breeding
season for grey Unties, and the boys of Newbattle made good
use of netting them. Meg more than once presented me with
a bird of this description, and I remember presenting her, with
my father's permission, with a few hundred young leeks for
her garden. In conclusion, you may take it from me that
Camp Meg, though a recluse, was a God-fearing, well-meaning
Mr GEORGE DOUGLAS, J.P., Dalkeith, who remembers
Camp Meg well, kindly furnishes the following note : — ''Camp
Meg's horse's name was Skewball ; she bought it from a Mr
Cossar. At that time there used to be what were called
Carters' Plays. People who had horses got them decked with
ribbons, &c., and, after walking about for some time, had
races. Meg's horse won a race, and she was so delighted she
wrote a poem about it. I only recollect one verse; it was
this —
{ Here's to Mr Cossar, though he be the loser,
And may no ill-fortune attend him at all :
May good health and blessings always attend him,
For it was from him I bought my Skewball.'
Many people called on Meg, and she used to question them.
She did not take her questions from any question book. Here
is one — ' What is it that God ordered to be done, but was
never done, but was well done ?' This was when Abraham was
ordered to offer up his son as a sacrifice. She was a notable
person in the district. Young servant women on what was
called the ' churning week,' if the churn did not ' get,' blamed
Meg for witching it, and some of them believed it. Of course,
this was nonsense ; she had no dark power. Meg used to keep
hens, and to prevent them going into the corn fields, she put
strings about their legs and tethered them to the ground. Her
0 (305)
house was on the corner of a field farmed by my father. The
day Meg died she had been in Dalkeith to see a man hanged
for robbing a farmer going home from Dalkeith market. On
the afternoon of that day an awful storm came on. A very
heavy snow fell, and was accompanied with hard frost and a
strong wind. Meg managed to reach the Camp, but died from
starvation either out or inside of her own door. The roads
were so blocked that no conveyance could be utilised, so a rope
was tied round the coffin, — on which was seated a man to
steady it, — and drawn down to Newbattle Churchyard."
Mr F. P. DEANS, cashier of the Lothian Coal Co., Ld.,
writes : — " What has appeared in ' The Scotsman ' is sub-
stantially the story told us by our father, who knew Meg well.
As you know, the Parish School in those days was located at
Westhouses, and it used to be a common practice for the boys
to visit Margaret at the top of the brae. She was of very
masculine appearance, and although the boys stood in great
awe of her, still they were drawn to her by, as it were, some
magnetic influence. She used to put them through their exer-
cises with regard to the ' Carritches,' as the Shorter Catechism
was called, and should they unfortunately not come up to
Meg's standard of accuracy in repeating the particular question
asked them, she, as a punishment, would not let them away
until they learned it, and this they had to do forthwith.
They also helped (or thought they helped) her in her garden
sometimes, by way of earning her goodwill. Her influence
with the boys on the whole was of a healthy nature."
Miss MARGARET NOBLE, residing at Easthouses, has at-
tained the long age of eighty-seven, and remembers Camp Meg
well. Her father, as is well known to the neighbourhood,
was schoolmaster and elder in Newbattle, and enjoyed the
respect of everyone. The school presided over by Mr Thomas
Noble was at first in Westhouses and afterwards at Easthouses.
When at Westhouses, Mr Noble's son John was a great favour-
ite with the heroine of the Camp, and was often caught up
by her and conveyed on Skewball to her lonely cottage. On
one occasion Meg brought him and locked him in with herself
in the cottage in order to ask him his questions, but the child
fainted with fear, and ever after spoke of his instructress with
dread and misgiving. Miss Noble, when at Easthouses, re-
members seeing Camp Meg ride daily through the village,
dressed in a man's brown coat, with a wisp of straw round her
waist and a sickle stuck in it for self-protection. The village
children followed her, addressing her by name. On one occa-
sion, Miss Noble relates, Meg was desirous of having a brood
of chickens, and, taking a number of eggs, she put them in a
pot and placed it on her fire for a time ; and in due season the
eggs broke and the chickens were hatched and afterwards
reared by her. Meg made linen thread in her hut, and Mrs
Noble used to buy it from her in the Westhouses Schoolhouse.
The Baigries, of Southside, were very kind to Meg, and their
governess used often to come up to the Camp and talk with
her. On one occasion the governess asked Meg why she lived
as and where she did, and suggested — " Surely there is some-
thing wrong." Whereupon Meg took down her Bible and
made the governess swear with her hand on the book that if
she told her she would never divulge the tale. She then told
her story, which, however, was for ever kept a profound secret
by her visitor. In Miss Noble's early days Mrs Hunter occu-
pied the stone house in Westhouses. Every Sunday afternoon
the children of the hillside went up to Meg's cottage to go
through their Catechism. In those days Sunday Schools were
few and far between, the only one in the parish being held
on Sunday mornings by the minister's sister, Miss Thomson,
in the old church in the valley. The baptism of Miss Noble
is entered opposite " yth March, 1819 : born 2pth January,
1819. John Grainger, elder, and Alexander Wilson, wit-
Miss JANE CLYDE, now residing in Newbattle village, is
one of four parishioners who have lived under five British
Sovereigns and remember four coronations. She remembers
Camp Meg quite well, and was impressed with her su-
perior bearing, fine features, and generally commanding
personality. She can recall her riding through Dalkeith
stridelegs on Skewball, with all the children of the town
after her, tugging her cloak. Her father, James Clyde,
was second forester on the Marquess of Lothian's estate, and
to him was allotted the task of planting the trees on the Roman
Camp Hill, which form the present beautiful and picturesque
plantation. Previous to this, the Camp hills were covered with
heather, brushwood, brackens, &c., and formed good cover
for all kinds of game. Hence the " Caledonian Hunt " paid
this hillside frequent visits, — visits which ceased altogether
after the plantations appeared. While engaged in planting
these trees, James Clyde took his mid-day meal regularly in
Camp Meg's house, and was treated by her with the greatest
civility. Often in the evening, however, round his own cheer-,
ful ingle, he used to say to his children, — " How would you
like to live in a house like Meg's, which has neither tables nor
chairs, nor yet a bed?" At one time Miss Clyde's father had
been in the army, and when stationed at Ayr, remembered
how an officer of the name of Hawthorn in the barracks there
used to pay regular visits to Galloway to visit relations,—-
relations whom he associated in later years with Margaret Haw-
thorn of the Newbattle Camp. Miss Clyde thinks that the
Rev. J. Thomson, minister of Newbattle, was the recipient of
all Camp Meg's confidences and history, but that no one else
ever knew the truth about her. Mr Thomson, who is mem-
orialised in Newbattle Church by his son, the late Mr Charles
Wodrow Thomson, C.A., Edinburgh, was the author of a
sermon on " The Constraining Power of the Love of Christ,"
which was much admired in his generation (1813-1841). Miss
Clyde remembers how Captain Dalrymple, of Woodburn, mar-
ried the widowed Countess of Haddington, who came to reside
there with her husband, — an early friend, before her marriage
to the Earl of Haddington, — and of the kindness of the Count-
ess to Camp Meg, who delighted to recite poetry and the like
to her affable and warm-hearted patroness. Miss Clyde also
remembers that after the coronation of George IV. (who
visited Newbattle, and in whose honour the "King's Gate" was
erected), the Countess brought home from London to all her
Newbattle friends some souvenir of the memorable occasion.
Miss Jane Clyde for long preserved the memento given to her,
— a spectroscopic opera-glass, which, by turning a handle,
revealed the coronation procession going to and returning from
Westminster Abbey. In the days when her father was en-
gaged in planting the Roman Camp woods, the bare hill had
at its foot the large village of Westhous"es, then extending in
several long rows at the foot of Cock Houlet Farm, now wiped
away, but remembered still through the wood which bears its
name to-day. The village had a school, — still standing,—
and in the midst of " the toun " rose a large stone double-
storied house, built by Miss Thomson, who had a small holding
of land at Westhouses. Many years ago, when one of the old
houses was being demolished, a large quantity of Mary Queen
of Scots coins, — gold, silver, and bronze, — was discovered in
the " found " of the house. Westhouses, like Easthouses, is
one of the ancient settlements of the parish, and both names
appear in the Chartulary of Newbattle Abbey. It is averred
that Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism in America,
had a direct family connection with Westhouses, just as Quak-
erism had one of its earliest homes and advocates in Newbattle
village in the person of Alexander Jaffray (Leighton's friend
and next-door neighbour), whose diary is a work of great inter-
est as showing the early difficulties and struggles of the Society
of Friends in Scotland. [" Diary of Alexander Jaffray, Pro-
vost of Aberdeen, one of the Scottish Commissioners to King
Charles II., and a member of Cromwell's Parliament," edited
by John Barclay : published at Aberdeen, 1856, by G. & R.
King. Alexander Cant, minister of Newbattle about 1639-41,
— Leighton's immediate predecessor, — was Jaffray's father-in-
law. Cant afterwards became minister of Aberdeen, and his
son-in-law, Jaffray, followed him thither and became Provost.
Jaffray's old house, next his father-in-law's manse, — on the
other side of the church, — is now wiped away, and was for
long associated with the Misses Lumsden, who kept a market-
garden on the west side of the church.]
The late Mr JAMES RUTHERFORD, Easthouses, was one
of Camp Meg's pupils, and often told the writer of her strange
sayings and doings. Mr Rutherford died in the year 1888
at the ripe age of ninety-two, and was so hale and hearty that
only four days before his decease he walked from Easthouses
to Leith and back, a distance of six or seven miles. On one
occasion Camp Meg had to endure the ill-will of one of Lord
Lothian's gamekeepers, who reported her to the Marquess for
poaching. Mr James Rutherford wrote a letter to the Mar-
quess, to Camp Meg's dictation, pleading her innocence and
begging an audience. The Marquess granted her an audience,
and not only absolved her of all blame, but allowed her to
remain at the Camp unmolested. Mr Rutherford was largely
taught by Meg, and remembered her instructions to his dying
Mr THOMAS FALCONER, for most of his life resident at
Newbattle, who died at Fala at an advanced age beyond eighty-
five, remembers Camp Meg's funeral, and also knew her well
in her lifetime, and often experienced her somewhat sharp
and cutting welcome, when, with her sickle round his neck, she
led him into her hill-seminary to answer his questions and say .
his " carritch."
Mrs ALLAN, Oakmount, Lasswade, whose father, the late
Mr David Dunlop, was teacher of Newbattle School, and held
in highest respect by everyone, kindly records some additional
memories handed down to her : — " Mrs B., in Bonnyrigg, used
to live at Maisterton Mains, — cottages above Maisterton House,
near Billhead. Her father was Edward Japp. When their
water supply ran short in summer, she used to go to where
Meg's house had been to get water at her spring. Like the
rest of us, she pretended Camp Meg was chasing her, and ran
so fast with her pitchers or ' stoups ' (carried on a yoke) that
nearly all the water was ' skailed ' before she got out of the
Camp. This did not hinder her taking gooseberries off a bush
of Camp Meg's. She got the ' berries ' first before she fled.
A man lived in Camp Meg's house after she died, and I saw
his son once ; — the baby was born in the hut. I saw old John
Wilson, who, the day he was born, sat on Camp Meg's knee.
His father, Charles, had a shop in Easthouses, and Meg
chanced to come, and during her visitation took the baby on her
knee. John Wilson went to her Sunday School afterwards.
His father helped Camp Meg to teach in it."
The late Mr JOHN GORDON, whose widow still resides in
Mansefield, died in 1884, at the age of seventy-three. He
used to herd the cattle of Mr Stephenson, the farmer of Manse-
field, and often went up and had tea with Camp Meg, being
a very special favourite of hers. He too had to answer his
questions like the rest. He used to tell how Camp Meg was
called upon to attend to calving cases at Brothershiels and
Nettleflat, and when her work was done the people at both of
these farms on Tyneside used to be glad to get her off, such
was their fear of her and her strange ways. John Gordon
began life as " herd " to Mr Stephenson, of Mansefield, and
latterly with Mr Douglas, of D'Arcy, whose son in time farmed
Mansefield also, so that his long life was spent on the one hill-
side, faithfully and honourably.
Mrs TORRANCE, who resided at Dewartown, at the foot of
the Camp Hill, on the east side of the range, dying at the age of
eighty-five, was a sister of John Baillie, who, with his uncle,
James Baillie, James Lindsay, and Darling, conveyed Meg's
body from her hut to Newbattle. She knew Meg well. An-
other of her brothers, William Baillie, was the man who found
Meg dying at her door in the snowstorm: — " He had been
going to Edgehead from Southside for snuff for our father,
and thought he would take a turn up the hill a little farther
and see how Meg had fared in the storm. He found her lying
on the threshold of her door nearly dead, and carried her into
her hut and laid her on her bed, when almost immediately she
expired. Meg held a capital school on Sunday afternoons,
and kept the children in terror. She would have come over
their head in a moment. She was a small, thick-set woman,
and had a witch-reputation, and was a splendid rider and
horse-doctor. She quarrelled once with an Easthouses woman,
and it is said, and it was believed, bewitched her cow in re-
venge, and had to be got back again to undo the evil. My
sister had a baby, and we took it up to see Meg, and she held it
in her lap. From that day to this my sister never knew the
fact that Meg had embraced her bairn, or she would have been
afraid of the consequences. The general idea was that she
had murdered some one in Galloway, and it is a fact that her
son came to see her. I can vouch for all these facts."
Mr PETER HENDERSON (aged eighty-two), who resided
with his nephew at Carfraemill, near Lauder, remembers well
the London stage-coaches running past, and has also a large
store of recollections of witch-stories of the neighbourhood,
but strangely cannot recall Camp Meg or anything at all about
In an age when superstitious beliefs had not altogether
died out, it was hardly to be wondered at that something of
the supernatural surrounds Camp Meg, when the legend of
"The Gray Brother of Newbattle," celebrated in verse by Sir
Walter Scott, recalls the spiritualistic belief of former days, —
that " Gray Brother " said to have been seen on certain nights
of the year in the oak-forests of Newbattle, just as Ralph, the
first Abbot of Newbattle, was said by the chronicler to have
seen the Evil One in the woods around " with a face as black
as pitch." (See Newbattle Chartulary.)
One of Camp Meg's favourite Scripture posers is still
quoted by the older generation of Newbattle and Dalkeith
people, — " What act in Scripture did God command to be
done, and it was not done, and yet it was well done?" The
answer is, — " Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, which God re-
quired, and which was not accomplished, and yet it was coun-
ted unto Abraham for righteousness." Many of her other
questions and sayings are still among the floating traditions
of Eastern Mid-Lothian. Her old pupils are now few and
far between, but the traditions and stories die hard, and the
old families of the parish, some of them tracing back almost
to the Reformation (as can be vouched for by the old colliery
account-books and other parish records), cherish the memory
that their fathers knew and had their earliest religious lessons
at the feet of this strange yet pious fugitive, whose only library
was her Bible and her Catechism.
The " Royal Caledonian Hunt," founded in 1777, is still
in existence, the patron being the King and the president the
Earl of Eglinton and Winton. A distinguished committee-
list appears in Oliver & Boyd's Almanack. One of the joint-
secretaries, Sir Kenneth J. Mackenzie, writes that " the records
of the Caledonian Hunt, as far as I can ascertain, have no
mention of Camp Meg." When the Camp Hill was, however,
suitable for the chase, the bright-coated huntsmen were re-
gularly to be seen, until the plantation made hunting imprac-
ticable, and the society sought new ground west of Edinburgh.
The name of Hawthorn is well known still in Galloway,
and in Whithorn there are several families bearing that desig-
nation, and these have been communicated with, with respect
and courtesy. No reply has been vouchsafed, from which the
reader will form his own conclusions as to the strangeness and
mystery surrounding the whole affair. It is said that Nathaniel
Hawthorne, the brilliant American essayist, hailed from the
same neighbourhood and belonged to the same clan : but of this
and of other statements connected with the original home and
connections of Camp Meg there is no absolute certitude.
Similar cases to that of Camp Meg are not unknown even
at the present day. The Hermit of Ardnamurchan is fresh
in the public recollection. Until quite recently, in one of the
many caves on the west coast of Arran, near the King's Cave,
where Robert the Bruce hid, protected by the spider's web,
a strange man lived, — possibly still lives, — who had never
spoken to any of the people in the neighbourhood, and lived
a hermit life, stealing potatoes, trapping rabbits, and catching
fish. There is a similar case in a lonely part of Lewis, near
the Butt, but the hermit spends his time exclusively in reading,
and his solitary hut is papered entirely with illustrated papers
of a generation ago. Even in more intellectual spheres, the
poet Chatterton, " the marvellous boy who perished in his
pride," belonged to the same class. Pride, grief, disappoint-
ment, the sense of unfitness for the battle of life, and other
occult causes, produce similar effects in our own time, leading
some to look out on life either figuratively or actually "through
the loop-holes of retreat." The same tendency accentuated,
leads the disappointed girl to the convent and the life-sick man
to the monastery, there to learn in time the mistake of shutting
oneself off from life's ennobling and helpful influences in order
to escape its heartbreaks. The Trappist life is seldom a saintly
one. Zimmermann on " Solitude " makes excellent reading,
but it is a very one-sided statement of the case. Divine Pro-
vidence has arranged all things well, and solitude and society
are both alike angels from above. The forgotten poet Parnell
of more than two centuries ago gives the best commentary on
the life of the coenobite and the hermit : —
"The silent heart which grief assails
Treads soft and lonesome o'er the vales,
Sees daisies open, rivers run,
And seeks (as I have vainly done)
Amusing thought, — but learns to know
That solitude's the nurse of woe."
Note on Newbattle Churchyard, Restirrection-House, &°c.
In the days of Burke and Hare, the famous resurrection-
ists who, at the close of the eighteenth and during early years
of the past century, rifled the graveyards of Scotland for bodies
for the surgeons of Edinburgh to dissect, in days when it was
difficult to acquire corpses for anatomical purposes, the friends
of any person just buried watched in turns in the churchyard
lest the dreadful resurrectionists should put in their appearance
and dig up the body. In the churchyards round about Edin-
burgh special precautions were always taken, and the coffin
was fastened to the bottom of the grave, — always deep, — by
heavy iron rivets, some of which are still to be seen, while
round watch-houses were built "either in the middle or against
one of the walls of the graveyard. In all the ancient church-
yards round about Edinburgh the watch-house is to be seen,
or was to be found at any rate till lately. A very fine speci-
men is standing in the old churchyard of Dalkeith. The
watch-house was really a small fort with narrow openings
round and round, through which the watchers could in safety
keep guard over the churchyard by night, and fire upon any
night-prowler in search of bodies. The old folks in all the
villages and hamlets round about Edinburgh can tell many
blood-curdling stories of churchyard fights over the dead, in
the days of Burke and Hare. In Newbattle churchyard
several people involved in these skirmishes lost their lives. As
Newbattle, — anciently Newbottle (new residence), — is one of
the most historical parishes in Scotland, in whose venerable
Abbey the Queens of both Alexander II. and David II. are
buried, though unhonoured by any memorial, so its churchyard,
famous in resurrectionist days, was the favourite Saturday
haunt of Sir Walter Scott when living as a young man in the
thatched house at Lasswade, a few miles off (which is still
occupied), and is believed to be the original of the churchyard
in " Old Mortality." Sir Walter Scott constantly wandered
among its quaint tombstones, which include a splendid table-
monument, richly carved in bone-pattern, to the Welshes, one
branch of whom gave Thomas Carlyle his wife; and De Quin-
cey, who used to reside with his girls at Polton, four miles
off, used often to wander by starlight among these gaunt
memorials of the past, sleeping sometimes under the shadow
of the great Abbey wall, still standing in front of the parish
church, and built by William the Lion. Christopher North is
remembered still at Newbattle as wandering among the ancient
trees and retreats. William Creech, the Edinburgh publisher and
provost, who put Robert Burns on his feet, and to whom the Ayr-
shire ploughman bard, in gratitude for publishing his songs, in-
scribed several pieces, including the well-known " Willie's
awa'," was born in the old manse near the churchyard, his
father being the parish minister in 1745. A small bit of broken
sandstone is all that remains in the churchyard of the original
memorial either to the father or to the son, whose kindness
to and sympathy with the lonely Ayrshire genius gave Scotland
her greatest poet, and the world the printed Edinburgh edition
of his songs and satires. Archbishop Leighton was minister of
Newbattle from 1641-1653, and in the church his pulpit and
sacramental plate are still in use, while his old house forms
part of the present manse, under the roof of which his library,
hour-glass, and other time-worn relics are carefully preserved.
The largest beech tree in the world grows at Newbattle.
THE district lies 'between the Pentland and Moor foot
hills, and the North and South Esks are the main
arteries of the fertile lands which lie between these
hills. The Moorfoots, at their greatest height are
some 1800-1900 feet, and the highest summits of the
Pentlands measure between 1500 and 1800 feet. A magnifi-
cent coal formation, the fossilized forests of prehistoric times,
'fills the whole valley. In the hilly south-east district the
rocks are of grey-wacke and clay-slate, while quartz, spar, and
steatite, are found in small quantities. The Moorfoot hills
are of grey - wacke, while the Pentlands are mainly of
porphyry. Occasionally whinstone, granite, syenite, and
other primitive rocks are met with. Coal, limestone, and
sandstone are everywhere and extensively worked. It is
undoubted that, like Arthur's Seat and Berwick Law, Car-
nethy and other Pentland peaks are old volcanoes, — their
very shape, — the soft, regular, cone-shaped peaks, — even recent
records in earthquake disturbances, — being strongly reminiscent
of Vesuvius and other burning mountains. The splendid al-
luvial soils of the district, with the sand and gravel and rounded
dunes, carry one back to the ice age, when glaciers glided down
to the low levels, leaving in their train the broken fragments
and debris of former worlds.
The Newbattle monks were the earliest workers of coal in
Scotland, and worked into the sides of the river and the hill,
bringing out their "black stones." The exposed surface of
the coal can often be seen in the banks of the Esk, and even
in the course of the Roman Camp Hill. Some of the coal
seams are broken, evidently by some of the volcanic eruptions
of which Carnethy and Arthur's Seat tell the tale. The
general order of the coal-seams, beginning from the basis lime-
stone, and going upwards is as follows : — (i) The " Parrot "
seam (3 ft. 3 ins. thick)— a cannal coal, dry, and used for
enriching gas; (2) the " Kaleblades " seam (4 ft. 5 ins. thick)
—with a band of fireclay in its midst; (3) the " Splint " seam
(4 ft. thick); (4) the " Coronation " seam (3 ft. 6 ins. thick);
(5) the "Siller Willie" seam (2 ft. 6 ins. to 4 ft.
thick); (6) the "Diamond" seam (i ft. 10 ins. thick); (7)
the " Great " seam (7 ft. 6 ins. thick); (8) the " Mavis "'seam
(2 ft. 3 ins. thick) — a stony coal of little value. The fossils
of the great coal-seams in this " carboniferous limestone for-
mation," are very interesting and varied, and it is quite easy
to reproduce the entire prehistoric scene of the great primeval
forest, with its animals and reptiles, all now far beneath the
surface and fossilized. The flowers and plants of the district
to-day are accurately summarized in a valuable little book, —
" A pocket Flora of Edinburgh and the surrounding district,"
by C. A. Sonntag [London : Williams & Norgate, 1894].
Many of the plants, trees, and vegetables now quite common
in the neighbourhood were introduced by the Newbattle monks,
who brought them over from the Continent and naturalized
them. The beautiful plantations which clothe the Esk valleys
and the hillsides are nearly all artificial, and indeed, tree-
planting was one of the special features of monastic industry.
The wonderful beeches and other trees which have for centuries
been the glory of this district, were planted to take the place
of the rugged brushwood and Caledonian oak-forest which
covered the entire region with a virgin stunted growth. The
same primeval growths, of the simple uncultivated trees and
brushwoods of early times, can be seen all over America,
where the hand of man has not been moving. Only fragments
of that old stunted forest are remaining in the Dalkeith Palace
grounds, and a few straggling primeval oaks in Newbattle.
The birds of the district have been summarized and classified
by Mr Tom Speedy, in his valuable work on " Craigmillar
and its environs " [Selkirk : Lewis]. In the banks of the Esks
the heron and the water-hen are frequent visitors; while some
of the rarer visitors include the spotted crake, peregrine falcon,
osprey, greylag goose, bullfinch, buzzard, crossbill, dipper,
hawfinch, jay, kestrel, merlin, quail, raven, siskea, tufted
duck, chough, dotteril, goldfinch, kingfisher, owl (barn, long-
eared, short-eared, and tawny), great spotted woodpecker, eider
duck, great-crested grebe, common sea-gull, mallard, oyster
catcher, ringed and golden plover, pochard, sheld duck, shovel-
ler, skylark, snipe, teal, tern (common, little, and sandwich),
widgeon, woodcock, lapwing. Grouse used to be common on
the Roman Camp Hill, but are now rarely seen. The cuckoo
is heard early in the Spring in the Esk valleys, witness the
place-names,— " Gowkshill," " Gowkpen " (Cockpen), "Peni-
gowk " (Penicuik), — of the district. Starlings hibernate in
the Newbattle valley in tens of thousands, and blacken the sky
every winter evening. Swallows build their nests in abund-
ance, and many northern bird's make the soft warm-aired New-
battle valley their winter quarters. Owls are found in large
numbers, and at night make the valley weird enough, while
bats are numerous. An occasional kingfisher is to be seen in
the river, which, with recent efforts to cleanse and purify it,
is now fairly well stocked with small trout. The monks' fish-
pond is now occupied by the new Lothian burial-ground. The
Newbattle fathers were careful pisciculturists, and cultivated
trout, &c., in their large pond, and where they kept their oy-
sters, besides plying the rod in the adjoining river, which even
still has good fishing. Of wild animals, the only rare ones
now seen are the badger and fox, while hares, rabbits, hedge-
hogs, squirrels, weasels, &c., are quite common. All sorts of
sea-birds are to be seen inland, especially in stormy weather,
feeding in the fields, and an occasional rare ocean-wanderer
can be spotted.
For the cultivation of flowers and fruit, the district has
been justly famous for centuries. At Parduvin (French " par
du vin ") a simple country wine seems to have been made,
while Newbattle had its " Elder-flower wine." A famous
" Floral Club " used to meet thirty years ago and more at
Newbattle manse, its membership including many distinguished
clergymen and others, who enjoyed the Rev. Dr Gordon's re-
fined hospitality. Principal Tulloch, Drs Caird, Crombie (St.
Andrews), Smith (South Leith), Arnott, and others met regu-
larly at Newbattle for flower-study, and their transactions were
valuable. The " Musselburgh leek " was undoubtedly intro-
duced into Mid-Lothian from abroad by the Newbattle monks.
The magnificenf woods of the Newbattle valley are famous
all over the world. The hoary churchyard trees which gather
at the corner of the road near the church, beside the old church,
with its memories of Leighton and Argyll, are beautiful beyond
all words, and have often been painted by eminent artists.
The resting-place of Argyll is beautiful in spring beyond all
description. The Abbey park is full of splendid oaks, beeches,
and plane trees, many of them planted by the monks, and many
others by the Countess Anne and her successors. But from an
arboricultural point of view, the great glory of Newbattle is the
" Great Beech Tree," which sends its branches thrice down
to the earth only to grow up again. There used to be two of
them, but half-a-century ago one was blown down, leaving its
dependent children to flourish on their own account, as they
are doing. When this great tree was blown down, great quan-
tities of bones, coins, &c., were found around its roots.
The famous Sir Alexander Christison, and his son, Dr
Christison, for some sixty years in succession have measured
the great beech tree of Newbattle, and their marks are renewed
every year on the trunk some six feet from the base. The
measurements are as follows : —
Girth at the Ground
about i ft. above Ground
2^ ft.
43 ft.
37 ft.
27 ft.
25 ft.
23 ft.
8 in.
9 in.
i in.
21 ft. ii in.
20 ft. 3 in.
19 ft. 7 in.
The ground measurement was taken by allowing the tape to lie on
the roots as near to the uprising of the buttresses as possible, and is
necessarily vague.
The measurement at 6 ft. to 6^ ft. above the ground is the most
correct, being taken on a line marked at intervals with white paint
for future comparison.
The circumference of the foliage is fully 400 feet; its diameter
averages 130 to 140 ft. ; and its total height reaches 112 feet.
The branches hanging down to the ground have taken root, and
are growing upwards, and this in some cases is thrice repeated.
I append the girths of a few of the main branches, as well as of
those growing up from said branches, but with their own roots attached
to the ground.
No. i Branch, girth i ft. 10 in., with 2 branches springing up from
it, 4 ft. 5 in. each in girth.
No. 2 Branch, girth i ft. 8 in., with 3 branches springing up from
it, one 5 ft. 5 in., one 5 ft. i in., one i ft. ii in. in girth.
No. 3 Branch, girth 12^ in., with 3 branches springing up from
it, one 4 ft. 7^ in., one 24^ in., one 4 ft. 4 in. in girth.
No. 4 Branch, girth 12 in., with 2 branches springing up from it,
one 2 ft. 8^ in., one 12 in. in girth.
No. 5 Branch, girth i ft. 7 in., with 3 branches springing up
from it, one 2 ft. 4^ in., one 12 in., one i ft. 6 in. in
No. 6 Branch, girth 2 ft. 4 in., with 5 branches springing up from
it, one 4 ft. 4 in., one 3 ft. 8 in., one 4 ft., one 3 ft. 4 in.,
one i ft. ii in. in girth.
Dr Christison says it is " a marvel of vigorous physical life."
Another interesting growth in the Newbattle grounds is the
" Evergreen Oak." Six fine specimens of Spanish or Ever-
green Oaks (quercus ilex) were raised from acorns brought home
from Spain by a member of the Lothian family, who took part
in the brilliant victory of Wellington at Salamanca in 1812.
He rested with his comrades, the night after the battle, under
one of the evergreen oaks of the place, and found the ground
covered with the acorns that had fallen from it. He put a few
of them in one of his saddle-bags and had them sent home to
Newbattle, where they have grown readily. One of the New-
battle ilices is six feet ten inches in girth six feet from the
ground before it breaks into branches, after the habit of its
In the rich arboretum behind the church there is a mag-
nificent collection of all kinds of rare shrubs, trees, and bushes
brought from every part of the world. So sheltered and mild
is this grove that often in winter tens of thousands of starlings
hibernate there, driving away the smaller birds for the season.
One can well understand how in olden days, when travelling
facilities were few, the richly wooded Newbattle valley was the
great resort for consumptives from " east- windy, west-endy
TN the year 1660, after a terrible time of national con-
fusion, George Johnston, A.M., was called by the people
of Newbattle to be their minister. His immediate pre-
decessors in that office had been Alexander Dickson,
whose father, Dr David Dickson, a strong and unbending
Covenanter, wrote the hymn, " O, Mother, dear Jerusalem,
when shall I come to Thee ' ' ; and previous to him, Robert
Leighton, who was now Principal of Edinburgh University and
the coming Bishop of Dunblane. Johnston came from Loch-
rutton, in the very heart of the Covenanting country, and was
probably brought to Newbattle by the Earl of Lothian, a
staunch ally of that cause, who might wish to strengthen his
cause by bringing to the Esk Valley one of the true-blue
followers of " Christ's Crown and Covenant " from the moun-
tainous country where the mists often, as if by a miracle,
descended and covered the Conventicle just as the watchman
had descried afar off the red-coated soldiery, and had raised
the alarm. Whatever views one may hold regarding these
scenes and men, they are eminently picturesque and striking,
and the wonderful spell of that great national movement still
rests over the green rolling hills of Dumfriesshire and the
hundred old kirkyards where the grey old stones, with their
matchless lichens and dim old-world colours, still record the
names and the doings of the men, regarding whom Robert
Burns declared that they "sealed freedom's noble cause; if
thou'rt a slave indulge thy sneers."
George Johnston was a stalwart indeed, and to the Earl
of Lothian a man entirely after his own heart. That third
Earl of Lothian, William Ker, joined the Covenanters in
1638, and after the pacification of Berwick in that year he
waited on the King there. The Scottish army invaded Eng-
land in 1640, and the Earl of Lothian commanded a regiment.
At Newburn the Royalists were defeated, and Newcastle was
taken possession of, the Earl being appointed governor.
In 1642 a rebellion broke out in Ireland, and he had
command of a regiment dispatched thither to quell the rising.
In the following year he was sent to France by Charles I. and
the Privy Council to arrange with the French Court as to
Scottish rights and privileges. Returning from France, he met
the King at Oxford, and being suspected of treachery, was
confined as a prisoner in Bristol for several months. Having
at last been released, we find him in 1644 along with the
Marquess of Argyll commanding the forces sent against Mon-
trose, who was obliged to retreat. When he delivered up his
commission to the Committee of Estates, he was warmly
thanked for his services. In December, 1646, he was president
of the Committee dispatched by Parliament to the King with
their final propositions, which were refused. In 1648 he
entered his protest against the " Engagement," and when it
was declared unlawful by Parliament in January, 1649, he
was made Secretary of State in place of the Earl of Lanark,
who was deprived. He was appointed one of the commis
sioners to go to England and remonstrate against any violence
or indignity being used against the King, in name of the
Scottish nation. Being again suspected, he was arrested and
sent to Gravesend, in order to be sent home to Scotland. The
Scottish Estates thanked him on his return for his services.
In 1649, along with the Earl of Cassilis, he was sent to Breda
to invite Charles II. to Scotland. His life all through was
that of a great Scottish patriot, who, though a stern Coven-
anter, was loyal to King and country.
George Johnston was minister in 1660 to this Covenanting
leader, who had previously declared of Leighton that he got
" more good from him than from any that did ever stand in a
pulpit." Johnston was, however, a very different man from
Leighton, and through thick and thin defended the Covenant
and the Covenanters against all comers, and in 1662, on the
nth of June, he was deprived of his ministry at Newbattle by
Parliament. He was succeeded by two Episcopal curates,
Chisholm and Malcolm, and recalled to Newbattle in 1679.
Again he was seized for preaching at Conventicles and confined
in Borthwick Castle. During the Covenanting struggle he
was arrested and imprisoned several times. After his second
deposition from his ministry at Newbattle, he was succeeded
in the charge by Archibald Douglas and Andrew Auchinleck,
when a change came in his tide of fortune, and in 1687 for
the third time he was called to Newbattle, on liberty being
given to Presbyterianism, where he remained until he was
translated to Greyfriars, Edinburgh, in which charge he died.
These two Covenanters, the Earl of Lothian and George
Johnston, stood firm in the critical year of the Restoration,
and the Newbattle Valley became a sort of home for sym-
pathising spirits. Leighton had left Newbattle in 1653, and
Alexander Jaffray, the Quaker, who lived in the old house,
now demolished, beside the present church, had gone to
reside at Abbeyhill, near Holyrood. Jaffray and Leighton
were kindred spirits, and in a period of bitter religious strife
sighed for peace. But Johnston, who was now in possession
of the charge, was a fighting Covenanter, and, as such, drew
towards him the more strenuous and energetic spirits of the
Covenant. He felt, too, that he had behind him a strong
kindred spirit in the Earl of Lothian, whose portrait hangs
to-day in Newbattle House, — the tall, dignified, armour-clad
figure of a purpose- like, firm, determined man, who was not
afraid to call his soul his own, who feared God and knew no
other fear. James Guthrie, the son of the laird of Guthrie,
was in 1661 a man of forty-four, and while he had been
brought up as an Episcopalian, his converse at St Andrews
with Samuel Rutherford changed his views, and he became
minister of Lauder and afterwards of Stirling. He had
drawn forth the wrath of the Earl of Middleton, chiefly
through his warm adherence to the Covenant, but also through
denouncing that nobleman for his connection with an unsuc-
cessful rising in the north in favour of the King, in 1650.
Guthrie proposed to the Commission of the General Assembly
that Middleton should be excommunicated, and, this being
agreed to, Guthrie was appointed to pronounce the sentence
at Stirling on the following Sunday. On the morning of that
day he received a letter asking him to delay the sentence, but
the sentence was given. On January 2nd, 1651, the Commis-
sion of the General Assembly released Middleton from it;
nevertheless, Guthrie was the inveterate object of his hatred,
and it was, indeed, chiefly owing to Middleton that he was
finally put to death on June ist, 1661. Guthrie openly and
vehemently preached against the resolu